77 research outputs found

    Il Cognitivo e La Clinica nella Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita:posizioni a confronto. Intervista a Benoit Bayle

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    La recentissima diffusione delle tecniche legate alla riproduzione medicalmente assistita e le odierne variazioni legislative in merito, fanno sì che oggi molte coppie con ipofertilità accedano a questi trattamenti, entrando in contatto con un mondo pieno di rappresentazioni culturali e psichiche che condiziona spesso l’andamento del concepimento, della gestazione e della genitorialità e implicano aspetti etici e bioetici in qualche modo nuovi rispetto alla scena concezionale. Questo lavoro presenta il confronto tra un pensiero clinico, nato dall’esperienza del noto psichiatra francese, Benoît Bayle, e una review sulla letteratura scientifica, facendo particolare riferimento alla matrice cognitiva prenatale. Scopo del presente lavoro è di analizzare i livelli fisiologici, cognitivi, comportamentali e dinamici legati alla scena del Concepimento Artificiale. I risultati di questa ricerca indicano come ci siano effettivamente delle differenze significative in queste variabili negli studi effettuati sulle coppie che avevano avuto un trattamento da PMA piuttosto che sui controlli e come il lavoro clinico possa dare spunto alla sperimentazione scientifica nell’indagare nuove tematicheThe recent spread of techniques of medically assisted reproduction, and today’s changes in the laws ruling this practice, enable many couples with infertility to have access to these treatments, thus getting in contact with a world full of cultural and mental representations that often affect conception, pregnancy and parenting, raising new ethical and bioethical issues on the scene of assisted conception. This paper presents a comparison between a clinical thought, born from the experience of the famous French psychiatrist, Benoît Bayle, and a review of scientific literature, with a specific reference to the prenatal cognitive matrix. This study analyzes the physiological, cognitive, behavioral, and dynamic levels related to the scene of Artificial Conception. The results of this research indicate that the differences in these variables are actually more significant in the studies conducted on couples treated with PMA than in those conducted on controlsLa propagation récente de techniques liés à la médecine reproductive et les changements d’aujourd’hui dans les lois sur le, font qu’aujourd’hui beaucoup de couples à l'infertilité ont accès à ces traitements, entrer en contact avec un monde plein de représentations culturelles et mentales qui affecte souvent les performances de conception, la grossesse et la parentalité, et aucune des questions moins éthiques et bioéthiques impliquant en quelque sorte que la nouvelle étape conceptuelle. Ce document présente une comparaison entre une pensée clinique, né de la célèbre psychiatre français, Benoît Bayle, et une critique sur la littérature scientifique, avec une référence particulière à la matrice cognitive prénatal. Le but de cet article est d’analyser les niveaux physiologiques, cognitives, comportementales, dynamiques liées à la scène de la Conception Artificielle. Les résultats de cette recherche indiquent qu’il ya effectivement des différences significatives dans ces variables dans les études sur les couples qui avaient été traités par le PMA, plutôt que sur les contrôle

    The impact of COVID-19 in women with intimate partner violence (IPV): a psychological and psychophysiological study

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    Domestic violence is characterized by coercive actions of various kinds (psychological, physical, sexual and economic) that persist over time; the chronicity of these same actions implies the development of short, medium and long term consequences that compromise the daily functioning of the woman. The aim of this study was to investigate, through a web Survey based on psychophysiological assessments, the relationship between the stress perceived with intimate partner violence and the dysfunctional coping strategies used during the pandemic phase 1 of the health emergency in Italy. The results highlighted a greater sensitivity to perceived stress, resulting in the use of dysfunctional strategies in the management of emergency situations. The levels of perceived anxiety are decreased. High levels of perceived stress produced effects in the management of the health emergency situation, consequences of behavioral, emotional, perceptual and psychophysiological nature (i.e, pain perception, sensory perception, sleep habits)

    Potential Role of OERP as Early Marker of Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Olfactory impairment is present in up to 90% of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and is present in certain cases of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a transient phase between normal aging and dementia. Subjects affected by MCI have a higher risk of developing dementia compared to the general population, and studies have found that olfactory deficits could be an indicator of whether such a conversion might happen. Following these assumptions, aim of this study was to investigate olfactory perception in MCI patients. We recruited 12 MCI subjects (mean age 70 ± 6.7 years) through the Alzheimer Assessment Unit (UVA Unite) of ASL Lecce (Italy), and 12 healthy geriatric volunteers (HS) as the control group (mean age 64 ± 6.0 years), all of whom were first evaluated via a panel of neuropsychological tests. Subjects were asked to perform an olfactory recognition task involving two scents: rose and eucalyptus, administrated in the context of an oddball task during EEG recordings. Olfactory event-related potential (OERP) components N1 and Late Positive Potential (LPC) were then analyzed as measures of the sensorial and perceptive aspects of the olfactory response, respectively. It was determined that, in the MCI group, both the N1 and LPC components were significantly different compared to those of the HS group during the execution of the oddball task. In particular, the N1 amplitude, was reduced, while the LPC amplitude was increased, indicating that a degree of perceptive compensation can occur when sensorial function is impaired. Further, a correlation analysis, involving OERP components and neuropsychological battery scores, indicated that impairment of olfactory perception may share common pathways with impairments of the spatial system and long-term memory processing

    A Method for Optimizing the Artifact Subspace Reconstruction Performance in Low-Density EEG

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    — Electroencephalogram (EEG) plays a significant role in the analysis of cerebral activity, although the recorded electrical brain signals are always contaminated with artifacts. This represents the major issue limiting the use of EEG in daily life applications, as artifact removal process still remains a challenging task. Among the available methodologies, Artifact Subspace Reconstruction (ASR) is a promising tool that can effectively remove transient or large-amplitude artifacts. However, the effectiveness of ASR and the optimal choice of its parameters have been validated only for high-density EEG acquisitions. In this regard, the present study proposes an enhanced procedure for the optimal individuation of ASR parameters, in order to successfully remove artifact in lowdensity EEG acquisitions (down to four channels). The proposed method starts from the analysis of real EEG data, to generate a large semi-simulated dataset with similar characteristics. Through a finetuning procedure on this semi-simulated data, the proposed method identifies the optimal parameters to be used for artifact removal on real data. The results show that the algorithm achieves an efficient removal of artifacts preserving brain signal information, also in low-density EEG signals, thus favoring the adoption of EEG also for more portable and/or daily-life applications

    Spatial Olfactory Memory and Spatial Olfactory Navigation, Assessed with a Variant of Corsi Test, Is Modulated by Gender and Sporty Activity

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    Many studies have focused on navigation, spatial skills, and the olfactory system in comparative models, including those concerning the relationship between them and physical activity. Although the results are often in contrast with each other, it is assumed that physical activity can affect cognition in different ways-both indirectly and through a certain influence on some brain structures. In contrast, there is little research that focuses on the relationship between spatial abilities and olfactory abilities in humans. This research aimed to evaluate and compare the performance in working memory tasks of athletes and non-athletes who require good visual-spatial navigation, olfactory-spatial navigation, and olfactory-semantic skills. The study involved 236 participants (83 athletes) between the ages of 18 and 40. All subjects were matched by age or sex. The standard Corsi Block Tapping Test (CBTT) was administrated to investigate the visual-spatial memory. Olfactory-spatial navigation and olfactory-semantic skills were assessed with two modified versions of CBTT: Olfactory CBTT (OCBTT) and Semantic-Olfactory CBTT (SOCBTT) respectively. The results show differences between the CORSI conditions in direction of a poor performance for athletes. A gender effect in favor of men was also found, particularly in the classic version of the CBTT. Both groups performed better in the classic version of the CBTT than OCBTT and SOCBTT. The mean of SOCBTT results is markedly lower, perhaps due to the different information processing systems needed to perform this kind of task. It is possible to explain how sports practice can affect tasks that require spatial skills and olfactory perception differently, thus supporting new hypotheses and opening new scientific horizons

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Confirmed Olfactory Bulb Reduction in Long COVID-19: Literature Review and Case Series

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    An altered sense of smell and taste was recognized as one of the most characteristic symptoms of coronavirus infection disease (COVID-19). Despite most patients experiencing a complete functional resolution, there is a 21.3% prevalence of persistent alteration at 12 months after infection. To date, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in these patients have been variable and not clearly defined. We aimed to clarify radiological alterations of olfactory pathways in patients with long COVID-19 characterized by olfactory dysfunction. A comprehensive review of the English literature was performed by analyzing relevant papers about this topic. A case series was presented: all patients underwent complete otorhinolaryngology evaluation including the Sniffin’ Sticks battery test. A previous diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed by positive swabs. The MRIs were acquired using a 3.0T MR scanner with a standardized protocol for olfactory tract analysis. Images were first analysed by a dedicated neuroradiologist and subsequently reviewed and compared with the previous available MRIs. The review of the literature retrieved 25 studies; most cases of olfactory dysfunction more than 3 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection showed olfactory bulb (OB) reduction. Patients in the personal case series had asymmetry and a reduction in the volume of the OB. This evidence was strengthened by the comparison with a previous MRI, where the OBs were normal. The results preliminarily confirmed OB reduction in cases of long COVID-19 with an altered sense of smell. Further studies are needed to clarify the epidemiology, pathophysiology and prognosis

    Social Odour Perception and Stress Responses in Women’s Quality of Partner Relationship and Attachment Style

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    The perception of body and social odours (SOP) is crucial for interpersonal chemosensory signalling and mate choice, yet little is known about the role of the SOP on the quality of partnerships and the attachment style. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the SOP in women's stress responses by considering the role of biopsychosocial variables in the quality of interpersonal relationships (also considering intimate partner violence). In total, 253 women filled out an online survey that included a series of questionnaires to investigate self-perceived stress (PSS), emotional regulation (ERQ), olfactory social assessment (SOS), quality of partnership (RRQ), attachment style (RQ), and the Conflict Tactile Scale 2 (CTS-2). The main results highlight that a high awareness of social odours correlates with a good quality of relationship and with an emotional regulation capacity; the PSS correlates negatively with the ERQ (i.e., as the PSS increases, the ERQ decreases). The level of IPV predicts an interpersonal style characterized by a low desire to develop meaningful relationships but with a tendency to depend on and trust another. The idea of being hurt by the other is not central in women who experience this type of relationship. The study's main conclusion is that social odour perception is important for emotional regulation and in partner relationships

    Chemosensory Event-Related Potentials and Power Spectrum could be A Possible Biomarker in 3M Syndrome Infants?

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    none10no3M syndrome is a rare disorder that involves the gene cullin-7 (CUL7). CUL7 modulates odour detection, conditions the olfactory response (OR) and plays a role in the development of the olfactory system. Despite this involvement, there are no direct studies on olfactory functional effects in 3M syndrome. The purpose of the present work was to analyse the cortical OR through chemosensory event-related potentials (CSERPs) and power spectra calculated by electroencephalogram (EEG) signals recorded in 3M infants: two twins (3M-N) and an additional subject (3M-O). The results suggest that olfactory processing is diversified. Comparison of N1 and Late Positive Component (LPC) indicated substantial differences in 3M syndrome that may be a consequence of a modified olfactory processing pattern. Moreover, the presence of delta rhythms in 3M-O and 3M-N clearly indicates their involvement with OR, since the delta rhythm is closely connected to chemosensory perception, in particular to olfactory perception.openInvitto, Sara; Grasso, Alberto; Lofrumento, Dario Domenico; Ciccarese, Vincenzo; Paladini, Angela; Paladini, Pasquale; Marulli, Raffaella; Pascalis, Vilfredo De; Polsinelli, Matteo; Placidi, GiuseppeInvitto, Sara; Grasso, Alberto; Lofrumento, Dario Domenico; Ciccarese, Vincenzo; Paladini, Angela; Paladini, Pasquale; Marulli, Raffaella; Pascalis, Vilfredo De; Polsinelli, Matteo; Placidi, Giusepp
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