705 research outputs found

    An investigation of the supply chain strategies of Spice Traders

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    The primary motivation behind this research is to comprehend the supply chain strategies of Spice Traders. This exploration will enhance the procedures of Spice Traders and defeat numerous issues in production network administration experienced by the eatery. There are numerous techniques which are utilized by them to beat their issues. This research utilized blended technique that is a mix of qualitative and quantitative data. Propelled utilisation of innovation is the fundamental discovery in this exploration. As a staff member working there I shared my own experience which truly helped me to do this research. One suggestion was to enhance their association with the providers all together for a superior execution from the supply group and to include alternate staffs in store network administration. The conclusion was that they essentially rely upon the backup system. They have been utilising this backup systems for a very long time and they have been extremely fruitful in that


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh burnout akademik terhadap hasil belajar siswa yang berada di SMA Negeri 2 Selakau khususnya kelas XI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Jenis kuantitatif dengan model desain One Shot Case Study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 60 siswa, sedangkan untuk menentukan sampel menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling yang berjumlah 30 siswa Teknik dan instrument pengumpul data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan panduan angket dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan Teknik analisis yang digunakan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Data penelitian ini adalah hasil skor angket burnout akademik dan nilai hasil belajar siswa. Hasil uji hipotesis regresi linier sederhana diperoleh nilai koefisien determinasi R Square adalah sebesar 0,05. nilai f hitung adalah sebesar 1,488 dengan taraf tingkat signifikan 0,233 > 0,05. serta Koefisien regresi X (Burnout akademik) sebesar -0,223. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengaruh variabel X (burnout akademik) terhadap variabel Y (hasil belajar siswa) sangat kecil dilihat dari koefisien determinasi R Square yaitu sebesar 0,05 atau 5%. Pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y tidak signifikan dilihat dari taraf signifikansi yaitu 0,233 yang lebih besar dari 0,05. Serta arah pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y ke arah negatif dilihat dari koefisisen regresi yaitu sebesar -0,233. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh burnout akademik terhadap hasil belajar siswa berpengaruh sangat kecil yaitu hanya sekitar 5%, sedangkan 95% hasil belajar siswa dipengaruhi oleh factor atau variabel lain

    Mechanical Property Enhancement of PVP-PVA Nanocomposite by Graphene Oxide

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    Graphene, is the building block of many carbon forms, including graphite, carbon nanotubes and Buck-minster fullerenes. It has honey-comb lattice structre with an atomic layer of sp2bonded carbon atoms. Its excellent properties for example, like Youngs modulus is about 1 TPa, breaking strength is about 140 GPa, thermal conductivity is about 5000 Wm-1K-1, and high specific surface area of about 2650 m2g-1.One of the most important application of graphene is in the fabrication of layered polymer nano-composites. Its unique two dimensional morphology provides high available surface area with very small thickness(in nano size) which can be exploited in load bearing, electrical, and barrier applications. However, the reinforcing agents and their types, considerably enhance crystallinity, microstructure, and glass transition of the composites. Therefore, underpinning the processing-microstructure-property relationship in these materials is very important. The easier route of graphene production is through the top-bottom approach, where graphene oxide (GO) is synthesized by chemical exfoliation method followed by suitable reduction of GO to graphene. GO can hold various oxygen containing functional groups that make it easily mixed in nonpolar solvents. Subsequently, by different chemical treatments, few of those functional groups can be removed, and few others can be added/created, and the layer-matrix attachment can be done. The current work focus on the approaches to strengthen the matrix-reinforcement interface by various types of amines, resulting in unbelievably ultra-strong and ultra-tough PVA and PVP nanocomposites. The enhanced mechanical properties were investigated by tensile testing of different graphene oxide samples and chemically reduced graphene samples(reduced by TEA and TEOA).It has been confirmed that the reduced graphene sample shows better elastic properties compare to GO based polymer composites

    The EFL Students' Narrative Paragraph Writing of The Second Semester Students of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Samarinda: A Syntactic Analysis

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    AbstractThis study concerned on the EFL students' ability and analyzed the sentence patterns of syntax on the narrative paragraph writing. The QUANT-QUAL of mixed methods design was used in this study. The quantitative data gathered from the test of narrative paragraph writing by involving 30 EFL students of IAIN Samarinda. The qualitative data gathered from the 10 selected documents of narratibe paragraph writing that met the criteria. The findings shoed that the EFL students' ability of narrative paragraph was categorized excellent (80.33). The highest ablity was the writing aspect of organization (86.65%) followed by vocabulary (84.00%), content (83.33%), mechanics (78.60%), and language use (69.08%). The sentence patterns of syntax found on the EFL students' narrative paragraph writing; its verbs were followed by direct object, infinitive, pronoun, present participle, adverbial phrase, that-clause, conjunctive-clause, gerund, direct object-preposition-prepositional object, complement of distance and time, verb alone, predicative and preposition-prepositional object.Keywords: Writing, Narrative Paragraph, and Sentence Patterns of Synta

    The Need for Horizontal Application of Fundamental Rights in India with Reference to State Action Doctrine in the Context of Globalisation

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    A paradigm shift in the role of the state has taken place with the emergence of private and private public participation in the socio welfare sectors of the economy. These private and public entities through their operations are making unreasonable interference in the lives of people thereby violating their fundamental rights. The judiciary has a significant role to play in protecting and upholding the fundamental rights of the citizens under the Constitution of India. But as far as enforcement of fundamental rights against private or non state actors is concerned, our judiciary is constrained in a set of narrow doctrines evolved from time to time. In the present scenario, an innovative and liberal approach in tune with the spirit and fundamental values of the Constitution is the need of the hour. The present study gives an account of the need for enforcement of fundamental rights in India against non state actors through an expansion of the concept of state action

    Simple Modules Over Quantized Weyl Algebras At Roots Of Unity

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    In this article the simple modules over the rank-two quantized Weyl algebras at roots of unity over an algebraically closed field are classified.Comment: 15 page

    Congestion bottleneck avoid routing in wireless sensor networks

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    A new efficient method for detecting congested bottleneck nodes and avoiding them in the route formation in a wireless sensor network is described. Sensor nodes with a higher degree of congestion are excluded while determining the best routing path from a given source to destination in a multi-hop transmission. In a scenario where different communication paths have different maximum congestion levels, selecting that path which has least maximum congestion, is a challenging task. A modified Bellman-Ford algorithm is proposed to solve this problem efficiently. The proposed technique is very much useful for the optimal route selection for vehicles in metropolitan cities that avoids high traffic density junctions. Once the desired destination is specified, the traffic control system can use this algorithm to provide the least congested routes to the intra-city vehicles

    Minimum Bend Shortest Rectilinear Route Discovery for a Moving Sink in a Grid Based Wireless Sensor Network

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    In a rectilinear route, a moving sink is restricted to travel either horizontally or vertically along the connecting edges. We present a new algorithm that finds the shortest round trip rectilinear route covering the specified nodes in a grid based Wireless Sensor Network.  The proposed algorithm determines the shortest round trip travelling salesman path in a two-dimensional grid graph. A special additional feature of the new path discovery technique is that it selects that path which has the least number of corners (bends) when more than one equal length shortest round trip paths are available. This feature makes the path more suitable for moving objects like Robots, drones and other types of vehicles which carry the moving sink. In the prosed scheme, the grid points are the vertices of the graph and the lines joining the grid points are the edges of the graph. The optimal edge set that forms the target path is determined using the binary integer programming