137 research outputs found

    The Mechanism of Flexible Controlling as an Innovative Method in Management of Corporate Structures

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    У статті представлений принцип дії механізму гнучкого контролінгу як інноваційного методу управління корпоративними структурами. Розглянуто принципи застосування даного методу як інструменту ефективного управління корпоративними структурами, що дозволяють забезпечити різноманітність і гнучкість процесів управління для досягнення поставлених цілей. Розглянуто особливості контролінгу в управлінні корпоративними структурами в умовах нестабільного економічного середовища. Подано концепцію механізму контролінгу в управлінні корпоративними структурами, яка дозволяє забезпечити необхідну різноманітність процесів управління для досягнення динамічного комплексу цілей. Розглянуто особливості функціонування корпоративних структур у нестабільному ринковому оточенні. На прикладі механізму гнучкого контролінгу як способу адаптації до реалій сформованої нестабільності в економіці України представлена його здатність оперативно і тонко спрямовувати управління корпоративними структурами для прийняття правильних рішень та погодження роботи всіх підсистем підприємства.В статье представлен принцип действия механизма гибкого контроллинга как инновационного метода управления корпоративными структурами. Рассмотрены принципы применения данного метода как инструмента эффективного управления корпоративными структурами, позволяющие обеспечить разнообразие и гибкость процессов управления для достижения поставленных целей. Рассмотрены особенности контроллинга в управлении корпоративными структурами в условиях нестабильной экономической среды. Представлена концепция механизма контроллинга в управлении корпоративными структурами, которая позволяет обеспечить необходимое разнообразие процессов управления для достижения динамического комплекса целей. Рассмотрены особенности функционирования корпоративных структур в нестабильном рыночном окружении. На примере механизма гибкого контроллинга как способа адаптации к реалиям сложившейся нестабильности в экономике Украины представлена его способность оперативно и тонко направлять управление корпоративными структурами для принятия правильных решений и согласования работы всех подсистем предприятия.This article presents the principle of the mechanism controlling the flexible as an innovative method of managing corporate structures. The principles of this method as a tool for the effective management of corporate structures, allowing for variety and flexibility of management processes to achieve their goals. Features of controlling in management of corporate structures in the conditions of the unstable economic environment are considered. The concept of the mechanism of controlling in management of corporate structures which allows to provide a necessary variety of management processes for achievement of a dynamic complex of the purposes is presented. Features of functioning of corporate structures in an unstable market environment are considered. On the example of controlling a flexible mechanism as a way of adapting to the realities of the current instability in the economy of Ukraine, represented by its ability to quickly and subtly direct the management of the corporate structure to make the right decisions and coordination of all sub-systems of the enterprise

    Creating and Sharing Digital Instructional Activities: A Practical Tutorial

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    BCBAs may encounter situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, that preclude them from providing traditional in-person ABA services to clients. When conditions prevent BCBAs and behavior technicians from working directly with clients, digital instructional activities designed by BCBAs and delivered via a computer or tablet may be a viable substitute. Google applications, including Google Slides, Google Forms, and Google Classroom, can be particularly useful for creating and sharing digital instructional activities. In the current paper, we provide task analyses for utilizing basic Google Slides functions, developing independent instructional activities, developing caregiver-supported instructional activities, and sharing activities with clients and caregivers. We also provide practical recommendations for implementing digital instructional activities with clients and caregivers

    Heat tolerance predicts the importance of species interaction effects as the climate changes

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    Few studies have quantified the relative importance of direct effects of climate change on communities versus indirect effects that are mediated thorough species interactions, and the limited evidence is conflicting. Trait-based approaches have been popular in studies of climate change, but can they be used to estimate direct versus indirect effects? At the species level, thermal tolerance is a trait that is often used to predict winners and losers under scenarios of climate change. But thermal tolerance might also inform when species interactions are likely to be important because only subsets of species will be able to exploit the available warmer climatic niche space, and competition may intensify in the remaining, compressed cooler climatic niche space. Here, we explore the relative roles of the direct effects of temperature change and indirect effects of species interactions on forest ant communities that were heated as part of a large-scale climate manipulation at high-A nd low-latitude sites in eastern North America. Overall, we found mixed support for the importance of negative species interactions (competition), but found that the magnitude of these interaction effects was predictable based on the heat tolerance of the focal species. Forager abundance and nest site occupancy of heat-intolerant species were more often influenced by negative interactions with other species than by direct effects of temperature. Our findings suggest that measures of species-specific heat tolerance may roughly predict when species interactions will influence responses to global climate change

    Mechanical Manipulation of Quantum Interference in Single-Molecule Junctions

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    Mechanosensitive molecular junctions, where conductance is sensitive to an applied stress such as force or displacement, are a class of nanoelectromechanical systems unique for their ability to exploit quantum mechanical phenomena. Most studies so far relied on reconfiguration of the molecule-electrode interface to impart mechanosensitivity, but this approach is limited and, generally, poorly reproducible. Alternatively, devices that exploit conformational flexibility of molecular wires have been recently proposed. The mechanosensitive properties of molecular wires containing the 1,1'-dinaphthyl moiety are presented here. Rotation along the chemical bond between the two naphthyl units is possible, giving rise to two conformers (transoid and cisoid) that have distinctive transport properties. When assembled as single-molecule junctions, it is possible to mechanically trigger the transoid to cisoid transition, resulting in an exquisitely sensitive mechanical switch with high switching ratio (> 102 ). Theoretical modeling shows that charge reconfiguration upon transoid to cisoid transition is responsible for the observed behavior, with generation and subsequent lifting of quantum interference features. These findings expand the experimental toolbox of molecular electronics with a novel chemical structure with outstanding electromechanical properties, further demonstrating the importance of subtle changes in charge delocalization on the transport properties of single-molecule devices

    Climatic warming destabilizes forest ant communities

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    How will ecological communities change in response to climate warming? Direct effects of temperature and indirect cascading effects of species interactions are already altering the structure of local communities, but the dynamics of community change are still poorly understood. We explore the cumulative effects of warming on the dynamics and turnover of forest ant communities that were warmed as part of a 5-year climate manipulation experiment at two sites in eastern North America. At the community level, warming consistently increased occupancy of nests and decreased extinction and nest abandonment. This consistency was largely driven by strong responses of a subset of thermophilic species at each site. As colonies of thermophilic species persisted in nests for longer periods of time under warmer temperatures, turnover was diminished, and species interactions were likely altered. We found that dynamical (Lyapunov) community stability decreased with warming both within and between sites. These results refute null expectations of simple temperature-driven increases in the activity and movement of thermophilic ectotherms. The reduction in stability under warming contrasts with the findings of previous studies that suggest resilience of species interactions to experimental and natural warming. In the face of warmer, no-analog climates, communities of the future May become increasingly fragile and unstable

    The effect of d-cycloserine on brain processing of breathlessness over pulmonary rehabilitation: an experimental medicine study

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    Research questionPulmonary rehabilitation is the best treatment for chronic breathlessness in COPD but there remains an unmet need to improve efficacy. Pulmonary rehabilitation has strong parallels with exposure-based cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), both clinically and in terms of brain activity patterns. The partial N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor agonistd-cycloserine has shown promising results in enhancing efficacy of CBT, thus we hypothesised that it would similarly augment the effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in the brain. Positive findings would support further development in phase 3 clinical trials.Methods72 participants with mild-to-moderate COPD were recruited to a double-blind pre-registered (ClinicalTrials.govidentifier:NCT01985750) experimental medicine study running parallel to a pulmonary rehabilitation course. Participants were randomised to 250 mgd-cycloserine or placebo, administered immediately prior to the first four sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation. Primary outcome measures were differences betweend-cycloserine and placebo in brain activity in the anterior insula, posterior insula, anterior cingulate cortices, amygdala and hippocampus following completion of pulmonary rehabilitation. Secondary outcomes included the same measures at an intermediate time point and voxel-wise difference across wider brain regions. An exploratory analysis determined the interaction with breathlessness anxiety.ResultsNo difference betweend-cycloserine and placebo groups was observed across the primary or secondary outcome measures.d-cycloserine was shown instead to interact with changes in breathlessness anxiety to dampen reactivity to breathlessness cues. Questionnaire and measures of respiratory function showed no group difference. This is the first study testing brain-active drugs in pulmonary rehabilitation. Rigorous trial methodology and validated surrogate end-points maximised statistical power.ConclusionAlthough increasing evidence supports therapeutic modulation of NMDA pathways to treat symptoms, we conclude that a phase 3 clinical trial ofd-cycloserine would not be worthwhile

    Predictive Power of Molecular Dynamics Receptor Structures in Virtual Screening

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a well-established method for understanding protein dynamics. Conformations from unrestrained MD simulations have yet to be assessed for blind virtual screening (VS) by docking. This study presents a critical analysis of the predictive power of MD snapshots to this regard, evaluating two well-characterized systems of varying flexibility in ligand-bound and unbound configurations. Results from such VS predictions are discussed with respect to experimentally determined structures. In all cases, MD simulations provide snapshots that improve VS predictive power over known crystal structures, possibly due to sampling more relevant receptor conformations. Additionally, MD can move conformations previously not amenable to docking into the predictive range

    The effect of D-cycloserine on brain processing of breathlessness over pulmonary rehabilitation - an experimental medicine study

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    Research Question: Pulmonary rehabilitation is the best treatment for chronic breathlessness in COPD but there remains an unmet need to improve efficacy. Pulmonary rehabilitation has strong parallels with exposure-based cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), both clinically and in terms of brain activity patterns. The partial NMDA-receptor agonist, D-cycloserine has shown promising results in enhancing efficacy of CBT, thus we hypothesised that it would similarly augment the effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in the brain. Positive findings would support further development in phase 3 clinical trials. Methods: 72 participants with mild-to-moderate COPD were recruited to a doubleblind pre-registered (ID: NCT01985750) experimental medicine study running parallel to a pulmonary rehabilitation course. Participants were randomised to 250mg Dcycloserine or placebo, administered immediately prior to the first four sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation. Primary outcome measures were differences between Dcycloserine and placebo in brain activity in the anterior insula, posterior insula, anterior cingulate cortices, amygdala and hippocampus following completion of pulmonary rehabilitation. Secondary outcomes included the same measures at an intermediate time point and voxel-wise difference across wider brain regions. An exploratory analysis determined the interaction with breathlessness-anxiety. Results: No difference between D-cycloserine and placebo groups was observed across the primary or secondary outcome measures. D-cycloserine was shown instead to interact with changes in breathlessness anxiety to dampen reactivity to breathlessness cues. Questionnaire and measures of respiratory function showed no group difference. This is the first study testing brain-active drugs in pulmonary rehabilitation. Rigorous trial methodology and validated surrogate end-points maximised statistical power. Conclusion: Although increasing evidence supports therapeutic modulation of NMDA pathways to treat symptoms, we conclude that a phase 3 clinical trial of D- cycloserine would not be worthwhile

    High-Density Microwell Chip for Culture and Analysis of Stem Cells

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    With recent findings on the role of reprogramming factors on stem cells, in vitro screening assays for studying (de)-differentiation is of great interest. We developed a miniaturized stem cell screening chip that is easily accessible and provides means of rapidly studying thousands of individual stem/progenitor cell samples, using low reagent volumes. For example, screening of 700,000 substances would take less than two days, using this platform combined with a conventional bio-imaging system. The microwell chip has standard slide format and consists of 672 wells in total. Each well holds 500 nl, a volume small enough to drastically decrease reagent costs but large enough to allow utilization of standard laboratory equipment. Results presented here include weeklong culturing and differentiation assays of mouse embryonic stem cells, mouse adult neural stem cells, and human embryonic stem cells. The possibility to either maintain the cells as stem/progenitor cells or to study cell differentiation of stem/progenitor cells over time is demonstrated. Clonality is critical for stem cell research, and was accomplished in the microwell chips by isolation and clonal analysis of single mouse embryonic stem cells using flow cytometric cell-sorting. Protocols for practical handling of the microwell chips are presented, describing a rapid and user-friendly method for the simultaneous study of thousands of stem cell cultures in small microwells. This microwell chip has high potential for a wide range of applications, for example directed differentiation assays and screening of reprogramming factors, opening up considerable opportunities in the stem cell field