9 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe the effectiveness of using Google Forms to facilitate the process of evaluating student learning outcomes in online learning. The research method used is descriptive analytical method with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were physics and science teachers in the city of Sabang. The procedure for developing evaluations in the learning process using Google Form starts from the stages of planning, creating, publishing and providing instructions for use. The results showed that the understanding, skills and attitudes of teachers after receiving training related to the use of google form as a whole were in the good category. The teacher's response to the use of Google Forms as an alternative evaluation tool in the learning process shows a good response, namely providing good benefits for teachers and students, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where learning cannot be done face-to-face but online

    The Effectiveness of ICARE Learning Model in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration Skills

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    The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of the ICARE learning model in improving students' critical thinking skills and collaboration skills. The type of research conducted in this research was classroom action research. In this study, there were three stages of data collection namely planning, implementation and data analysis which were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research instrument used was a critical thinking skill test in essay form, an observation sheet for teacher and student activities in learning, a teacher ability observation sheet, a student response sheet and an observation sheet for students’ collaboration skills. The result showed that ICARE learning model was effective in improving students' critical thinking skills and collaboration skills. The result of students' responses to the ICARE learning model were also very positive. This positive response showed that students were very enthusiastic about the learning presented and make it easier for students to understand the material

    The Implementation of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skills in Physics

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    The aim of this research was to find out the improvement of students' creative thinking skills by using guided inquiry learning model. The research was classroom action research which held on 3 cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps that are Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. The data collecting technique was carried out through ten creative thinking skills tests in essay form and also questionnaire to evaluate students’ response to the learning activities. An expert validation test was first was first run before the instrument test was tested on the students. Analysis data technique used descriptive analysis. The results of research showed that there was an improvement in each of these aspects of students’ creative thinking skill from cycle I, cycle II until the cycle III. Average percentage improvement of students' creative thinking skills where the highest indicator score was fluency while the highest score attitude aspect of creative thinking was curiosity. From the result, it can be concluded that guided inquiry learning was able to improve students' creative thinking skills especially in physicsThe aim of this research was to find out the improvement of students' creative thinking skills by using guided inquiry learning model. The research was classroom action research which held on 3 cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps that are Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. The data collecting technique was carried out through ten creative thinking skills test in essay form and also questionnaire to evaluate students’ response to the learning activities. Before instrument test are tested on students, expert validation tests were carried out first. The creative thinking skill test indicators used consist of fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. Analysis data technique used descriptive analysis. The results of research showed that there was an improvement in each of these aspects of students’ creative thinking skill from cycle I, cycle II until the cycle III. Average percentage improvement of students' creative thinking skills were the highest indicator score was fluency while the highest score attitude aspect of creative thinking was curiosity. From the result, it can be concluded that guided inquiry learning was able to improve students' creative thinking skills especially in physics


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    Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to improve the quality of the implementation of learning in the classroom. CAR has an important and strategic role in efforts to improve the quality of learning. Therefore, it is very important for teachers to carry out CAR and make scientific research reports on CAR. However, the reality on the ground is that there are still many physics teachers at SMA Aceh Tamiang who have difficulty compiling Classroom Action Research (CAR). The purpose of this study was to find out the difficulties faced by teachers in implementing and compiling Classroom Action Research (CAR) reports. The results obtained that teachers' perceptions of CAR increased after participating in CAR training. Aspects of knowledge and skills are classified as good and the teacher's attitude towards CAR is classified as very good. The results of the difficulty analysis showed that respondents (physics teachers) found it very difficult to report the results of CAR, and overall it can be concluded that respondents still find it difficult to implement and prepare CAR.        PTK bertujuan untuk memperbaiki mutu pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas. PTK memiliki peran penting dan strategis dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas belajar. Maka dari itu penting sekali bagi guru untuk melaksanakan PTK dan membuat karya ilmiah laporan PTK. Akan tetapi kenyataan di lapangan masih banyaknya guru fisika SMA Aceh Tamiang yang kesulitan menyusun Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi guru dalam melaksanakan dan menyusun laporan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK).  Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa persepsi guru terhadap PTK meningkat setelah mengikuti pelatihan PTK. Aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilannya tergolong baik dan untuk sikap guru terhadap PTK tergolong sangat baik. Adapun hasil analisis kesulitan diperoleh bahwa responden (guru fisika) merasa sangat kesulitan dalam membuat laporan hasil PTK, dan secara keseluruhan dapat dismpulkan bahwa responden masih merasa sulit dalam melaksanakan dan menyusun PTK.       &nbsp


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    ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan ini adalah ingin menganalisis sejauh mana Pengetahuan Teknologi, pedagogi dan Content Knowledge Guru Guru IPA SMP dan Fisika SMA yang ada di Aceh Barat Daya, Pada Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode penelitian Analisis Kuantitatif,  Data pada penelitian di peroleh  dengan cara mengedarkan Angket yang telah disusun dan divalidasi, butir angket penelitian terdiri dari item pertanyaan yang mencakup Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Teknological Knowledge. Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Tecnological Content Knowledge, Tecnological Pedagogical Knowledge dan Tecnological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge  butir soal berjumlah 36 butir soal dengan 5 item pilihan sedangkan sampel yang terdiri dari guru IPA dan Fisika berjumlah 42 orang, Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan persentase setiap komponen, untuk bagian Tecnologi Knowlede Kategori tinggi (51%) untuk Pedagogical Knowledge di dominasi kategori tinggi (49%), untuk bagian Contect Knowledge didominasi kategori sedang (49%), untuk perpaduan teknologi dengan konten materi di kategori sedang (51%), untuk kategori perpaduan pedagogi dengan konten materi dikategori sedang (51%) sedangkan perpaduan teknologi dengan pedagogi didominasi kategori tinggi (47%)  berdasarkan hasil Analisis data secara keseluruhan pengetahuan guru IPA SMP dan Fisika SMA di kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya berkategori sedang dengan jumlah persentase sebanyak 56, 67 % . Berdasarkan data tersebut Guru guru IPA dan Guru Fisika SMA di kabupaten Aceh Barat daya sudah mengetahui Apa itu TPACK bahwa sudah menerapakan di dalam proses Pembelajaran serta mengintegrasikan didalam penggunaaan Teknologi Pembelajaran Kata kunci: pengetahuan guru; TPACK, ABSTRACTThe purpose of the research conducted is to analyse the extent of Technological Knowledge, pedagogy and Content Knowledge of Junior High School Science Teachers and High School Physics Teachers in Southwest Aceh, in this study using the Quantitative Analysis research method, the data in the study were obtained by circulating questionnaires that had been prepared and validated, the research questionnaire items consisted of question items that included Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Technological Knowledge. Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Tecnological Content Knowledge, Tecnological Pedagogical Knowledge and Tecnological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge question items totaled 36 items with 5 choice items while the sample consisting of 42 science and physics teachers, Data analysis in this study uses a percentage of each component, for the Tecnologi Knowlede section the high category (51%) for Pedagogical Knowledge is dominated by the high category (49%), for the Contect Knowledge section is dominated by the medium category (49%), for the combination of technology with material content in the medium category (51%), for the category of pedagogical integration with material content in the medium category (51%) while the combination of technology with pedagogy is dominated by the high category (47%) based on the results of data analysis overall knowledge of junior high school science teachers and high school physics in Southwest Aceh district is in the medium category with a total percentage of 56, 67%. Based on this data, science teachers and physics teachers in in Aceh Barat Daya district already know what TPACK is, that they have applied it in the learning process and integrated it in the use of learning technology. Keywords: teacher knowledge; TPAC

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 pada Berbagai Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada Berbagai Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan” terdiri atas 13 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan strategi dan analisis diantaranya: Paradigma Pembelajaran Abad 21, Keterampilan Belajar, Inovasi dan karakteristik dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21, Pembelajaran HOST di Abad 21, Critical Thinking dalam pembelajaran Abad 21, Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Inovasi di SD, Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada IPA di SD, Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 pada Bahasa Indonesia SMA dan pada Sastra Indonesia, Implementasi Creative Thinking dalam Pembelajaran Fisika, Implementasi Pembelajaran Fisika dengan Pendekatan Science Technologi Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pada Mahasiswa teknologi Elektromedis, Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Metode SAVI pada Biologi, Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada Biologi Berbasis Lingkunga

    Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the intensity of the yellow LED light and the sound intensity of religious music (Asmaul Husna) on the growth of various types of chili plants in indoor system. The research method uses experimental research. This research was conducted in Baitussalam District, Aceh Province. This research was conducted for a month. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that exposure to LED lights and religious music (Asmaul Husna) has a fairly good effect on the growth of stem height, number of leaves and leaf width of the three types of chili plants tested. This is because the addition of light in the form of LEDs and sound can help the plant photosynthesis process to be more productive and accelerate the growth of the third type of chili. From the three types of chili, the most significant effect is in terms of plant height, leaf width and number of leaves found in chili peppers compared to the results obtained on cayenne pepper and green chili