9 research outputs found
Dampak Target Produksi Udang Dua Juta Ton Terhadap Ekonomi Kelautan Indonesia: Pendekatan Model Input-Output
Udang merupakan salah satu subsektor dibidang kelautan yang menjadi salah satu motor penggerak pertumbuhan ekonomi kelautan nasional. Pasar udang yang cukup besar dan tahun 2021 Indonesia menjadi salah satu dari lima produsen udang terbesar di dunia merupakan peluang besar untuk terus mendorong peningkatan produksi udang di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis dinamika struktur ekonomi kelautan Indonesia terhadap target peningkatan produksi udang menggunakan pendekatan input-output. Data dianalisis berdasarkan tabel input-output indonesia transaksi total atas dasar harga dasar (185 Produk) Tahun 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kontribusi produk domestik bruto (PDB) bidang kelautan pada tahun 2016 sebesar 29,93% terhadap PDB Nasional. Kontribusi tersebut mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya di mana sebagian besar permintaaan dan penawaran barang dan jasa bidang kelautan berasal dari domestik. Sementara itu dampak kebijakan peningkatan target produksi udang 2 juta ton tahun 2024 menunjukkan program tersebut berdampak terhadap hampir seluruh subsektor dalam bidang kelautan pada kondisi perekonomian tahun 2016. Subsektor yang terdampak paling tinggi diantaranya subsektor udang dan crustacea lainnya, sektor lainnya (selain bidang kelautan), perdagangan selain mobil dan sepeda motor, ikan, dan Barang-barang hasil kilang minyak dan gas. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa subsektor udang memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan subsektor lainya yang ada di bidang kelautan dan diluar bidang kelautan. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengoptimalkan rencana peningkatan target produksi udang 2 juta ton tahun 2024, pemerintah perlu membenahi berbagai subsektor yang terkait. Title: The Impact of the Two Million Ton Shrimp Production Target on Indonesia’s Marine Economy: An Input-Output Modelling ApproachShrimp is one of the sub-sectors in the marine sector which is one of the drivers of national marine economic growth. The shrimp market is quite large and in 2021 Indonesia is one of the five largest shrimp producers in the world is a great opportunity to continue to encourage increased shrimp production in Indonesia. The research objective was to analyse the dynamics of Indonesia’s marine economic structure towards the target of increasing shrimp production using the input-output approach. Data were analysed based on the Indonesia input-output table total transactions at basic prices (185 products) in 2016. The results showed that the contribution of GDP in the marine sector in 2016 was 29.93% of the National GDP. The contribution has increased compared to previous years where most of the demand and supply of goods and services in the marine sector come from domestic. Meanwhile, the impact of the policy to increase the shrimp production target of 2 million tonnes in 2024 shows that the programme has an impact on almost all subsectors in the marine sector in 2016 economic conditions. The most affected subsectors include shrimp and other crustaceans, Other Sector (other than marine sector), trade other than cars and motorcycles, fish, and goods from oil and gas refineries. The results of this study show that the shrimp subsector is closely related to other subsectors in the marine sector and outside the marine sector. Therefore, to optimise the plan to increase the shrimp production target of 2 million tonnes by 2024, the government needs to improve various related subsectors
Tourist-Based Waste Management with Deposit Refund Implementation in Manggar Beach Area, Balikpapan Indonesia
The management of the Manggar Beach tourist area cannot be separated from obstacles related to the problem of waste generation. The problem of waste generation also results in the loss of aesthetic value and beauty of the beach, which decrease tourist interest in the tourism area. Therefore, efforts are needed to maintain the sustainability of the tourist environment by building tourist participation related to tourism waste management by applying the concept of the polluter pays principle so that tourist area more responsible for the waste they produce. Travel-based waste management can be done with a refund deposit mechanism. This study aims to (1) identify waste generation and the composition of the types of waste produced by tourists in the Manggar Beach tourist area; (2) analyze tourist perceptions regarding tourist-based waste management in the Manggar Beach tourist area; (3) measure the value of tourists' willingness to pay (WTP) on the amount of deposit refund in waste management in the Manggar beach tourist area. The result showed that plastic is the largest waste generation by tourist and 93% of tourists are willing to implement DRS for their waste. Thus, deposit refunds based on tourist’ WTP can cover operational costs for waste management in the Manggar Beach Area, so that DRS can be implemented in the Manggar Beach Area
Amanat UU 32 tahun 2014 tentang Kelautan salah satunya percepatan dan penguatan ekonomi nasional dari potensi kelautan yang ada. Penelitian ini mengkaji kontribusi PDB ekonomi kelautan; dampak pengembangan ekonomi kelautan; dan implikasi kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis data sekunder. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder tahun 2010-2015 yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan model I-O (Input-Output) yang diupdate ke tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase produk kelautan terhadap PDB terus meningkat mencapai 28.01 % pada tahun 2015. Berdasarkan kajian terhadap dampak ekonomi yang dihasilkan, perlu diprioritaskan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan pada tiga sektor yaitu: industri kelautan, perikanan dan pariwisata bahari. Prinsip kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan harus inovatif dan berkelanjutan yang bertumpu pada peningkatan daya saing, modernisasi sistem produksi, penguatan kapasitas pelaku industri dan berbasis komoditas.Title: Dynamics and Policies of Indonesia’s Ocean Economic DevelopmentLaw number 32 of 2014 about The Sea mandates the national economic acceleration and empowerment from the potential of marine. This research examined the contribution of the ocean economy to GDP, impact of ocean economic development, and policy implication of ocean economic development. The research used secondary data analysis method. It used secondary data of 2010-2015 that were collected from Statistics Indonesia. Data were analyzed with quantitative descriptive method with I-O model (input-output), that were updated to 2015. The results showed that the percentage of marine products contribution to GDP increased to 28.01% in 2015. Based on the analysis of economic impact, it is necessary to prioritize the ocean economic development on three sectors: marine industry, fisheries, and marine tourism. The ocean economic development policies must be innovative, sustainable, increasing competitiveness, modernizing production systems, and strengthening the capacity of industrial and commodity-based players
Waters are rich areas in natural resources both biological and non biological where this diversity can give its own influence for the growth and development of a regional or even a state. Nevertheless, the amount of water resource allocation can also have an impact on the high level of pollution in waters area which eventually cause ecosystem damage. One of the causes of ecosystem pollution is heavy metals that are generally produced from industrial waste. Mangrove forest is a natural bioremidiation agent that can naturally absorb heavy metal content in nature such as Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cd and this function is referred to as biosorbtion. In addition, mangroves also have a capability called biofilter that is the ability to filter, bind, and trap pollution in the form of free excess sediment, garbage, and other household waste disposal in which this function plays a role in improving water quality
Water is a primary needs in industrial processes, so it needs clean water supply with best quality and quantity that can meet the needs of the industry so that industrial activities can be run well. Utilization of water resources should be done wisely. This paper aims to identify industrial water utilization in Tangerang City. Based on the data obtained, the average total needs of each large industry in Tangerang City is 82,259 m3 / month or equivalent to 987,103 m3 / year. The existence of the industry also gives impact to the environment that is pollution. Industrial contamination is caused by waste coming out of the factory and contains toxic and hazardous materials (B-3). Given the impacts of these wastes our paper suggests policies to reduce negative externality in the use of waste for industry in Tangerang
Pemanfaatan Limbah Air Seni Kelinci menjadi Pupuk Organik Cair di Desa Widorkandang, Magetan
Desa Widorokandang, Kabupaten Magetan , Jawa Timur memiliki potensi dalam bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam usaha pertanian tentang harga pupuk dan penggunaan pupuk anorganik dalam jangka panjang. Alternatif mengurangi penggunaan pupuk anorganik dengan menggunakan pupuk organik dapat membantu untuk memperbaiki struktur tanah karena mengandung zat hara yang baik. Hal ini didukung dengan keberadaan peternakan kelinci di desa Widorokandang yang menghasilkan limbah urine kelinci sebagai bahan utama pembuatan pupuk organik cair. Proses pembuatan pupuk organik cair dilakukan dengan cara fermentasi yang mudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Mahasiswa KKN-T IPB bersama peternak kelinci di desa Widorokandang membuat produk pupuk organik cair “Growi”. Produk ini diharapkan dapat membantu mengatasi permasalahan pupuk di desa Widorokandang serta meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Nilai keuntungan relative dari usaha pupuk organik cair “Growi” memiliki nilai lebih dari 1 yang termasuk usaha yang layak
Analisis Persepsi Dan Kelayakan Finansial Pengolahan Sampah Menggunakan Maggot Black Soldier Fly: Analysis of Perceptions and Financial Feasibility of Waste Processing Using Maggot Black Soldier Fly
Toboali District is renowned for its fisheries and various processed fishery products, including shrimp paste, otak-otak, kemplang, and empek-empek. However, these businesses often generate fish waste as a byproduct. Utilizing Black Soldier Fly (BSF) maggots presents an opportunity for fish waste management. This study aims to; (1) Analyze the public perception regarding waste management using BSF maggots at PPKIM, (2) Investigate the factors influencing public interest in waste management using BSF maggots at PPKIM, (3) Evaluate the financial feasibility of waste processing using BSF maggots at PPKIM. The research utilizes perception analysis, binary logistic regression analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. Results indicate positive public perception towards the use of BSF maggots for waste management. Factors influencing interest include education level and income. Moreover, the waste processing business using BSF maggots at PPKIM demonstrates financial viability, boasting an NPV value of IDR 186,849,344, a BCR of 3.35, an IRR of 52%, and a Payback Period of 1 Year 11 Month
Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sampah Komunal Berbasis Model Apartemen di Desa Lingkar Kampus IPB
Indonesia menjadi negara penghasil sampah makanan terbanyak kedua di dunia. Sektor rumah tangga merupakan penyumbang sampah makanan dalam jumlah yang cukup besar. Salah satu upaya untuk mengelola sampah makanan dengan menerapkan prinsip circular economy. Sebagai solusi dilakukan pelatihan pemilahan sampah dan budidaya maggot BSF lalu menguji coba menjadi pakan ternak. Sebagai lokasi kegiatan dipilih daerah lingkar kampus yaitu Kelurahan Balumbang Jaya yang penduduknya berjumlah 9.455 jiwa terdiri atas 4.943 laki-laki dan 4.512 perempuan. Pada pelatihan peserta mempraktikkan budidaya maggot mulai dari pemerangkapan telur lalat BSF, penyiapan media pakan untuk maggot yang berasal dari limbah organik rumah tangga, memelihara maggot, dan cara pemanenan maggot pada kandang yang sudah disiapkan. Masyarakat diibatkan dengan memberikan ember sebagai wadah sampah organik dan mengumpulkan secara terorganisasi dan terjadwal. Usaha budidaya maggot layak dijalankan secara finansial dan menguntungkan pelaku usahanya. Selain itu diketahui bahwa usaha budidaya maggot merupakan solusi sampah organik rumah tangga dan mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan.Indonesia is the second largest waste producing country in the world. The household sector is a significant contributor to food waste. One of the efforts to manage food waste is by applying circular economy principles. As a solution, training on waste sorting and BSF maggot cultivation was carried out and then tested it as animal feed. The area around the campus was chosen as the activity location, namely Balumbang Jaya Sub-District, with a population of 9,455 people consisting of 4,943 men and 4,512 women. In the training of maggot training trainers starting from trapping BSF fly eggs, preparing feed media for maggot that comes from household organic waste, maintaining maggot, and how to harvest maggot in prepared cages. The community is involved by providing buckets as organic waste containers and collecting them in an organized and scheduled manner. The maggot cultivation business is financially feasible. In addition, it is known that maggot cultivation is a solution for household organic waste and reduces environmental pollution