762 research outputs found

    Theory of pattern-formation of metallic microparticles in poorly conducting liquid

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    We develop continuum theory of self-assembly and pattern formation in metallic microparticles immersed in a poorly conducting liquid in DC electric field. The theory is formulated in terms of two conservation laws for the densities of immobile particles (precipitate) and bouncing particles (gas) coupled to the Navier-Stokes equation for the liquid. This theory successfully reproduces correct topology of the phase diagram and primary patterns observed in the experiment [Sapozhnikov et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 90, 114301 (2003)]: static crystals and honeycombs and dynamic pulsating rings and rotating multi-petal vortices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Far-from-equilibrium Ostwald ripening in electrostatically driven granular powders

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    We report the first experimental study of cluster size distributions in electrostatically driven granular submonolayers. The cluster size distribution in this far-from-equilibrium process exhibits dynamic scaling behavior characteristic of the (nearly equilibrium) Ostwald ripening, controlled by the attachment and detachment of the "gas" particles. The scaled size distribution, however, is different from the classical Wagner distribution obtained in the limit of a vanishingly small area fraction of the clusters. A much better agreement is found with the theory of Conti et al. [Phys. Rev. E 65, 046117 (2002)] which accounts for the cluster merger.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in PR

    Velocity Distributions of Granular Gases with Drag and with Long-Range Interactions

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    We study velocity statistics of electrostatically driven granular gases. For two different experiments: (i) non-magnetic particles in a viscous fluid and (ii) magnetic particles in air, the velocity distribution is non-Maxwellian, and its high-energy tail is exponential, P(v) ~ exp(-|v|). This behavior is consistent with kinetic theory of driven dissipative particles. For particles immersed in a fluid, viscous damping is responsible for the exponential tail, while for magnetic particles, long-range interactions cause the exponential tail. We conclude that velocity statistics of dissipative gases are sensitive to the fluid environment and to the form of the particle interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    ETEKOS experimental ecological system

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    The problem of changes in the ecology resulting, for example, in increases in water temperature because of discharges from large thermal power plants is considered. An experiment creating a model of such an ecological system is described

    Investigation of radiation effects in water solutions during exposure with laser or LEDs light

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    Abstract only.The installation for gamma-, X-ray and neutron registration in water solutions (600 ml LiOH, or NaOH, or Na2CO3) during exposure with red light (λ=645+/-20 nm) of laser or light-emission devises (LEDs) was created. The laser light power was 5 mW and the LEDs - from 600 mW up to 10 W. Neutrons were measured with help of tow 3He counters, placed in paraphine barrel. Small neutron emission (up to 100 neutrons) has been registered in the form of series of short (ms) bursts during some minutes. Tritium production has also been detected in water solution probes. The gamma-ray and X-ray radiation measured by NaI scintillation detector & Geiger counters was not detected. Received results are discussed

    Cellular Models for River Networks

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    A cellular model introduced for the evolution of the fluvial landscape is revisited using extensive numerical and scaling analyses. The basic network shapes and their recurrence especially in the aggregation structure are then addressed. The roles of boundary and initial conditions are carefully analyzed as well as the key effect of quenched disorder embedded in random pinning of the landscape surface. It is found that the above features strongly affect the scaling behavior of key morphological quantities. In particular, we conclude that randomly pinned regions (whose structural disorder bears much physical meaning mimicking uneven landscape-forming rainfall events, geological diversity or heterogeneity in surficial properties like vegetation, soil cover or type) play a key role for the robust emergence of aggregation patterns bearing much resemblance to real river networks.Comment: 7 pages, revtex style, 14 figure

    Interacting circular nanomagnets

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    Regular 2D rectangular lattices of permalloy nanoparticles (40 nm in diameter) were prepared by the method of the electron lithography. The magnetization curves were studied by Hall magnetometry with the compensation technique for different external field orientations at 4.2K and 77K. The shape of hysteresis curves indicates that there is magnetostatic interaction between the particles. The main peculiarity is the existence of remanent magnetization perpendicular to easy plain. By numerical simulation it is shown, that the character of the magnetization reversal is a result of the interplay of the interparticle interaction and the magnetization distribution within the particles (vortex or uniform).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    The influence of defects on magnetic properties of fcc-Pu

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    The influence of vacancies and interstitial atoms on magnetism in Pu has been considered in frames of the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The relaxation of crystal structure arising due to different types of defects was calculated using the molecular dynamic method with modified embedded atom model (MEAM). The LDA+U+SO (Local Density Approximation with explicit inclusion of Coulomb and spin-orbital interactions) method in matrix invariant form was applied to describe correlation effects in Pu with these types of defects. The calculations show that both vacancies and interstitials give rise to local moments in ff-shell of Pu in good agreement with experimental data for annealed Pu. Magnetism appears due to destroying of delicate balance between spin-orbital and exchange interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    A hysteresis model with dipole interaction: one more devil-staircase

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    Magnetic properties of 2D systems of magnetic nanoobjects (2D regular lattices of the magnetic nanoparticles or magnetic nanostripes) are considered. The analytical calculation of the hysteresis curve of the system with interaction between nanoobjects is provided. It is shown that during the magnetization reversal system passes through a number of metastable states. The kinetic problem of the magnetization reversal was solved for three models. The following results have been obtained. 1) For 1D system (T=0) with the long-range interaction with the energy proportional to rpr^{-p}, the staircase-like shape of the magnetization curve has self-similar character. The nature of the steps is determined by interplay of the interparticle interaction and coercivity of the single nanoparticle. 2) The influence of the thermal fluctuations on the kinetic process was examined in the framework of the nearest-neighbor interaction model. The thermal fluctuations lead to the additional splitting of the steps on the magnetization curve. 3) The magnetization curve for system with interaction and coercivity dispersion was calculated in mean field approximation. The simple method to experimentally distinguish the influence of interaction and coercivity dispersion on the magnetization curve is suggested.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure