23 research outputs found

    Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion Orders

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    Orientations of supersingular elliptic curves encode the information of an endomorphism of the curve. Computing the full endomorphism ring is a known hard problem, so one might consider how hard it is to find one such orientation. We prove that access to an oracle which tells if an elliptic curve is O\mathfrak{O}-orientable for a fixed imaginary quadratic order O\mathfrak{O} provides non-trivial information towards computing an endomorphism corresponding to the O\mathfrak{O}-orientation. We provide explicit algorithms and in-depth complexity analysis. We also consider the question in terms of quaternion algebras. We provide algorithms which compute an embedding of a fixed imaginary quadratic order into a maximal order of the quaternion algebra ramified at pp and ∞\infty. We provide code implementations in Sagemath which is efficient for finding embeddings of imaginary quadratic orders of discriminants up to O(p)O(p), even for cryptographically sized pp

    Extreme Ultraviolet Quasar Colours from GALEX Observations of the SDSS DR14Q Catalogue

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    The rest-frame far to extreme ultraviolet (UV) colour–redshift relationship has been constructed from data on over 480,000 quasars carefully cross-matched between SDSS Data Release 14 and the final GALEX photometric catalogue. UV matching and detection probabilities are given for all the quasars, including dependencies on separation, optical brightness, and redshift. Detection limits are also provided for all objects. The UV colour distributions are skewed redward at virtually all redshifts, especially when detection limits are accounted for. The median GALEX far-UV minus near-UV (FUV − NUV) colour–redshift relation is reliably determined up to z ≈ 2.8, corresponding to rest-frame wavelengths as short as 400 Å. Extreme UV (EUV) colours are substantially redder than found previously, when detection limits are properly accounted for. Quasar template spectra were forward modelled through the GALEX bandpasses, accounting for intergalactic opacity, intrinsic reddening, and continuum slope variations. Intergalactic absorption by itself cannot account for the very red EUV colours. The colour–redshift relation is consistent with no intrinsic reddening, at least for SMC-like extinction. The best model fit has a FUV continuum power-law slope αν, FUV = −0.34 ± 0.03 consistent with previous results, but an EUV slope αν, EUV = −2.90 ± 0.04 that is much redder and inconsistent with any previous composite value (all ≳ −2.0). The EUV slope difference can be attributed in part to the tendency of previous studies to preferentially select UV brighter and bluer objects. The weak EUV flux suggests quasar accretion disc models that include outflows such as disc winds

    Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion Orders

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    Orientations of supersingular elliptic curves encode the information of an endomorphism of the curve. Computing the full endomorphism ring is a known hard problem, so one might consider how hard it is to find one such orientation. We prove that access to an oracle which tells if an elliptic curve is O\mathfrak{O}-orientable for a fixed imaginary quadratic order O\mathfrak{O} provides non-trivial information towards computing an endomorphism corresponding to the O\mathfrak{O}-orientation. We provide explicit algorithms and in-depth complexity analysis. We also consider the question in terms of quaternion algebras. We provide algorithms which compute an embedding of a fixed imaginary quadratic order into a maximal order of the quaternion algebra ramified at pp and ∞\infty. We provide code implementations in Sagemath which is efficient for finding embeddings of imaginary quadratic orders of discriminants up to O(p)O(p), even for cryptographically sized pp

    A Quasar Catalog with Simultaneous UV, Optical and X-ray Observations by Swift

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    We have compiled a catalog of optically-selected quasars with simultaneous observations in UV/optical and X-ray bands by the Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer. Objects in this catalog are identified by matching the Swift pointings with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 quasar catalog. The final catalog contains 843 objects, among which 637 have both UVOT and XRT observations and 354 of which are detected by both instruments. The overall X-ray detection rate is ~60% which rises to ~85% among sources with at least 10 ks of XRT exposure time. We construct the time-averaged spectral energy distribution for each of the 354 quasars using UVOT photometric measurements and XRT spectra. From model fits to these SEDs, we find that the big blue bump contributes about 0.3 dex to the quasar luminosity. We re-visit the alpha_ox-L_uv relation by selecting a clean sample with only type 1 radio-quiet quasars; the dispersion of this relation is reduced by at least 15% compared to studies that use non-simultaneous UV/optical and X-ray data. We only found a weak correlation between L/L_Edd and alpha_uv. We do not find significant correlations between alpha_x and alpha_ox, alpha_ox and alpha_uv, and alpha_x and Log L(0.3-10 keV). The correlations between alpha_uv and alpha_x, alpha_ox and alpha_x, alpha_ox and alpha_uv, L/L_Edd and alpha_x, and L/L_Edd and alpha_ox are stronger amongst low-redshift quasars, indicating that these correlations are likely driven by the changes of SED shape with accretion state.Comment: 63 pages, 22 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Acquisition of suppressive function by conventional T cells limits antitumor immunity upon Treg depletion

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    Regulatory T (Treg) cells contribute to immune homeostasis but suppress immune responses to cancer. Strategies to disrupt Treg cell–mediated cancer immunosuppression have been met with limited clinical success, but the underlying mechanisms for treatment failure are poorly understood. By modeling Treg cell–targeted immunotherapy in mice, we find that CD4+ Foxp3− conventional T (Tconv) cells acquire suppressive function upon depletion of Foxp3+ Treg cells, limiting therapeutic efficacy. Foxp3− Tconv cells within tumors adopt a Treg cell–like transcriptional profile upon ablation of Treg cells and acquire the ability to suppress T cell activation and proliferation ex vivo. Suppressive activity is enriched among CD4+ Tconv cells marked by expression of C-C motif receptor 8 (CCR8), which are found in mouse and human tumors. Upon Treg cell depletion, CCR8+ Tconv cells undergo systemic and intratumoral activation and expansion, and mediate IL-10–dependent suppression of antitumor immunity. Consequently, conditional deletion of Il10 within T cells augments antitumor immunity upon Treg cell depletion in mice, and antibody blockade of IL-10 signaling synergizes with Treg cell depletion to overcome treatment resistance. These findings reveal a secondary layer of immunosuppression by Tconv cells released upon therapeutic Treg cell depletion and suggest that broader consideration of suppressive function within the T cell lineage is required for development of effective Treg cell–targeted therapies

    Bayesian Methods for Effective Field Theories

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    Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion Orders

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    Orientations of supersingular elliptic curves encode the information of an endomorphism of the curve. Computing the full endomorphism ring is a known hard problem, so one might consider how hard it is to find one such orientation. We prove that access to an oracle which tells if an elliptic curve is O\mathfrak{O}-orientable for a fixed imaginary quadratic order O\mathfrak{O} provides non-trivial information towards computing an endomorphism corresponding to the O\mathfrak{O}-orientation. We provide explicit algorithms and in-depth complexity analysis. We also consider the question in terms of quaternion algebras. We provide algorithms which compute an embedding of a fixed imaginary quadratic order into a maximal order of the quaternion algebra ramified at pp and ∞\infty. We provide code implementations in Sagemath which is efficient for finding embeddings of imaginary quadratic orders of discriminants up to O(p)O(p), even for cryptographically sized pp

    Impact of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Respiration, Antioxidants, and the Muscle Proteome in Thoroughbred Horses

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    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential component of the mitochondrial electron transfer system and a potent antioxidant. The impact of CoQ10 supplementation on mitochondrial capacities and the muscle proteome is largely unknown. This study determined the effect of CoQ10 supplementation on muscle CoQ10 concentrations, antioxidant balance, the proteome, and mitochondrial respiratory capacities. In a randomized cross-over design, six Thoroughbred horses received 1600 mg/d CoQ10 or no supplement (control) for 30-d periods separated by a 60-d washout. Muscle samples were taken at the end of each period. Muscle CoQ10 and glutathione (GSH) concentrations were determined using mass spectrometry, antioxidant activities by fluorometry, mitochondrial enzyme activities and oxidative stress by colorimetry, and mitochondrial respiratory capacities by high-resolution respirometry. Data were analyzed using mixed linear models with period, supplementation, and period × supplementation as fixed effects and horse as a repeated effect. Proteomics was performed by tandem mass tag 11-plex analysis and permutation testing with FDR < 0.05. Concentrations of muscle CoQ10 (p = 0.07), GSH (p = 0.75), and malondialdehyde (p = 0.47), as well as activities of superoxide dismutase (p = 0.16) and catalase (p = 0.66), did not differ, whereas glutathione peroxidase activity (p = 0.003) was lower when horses received CoQ10 compared to no supplement. Intrinsic (relative to citrate synthase activity) electron transfer capacity with complex II (ECII) was greater, and the contribution of complex I to maximal electron transfer capacity (FCRPCI and FCRPCIG) was lower when horses received CoQ10 with no impact of CoQ10 on mitochondrial volume density. Decreased expression of subunits in complexes I, III, and IV, as well as tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) enzymes, was noted in proteomics when horses received CoQ10. We conclude that with CoQ10 supplementation, decreased expression of TCA cycle enzymes that produce NADH and complex I subunits, which utilize NADH together with enhanced electron transfer capacity via complex II, supports an enhanced reliance on substrates supplying complex II during mitochondrial respiration

    Impact of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Respiration, Antioxidants, and the Muscle Proteome in Thoroughbred Horses

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    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential component of the mitochondrial electron transfer system and a potent antioxidant. The impact of CoQ10 supplementation on mitochondrial capacities and the muscle proteome is largely unknown. This study determined the effect of CoQ10 supplementation on muscle CoQ10 concentrations, antioxidant balance, the proteome, and mitochondrial respiratory capacities. In a randomized cross-over design, six Thoroughbred horses received 1600 mg/d CoQ10 or no supplement (control) for 30-d periods separated by a 60-d washout. Muscle samples were taken at the end of each period. Muscle CoQ10 and glutathione (GSH) concentrations were determined using mass spectrometry, antioxidant activities by fluorometry, mitochondrial enzyme activities and oxidative stress by colorimetry, and mitochondrial respiratory capacities by high-resolution respirometry. Data were analyzed using mixed linear models with period, supplementation, and period × supplementation as fixed effects and horse as a repeated effect. Proteomics was performed by tandem mass tag 11-plex analysis and permutation testing with FDR p = 0.07), GSH (p = 0.75), and malondialdehyde (p = 0.47), as well as activities of superoxide dismutase (p = 0.16) and catalase (p = 0.66), did not differ, whereas glutathione peroxidase activity (p = 0.003) was lower when horses received CoQ10 compared to no supplement. Intrinsic (relative to citrate synthase activity) electron transfer capacity with complex II (ECII) was greater, and the contribution of complex I to maximal electron transfer capacity (FCRPCI and FCRPCIG) was lower when horses received CoQ10 with no impact of CoQ10 on mitochondrial volume density. Decreased expression of subunits in complexes I, III, and IV, as well as tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) enzymes, was noted in proteomics when horses received CoQ10. We conclude that with CoQ10 supplementation, decreased expression of TCA cycle enzymes that produce NADH and complex I subunits, which utilize NADH together with enhanced electron transfer capacity via complex II, supports an enhanced reliance on substrates supplying complex II during mitochondrial respiration