79 research outputs found

    Phenotyping spontaneous locomotor activity in inbred and outbred mouse strains by using Digital Ventilated Cages

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    Mouse strains differ markedly in all behaviors, independently of their genetic background. We undertook this study to disentangle the diurnal activity and feature key aspects of three non-genetically altered mouse strains widely used in research, C57BL/6NCrl (inbred), BALB/cAnNCrl (inbred) and CRL:CD1(ICR) (outbred). With this aim, we conducted a longitudinal analysis of the spontaneous locomotor activity of the mice during a 24-h period for 2 months, in two different periods of the year to reduce the seasonality effect. Mice (males and females) were group-housed in Digital Ventilated Cages (Tecniplast), mimicking standard housing conditions in research settings and avoiding the potential bias provided in terms of locomotor activity by single housing. The recorded locomotor activity was analyzed by relying on different and commonly used circadian metrics (i.e., day and night activity, diurnal activity, responses to lights-on and lights-off phases, acrophase and activity onset and regularity disruption index) to capture key behavioral responses for each strain. Our results clearly demonstrate significant differences in the circadian activity of the three selected strains, when comparing inbred versus outbred as well as inbred strains (C57BL/6NCrl versus BALB/cAnNCrl). Conversely, males and females of the same strain displayed similar motor phenotypes; significant differences were recorded only for C57BL/6NCrl and CRL:CD1(ICR) females, which displayed higher average locomotor activity from prepuberty to adulthood. All strain-specific differences were further confirmed by an unsupervised machine learning approach. Altogether, our data corroborate the concept that each strain behaves under characteristic patterns, which needs to be taken into consideration in the study design to ensure experimental reproducibility and comply with essential animal welfare principles

    Integration Between Enterprise Resource Planning and Building Information Modelling

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an integrated business management system aimed at monitoring and maximizing resources and efficiency; on the other hand, Building Information Modelling (BIM) represents a broad series of approaches to design, based on the development of virtual models that cover the building’s whole lifecycle. The integration of ERP systems within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry, while promising, has yet to reach the same results that its use has achieved in other fields. Although BIM and ERP are traditionally systems employed in different disciplines, they both deal with data integration and customization, and are designed to reconcile varied and scattered information. A mutual incorporation could allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the project starting from the initial phases, while also granting a more streamlined construction process and a reduction in errors and complications later on. The aim of this paper is to identify the possible connections between the two systems examining a case study, starting from an analysis of the current state of the art regarding this implementation, and by evaluating both the existing limits and the future possibilities of this implementation, for both small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the industry at larg

    Detection of Chlamydial {DNA} from Mediterranean Loggerhead Sea Turtles in Southern Italy

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    Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that include pathogens of human and veterinary importance. Several reptiles were reported to host chlamydial agents, but pathogenicity in these animals still needs clarification. Given that only one report of chlamydiosis was described in sea turtles, and that chlamydiae might also be detected in hosts without clinical signs, the current study examined asymptomatic Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles for the presence of chlamydial DNA. Twenty loggerhead sea turtles, rehabilitated at the Marine Turtle Research Centre (Portici, Italy), were examined collecting ocular-conjunctival, oropharyngeal and nasal swabs. Samples were processed through quantitative and conventional PCR analyses to identify Chlamydiales and Chlamydiaceae, with particular attention to C. pecorum, C. pneumoniae, C. psittaci, and C. trachomatis. Although it was not possible to determine the species of chlamydiae involved, the detection of chlamydial DNA from the collected samples suggests that these microorganisms might act as opportunistic pathogens, and underlines the role of sea turtles as potential carriers. This study highlights the presence of chlamydial agents in sea turtles, and encourages further research to fully characterize these microorganisms, in order to improve the management of the health and conservation of these endangered species, and prevent potential zoonotic implications

    Excellent outcome in patients with primary biliary cholangitis in Northwest Italy followed up for up to 30 years

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    Objective: Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a rare chronic autoimmune cholangiopathy, characterized by a variable course and response to treatment. We aimed to describe long-term outcomes of PBC patients referred to three academic centres in Northwest Italy. Methods: This is an ambispective cohort study of PBC patients (retrospective component: diagnosis before 1 January 2019; prospective component: thereafter), including 302 patients: 101 (33%) followed up in Novara, 86 (28%) in Turin, 115 (38%) in Genoa. Clinical features at diagnosis, biochemical response to therapy and survival were analyzed. Results: Among the 302 patients (88% women, median age 55 years, median follow-up 75 months), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels significantly decreased during treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA, P < 0.0001) and obeticholic acid (P < 0.0001). At multivariate analysis, ALP at diagnosis was predictive of 1-year biochemical response to UDCA [odds ratio 3.57, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.4-9, P < 0.001]. Estimated median survival free of liver transplantation and hepatic complications was 30 years (95% CI 19-41). Bilirubin level at diagnosis was the only independent risk factor for the combined outcome of death, transplantation or hepatic decompensation (hazard ratio, 1.65, 95% CI 1.66-2.56, P = 0.02). Patients presenting with total bilirubin at diagnosis ≥0.6 times the upper normal limit (ULN) had a significantly lower 10-year survival compared to those with bilirubin <0.6 times ULN (63% vs. 97%, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: In PBC, both short-term response to UDCA and long-term survival can be predicted by simple conventional biomarkers of disease severity, obtained at diagnosis

    Flow-dependent shear stress affects the biological properties of pericyte-like cells isolated from human dental pulp

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    Background: Human dental pulp stem cells represent a mesenchymal stem cell niche localized in the perivascular area of dental pulp and are characterized by low immunogenicity and immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory properties. Pericytes, mural cells surrounding the endothelium of small vessels, regulate numerous functions including vessel growth, stabilization and permeability. It is well established that pericytes have a tight cross talk with endothelial cells in neoangiogenesis and vessel stabilization, which are regulated by different factors, i.e., microenvironment and flow-dependent shear stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a pulsatile unidirectional flow in the presence or not of an inflammatory microenvironment on the biological properties of pericyte-like cells isolated from human dental pulp (hDPSCs). Methods: Human DPSCs were cultured under both static and dynamic conditions with or without pre-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Pulsatile unidirectional flow shear stress was generated by using a specific peristaltic pump. The angiogenic potential and inflammatory properties of hDPSCs were evaluated through reverse phase protein microarrays (RPPA), confocal immunofluorescence and western blot analyses. Results: Our data showed that hDPSCs expressed the typical endothelial markers, which were up-regulated after endothelial induction, and were able to form tube-like structures. RPPA analyses revealed that these properties were modulated when a pulsatile unidirectional flow shear stress was applied to hDPSCs. Stem cells also revealed a downregulation of the immune-modulatory molecule PD-L1, in parallel with an up-regulation of the pro-inflammatory molecule NF-kB. Immune-modulatory properties of hDPSCs were also reduced after culture under flow-dependent shear stress and exposure to an inflammatory microenvironment. This evidence was strengthened by the detection of up-regulated levels of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in PBMCs. Conclusions: In conclusion, the application of a pulsatile unidirectional flow shear stress induced a modulation of immunomodulatory/inflammatory properties of dental pulp pericyte-like cells

    The role of life cycle thinking-based methodologies in the development of waste management plans

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    The aim of this article is to examine how Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) contributes to the development of Waste Management Plans (WMPs). The case of Italy has been deeply investigated. The article first analyses whether and how the LCT methodologies were applied to the 21 regional WMPs; then, it draws indications for using LCT in the preparation of a WMP. Moreover, it outlines why the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology could be used as a powerful tool for regional planning in the waste field, analysing the indications for preparing a WMP that already exist at the European level and in the Italian National WM Programme. Results reveal that only four of the 21 regional WMPs include comprehensive and site-specific LCA studies. Building on these case study results, insights into the opportunities and benefits associated with incorporating LCT methodologies into WMP development and implementation are provided. This study underscores the critical importance of LCT and LCA in promoting sustainable waste management practices, ensuring compliance with European directives, and offering a foundation for more informed regional planning strategies

    Improvement of insulin sensitivity in diabetic and non diabetic patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct antiviral agents

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    The increased incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus among hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients is likely due to viral-induced insulin resistance (IR). Indeed, control of diabetes in these patients benefits of successful antiviral treatment; whether the same applies to subtler alterations of glucose metabolism is unknown. We aimed to fill this gap


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    L\u2019articolo nasce da un\u2019iniziativa del gruppo di lavoro \u201cGestione e trattamento dei rifiuti\u201d dell\u2019Associazione Rete Italiana LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). L\u2019obiettivo principale del gruppo di lavoro \ue8 quello di ampliare le conoscenze relative alla specificit\ue0 della metodologia LCA applicata ai processi di gestione e di trattamento dei rifiuti. L\u2019articolo riporta otto casi studio condotti da alcuni dei partecipanti al gruppo di lavoro, con il duplice obiettivo di mostrare il vasto campo di applicazione della metodologia LCA pur mantenendosi all\u2019interno del settore rifiuti e le specificit\ue0 dell\u2019applicazione di tale metodologia ai processi di gestione e trattamento dei rifiuti. Gli otto casi studio sono stati raggruppati per macro-finalit\ue0 dell\u2019applicazione, ossia: LCA applicata per valutare i benefici ottenibili dal recupero di varie tipologie di rifiuti, LCA a supporto della pianificazione regionale e/o nazionale e LCA a supporto dell\u2019economia circolare

    Risk stratification of patients with SARS-CoV-2 by tissue factor expression in circulating extracellular vesicles

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    Inflammatory response following SARS-CoV-2 infection results in substantial increase of amounts of intravascular pro-coagulant extracellular vesicles (EVs) expressing tissue factor (CD142) on their surface. CD142-EV turned out to be useful as diagnostic biomarker in COVID-19 patients. Here we aimed at studying the prognostic capacity of CD142-EV in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Expression of CD142-EV was evaluated in 261 subjects admitted to hospital for pneumonia and with a positive molecular test for SARS-CoV-2. The study population consisted of a discovery cohort of selected patients (n = 60) and an independent validation cohort including unselected consecutive enrolled patients (n = 201). CD142-EV levels were correlated with post-hospitalization course of the disease and compared to the clinically available 4C Mortality Score as referral. CD142-EV showed a reliable performance to predict patient prognosis in the discovery cohort (AUC = 0.906) with an accuracy of 81.7%, that was confirmed in the validation cohort (AUC = 0.736). Kaplan-Meier curves highlighted a high discrimination power in unselected subjects with CD142-EV being able to stratify the majority of patients according to their prognosis. We obtained a comparable accuracy, being not inferior in terms of prediction of patients' prognosis and risk of mortality, with 4C Mortality Score. The expression of surface vesicular CD142 and its reliability as prognostic marker was technically validated using different immunocapture strategies and assays. The detection of CD142 on EV surface gains considerable interest as risk stratification tool to support clinical decision making in COVID-19

    Climate and landscape composition explain agronomic practices, pesticide use and grape yield in vineyards across Italy

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    Context Worldwide, organic farming is being promoted as one of the main alternatives to intensive conventional farming. However, the benefits of organic agriculture are still controversial and need to be tested across wide environmental gradients. Objective Here, we carried out an observational study to test how agronomic practices, pest management, environmental impact and yield of conventional and organic vineyards changed along wide climatic and landscape gradients across Italy. Methods We used a block design with 38 pairs of conventional and organic vineyards across Italy. Results and conclusions Most agronomic practices did not differ between conventional and organic vineyards. By contrast, landscape composition and climate were strong predictors of management in both systems. First, increasing semi-natural areas around the vineyards reduced pesticide pressure and related environmental impacts, but was also associated with lower yield. Second, irrespective of the farming system, a warm and dry climate was associated with reduced fungicide pressure. Conventional farming had a yield gain of 40% in cold and wet climate compared to organic but the yield gap disappeared in the warmest regions. Significance In both farming systems, we observed a large variability in management practices that was mainly explained by climate and landscape composition. This large variability should be considered when evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of different farming systems under contrasting environmental contexts
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