327 research outputs found

    Experiences of Māori of Aotearoa New Zealand's public health system: a systematic review of two decades of published qualitative research

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    Objective: This paper aims to synthesise the broader perspectives of Māori patients and their whānau (extended family, family group) of their treatment within the public health system. Our research question was ‘What are the experiences of Māori in the public health and/or hospital system in Aotearoa New Zealand?’ Methods: A systematic search using PRISMA protocols and reflexive typology organised around the categories of Māori, public healthcare and qualitative research identified 14 papers that covered all three categories. We undertook a qualitative metasynthesis on these papers using a critical community psychology approach. Results: Māori patients and whānau from the included papers mention both barriers and facilitators to health. We categorised barriers as organisational structures, staff interactions and practical considerations. Facilitators were categorised as the provision of whānau support in the form of practical assistance, emotional care and health system navigation. Conclusions: For many Māori, the existing public health system is experienced as hostile and alienating. Whānau members provide support to mitigate this, but it comes as a cost to whānau. Implications for public health: Public health providers must find ways to ensure that Māori consistently experience positive, high-quality healthcare interactions that support Māori ways of being

    The Development of a Virtual Sensor in Glucose Monitoring for Non-Insulin Dependent People

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    The project involves an Android application that acts as a continuous-time monitor of glucose levels for people with Type II diabetes. Our objective was to get information from a glucose lancet meter to automatically upload via Bluetooth into the application. This allows a person to easily monitor their insulin levels without manually inputting glucose levels into the application. The glucose meter used was a ForaCare Test N’ Go system. To aid in the Bluetooth process, we were granted open access to the glucose meter from Fora Care. The process involved using the programming language of Java in the Android software developer to implement the Bluetooth application. Because the app will be able to automatically upload the user’s glucose readings from their meter, it will make insulin measurement management simpler for the user. This Bluetooth component was important to the final development of the project. The virtual sensor takes several factors into account, including blood glucose readings and meal size, and..

    Best Practice Teacher Education Programs and Australia’s Own Programs

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    This report was prepared by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to support the work of the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group (TEMAG). ACER was requested to undertake evidence-based research and benchmarking of world’s best practice teacher education programs against Australia’s own programs, which included: (a) identifying best practice principles for the design, delivery and assessment of teacher education programs; and (b) articulating the features of teacher education programs that most effectively support successful transition to effective practice

    Embracing chemical and structural diversity with UCONGA: A universal conformer generation and analysis program

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    © 2017 Elsevier Inc. Molecular properties depend on molecular structure, so the first step in any computational chemistry investigation is to generate all thermally accessible conformers. Typically it is necessary to make a trade-off between the number of conformers to be explored and the accuracy of the method used to calculate their energies. Ab initio potential energy surface scans can, in principle, be applied to any molecule, but their conformational cost scales poorly with both molecular size and dimensionality of the search space. Specialized conformer generation techniques rely on parameterized force fields and may also use knowledge-based rules for generating conformers, and are typically only available for drug-like organic molecules. Neither approach is well-suited to generating or identifying chemically sensible conformers for larger non-organic molecules. The Universal CONformer Generation and Analysis (UCONGA) program package fills this niche. It requires no parameters other than built-in atomic van der Waals radii to generate comprehensive ensembles of sterically-allowed conformers, for molecules of arbitrary composition and connectivity. Analysis scripts are provided to identify representative structures from clusters of similar conformers, which may be further refined by subsequent geometry optimization. This approach is particularly useful for molecules not described by parameterized force fields, as it minimizes the number of computationally intensive ab initio calculations required to characterize the conformer ensemble. We anticipate that UCONGA will be particularly useful for computational and structural chemists studying flexible non-drug-like molecules

    Direct Experimental Observation of in situ Dehydrogenation of an Amine-Borane System Using Gas Electron Diffraction

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    In situ dehydrogenation of azetidine-BH3, which is a candidate for hydrogen storage, was observed with the parent and dehydrogenated analogue subjected to rigorous structural and thermochemical investigations. The structural analyses utilized gas electron diffraction supported by high-level quantum calculations, while the pathway for the unimolecular hydrogen release reaction in the absence and presence of BH3 as a bifunctional catalyst was predicted at the CBS-QB3 level. The catalyzed dehydrogenation pathway has a barrier lower than the predicted B-N bond dissociation energy, hence favoring the dehydrogenation process over the dissociation of the complex. The predicted enthalpy of dehydrogenation at the CCSD(T)/CBS level indicates that mild reaction conditions would be required for hydrogen release and that the compound is closer to thermoneutral than linear amine boranes. The entropy and free energy change for the dehydrogenation process show that the reaction is exergonic, energetically feasible, and will proceed spontaneously toward hydrogen release, all of which are important factors for hydrogen storage

    Structures of tetrasilylmethane derivatives C(SiXMe2)4 (X = H, F, Cl, Br) in the gas phase and their dynamic structures in solution.

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    The structures of the molecules C(SiXMe2)4 (X = H, F, Cl, Br) have been determined by gas electron diffraction (GED). Ab initio calculations revealed nine potential minima for each species, with significant ranges of energies. For the H, F, Cl, and Br derivatives nine, seven, two, and two conformers were modelled, respectively, as they were quantum-chemically predicted to be present in measurable quantities. Variable-temperature 1H and 29Si solution-phase NMR studies and, where applicable, 13C NMR, 1H/29Si NMR shift-correlation, and 1H NMR saturation-transfer experiments are reported for C(SiXMe2)4 (X = H, Cl, Br, and also I). At low temperature in solution two conformers (one C1-symmetric and one C2-symmetric) are observed for each of C(SiXMe2)4 (X = Cl, Br, I), in agreement with the isolated molecule ab initiocalculations carried out as part of this work for X = Cl, Br. C(SiHMe2)4 is present as a single C1-symmetric conformer in solution at the temperatures at which the NMR experiments were performed

    A novel antigen capture ELISA for the specific detection of IgG antibodies to elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

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    BACKGROUND Elephants are classified as critically endangered animals by the International Union for Conservation of Species (IUCN). Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) poses a large threat to breeding programs of captive Asian elephants by causing fatal haemorrhagic disease. EEHV infection is detected by PCR in samples from both clinically ill and asymptomatic elephants with an active infection, whereas latent carriers can be distinguished exclusively via serological assays. To date, identification of latent carriers has been challenging, since there are no serological assays capable of detecting seropositive elephants. RESULTS Here we describe a novel ELISA that specifically detects EEHV antibodies circulating in Asian elephant plasma/serum. Approximately 80 % of PCR positive elephants display EEHV-specific antibodies. Monitoring three Asian elephant herds from European zoos revealed that the serostatus of elephants within a herd varied from non-detectable to high titers. The antibody titers showed typical herpes-like rise-and-fall patterns in time which occur in all seropositive animals in the herd more or less simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that the developed ELISA is suitable to detect antibodies specific to EEHV. It allows study of EEHV seroprevalence in Asian elephants. Results confirm that EEHV prevalence among Asian elephants (whether captive-born or wild-caught) is high