12 research outputs found

    Body image among girls in Indonesia: Associations with disordered eating behaviors, life engagement, desire for cosmetic surgery and psychosocial influences

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    Body image is an important risk factor for mental and physical health during adolescence. Nonetheless, few studies have empirically investigated body image among girls in South East Asia. This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of body esteem (a holistic measure of body image assessing the degree of satisfaction with one's appearance, weight and shape), associated behavioral outcomes, and potential psychosocial influences on body image among Indonesian girls to inform future intervention efforts. Girls across Indonesia with internet access (N = 318, Mage = 13.59 years) completed measures of body image, disordered eating behaviors, appearance-related life engagement, desire for cosmetic surgery, appearance ideal internalization, media literacy, appearance-related teasing, and self-esteem. Younger girls (10-13 years) responses were analyzed separately to older girls (14-17 years). Over half of girls did not have high body esteem. Approximately a quarter of girls across both age groups reported restricting food intake, emotionally eating, and/or engaging in excessive exercise, and over half desired cosmetic surgery. Disordered eating behaviors and cosmetic surgery desire were negatively correlated with body esteem. Hierarchical regression analyses found BMI, internalization, appearance-related teasing, and self-esteem were uniquely associated with body esteem among younger girls. Appearance-related teasing and self-esteem were positively associated with body esteem among older girls. These findings suggest body image interventions may be important for this population, with appearance-related teasing and self-esteem potentially useful targets for intervention efforts. Prospective research to investigate these findings further would be beneficial for a deeper understanding of body image risk factors for girls across Indonesia

    Kajian Kualitas Air Untuk Wisata Bahari Di Pesisir Kecamatan Moyo Hilir Dan Kecamatan Lape, Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    Perairan teluk Saleh memiliki keanekaragaman hayati laut yang berpotensi sebagai obyek wisata bahari. Keberadaan keanekaragaman hayati laut tersebut tidak terlepas dari kondisi kualitas perairan sebagai penunjang kehidupan organisme akuatik sebagai obyek dari wisata bahari. Oleh karena itu, penelitian terhadap analisis kualitas air untuk wisata bahari di teluk Saleh diperlukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 8-10 Mei 2015 di teluk Saleh, Kabupaten Sumbawa dengan mengambil sebanyak 29 lokasi stasiun pengamatan. Pengambilan data kualitas perairan dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan menggunakan alat multiparameter WQC-24. Parameter yang diukur diantaranya adalah kecepatan arus, kecerahan, kekeruhan, suhu, pH, salinitas dan DO. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan menggunakan analisa PCA (Principal Component Analysis). Hasil pengukuran menunjukan bahwa nilai kekeruhan (pada stasiun 25 dan 50), fosfat dan nitrat melebihi baku mutu Kepmenneg LH no 51 tahun 2004 Lampiran II dengan nilai rata-rata berturut-turut 20,5 NTU; 0,074 mg/L; dan 8,4 mg/L. Secara keseluruhan perairan teluk Saleh tergolong baik dan cocok sebagai kawasan wisata bahari. Berdasarkan analisis PCA diperoleh parameter yang berperan kuat di lokasi adalah konduktivitas, salinitas, suhu, kecepatan arus dan kekeruhan

    ‘Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session’: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a school-based body image intervention among Indonesian adolescents

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    Background: Due to the prevalence and associated adverse health consequences of negative body image among adolescents globally, there is a need to develop acceptable, effective, and scalable interventions. School-based body image interventions delivered by trained teachers show promise in reducing negative body image in adolescents. However, there is currently a lack of evidenced-based body image interventions for use in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). This paper outlines a protocol for the development and evaluation of Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session, a single-session, teacher-led body image intervention for Indonesian adolescents. Method: The effectiveness of the intervention will be evaluated using a cluster randomised controlled trial design. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trial will be conducted online. Trained teachers or school guidance counsellors will deliver the intervention. Self-report questionnaires will be collected at three time points: baseline, post-intervention, and two-month follow-up. The primary outcome is body esteem. Secondary outcomes are internalisation of appearance ideals, mood, engagement in life activities, tendency to engage in appearance comparisons, and skin shade satisfaction. A minimum of 1000 participants will provide 95% power to detect small-to-medium intervention effects. To account for attrition and potential internet issues, the sample will comprise of 2000 Indonesian adolescents in grades 7-9, attending state junior high schools in Surabaya, East Java. Quantitative and qualitative data on acceptability of the intervention will also be collected from teachers and students. Additionally, fidelity of lesson implementation will be assessed. This project received ethical approval from the Universitas Indonesia and the University of the West of England. The intervention will be disseminated in junior high schools throughout Indonesia via UNICEF's Life Skills Education (LSE) programme, which will be freely available for teachers to download

    Evaluating the efficacy of a social media-based intervention (Warna-Warni Waktu) to improve body image among young Indonesian women: Parallel randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Body dissatisfaction is a global issue, particularly among adolescent girls and young women. Effective body image interventions exist but face barriers to scaling up, particularly in lower- and middle-income countries, such as Indonesia, where a need exists. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the acceptability and efficacy of Warna-Warni Waktu, a social media-based, fictional 6-episode video series with self-guided web-based activities for improving body image among young Indonesian adolescent girls and young women. We hypothesized that Warna-Warni Waktu would increase trait body satisfaction and mood and decrease internalization of appearance ideals and skin shade dissatisfaction relative to the waitlist control condition. We also anticipated improvements in state body satisfaction and mood immediately following each video. METHODS: We conducted a web-based, 2-arm randomized controlled trial among 2000 adolescent girls and young women, aged 15 to 19 years, recruited via telephone by an Indonesian research agency. Block randomization (1:1 allocation) was performed. Participants and researchers were not concealed from the randomized arm. Participants completed self-report assessments of trait body satisfaction (primary outcome) and the internalization of appearance ideals, mood, and skin shade dissatisfaction at baseline (before randomization), time 2 (1 day after the intervention [T2]), and time 3 (1 month after the intervention [T3]). Participants also completed state body satisfaction and mood measures immediately before and after each video. Data were evaluated using linear mixed models with an intent-to-treat analysis. Intervention adherence was tracked. Acceptability data were collected. RESULTS: There were 1847 participants. Relative to the control condition (n=923), the intervention group (n=924) showed reduced internalization of appearance ideals at T2 (F1,1758=40.56, P<.001, partial η2=0.022) and T3 (F1,1782=54.03, P<.001, partial η2=0.03) and reduced skin shade dissatisfaction at T2 (F1,1744=8.05, P=.005, partial η2=0.005). Trait body satisfaction improvements occurred in the intervention group at T3 (F1, 1781=9.02, P=.005, partial η2=0.005), which was completely mediated by the internalization change scores between baseline and T2 (indirect effect: β=.03, 95% CI 0.017-0.041; direct effect: β=.03, P=.13), consistent with the Tripartite Influence Model of body dissatisfaction. Trait mood showed no significant effects. Dependent sample t tests (2-tailed) found each video improved state body satisfaction and mood. Cumulative analyses found significant and progressive improvements in pre- and poststate body satisfaction and mood. Intervention adherence was good; participants watched an average of 5.2 (SD 1.66) videos. Acceptability scores were high for understandability, enjoyment, age appropriateness, usefulness, and likelihood to recommend. CONCLUSIONS: Warna-Warni Waktu is an effective eHealth intervention to reduce body dissatisfaction among Indonesian adolescent girls and young women. Although the effects were small, Warna-Warni Waktu is a scalable, cost-effective alternative to more intense interventions. Initially, dissemination through paid social media advertising will reach thousands of young Indonesian women. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05383807, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05383807 ; ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN35483207, https://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN35483207. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/33596

    A novel, scalable social media-based intervention Warna-Warni Waktu to reduce body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women: Protocol for a parallel randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Despite the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women and its consequential negative impacts, there are currently no evidence-based, culturally appropriate interventions to tackle this issue. Therefore, there is a need to develop scalable, cost-effective, and accessible interventions to improve body image among this population. Objective: This paper describes the study protocol of a parallel randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of Warna-Warni Waktu, a social media–based intervention that aims to reduce state and trait body dissatisfaction and improve mood among young Indonesian women aged 15-19 years. Methods: The trial will take place online. Approximately 1800 young women from 10 cities in Indonesia, evenly split across the ages of 15-19 years, will be recruited via a local research agency’s established research panel. Participants will be randomly allocated to the intervention condition or a waitlist control condition. The intervention consists of six 5-minute videos, with each video supplemented with up to five brief interactive activities. The videos (and associated activities) will be delivered at a rate of one per day across 6 days. All participants will complete three self-report assessments: at baseline (Day 1), 1 day following the intervention (Day 9), and 1 month following the intervention (Day 36). The primary outcome will be change in trait body dissatisfaction. Secondary outcomes include change in internalization of appearance ideals, trait mood, and skin shade satisfaction. Intervention effectiveness on these outcomes will be analyzed using linear mixed models by a statistician blinded to the randomized condition. Intervention participants will also complete state measures of body satisfaction and mood before and after watching each video to assess the immediate impact of each video. This secondary analysis of state measures will be conducted at the within-group level. Results: Recruitment began in October 2021, with baseline assessments underway shortly thereafter. The results of the study will be submitted for publication in 2022. Conclusions: This is the first study to evaluate an eHealth intervention aimed at reducing body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women. If effective, the intervention will be disseminated to over half a million young women in Indonesia via Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05023213; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05023213 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): PRR1-10.2196/33596

    Putih: Warna Kulit, Ras, dan Kecantikan di Indonesia Transnasional

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    Yang perlu digarisbawahi dari semua bab buku ini adalah bagaimana afek, rasa, emosi, dan perasaan ini berkelana secara transnasional.DariIndia, melalui Ramayana, rasa positif tentang kecantikan kulit putih menyebar ke Jawa (Bab 1). Dari Belanda dan Jepang, gagasan tentang cantik putih terus dibubuhi dengan emosi-emosi positif sebagaimana terlihat dalam iklan-iklan kecantikan selama era kolonial (Bab 2). Konstruksi putih Indonesia sebagai hasil perjumpaan dengan negara negara lain selama era pembangunan bangsa menjadi fokus. Bab 3. Afek berkelana dari AS dan dilekatkan pada wajahwajah perempuan berkulit putih dan perempuan Kaukasia dalam iklan-iklan pemutih dan penggelap kulit, dan dengan itu menyebarkan gagasan rasial supremasi kulit putih yang kosmopolitan (Bab 4). Sirkulasi orang dari dan ke Indonesia jelas turut mengonfigurasi produksi dan pengelolaan afek, khususnya rasa malu di kalangan perempuan Indonesia (Bab 5). Semua pelekatan emosi pada objek yang berbeda-beda dan bagaimana mereka beredar di antara penanda-penanda inilah yang bersama sama membentuk emotionscape cantik putih di Indonesia transnasional. Dilihat sebagai suatu kesatuan, buku ini menggambarkan hamparan lanskap emosional dari cantik putih Indonesia

    Translation and validation of the Body Esteem Scale in Adults and Adolescents among Indonesian adolescents

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    There is a need for a psychometrically robust body image measure to advance body image scholarship among Indonesian adolescents. This study aimed to validate a Bahasa Indonesia version of the Body Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents (BESAA). The measure was forward and back translated from English into Bahasa Indonesia (i.e., primary Indonesian language) and was assessed for comprehension and cultural appropriateness using cognitive interviews and expert reviews. The factor structure, reliability, and validity of the measure was tested with adolescents aged 11–17 years from two districts in Indonesia (N = 650; 51.5 % girls). Exploratory factor analysis identified a suitable 17-item three-factor solution for the BESAA, with Appearance Positive, Appearance Negative, and Weight subscales. This model was confirmed via confirmatory factor analysis and found to be largely invariant across gender and age. Test re-test reliability and internal consistency of the subscales were acceptable. The Bahasa Indonesia version of the BESAA is a psychometrically robust measure suitable for use among Indonesian adolescents. Reasons as to why the factor structure of the BESAA differentiates across cultural contexts are discussed

    Evaluating a school-based body image lesson in Indonesia: A randomised controlled trial.

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    Negative body image is a common public health concern among adolescents, globally. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness, implementation fidelity, and acceptability of a single session, school-based universal body image intervention in Indonesia. A total of 1926 adolescents (59.4 % girls) and 12 school guidance counsellors (lesson facilitators) from nine state junior secondary schools in Surabaya, East Java took part in a two-arm open parallel cluster randomised controlled trial. In response to the changing circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, half of the lessons were conducted in person and half were delivered online. Results showed that the lesson did not significantly improve adolescent body image or secondary outcomes relative to the control, though there was no evidence of harm. There were no substantive findings regarding intervention effectiveness by gender. The mode of intervention delivery (online vs. in-person) did not significantly influence the main findings. Implementation fidelity varied widely, and the lesson content and pedagogy were largely acceptable, though there was a strong preference for in-person lesson delivery. Findings have implications for researchers aiming to improve adolescent body image in low- and middle-income countries. Lessons learned can inform future school-based efforts to support adolescent body image. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.