7 research outputs found

    Pembinaan Modul Bimbingan 'Tazkiyah An-Nafs' dan Kesannya ke Atas Religiositi dan Resiliensi Remaja

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a guidance module based on Islamic perspective namely ā€œModul Bimbingan Tazkiyah al-Nafsā€ (MBTN) and to measure the impact of this module on adolescentā€™s religiosity and resilience. The study involved two phases: the module development and the measurement of adolescent's religiosity and resilience. In the first phase, data on the module development were collected from interviews with experts and library researches. This was followed by conducting reliability and validity tests of this module. Results obtained showed that the overall reliability coefficient of this module was very high i.e. Cronbach Alpha 0.883, which indicates high degree of agreement among the expert rates that this module can be used as an intervention. In the second phase, a total of 62 adolescents were selected as respondents to follow this module. The Quasi-experimental methods were used to collect data. All respondents were divided into two groups: treatment and control groups. Two instruments had been used, namely Resilience Questionnaire Instrument and the Islamic Educational Appreciation Scale for Secondary Students. Besides that, interviews with respondents were conducted to gain their feedback after going through this module. Results showed that the module had a significant positive impact on adolescentsā€™ religiosity and resiliency. Furthermore, the findings proved that the guidance and training module based on Islamic perspective could enhance resiliency. This study could help to expand further religion-related guidance and counseling knowledge, particularly those of Islamic based

    Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan modul I-Sc (Islamic Spiritual Counseling) ke atas pelajar bermasalah tingkah laku

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a counselling module based on Islamic perspective namely ā€˜Islamic Spiritual Counselling Moduleā€ā€™(i-SCM). This module was based on model of Tazkiyat al-Nafs by Imam Ghazali. Validity test was conducted based on assessments from various experts of psychology, counselling and religious fields. Reliability test was conducted on 46 secondary school students in one school. Results obtained showed that the overall reliability coefficient of this module was very high; Cronbach Alpha 0.927. Feedback from the respondents on the module was positive. This study could help expand further religion-related counseling module to assist counsellors in dealing with adolescentsā€™ social problems

    Validity and reliability of the module titled ā€œModul kelompok bimbingan integrasi REBT-Tazkiyah An-Nafs

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    The module ā€œModul Kelompok Bimbingan Integrasi REBT-Tazkiyah An-Nafsā€ is constructed to guide students doing a diploma program in ā€˜Tahfiz in Darul Quranā€™ to improve their motivation, emotional intelligence and resilience. ā€œModul Kelompok Bimbingan Integrasi REBT-Tazkiyah An-Nafsā€ consists of seven sub-modules based on the Behavioural Approach of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) by Albert Ellis and is integratedwiththeconceptofā€˜TazkiyahAn-NafsbyAl-Ghazaliā€™.Toevaluatethecontent validity, thirteen experts are asked to assess the module while 30 students of ā€˜Tahfiz in Darul Quranā€™ class who are in their second semester were chosen to participate in the study for eight consecutive weeks. Findings indicate that ā€œModul Kelompok Bimbingan Integrasi REBT-Tazkiyah An-Nafsiā€ has a high content validity index of 0.90. Besides that, the overall Cronbachā€™s Alpha value is high, at 0.97. In conclusion, the module ā€œModul Kelompok Bimbingan Integrasi REBT-Tazkiyah An-Nafsā€ is a novel contribution to counsellors in Malaysia and is appropriate for use in the local context. This module can be applied by counsellors, teachers and even facilitators as an alternative to current interventions for secondary school students or eveninstitutions


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the implementation of an autonomous learning strategy to learners of Package C in PKBM Barito Banjarmasin different after joining two cycles of learning based on the setting and level of learners` proficiency. This study applied qualitative descriptive method by using interview and observation for data collection. This study was divided into two cycles. The first cycle was the tutor introduced and explained the steps of autonomous learning, such as: finding topics, conducting library study, making drafts, writing essays, revising and scoring or self-evaluation. The second cycle, tutor explained in more detail how library search was performed as part of the autonomous learning process, especially the writing process. The results of study were (1) In the first cycle, less then 80% of learners who passed the specified criteria; and (2) In the second cycle, more than 80% passed the specific criteria in writing. Therefore, the cycle is stopped in phase 2 because the criteria for completeness have been achieved. It can be concluded that the application of an autonomous learning strategy to improve writing skills in organizing ideas is effective for learners

    Challenges and Opportunities of Pre-Service Teachers in Teaching Online during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Pre-service teachers must teach online due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As a result, they lacked competence, particularly in face-to-face teaching. This study aimed to discover the challenges and opportunities pre-service teachers face when the rules for online learning are enforced. This research was based on the qualitative method. Online interviews and focus group discussions with respondents were used to collect data. The respondents to this study were five students in the fifth semester of 2020 in Indonesia. The data analysis technique used Five Phases of Analysis. The results showed that the main obstacle experienced by pre-service teachers on campus was that they could not experience the face-to-face teaching process because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, they were practicing online teaching. They said they were worried that when they became teachers, they would have to teach face-to-face even though they did not have enough experience doing so. However, this form of online teaching practice provides a better opportunity for pre-service teachers because they are better prepared for future forms of education where education will be integrated with technology. Pre-service teachers' experiences with online instruction during the COVID-19 showed challenges and possibilities dealt with by pre-service teachers where they can take advantage of several advantages or opportunities made available by the pandemic to help them develop into competent ICT educators. They will also have a leg up when the educational system shifts to a hybrid or fully online format in the future

    Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Modul Bimbingan Integrasi Psikospiritual Islam (MBi-PsI) terhadap Remaja Mangsa Buli Siber

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    Modul Bimbingan Integrasi Psikospiritual Islam (MBI-PsI) dibina untuk pencegahan buli siber bagi meningkatkan penghargaan kendiri, efikasi kendiri dan daya tindak. Modul Bimbingan Integrasi Psikospiritual Islam mengandungi 10 sub modul berasaskan pendekatan Terapi Kognitif Tingkah laku (TKT) oleh Aaron Beck dan diintegrasikan dengan Model Psikospiritual oleh al-Ghazali. Kesahan kandungan modul diukur dengan mendapatkan kesahan pakar daripada sembilan pakar berlatarbelakangkan psikologi dan kaunseling, pembinaan modul dan keagamaan. Seramai 35 orang remaja tingkatan dua yang bercirikan mangsa buli siber dipilih untuk mengikuti kelompok bimbingan menggunakan Modul Bimbingan Integrasi Psikospiritual Islam (MBi-PsI) selama lima minggu berturut-turut. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Modul Bimbingan Integrasi Psikospiritual Islam mempunyai nilai indeks kesahan kandungan yang tinggi iaitu .90. Manakala nilai pekali kebolehpercayaan Cronbach Alpha adalah .95. Kesimpulannya Modul Bimbingan Integrasi Psikospiritual Islam merupakan sumbangan baharu kepada pengamal bimbingan dan kaunseling di Malaysia. Modul ini juga boleh digunakan guru bimbingan dan kaunseling sepenuh masa di sekolah dan fasilitator sebagai alternatif intervensi pencegahan buli siber di sekolah

    Kajian Tinjauan Buli Siber dalam kalangan Remaja Tingkatan Dua di Daerah Lahad Datu, Sabah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau tentang kegiatan buli siber dalam kalangan remaja tingkatan dua di sekolah menengah di Daerah Lahad Datu, Sabah. Skop kajian tinjauan yang dikaji antaranya ialah mengenal pasti jumlah masa yang digunakan oleh remaja dalam melayari internet, tujuan melayari internet dan kekerapan remaja menjadi mangsa buli siber. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui kaedah kajian tinjauan terhadap 166 remaja tingkatan dua di sekolah menengah di Daerah Lahad Datu Sabah. Data kajian diperolehi menggunakan instrumen soal selidik yang mengandungi aspek demografi, jumlah masa yang digunakan untuk melayari internet, tujuan melayari internet dan kekerapan menjadi mangsa buli siber. Data dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 21.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan jumlah masa yang digunakan melayari internet dalam kalangan remaja tingkatan dua di Daerah Lahad Datu Sabah ialah 3 jam hingga 5 jam sehari iaitu 36.1 peratus. Kajian juga mendapati tujuan remaja melayari internet ialah untuk menghilangkan kebosanan iaitu sebanyak 42.8 peratus. Manakala remaja mangsa buli siber didapati sering menerima kata-kata kotor dan lucah di laman sosial. Kajian ini memberi implikasi bahawa buli siber adalah satu masalah yang perlu diberi perhatian serius kerana kesannya terhadap perkembangan remaja. Turut dibincangkan juga ialah kaedah pencegahan dan intervensi bagi menangani buli siber dalam kalangan remaja