8,184 research outputs found

    Aeolian sand transport over a wet, sandy beach

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    Abstract Quantifying aeolian transport within the intertidal zone is critical to understanding feedbacks between aeolian and nearshore processes in coastal environments. Here, we report a field study of aeolian transport over a wet bed in the intertidal zone. Predominate winds and beach orientation were aligned during all field observations. Mean grain size of bed samples were 0.18 mm and moisture content ranged from 16 to 17%. Velocity profiles were measured with a vertical array of cup anemometers. Sustained wind velocities were 9.5 m/s at 93 cm above the bed with gusts reaching 13.5 m/s. Five saltation traps captured particles in transport from the bed to a height of 15 cm. Particles in transport were wet and the highest moisture content of trapped sediments was found in the lowest saltation trap. Vertical flux profiles show a higher concentration of flux closer to the bed (81 to 89% below 5 cm) than those measured over dry beds. Power and exponential decay functions were fit to our vertical flux profiles; the exponential decay function best fit flux profiles with larger β coefficients and smaller α estimates than those fit to dry bed profiles. Total flux models predict transport below Belly's (1964) fluid threshold of motion for moist beds and model performance improves when using a threshold for dry sand. Our results suggest transport over wet beds is fundamentally different from transport over dry beds. However, more research is needed to discern the mechanics driving deviations in flux profiles over wet beds in field environments

    Providing stringent star formation rate limits of z∼\sim2 QSO host galaxies at high angular resolution

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    We present integral field spectrograph (IFS) with laser guide star adaptive optics (LGS-AO) observations of z=2 quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) designed to resolve extended nebular line emission from the host galaxy. Our data was obtained with W. M. Keck and Gemini-North Observatories using OSIRIS and NIFS coupled with the LGS-AO systems. We have conducted a pilot survey of five QSOs, three observed with NIFS+AO and two observed with OSIRIS+AO at an average redshift of z=2.15. We demonstrate that the combination of AO and IFS provides the necessary spatial and spectral resolutions required to separate QSO emission from its host. We present our technique for generating a PSF from the broad-line region of the QSO and performing PSF subtraction of the QSO emission to detect the host galaxy. We detect Hα\alpha and [NII] for two sources, SDSS J1029+6510 and SDSS J0925+06 that have both star formation and extended narrow-line emission. Assuming that the majority of narrow-line Hα\alpha is from star formation, we infer a star formation rate for SDSS J1029+6510 of 78.4 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1} originating from a compact region that is kinematically offset by 290 - 350 km/s. For SDSS J0925+06 we infer a star formation rate of 29 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1} distributed over three clumps that are spatially offset by ∼\sim 7 kpc. The null detections on three of the QSOs are used to infer surface brightness limits and we find that at 1.4 kpc distance from the QSO that the un-reddened star formation limit is << 0.3 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1}kpc−2^{-2}. If we assume a typical extinction values for z=2 type-1 QSOs, the dereddened star formation rate for our null detections would be << 0.6 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1}kpc−2^{-2}. These IFS observations indicate that if star formation is present in the host it would have to occur diffusely with significant extinction and not in compact, clumpy regions.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables, Accepted to Ap

    Charter Schools in Northwest Arkansas: Patterns in Enrollment and Characteristics of Student Movers

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    Charter schools in northwest Arkansas are frequently praised for their academic performance and criticized for their lack of diversity. Using publicly available anonymized data from the Arkansas Department of Education, we use 11 years of enrollment trends in northwest Arkansas public schools, considering student demographic characteristics, free- or reduced-price lunch status, limited English proficiency status, special education status, and performance on state standardized reading and math assessments, to analyze enrollment trends in northwest Arkansas traditional public schools and charter schools, as well as the characteristics of students who voluntarily switch sectors. We find that northwest Arkansas charter schools are not representative of the demographic characteristics of the region in terms of demographics, FRL status, LEP status, and SPED status, though these schools have grown in diversity as they have increased enrollments. Students who exit NWA district schools for NWA charter schools tend to be above both the state and their respective school averages in terms of standardized test performance. Students who exit NWA charter schools tend to be above the state average, but perform similarly to their peers in terms of standardized test performance

    Hamiltonian analysis of subcritical stochastic epidemic dynamics

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    We extend a technique of approximation of the long-term behavior of a supercritical stochastic epidemic model, using the WKB approximation and a Hamiltonian phase space, to the subcritical case. The limiting behavior of the model and approximation are qualitatively different in the subcritical case, requiring a novel analysis of the limiting behavior of the Hamiltonian system away from its deterministic subsystem. This yields a novel, general technique of approximation of the quasistationary distribution of stochastic epidemic and birth-death models, and may lead to techniques for analysis of these models beyond the quasistationary distribution. For a classic SIS model, the approximation found for the quasistationary distribution is very similar to published approximations but not identical. For a birth-death process without depletion of susceptibles, the approximation is exact. Dynamics on the phase plane similar to those predicted by the Hamiltonian analysis are demonstrated in cross-sectional data from trachoma treatment trials in Ethiopia, in which declining prevalences are consistent with subcritical epidemic dynamics

    Short-term leprosy forecasting from an expert opinion survey.

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    We conducted an expert survey of leprosy (Hansen's Disease) and neglected tropical disease experts in February 2016. Experts were asked to forecast the next year of reported cases for the world, for the top three countries, and for selected states and territories of India. A total of 103 respondents answered at least one forecasting question. We elicited lower and upper confidence bounds. Comparing these results to regression and exponential smoothing, we found no evidence that any forecasting method outperformed the others. We found evidence that experts who believed it was more likely to achieve global interruption of transmission goals and disability reduction goals had higher error scores for India and Indonesia, but lower for Brazil. Even for a disease whose epidemiology changes on a slow time scale, forecasting exercises such as we conducted are simple and practical. We believe they can be used on a routine basis in public health

    Enantioselective Nucleophile-Catalyzed Synthesis of Tertiary Alkyl Fluorides via the α‑Fluorination of Ketenes: Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies

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    The catalytic asymmetric synthesis of alkyl fluorides, particularly α-fluorocarbonyl compounds, has been the focus of substantial effort in recent years. While significant progress has been described in the formation of enantioenriched secondary alkyl fluorides, advances in the generation of tertiary alkyl fluorides have been more limited. Here, we describe a method for the catalytic asymmetric coupling of aryl alkyl ketenes with commercially available N-fluorodibenzenesulfonimide (NFSI) and C_6F_5ONa to furnish tertiary α-fluoroesters. Mechanistic studies are consistent with the hypothesis that the addition of an external nucleophile (C_6F_5ONa) is critical for turnover, releasing the catalyst (PPY*) from an N-acylated intermediate. The available data can be explained by a reaction pathway wherein the enantioselectivity is determined in the turnover-limiting transfer of fluorine from NFSI to a chiral enolate derived from the addition of PPY* to the ketene. The structure and the reactivity of the product of this proposed elementary step, an α-fluoro-N-acylpyridinium salt, have been examined

    Restraint-induced Corticosterone Secretion and Hypothalamic CRH mRNA Expression are Augmented During Acute Withdrawal from Chronic Cocaine Administration

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    Stress responses during cocaine withdrawal likely contribute to drug relapse and may be intensified as a consequence of prior cocaine use. The present study examined changes in stressor-induced activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis during acute withdrawal from chronic cocaine administration. Adult male Sprague–Dawley rats received daily administration of cocaine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline for 14 days. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, rats in each group were sacrificed under stress-free conditions or following 30 min of immobilization. Plasma corticosterone (CORT) was measured in trunk-blood using radioimmunoassay, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA levels in the paraventricularnucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus were measured using in situ hybridization and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) protein expression in the pituitary gland and dissected brain regions was measured using Western blot analysis. Basal CRH mRNA in the PVN was unaltered as a result of prior cocaine administration. However, a significant increase in CRH mRNA was observed 90 min following the termination of restraint in cocaine withdrawn, but not saline-treated, rats. Basal CORT was also unaffected by prior cocaine administration, but the CORT response measured immediately after restraint was significantly augmented in cocaine-withdrawn rats. Differences in GR protein expression in number of regions implicated in negative feedback regulation of HPA function, including the hypothalamus, were not observed. These findings indicate that the HPA response to stressors is intensified during early withdrawal from cocaine administration and may be independent of changes in GR-mediated negative feedback

    Membrane protein nanoparticles: the shape of things to come

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    The use of styrene-maleic acid (SMA) for the purification of a wide range of membrane proteins (MPs) from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources has begun to make an impact in the field of MP biology. This method is growing in popularity as a means to purify and thoroughly investigate the structure and function of MPs and biological membranes. The amphiphilic SMA copolymer can effectively extract MPs directly from a native lipid bilayer to form discs approximately 10 nm in diameter. The resulting lipid particles, or styrene-maleic acid lipid particles (SMALPs), contain SMA, protein and membrane lipid. MPs purified in SMALPs are able to retain their native structure and, in many cases, functional activity, and growing evidence suggests that MPs purified using SMA have enhanced thermal stability compared with detergent-purified proteins. The SMALP method is versatile and is compatible with a wide range of cell types across taxonomic domains. It can readily be adapted to replace detergent in many protein purification methods, often with only minor changes made to the existing protocol. Moreover, biophysical analysis and structural determination may now be a possibility for many large, unstable MPs. Here, we review recent advances in the area of SMALP purification and how it is affecting the field of MP biology, critically assess recent progress made with this method, address some of the associated technical challenges which may remain unresolved and discuss opportunities for exploiting SMALPs to expand our understanding of structural and functional properties of MPs

    Who\u27s Using Act 173?

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    Act 173 allows home school or private school students to enroll in academic courses in their local public school district. Passed in 2017, students to first used it for the 2017-18 school year. Despite the benefits of the Act to both parties, only 95 students across 43 schools representing 35 districts across the state of Arkansas used the Act to enroll in at least one course in their district. In this policy brief, we describe the students who used Act 173 in the 2017-18 school year, explore possible reasons why, and offer some policy implications
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