827 research outputs found

    Decoherence induced by a chaotic environment: A quantum walker with a complex coin

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    We study the differences between the process of decoherence induced by chaotic and regular environments. For this we analyze a family of simple models wich contain both regular and chaotic environments. In all cases the system of interest is a "quantum walker", i.e. a quantum particle that can move on a lattice with a finite number of sites. The walker interacts with an environment wich has a D dimensional Hilbert space. The results we obtain suggest that regular and chaotic environments are not distinguishable from each other in a (short) timescale t*, wich scales with the dimensionality of the environment as t*~log(D). Howeber, chaotic environments continue to be effective over exponentially longer timescales while regular environments tend to reach saturation much sooner. We present both numerical and analytical results supporting this conclusion. The family of chaotic evolutions we consider includes the so-called quantum multi-baker-map as a particular case.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Multifractal eigenstates of quantum chaos and the Thue-Morse sequence

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    We analyze certain eigenstates of the quantum baker's map and demonstrate, using the Walsh-Hadamard transform, the emergence of the ubiquitous Thue-Morse sequence, a simple sequence that is at the border between quasi-periodicity and chaos, and hence is a good paradigm for quantum chaotic states. We show a family of states that are also simply related to Thue-Morse sequence, and are strongly scarred by short periodic orbits and their homoclinic excursions. We give approximate expressions for these states and provide evidence that these and other generic states are multifractal.Comment: Substantially modified from the original, worth a second download. To appear in Phys. Rev. E as a Rapid Communicatio

    Accuracy of Trace Formulas

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    Using quantum maps we study the accuracy of semiclassical trace formulas. The role of chaos in improving the semiclassical accuracy, in some systems, is demonstrated quantitatively. However, our study of the standard map cautions that this may not be most general. While studying a sawtooth map we demonstrate the rather remarkable fact that at the level of the time one trace even in the presence of fixed points on singularities the trace formula may be exact, and in any case has no logarithmic divergences observed for the quantum bakers map. As a byproduct we introduce fantastic periodic curves akin to curlicues.Comment: 20 pages, uuencoded and gzipped, 1 LaTex text file and 9 PS files for figure

    The Poincare-Birkhoff theorem in Quantum Mechanics

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    Quantum manifestations of the dynamics around resonant tori in perturbed Hamiltonian systems, dictated by the Poincar\'e--Birkhoff theorem, are shown to exist. They are embedded in the interactions involving states which differ in a number of quanta equal to the order of the classical resonance. Moreover, the associated classical phase space structures are mimicked in the quasiprobability density functions and their zeros.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Full resolution figures available at http://www.df.uba.ar/users/wisniaki/publications.htm

    Coarse Grained Liouville Dynamics of piecewise linear discontinuous maps

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    We compute the spectrum of the classical and quantum mechanical coarse-grained propagators for a piecewise linear discontinuous map. We analyze the quantum - classical correspondence and the evolution of the spectrum with increasing resolution. Our results are compared to the ones obtained for a mixed system.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Probing the quantum phase transition in the Dicke model through mechanical vibrations

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    This paper is concerned with quantum dynamics of a system coupled to a critical reservoir. In this context, we employ the Dicke model which is known to exhibit a super radiant quantum phase transition (QPT) and we allow one of the mirrors to move under a linear restoring force. The electromagnetic field couples to the movable mirror though radiation pressure just like in typical optomechanical setups. We show that, in the thermodynamical limit, the super-radiant phase induces a classical driving force on the mirror without causing decoherence.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Semiclassical structure of chaotic resonance eigenfunctions

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    We study the resonance (or Gamow) eigenstates of open chaotic systems in the semiclassical limit, distinguishing between left and right eigenstates of the non-unitary quantum propagator, and also between short-lived and long-lived states. The long-lived left (right) eigenstates are shown to concentrate as 0\hbar\to 0 on the forward (backward) trapped set of the classical dynamics. The limit of a sequence of eigenstates {ψ()}0\{\psi(\hbar)\}_{\hbar\to 0} is found to exhibit a remarkably rich structure in phase space that depends on the corresponding limiting decay rate. These results are illustrated for the open baker map, for which the probability density in position space is observed to have self-similarity properties.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; some minor corrections, some changes in presentatio