33 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Kepala Sekolah terhadap Empat Pilar Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah: (Studi Action Research di Sekolah/Madrasah Sasaran Program MEDP di Kab. Bangkalan)

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    Pemerintah, dalam hal ini Departemen Agama, selalu mendorong perkembangan dan peningkatan mutu madrasah dengan berbagai usaha yang dapat dilakukan dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) pendidikan. Departemen Agama menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai departemen, lembaga bantuan internasional, pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat agar kualitas pendidikan Islam dapat ditingkatkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perkembangan zaman. Karena itu, Departemen Agama senantiasa melakukan koordinasi dan sinkronisasi dengan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dalam memenuhi standar nasional pendidikan dan mengimplementasikan amanat Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dalam rangka mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional. Sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Undang-Undang tersebut, madrasah memperoleh kedudukan yang sama dengan sekolah yangkonsekuensinyamadrasah perlu memperoleh kesamaan pelayanan, program dan anggaran agar dapat menampilkan kualitas pendidikan yang lebih bai

    Klasterisasi Petani Padi Sawah di Kota Metro Provinsi Lampung Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Cluster dan Elbow Method

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    Metro City is one of the administrative cities in Lampung province, Indonesia and also one of important rice producing regions in Lampung. Application of intensive agriculture in trend of  declining area, low quality of land and differences of farmers internal characteristics that requires special treatment as solutions. Clustering farmers using the K-Means Cluster algorithm and Elbow Method can be used to facilitate policy makers determine programs and activities must be taken. Results showed that farmers are ideally grouped into 5 clusters (C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5). C1 members having  most family members (4,54 persons). C2 members are the oldest age (68 years old) with longest farming experience (52.00 years) but have lowest formal education (7.67 years), least family members (3.33 person) and lowest total area (0.37 hectare). C3 having highest formal education (14.60 years) and largest paddy fields (0.80 hectare) but don't use any pesticides in paddy cropping management. Whereas farmers in C4 have largest family members helped (2.00 people). Farmers in C5 are the youngest (45.50 years old) and having the shortest experience (29.50 years) but use the most types (4 brands) and amounts of pesticides (400.00 mm.hectare.rotation-1) in paddy field management practices in Metro City.  Kota Metro adalah salah satu kota administratif di provinsi Lampung dan juga salah satu daerah penghasil beras terpenting. Permasalahan berupa tren penurunan luas lahan, kualitas tanah yang rendah dan perbedaan karakteristik internal petani padi sawah memerlukan perlakuan khusus sebagai solusi. Klasterisasi petani padi sawah berdasarkan karakteristiknya masing-masing dapat digunakan untuk memfasilitasi pembuat kebijakan menentukan program dan kegiatan yang harus diambil tepat sasaran. Metode Purposive sampling digunakan dan sebanyak 30 orang petani padi sawah dari 5 kecamatan di Kota Metro dengan kriteria tertentu diambil menjadi responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara untuk mengetahui karakteristik para responden. Analisis data dilaksanakan teknik tabulasi data dan pengelompokan data menggunakan algoritma K-Means Cluster dan Elbow Method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani padi sawah di Kota Metro secara ideal dapat dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (C1, C2, C3, C4 dan C5). Anggota C1 adalah petani padi sawah dengan anggota keluarga terbanyak (4,54 orang). Anggota C2 adalah usia tertua (68 tahun) dengan pengalaman bercocok tanam terpanjang (52,00 tahun) tetapi memiliki pendidikan formal terendah (7,67 tahun), anggota keluarga paling sedikit (3,33 orang) dan total luas terendah (0,37 hektar). C3 memiliki pendidikan formal tertinggi (14,60 tahun) dan sawah terluas (0,80 hektar) tetapi tidak menggunakan pestisida dalam pengelolaan pertanaman padi. Sedangkan petani padi sawah di C4 memiliki anggota keluarga terbesar yang membantu (2,00 orang). Petani padi sawah di C5 adalah yang termuda (45,50 tahun) dan memiliki pengalaman terpendek (29,50 tahun) tetapi menggunakan jenis terbanyak (4 merek) dan jumlah pestisida terbanyak (400,00 mm.hektar.tanam) dalam praktik manajemen sawah di Metro Kota. &nbsp

    Penggunaan Citra DEMNAS untuk Desain Pola Tanam Alley Cropping pada Lahan Garapan Anggota KPPH Talang Mulya Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung

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    Talang Mulya KPPH farmers has been applying agroforestry system for their land cultivation, but the cropping pattern applied has not been adapted to its sloping conditions and plant spacing which result on non-optimal yields produce. Alley Cropping pattern consider as the most suitable approach. Current analysis can be carried out using mapping techniques and remote sensing using digital elevation data imagery. The DEMNAS imagery was used in this study, results showed that the mean altitude reached 396.67 masl and land slope reached 20.92% in average. The design of the cropping pattern using 1 meter height intervals shows the results of the number of planting arrays of 31.96 strips with 3,564.96 meters in length which is higher than the land with a height interval of 2 meters which results in a total of 10.6 strips with and 942.97 meter lengths. However, the field of agricultural cultivation that can be formed on land with 1 meter height intervals only reaches 4.94 meters, while at 2 meters height intervals it can reach 16.03 meters

    Analisis Penggunaan Bahan Ajar IPAS Berbasis STEAM Untuk Memfasilitasi Literasi Sains Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims to determine the presentation of STEAM and scientific literacy in students' books for science subjects. This research uses descriptive and qualitative research. This type of research is descriptive-qualitative research. This research uses the subjects of STEAM elements and scientific literacy, which are analyzed and appear in class V student books. The research instrument is an analysis sheet for STEAM elements and scientific literacy. We used a descriptive data analysis technique. The percentage category uses the percentage agreement value formula. This research shows that: (1) the STEAM elements that appear in student books, namely science elements, have a percentage of 47%, technology elements have a percentage of 73%, engineering elements have a percentage of 53%, art elements have a percentage of 37%, and mathematics elements have a percentage of 23%. (2) In the scientific literacy in class V students' books, the highest percentage of indicators that have appeared is attitude (83%), knowledge (36%), competence (33%), and context (23%). Therefore, students' books for science subjects include books that include elements of STEAM and scientific literacy.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sajian STEAM dan literasi sains dalam buku siswa mata pelajaran IPAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan subjek unsur STEAM dan literasi sains yang dianalisis dan dimunculkan dalam buku siswa kelas V. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar analisis unsur STEAM dan literasi Sains. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. kategori persentase menggunakan rumus persentase nilai kesepakatan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) unsur STEAM yang muncul pada buku siswa yaitu unsur science memiliki persentase 47%, unsur technology memiliki persentase 73%, unsur enginering memiliki persentase 53%, unsur art memiliki persentase 37% dan unsur mathematics 23%. (2) literasi sains pada buku siswa kelas V persentase indikator terbanyak yang pernah muncul adalah sikap 83%, pengetahuan 36%, kompetensi 33% dan konteks 23%. Oleh karena itu, dalam buku siswa mata pelajaran IPAS termasuk buku yang sudah memunculkan unsur STEAM dan literasi sain

    Analysis of The Physical Quality of Coffee Husk Compost with The Addition of EM4 Bioactivator

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    Coffee production potential is matched by waste from grinding coffee cherries. However, the coffee cherry peel (husk) is rich in essential nutrients for plant growth, including potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Therefore, the purpose of this research was conducted to determine the physical quality of coffee husk compost given the addition of EM4 bioactivator. This study consisted of 2 treatments and 4 replications, namely control (coffee husk + sawdust + goat manure) and EM4 (coffee husk + sawdust + goat manure + EM4). Observations were made every 3 days until the compost was ripe with the parameters of temperature, humidity, color, smell, and texture. The results showed that the entire coffee husk compost had matured within 36 days and exhibited physical characteristics according to SNI 19-7030-2004. According to the matured compost speed, treatment with mixing compost materials using EM4 shows a faster time than without EM4. In addition, the addition of EM4 gives better results in terms of texture, color, and smell compared to compost without EM

    Status Kesehatan Pohon Pada Jalur Hijau Dan Halaman Parkir Universitas Lampung

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    Campus of University Lampung was one of the urban green open spaces which has ecological, social, cultural, and aesthetic. The frequency of broken branches and fallen trees indicated that many of trees were in unfavorable conditions. Identification of the tree health status was an important effort in order to manage trees properly, according to silviculture theorems. The study aimed (1) to figure out the trees health status in the green line along the street and parking area in University of Lampung, (2) figure out pests and diseases and also and human disturbance that cause the tree damage. The Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method was employed to identifie the tree health status. The result of research showed that, majority (92.29%) of trees in the green line and the parking area of Lampung University were in health condition, and only a small percentage (7,81%) were identified in light damaged, medium demaged, and hard damaged. Generally, there were nine types of tree damage that most found. Those damage were discoloration of leaves (10.48%), open wounds (10.38%), fruiting bodies (4.11%), cancer (3.80%), epifit (2.26%), leaf buds damage (1.23%), fractures branches/trunks (1.54%), branchis (0.92%), and resinosis (0.51%).  Keywords: Forest Health Monitoring (FHM), urban forest of Unila, tree health, plant disease

    Pemanfaatan Cocopeat sebagai Media Tumbuh Sengon Laut (Paraserianthes falcataria) dan Merbau Darat (Intsia palembanica) (The Utilization of Cocopeat as Growing Media for Paraserianthes falcataria and Intsia palembanica)

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    Rising urban development decreased the availability of topsoil for growing media. Therefore, it was necessary to study potential alternative media such as cocopeat. The objective of the study wasto know the optimum composition of cocopeat and soil for optimum growth of Paraserianthes falcataria and Intsia palembanica. The method used was a complete random design. Five treatments were applied to each seedling, included: A (100% soil), B (75% soil + 25% cocopeat), C (50% soil + 50% cocopeat), D (25% soil + 75% cocopeat) and E (100% cocopeat). Seedlings growth were analyzed using analysis of variance, followed by least significant different (LSD) test. Result showed that the 25% cocopeat compound was the most optimum composition for Intsia palembanica seedlings, while 25% and 50% of cocopeat composition was the most optimum for the Paraserianthes falcataria growth. Keyword : cocopeat, growing media, Intsia palembanica, Paraserianthes falcataria, seedling growth

    Pengaruh Tutupan Lahan terhadap Insidensi Pneumonia pada Balita di Provinsi Lampung

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    Land cover changes caused ecological disturbance. Ecological disturbances increase theincidence of Pneumonia toddlers. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in landcover and land contribution classes on the incidence of Pneumonia toddlers. This study wasconducted from March to December 2015 on the research area of Lampung Province. Landforest cover change detection using Landsat imagery in 2002, 2009 and 2014, resulted in thepercentage of land cover. The impact of land cover change on the incidence of Pneumoniatoddler calculated by multiple linear regression model. Proved that there is a relationshipbetween changes in land cover with an incidence of Pneumonia toddler. Land class variablesthat significantly affect the incidence of Pneumonia is a private forest with a p-value = 0,047,and developed land with a p-value = 0,004, open land with a p-value = 0,054, while thepopulation density variable has a p-value = 0,000. In addition, state forest as one of landcover category does not have significant effects in this study.Keywords: land cover, multiple linear regression, pneumonia incidenc