3,941 research outputs found

    Spatial Analysis and Humanities Data: A Case Study from the Grand Tour Travelers Project

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    A Case Study describing research on Sicilian travel in the 18th century from the Grand Tour Travelers Projec

    Imported Exotica and Mortuary Ritual at Perati in Late Helladic IIIC East Attica

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    The first page of an article on mortuary ritual at a LH IIIC cemetery in Attic

    Multi-scalar Spatial Analysis and Humanities Data: A Case Study from the Grand Tour Travelers Project

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    A case study from the Grand Tour project that illustrates how combining computer-driven data analysis and more traditional humanistic inquiry can aid research

    The Role of Religion in Greek Sport

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    This chapter considers the role of religion in Ancient Greek athletic

    Establishing Best Practices for Photogrammetric Recording During Archaeological Fieldwork

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    This paper considers best practices for using photogrammetry to document contexts and remains during archaeological fieldwork

    A Mixed-Methods Inquiry into the Intimate Practices of Partnered Mature Students and Influences on Relationship, Sexual, and School Satisfaction

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    Through the use of mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, the current study explored the impact of postsecondary study on the intimate relationships and school experiences of partnered mature students. Quantitative regression analyses indicated that parental status, family support, partner support, and sexual desire significantly predicted relationship satisfaction, while family support and partner support significantly predicted sexual satisfaction. Age and sexual desire predicted school satisfaction for women only. Through qualitative thematic analysis it was determined that not having enough time, feeling too tired, and being stressed negatively impacted sexual satisfaction, while experiencing personal growth was described as both beneficial and problematic. Some participants reported using sex to aid in their academic success by way of offering a distraction or reducing stress. We discuss possible ways that postsecondary institutions, through their campus programs, can better address the impact school may have on mature students’ intimate relationships.  Grâce à l’utilisation d’une variété de méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives, l’étude suivante étudie l’effet des études post-secondaires sur les relations intimes et les expériences scolaires des étudiants adultes en couple. La régression des analyses quantitatives indique que le statut parental, le soutien familial, l’appui du partenaire et les désirs sexuels prédisent significativement la satisfaction à l’égard des relations personnelles, tandis que le soutien familial et l’appui du partenaire prédisent de façon significative la satisfaction sexuelle. L’âge prédit aussi la satisfaction académique chez les hommes et les femmes, de même que le désir sexuel chez les hommes seulement. En utilisant une analyse thématique qualitative, il a été déterminé que le fait de ne pas disposer d’assez de temps, la fatigue et le stress ont des répercussions négatives sur la satisfaction sexuelle. Enfin, une croissance personnelle a été décrite comme étant à la fois bénéfique et problématique. Certains participants ont déclaré avoir utilisé le sexe pour aider à leurs réussites scolaires afin de s’offrir une distraction ou de diminuer leur stress. Nous discutons des moyens possibles pour les institutions post-secondaires de mieux traiter, par le truchement de leurs programmes, l’effet que peuvent avoir les études sur les relations intimes des étudiants adultes

    Foundations in Wisconsin: A Directory [35th ed. 2016]

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    The 2016 release of Foundations in Wisconsin marks the 35th edition of the print directory and the 16th edition of the online version. The directory is designed as a research tool for grantseekers interested in locating information on private, corporate, and community foundations registered in Wisconsin. Each entry in this new edition has been updated or reviewed to provide the most current information available. Most of the data was drawn from IRS 990-PF tax returns filed by the foundations. Additional information was obtained from surveys, foundation websites, and annual reports. This edition paints a very positive picture of financial growth for Wisconsin foundations. Both grant and asset totals have risen to all-time highs. Of particular note, total grants broke the 600millionbarrier,increasingby8600 million barrier, increasing by 8% to 623 million. Additionally, 58 new foundations have been identified this year. (See page 269 for the complete list.) The following table illustrates the 10-year financial pattern as documented in Foundations in Wisconsin.https://epublications.marquette.edu/lib_fiw/1014/thumbnail.jp

    New and Traditional Methods for Thorough Documentation and Analysis of Architectural Features in the Greek Landscape: A Case Study from the Mazi Archaeological Project (Western Attica)

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    This paper deals with the logistics of using photogrammetry and hand drawing in tandem to record architecture in archaeological landscapes

    Reproducing the CO-to-Hâ‚‚ conversion factor in cosmological simulations of Milky-Way-mass galaxies

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    We present models of CO(1–0) emission from Milky-Way-mass galaxies at redshift zero in the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations. We calculate the molecular abundances by post-processing the simulations with an equilibrium chemistry solver while accounting for the effects of local sources, and determine the emergent CO(1–0) emission using a line radiative transfer code. We find that the results depend strongly on the shielding length assumed, which, in our models, sets the attenuation of the incident UV radiation field. At the resolution of these simulations, commonly used choices for the shielding length, such as the Jeans length, result in CO abundances that are too high at a given H₂ abundance. We find that a model with a distribution of shielding lengths, which has a median shielding length of ∼3 pc in cold gas (T < 300 K) for both CO and H₂, is able to reproduce both the observed CO(1–0) luminosity and inferred CO-to-H₂ conversion factor at a given star formation rate compared with observations. We suggest that this short shielding length can be thought of as a subgrid model, which controls the amount of radiation that penetrates giant molecular clouds

    When unlikely outcomes occur: the role of communication format in maintaining communicator credibility

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    The public expects science to reduce or eliminate uncertainty (Kinzig & Starrett, 2003), yet scientific forecasts are probabilistic (at best) and it is simply not possible to make predictions with certainty. Whilst an ‘unlikely’ outcome is not expected to occur, an ‘unlikely’ outcome will still occur one in five times (based on a translation of 20%, e.g. Theil, 2002), according to a frequentist perspective. When an ‘unlikely’ outcome does occur, the prediction may be deemed ‘erroneous’, reflecting a misunderstanding of the nature of uncertainty. Such misunderstandings could have ramifications for the subsequent (perceived) credibility of the communicator who made such a prediction. We examine whether the effect of ‘erroneous’ predictions on perceived credibility differs according to the communication format used. Specifically, we consider verbal, numerical (point and range [wide / narrow]) and mixed format probability expressions. We consistently find that subsequent perceptions are least affected by the ‘erroneous’ prediction when it is expressed numerically, regardless of whether it is a point or range estimate. Our findings suggest numbers should be used in consequential risk communications regarding ‘unlikely’ events, wherever possible
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