4 research outputs found

    An extended COPRAS model for multi-criteria decision-making problems and its application in web-based hotel evaluation and selection

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    Facilitation of suitable accommodation for different travellers is the prime concern of travel agencies. Travel agencies must keep themselves competitive and sustain a good pace of growth to continue raising profits by attracting and retaining as many tourists as possible through meeting their various prospective needs. To achieve this, the agencies must prepare well-organised data for hotels and destinations from a quality control perspective. Initially, the hotels are ranked and evaluated according to performance across several criteria from the tourists’viewpoint. The relative importance of each criterion is mainly subjective and depends on the assessor’s judgement. Additionally, hotels’ rankings vary across different websites, resulting in inconsistencies. To handle such inconsistencies and subjectivity, this paper presents a collective decision-making evaluation framework by integrating a weighted interval rough number (WIRN) method and a WIRN- based complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) model to evaluate and rank hotels. An empirical example and a real-world case study from the Indian tourism industry are presented to validate the applicability of the proposed framework. Finally, a comparison and sensitivity analysis are performed to examine the validity and robustness of the proposed model

    Plan de construcción de un concesionario de coches en la calle Turgeliu nº 1 en Vilnius

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    TFG en intercambio académico. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University[ES] En el presente PFG se describe la construcción de un concesionario de coches situado en la calle Turgeliu nº 1 en Vilnius (Lituania). El edificio tiene forma de prisma rectangular y cuenta con dos plantas. La primera planta consta de una gran sala de exposición de coches, un garaje complementario y oficinas. La segunda planta tiene la entrada por la fachada este y su uso planeado es de taller para la reparación de automóviles. El plan de trabajo incluye los siguientes espacios: venta de automóviles, sala de exposiciones, sala de espera y oficinas, taller, espacio para los equipos de trabajo, espacio para almacenamiento de materiales de construcción. También las instalaciones de suministro de electricidad, abastecimiento de agua, alcantarillado y bocas de incendio. Se han previsto zonas de edificios temporales para los trabajadores y una zona de tránsito de camiones. También se ha planeado espacio para dos edificios de almacenamiento de material. Los espacios se comunican verticalmente por medio de escaleras encerradas en una caja de hormigón armado que proporciona estabilidad al conjunto. El cierre consiste en un muro cortina con acristalamiento teñido y transparente en las ventanas y un panel. La estructura está compuesta por un pilar de hormigón armado prefabricado HEB 260 y una cercha con pendiente.[EN] The subject of this final thesis is the construction planning of a car shopping center located at Turgeliu Street in Vilnius (Lithuania). The building has been planned with two floors and a rectangular prism shape. The first floor consists of a large showroom, a garage and several offices. The second floor, that has an entrance on the façade, will be used for car repairs. The work plan includes also space for work equipment, storage, space for supplies and electricity, water supply, sewerage, and fire hydrants installation. Space is also planned for two storage buildings, storage material, temporary buildings for workers and a truck traffic area. Vertically spaces communicate via a flight of stairs enclosed in a reinforced concrete. The closure consists of a curtain wall with transparent tinted windows and a glazing panel. The structure is composed of a precast concrete pillar 260 and a truss HEB slope. This final thesis is divided in four parts: The first part consists of drawings showing facades, one vertical section, two horizontal sections and one with the location of the building in the map. The second part describes the design of the structural frame. The third part consists of two different cards: the installation of the curtain wall in two of the facades and the assembling of the frame. The final part describes the work schedule for workers and for the machinery use.Marco López, F.; Saparauskas, J. (2013). Construction planning of the car shopping center at Turgeliu str. 1 in Vilnius. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/37816.Archivo delegad

    Internet of things and its challenges in supply chain management: a rough strength- relation analysis method

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    Internet of Things application (IOT) in supply chain management is becoming imperative and can shape a strategic competitive advantage. Albeit, different challenges appear through this application, most of the previous studies consider less about these challenges and focus on the advantages of IOT. To overcome this defect, different challenges that a supply chain may face as whole are determined based on systematic literature review and expert opinions. Then, a rough group decision-making and trial evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) is applied. Advantages of the proposed model are that both internal strength and external influence of challenges and also vagueness and ambiguity of experts’ opinions are simultaneously noticed to completely show the importance of these challenges. The results show that challenges such as lack of strategy and scenario planning in IOT, storage issues, lack of security and lack of privacy are of great importance. So, these challenges should have a higher priority in attracting attention and resources. These results help managers to be equipped to face with main challenges in their path toward IOT in their supply chains. Accordingly some practical suggestions for managers are discussed in this paper, such as starting the journey toward IOT step by step, planning for a data storage system which is appropriate for big data, setting up a security policy to prevent out-coming problems caused by lack of security and privacy inherited by IOT, conducting a privacy or security risk assessment, minimizing the data collection and retain and testing the security measures before launching the products, and establishment of a legal framework to construct a problem-solving network in such a messed up and dynamic environment for processing such complicated huge data

    70th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas

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    70th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadska