111 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de la lectoescritura en inglés y en español. Estudio comparativo

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    El presente trabajo trata de forma general las características y el funcionamiento de algunos modelos bilingües que se están implantando actualmente en nuestra educación, en los cuales la lengua materna y la lengua extranjera son consideradas instrumentos de enseñanza. Más particularmente, este estudio aborda la importancia de la lectoescritura en dichos proyectos educativos, tanto desde el punto de vista de la primera lengua como de la segunda. Tiene como objetivo principal conocer las ventajas del desarrollo de la lectura y la escritura en dos idiomas, como son el español y el inglés. Y, por último, expone la experiencia real de un colegio público de la comunidad foral de Navarra, el cual está inmerso en un modelo bilingüe, donde el castellano y el inglés son consideradas lenguas de enseñanza, y donde se trabaja lectoescritura en ambos idiomasGrado en Educación Primari

    El secreto profesional

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    El secreto profesional es una de las bases fundamentales en las que se sustenta el ejercicio de determinadas profesiones. El presente trabajo realiza una breve revisión sobre el secreto profesional en el ámbito sanitario, que implica un deber de custodiar la información relativa al paciente conocida en el ejercicio de la profesión. Desde esta perspectiva, debe entenderse como un derecho del paciente a salvaguardar su intimidad frente a terceros. El profesional de la sanidad no sólo tiene un deber ético de sigilo sino también jurídico, cuyo incumplimiento podría ser castigado como delito de revelación de secretos (art. 199.2 del Código penal). No obstante, pese a que la intimidad es un derecho fundamental de carácter prioritario, no goza de una protección absoluta y puede ser limitado en aquellos casos que entre en tensión con otros derechos fundamentales y libertades públicas.The medical secret is one of the fundamental bases on which the exercise of determined professions is sustained. In the present paper, a brief revision about the professional secret in the sanitarian ambit is realized which supposes the obligation to keep the information obtained during the professional exercise. It should be understood as a right of the patient to safeguard his intimacy as opposed to third persons. The professional of health has not only an ethic, but also a legal obligation of discretion whose nonfulfillment could be punished as a crime of revelation of secrets (art. 199.2 Penal Code). However, although intimacy is a fundamental right of high priority it has not an absolute protection, since it can be limited in those cases in which it enters in conflict with other fundamental rights and public freedom

    Modeling the heat transfer by conduction of nanocellular polymers with bimodal cellular structures

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    Nanocellular polymers are a new generation of materials with the potential of being used as very efficient thermal insulators. It has been proved experimentally that these materials present the Knudsen effect, which strongly reduces the conductivity of the gas phase. There are theoretical equations to predict the thermal conductivity due to this Knudsen effect, but all the models consider an average cell size. In this work, we propose a model to predict the thermal conductivity due to the conduction mechanisms of nanocellular materials with bimodal cellular structures, that is, with two populations of cells, micro and nanocellular. The novelty of our work is to consider not only the average cell size, but the cell size distribution. The predictions of the model are compared with the experimental conductivity of two real bimodal systems based on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and it is proved that this new model provides more accurate estimations of the conductivity than the models that do not consider the bimodality. Furthermore, this model could be applied to monomodal nanocellular polymers. In particular, for monomodal materials presenting a wide cell size distribution and at low densities, the model predicts important variations in comparison with the current models in the literature. This result indicates that the cell size distribution must be included in the estimations of the thermal conductivity of nanocellular polymer

    Credit unions

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic 2013-2014Credit union firms which carry out activities more normal in financial entities whose main objective is to pursue the needs of their associates and third parties. The Spanish financial system is made up of banks, savings banks and cooperatives. The banks are the identities with the highest turnover and the cooperative hold a much inferior position as they only represent 4.1% of the banking system. Since the year 2012 the cooperative had undergone a restructuring process forming IPS, therefore decreasing the number of cooperative. Currently the number of cooperatives is still decreasing at an accelerate rate. As in January, 2012 there were 80 cooperative registered in the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) and in April in the same year only 40 are still remaining

    The crime of abuse of privileged

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    El desarrollo tecnológico ha generado un modelo social, cuyo progreso depende, en gran medida, de los sistemas de información y comunicación. En el mercado financiero la información se configura como un bien de gran valor. El análisis de los distintos elementos a partir de los cuales se define el delito de abuso de información privilegiada constituye el objeto de este trabajo. Dicho análisis se extiende a los bienes jurídicos; a la acción típica —el uso de la información en el propio beneficio—; al objeto de la misma —el secreto y/o la información privilegiada—; y, por último, a su consumación y a los problemas de autoría y participación.The technological evolution has generated a social model whose progress depends on information and communication systems. The information about financial markets is a crucial advantage. The analysis of the different elements from which the crime of abuse of privileged information is defined constitutes the aim of this work. This analysis extends to juridical protected goods; to the normal action —the use the privileged information for personal benefit—; to the object itself —the secret and/or privileged information—; and, finally, to its termination and authorship and participation problems

    The offence of environmental pollution

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    El delito de contaminación ambiental requiere la contravención de la normativa ambiental y que se derive un grave peligro para el equilibrio de los sistemas naturales. En estas páginas se analiza este delito; en especial, los casos de vertidos de aguas residuales. Asimismo, se estudia el delito de prevaricación ambiental aplicable en aquellos casos en los que la autoridad o funcionario público no vela por el cumplimiento de la legalidad ambiental.In order to perpetrate the offence of environmental pollution (i.e., offences against environment) two requirements are needed: on the one hand, the conduct of disregarding the environmental regulations; and, on the other hand, as a result of such a conduct, the balance of the natural systems would be put into a serious risk. In this article, the just mentioned offence of environmental pollution will be analysed, paying particular attention to those cases involving discharges of wastewater. Furthermore, this article will study the offence of breaching of an official duty regarding environmental matters that applies to the cases in which a civil servant infringes environmental law

    Responsabilidad penal por denegación de asistencia sanitaria a extranjeros

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    La ley española reconoce el derecho a la asistencia sanitaria de los extranjeros cuando concurren determinados requisitos. La denegación de asistencia puede originar responsabilidad no sólo administrativa y disciplinaria sino también penal. En este artículo se estudian los preceptos del Código Penal español aplicables en cada caso.Spanish law recognices medical assitence of foreign people, if there are the required conditions. Because of that, when professionals denied that assistence appears not only administrative and disciplinary responsability but also criminal. In this article, it’s studied the specifical rules, according to spanish criminal law, applied in these cases

    Low-density PMMA/MAM nanocellular polymers using low MAM contents: Production and characterization

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    Low-density nanocellular polymers are required to take advantage of the full potential of these materials as high efficient thermal insulators. However, their production is still a challenging task. One promising approach is the use of nanostructured polymer blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and a block copolymer poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(butyl acrylate)-poly(methyl methacrylate) (MAM), which are useful for promoting nucleation but seem to present a severe drawback, as apparently avoid low relative densities. In this work, new strategies to overcome this limitation and produce low-density nanocellular materials based on these blends are investigated. First, the effect of very low amounts of the MAM copolymer is analysed. It is detected that nanostructuration can be prevented using low copolymer contents, but nucleation is still enhanced as a result of the copolymer molecules with high CO2 affinity dispersed in the matrix, so nanocellular polymers are obtained using very low percentages of the copolymer. Second, the influence of the foaming temperature is studied. Results show that for systems in which there is not a clear nanostructuration, cells can grow more freely and smaller relative densities can be achieved. For these studies, blends of PMMA with MAM with copolymer contents from 10 wt% and as low as 0.1 wt% are used. For the first time, the production strategies proposed in this work have allowed obtaining low density (relative density 0.23) nanocellular polymers based on PMMA/MAM blends. Graphical abstrac

    Understanding the role of MAM molecular weight in the production of PMMA/MAM nanocellular polymers

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    Nanostructured polymer blends with CO2-philic domains can be used to produce nanocellular materials with controlled nucleation. It is well known that this nanostructuration can be induced by the addition of a block copolymer poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(butyl acrylate)-poly(methyl methacrylate) (MAM) to a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) matrix. However, the effect of the block copolymer molecular weight on the production of nanocellular materials is still unknown. In this work, this effect is analysed by using three types of MAM triblock copolymers with different molecular weights, and a fixed blend ratio of 90 wt% PMMA and 10 wt% of MAM. Blends were produced by extrusion. As a result of the extrusion process, a non-equilibrium nanostructuration takes place in the blends, and the micelle density increases as MAM molecular weight increases. Micelle formation is proposed to occur as result of two mechanisms: dispersion, controlled by the extrusion parameters and the relative viscosities of the polymers, and self-assembly of MAM molecules in the dispersed domains. On the other hand, in the nanocellular materials produced with these blends, cell size decreases from 200 to 120 nm as MAM molecular weight increases. Cell growth is suggested to be controlled by the intermicelle distance and limited by the cell wall thickness. Furthermore, a theoretical explanation of the mechanisms underlying the limited expansion of PMMA/MAM systems is proposed and discussed

    Jump and free fall! Memory, attention, and decision-making processes in an extreme sport

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    In the present study, we explored the effects of high arousal on cognitive performance when facing a situation of risk. We also investigated how these effects are moderated by either positive or negative emotional states (valence). An ecological methodology was employed, and a field study was carried out in a real-life situation with 39 volunteer participants performing a bungee jumping activity and a control group of 39 participants. Arousal and valence were assessed with the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM). Working memory capacity (reverse digit span), selective attention (Go/No-Go task) and decision-making (Iowa Gambling Task) were assessed at 3 time points: 30 min before the jump, immediately after the jump, and approximately 8 min after the onset of the previous phase. The results indicate that high arousal accompanied by high positive valence scores after jumping either improved performance or led to a lack of impairment in certain cognitive tasks. The Processing-Efficiency and the Broaden-and-Build theories are put forward to explain emotional moderation of cognitive performance in potentially life-threatening situations