6 research outputs found

    RANK links senescence to stemness in the mammary epithelia, delaying tumor onset but increasing tumor aggressiveness

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    Rank signaling enhances stemness in mouse and human mammary epithelial cells (MECs) and mediates mammary tumor initiation. Mammary tumors initiated by oncogenes or carcinogen exposure display high levels of Rank and Rank pathway inhibitors have emerged as a new strategy for breast cancer prevention and treatment. Here, we show that ectopic Rank expression in the mammary epithelia unexpectedly delays tumor onset and reduces tumor incidence in the oncogene-driven Neu and PyMT models. Mechanistically, we have found that ectopic expression of Rank or exposure to Rankl induces senescence, even in the absence of other oncogenic mutations. Rank leads to DNA damage and senescence through p16/p19. Moreover, RANK-induced senescence is essential for Rank-driven stemness, and although initially translates into delayed tumor growth, eventually promotes tumor progression and metastasis. We uncover a dual role for Rank in the mammary epithelia: Rank induces senescence and stemness, delaying tumor initiation but increasing tumor aggressiveness

    Adaptación y aplicación de escalas de adquisición de competencias en el aprendizaje práctico de la psicoterapia

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    El aprendizaje de la Psicoterapia requiere la adquisición de conocimientos teórico-prácticos que se ven recogidos en los planes de postgrado (fundamentalmente en el Master en Psicología General Sanitaria). Sin embargo, la adquisición de competencias y habilidades ha pasado a un segundo plano, delegando su adquisición a aprendizajes informales. En este proyecto se pretende aplicar una escala de competencias en psicoterapia (CTTS) a una muestra de psicólogos en formación, analizar sus resultados en función de la dificultad del caso y adoptar las medidas pedagógicas (fundamentalmente de supervisión) que sean necesarias para la potenciación de estas competencias

    Training programs in the practice of psychoterapy: development of evidence-based protocols and standards

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    PsiCall UCM, el servicio de atención psicológica por vía telemática a estudiantes de la UCM, recibe y forma a un porcentaje importante de cada promoción del MPGS, en un sistema de práctica clínica supervisada que recibe excelentes valoraciones. Sin embargo, hay espacio para la mejora de este sistema de supervisión, incorporando valoraciones objetivas de competencias clínicas mediante la observación directa. Para este fin El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido traducir al castellano y adaptar las escalas al contexto práctico de PsiCall UCM, para proceder a la hetero y auto observación sistemática de las competencias del estudiantado que se forma en PsiCall, antes, durante, y al final del sus prácticas. En el inicio del proyecto se partió de la traducción de las escalas CTS-R y CTACS. Una vez traducidas las escalas, se desarrollo un proceso de reflexión en varias rondas para señalar la adecuación de las diferentes competencias incluidas en las mismas al contexto de la Clínica Universitaria de Psicología UCM y el PsiCall UCM. Posteriormente, se desarrolló una ronda de revisión con los equipos de dirección, los becarios de ambos servicios, y con los profesionales externos. Todos ellos estudiaron el borrador de la escala y aportaron sugerencias que dieron lugar a modificaciones menores (cambios en la redacción del manual) o mayores (cambios en la estructura de la escala). Una vez alcanzada una versión final de la Escala de Competencias Clínicas, se derivaron versiones auto y hetero aplicadas mediante formularios en la suite de formularios de Google Drive. Se seleccionaron al azar una serie de interacciones de atención que fueron valoradas por el Coordinador del servicio, cuya valoración de las mismas mediante la escala se estableció como criterio experto. Posteriormente, los supervisores del PsiCall accedieron a las grabaciones ya valoradas, en primer lugar a modo de demostración, teniendo disponibles las valoraciones del Coordinador, en segundo lugar a modo de ensayo, pudiendo comparar sus valoraciones con las del Coordinador tras emitirlas mediante un formulario adaptado como cuestionario, y finalmente a modo de prueba de competencia con la escala. A partir de las valoraciones de esta última ronda se calculó el Índice de Correlacion Intraclase mediante un modelo mixto de acuerdo absoluto, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Se observo un buen índice de correlación intraclase de acuerdo con los valores convencionales de Fleiss (1986) (ICCA = 0,704; IC95% [,391 - ,897]; Fvv0(11,66) = 4,052, p < ,001). Este proceso ha culminado con el desarrollo de una escala de 12 elementos, en versiones auto y hetero aplicadas. Además de su validación mediante la consulta y las aportaciones del conjunto de profesionales implicados, la escala, en su versión hetero aplicada ha sido estudiada psicométricamente en cuanto a su fiabilidad interjueces, encontrado valores muy adecuados de acuerdo al índice de correlación intraclase en un modelo mixto de acuerdo absoluto. Las escalas, por tanto, están desarrolladas y listas para su uso en el contexto asistencial y docente del PsiCall UCM. Se dispone de un manual, de una guía de respuestas, y de formularios de recogida de información implementados en la plataforma Google Drive que permiten la recogida de datos de manera automatizada y totalmente pseudononimizada.PsiCall UCM, the online psychological care service for UCM students, receives and trains a significant percentage of each MPGS promotion in a supervised clinical practice system that receives excellent ratings. However, there is room for improvement in this supervision system, incorporating objective assessments of clinical competencies through direct observation. To this end, the objective of this project has been to translate into Spanish and adapt the scales to the practical context of PsiCall UCM, in order to proceed to the hetero and systematic self-observation of the competencies of the students who are trained in PsiCall, before, during, and at end of their practices. At the beginning of the project, we started with the translation of the CTS-R and CTACS scales. Once the scales were translated, a process of reflection was developed in several rounds to indicate the adequacy of the different competencies included in them to the context of the University Clinic of Psychology UCM and the PsiCall UCM. Subsequently, a review round was developed with the management teams, the interns from both services, and with external professionals. All of them studied the draft of the scale and provided suggestions that led to minor modifications (changes in the wording of the manual) or major (changes in the structure of the scale). Once a final version of the Clinical Competences Scale had been reached, self and hetero applied versions were derived using forms in the Google Drive suite of forms. A series of care interactions were randomly selected and assessed by the Service Coordinator, whose assessment of them using the scale was established as an expert criterion. Subsequently, the PsiCall supervisors accessed the already assessed recordings, firstly as a demonstration, having the Coordinator's assessments available, secondly as a trial, being able to compare their assessments with those of the Coordinator after issuing them using an adapted form as a questionnaire, and finally as a test of competence with the scale. From the evaluations of this last round, the Intraclass Correlation Index was calculated using a mixed model of absolute agreement, with a 95% confidence interval. A good intraclass correlation index was observed according to the conventional values ​​of Fleiss (1986) (ICCA = 0.704; 95% CI [.391 - .897]; Fvv0 (11.66) = 4.052, p <.001). This process has culminated in the development of a 12-element scale, in auto and hetero applied versions. In addition to its validation through consultation and the contributions of the group of professionals involved, the scale, in its hetero-applied version, has been psychometrically studied in terms of its inter-judge reliability, finding very adequate values ​​according to the intraclass correlation index in a mixed model in absolute agreement. The scales, therefore, are developed and ready for use in the PsiCall UCM healthcare and teaching context. There is a manual, a response guide, and information collection forms implemented on the Google Drive platform that allow the collection of data in an automated and totally pseudonymised way.Depto. de Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología ClínicaFac. de PsicologíaFALSEUniversidad Complutense de Madridsubmitte

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)

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