1,777 research outputs found

    Policy instruments to promote electro-mobilityiIn the Eu28: A comprehensive review

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    Despite its environmental benefits, the amount of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in use within the European Union 28 is still very limited. Poor penetration might be explained by certain factors that dissuade potential buyers. To balance these factors and promote electro-mobility, Member States have established incentives to increase demand. However, the various measures are scattered. This paper contributes to fill the gap in the literature by offering an overall view of the main measures. The authors will focus on measures to promote electro-mobility within the EU28 until 2014. After an in-depth and comprehensive review of the relevant measures, the authors conclude that the most important policy instruments to promote EVs are tax and infrastructure measures in addition to financial incentives for purchasing and supporting R&D projects. Regardless of the scarcity of EV registration data, the available information allows us to conclude that higher EV penetration levels appear in countries where the registration tax, the ownership tax, or both taxes have developed a partial green tax by including CO2 emissions in the calculation of the final invoice.Junta de Andalucía proyecto SEJ-132Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente (Cátedra de Energía y Economía Ambiental) ECO2014-56399-RUniversidad Autónoma de Chil

    Ontogenia de los linfocitos T humanos : estudio de los eventos madurativos pretímicos e intratímicos implicados en la diferenciación de los linfocitos T.

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    Los precursores hematopoyeticos presentes en el hígado fetal humano en momentos tempranos del desarrollo (8-10 semanas de gestación), no expresan en membrana antígenos asociados a linaje linfoide. Son células con un alto contenido en dna que presentan en su superficie moleculas de adhesión vla4 y lfa3 asi, como los antígenos de activación 4f2 y tfr. El análisis a a nivel molecular del complejo tcr-cd3 muestra que la expresion a nivel rna de las moleculas de cd3 se produce en las células de hígado fetal previa migración al timo, así como el reordenamiento de ciertos genes del locus del tcr, no detectándose expresion de transcritos ni para la cadena ni la b del tcr. La expresion de estas moleculas parece ser un acontecimiento regulado intratimicamente, ya que precursores t, obtenidos de timo neonato, células pro-t(cd7+2-3-4-8-) fenotipicamente similares a los primeros precursores presentes en el timo durante el desarrollo fetal, presentan, no solo múltiples reordenamientos de la cadena del tcr, sino que también se detectan transcritos tanto para la cadena como la b. Tanto los precursores hematopoyeticos t obtenidos de timo como los de hilado fetal de 8-10 semanas de gestación, expresan el il-2rb y no el il-2ra. El cultivo de precursores hematopoyeticos de hígado fetal en presencia de il-2 induce la aparicion de una población incluida en la ruta de diferenciación t, cd7+cd8+cd3-. Solamente la presencia de estroma timico mas il-2 permite completar este programa de maduración iniciado por la il-2, obteniéndose a partir, tanto de los precursores de hígado fetal como de timo células t fenotipicamente maduras tcra/b+cd4

    A New Approach for Measurement of The Efficiency of Cpm and Cpmk Control Charts

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    [EN] Process capability analysis is a very effective way for improving process quality by relating process variation to customer requirements. It compares the output of a process to the specification limits by using process capability indices (PCIs). PCIs provide numerical measures on whether aprocess conforms to the defined manufacturing capability prerequisite. In this paper, a new approach based on non-central Chi-Square, ¿ and ¿ distributions is presented to design the capability control charts. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the efficiency of the proposed control charts comparing with the traditional control charts. The advantage of using the proposed capability control charts is that, the practitioner can monitor the process mean and the process variability by looking at one chart. Moreover the proposed capability control charts are easily appended to X-R control chart and provide judgments considering the ability of a process to meet requirements. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach an illustrative example is conducted.Carot Sánchez, MT.; Sagbas, A.; Sanz Juan, JM. (2013). A New Approach for Measurement of The Efficiency of Cpm and Cpmk Control Charts. International Journal for Quality Research. 7(4):605-622. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99672S6056227

    Hunger and sustainability

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    This paper examines the problem of world hunger and discusses potential solutions to it. It reflects on the debate about whether transgenic foods should be used, which is more of a social controversy than a scientific one. Sustainability is considered a key driver for innovation that can be used as a basis for assessing the problem of hunger in the world, and the question is inseparable from its ethical aspects. Given that economic growth does not directly equate to human development, this paper states that it is necessary to address the problem of poverty and hunger from the capacity development framework according to human rights. Poverty causes disability by limiting human development; it creates the conditions for the violation of human rights; therefore, an institutional framework and social initiatives aimed at protecting the poor should be established. Finally, the main lines of research in the field of biotechnology are outlined, such as the development of genetically modified organisms and the need to continue defining methods, based on the development of capabilities. Such capabilities should be embedded in educational programmes, to establish guidelines that are incorporated into curricula as transversal orientations to be able to make sustainability a social reality

    Limitations of Standard Accessible Captioning of Sounds and Music for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People: An EEG Study

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    Captioning is the process of transcribing speech and acoustical information into text to help deaf and hard of hearing people accessing to the auditory track of audiovisual media. In addition to the verbal transcription, it includes information such as sound effects, speaker identification, or music tagging. However, it just takes into account a limited spectrum of the whole acoustic information available in the soundtrack, and hence, an important amount of emotional information is lost when attending just to the normative compliant captions. In this article, it is shown, by means of behavioral and EEG measurements, how emotional information related to sounds and music used by the creator in the audiovisual work is perceived differently by normal hearing group and hearing disabled group when applying standard captioning. Audio and captions activate similar processing areas, respectively, in each group, although not with the same intensity. Moreover, captions require higher activation of voluntary attentional circuits, as well as language-related areas. Captions transcribing musical information increase attentional activity, instead of emotional processing

    Restauración de la torre mudéjar del salvador de Teruel. Aragón, España

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    The Torre del Salvador together with the rest of the Mudejar architecture of Teruel was included in the World Heritage List in Í986. Its restoration, promoted by the Aragón Government, has kept in mind its value as architectural element, a key piece of the Mudejar style of Aragón and Spain and as a symbolic part of the city. Paying attention to these meanings, the intervention tries to extend its survival and return it its splendor. There are no spatial transformations but merely an encounter with the traditional materials, a study and a contemporary interpretation of them and of the techniques through which they were applied. It was necessary to pay special attention to the plaster since it was the only composite used, as well as to another fundamental part of the Mudejar style of Teruel, the glazed ceramics of the facades, partly lost or deteriorated. The article tries to transmit the methodology of the project and the work which, together with the close familiarity with the building itself have been essential in the documentary and complementary studies.La Torre del Salvador, junto con el resto de arquitectura mudéjar de Teruel, fue incluida en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en 1986. Su restauración, promovida por el Gobierno de Aragón, ha tenido en cuenta su valor como elemento arquitectónico, pieza clave del mudéjar aragonés y español y como parte simbólica de la ciudad. Atendiendo estos significados la intervención trata de prolongar su supervivencia y devolverle su esplendor. No hay transformaciones espaciales, tan sólo un encuentro con los materiales tradicionales, su estudio, y una interpretación actual de los mismos y de las técnicas con las que fueron aplicados. Ha sido necesario prestar especial atención al yeso por ser el único aglomerante con que se construyó y a la cerámica vidriada de fachadas, inseparable del mudéjar turolense, en parte perdida o deteriorada. El artículo intenta transmitir la metodología del proyecto y de la obra para los que, junto al conocimiento íntimo del edificio, han sido fundamentales los estudios documentales y complementarios


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    In the present paper 58 records of new or scarcely know vascular plants from the province of Albacete (Spain) are given. The locations of the taxa are defined by the municipality, the altitude and its coordinates UTM in one Kilometer grid squares.Se mencionan 58 taxones de plantas vasculares nuevas o poco conocidas para la provincia de Albacete. Sus localizaciones son definidas por el término municipal, la altitud y por las coordenadas UTM en cuadrículas de 1 km de lado


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    In the present paper 8 1 records of new or scarcely know plants from the province of Albacete are given. The locations of the taxa are defined by the municipality, the altitude and its coordinates U.T.M. in one kilometer gnd squares.Se mencionan 8 1 taxones de plantas vasculares nuevas o poco conocidas para la provincia de Albacete. Sus localizaciones son concretadas por el término municipal, la altitud y por las coordenadas U.T.M. en cuadrículas de 1 Km de lado

    Post-deposition heat treatment effect on microstructure of suspension plasma sprayed bioactive glass coatings

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    This research addresses a simple and easy method to improve the microstructure of suspension plasma sprayed bioactive glass coatings. Based on previous research of the group, a SPS bioactive glass coating was deposited under optimised variables employing a stable suspension feedstock. After the microstructural characterisation, the coatings were subjected to a heat treatment at 400, 500 and 600 ºC peak temperatures. These temperatures have been chosen according to the shrinkage curve of the working glass which results from a hot stage microscope. Results show an improvement of the coatings microstructure (reduction in both porosity and thickness and increment of the adhesion) after a heat treatment at 500 ºC with respect to the original coating. However, for a temperature of 400 ºC the coating microstructure is not altered (porosity, thickness and adherence are the same as those of the original sample) while at 600 ºC the entire coating is completely delaminated

    Impact of COVID-19 on adherence to treatment in patients with HIV

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    Producción CientíficaIn patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), adherence to treatment is affected by the adverse effects of treatment, the presence of additional comorbidities, the complexity of dosage, and family and community support. However, one recent circumstance that was likely to have influenced therapeutic adherence was the COVID-19 pandemic and the applied containment measures. An observational retrospective study of a sample of patients with HIV was conducted to establish the relationship between sociodemographic, clinical, and pharmacological variables and therapeutic adherence before and after the pandemic. Adherence was measured using the validated simplified medication adherence questionnaire (SMAQ) and medication possession rate. A statistical analysis was performed to determine the mean, standard deviation, and median of the quantitative variables and the frequencies of the qualitative variables, and the relationship between the dependent and independent variables was analysed using the chi-squared test and Student’s t-test. No statistically significant differences were found between treatment adherence measured before and 22 months after the start of the pandemic. Sex, occupation, treatment regimen, viral load levels, and COVID-19 disease status did not influence adherence during either period. However, the age of patients with HIV had an impact on adherence during both periods (p = 0.008 and p = 0.002, respectively), with the age group under 45 years being less adherent. In addition, experiencing adverse drug reactions (ADRs) was shown to have an impact on adherence before the pandemic (p = 0.006) but not afterwards. The COVID-19 pandemic was not shown to have an impact on the degree of adherence to antiretroviral treatment in patients with HIV. Instead, adherence was influenced by patient age and ADR occurrence; therefore, measures must be taken in this regard. The SMAQ demonstrated sensitivity in assessing adherence