5 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Trait Kepribadian Maladaptif Manajer dan Kualitas Leader-Member Exchange: Studi Pada Manajer First line di PT X dan Bawahannya

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    Individu dengan trait kepribadian maladaptif yang belum sampai taraf gangguan kepribadian masih bisa berfungsi, bahkan sukses dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di lingkungan kerja, pemimpin dengan trait kepribadian maladaptif berpotensi memiliki masalah dalam hubungan interpersonal dengan rekan kerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara trait kepribadian maladaptif dengan hubungan pimpinan dengan bawahannya berdasarkan pendekatan leader-member exchange (LMX). Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 72 diad atau pasangan manajer first line di PT X dengan staf yang menjadi bawahannya. Seorang manajer dapat memiliki lebih dari satu bawahan sehingga jumlah manajer hanya 21 orang. Trait kepribadian maladaptif pada manajer diukur dengan Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Brief Form (PID-5 BF). Kualitas hubungan manajer tersebut dengan bawahannya diukur dengan Leader Member Exchange-Multidimensional Measure (LMX-MDM) yang diisi oleh para staf. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa trait dari domain negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, dan psychoticism memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan LMX. Hubungan yang ditemukan bersifat negatif, sejalan dengan temuan menggunakan domain-domain trait non maladaptif pada five-factor model yang ekuivalen dengan domain-domain PID-5 BF

    Attitudes Toward Psychological Test Use in Indonesia

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    Psychological tests in Indonesia have been evolving very slowly. Most psychological practice is still using outdated versions of tests. Psychometric properties such as validity, reliability, and even norms are often based on outdated data or entirely omitted in the manual. Thus, the ability of the tests to yield valid data for various purposes is highly questionable. Most test users, including the psychological community, seem to be indifferent to this situation as they keep using these tests despite the risk of error in the test results which could have legal implications. In this study, we did a survey about test users’ attitudes towards psychological tests. We recruited 149 participants, of which 71.8% were female. The age ranged from 22 to 71 years old (M = 29.4; SD = 7.32). The survey assessed participants’ opinion toward legal properties of psychological test on a five-point scale. All participants had an undergraduate or higher degree in Psychology. The results were interesting. Participants acknowledge that they should use reputable test even though they perceived the price is too expensive. Also, they are willing to pay if those tests are up to date and provide adequate psychometric properties. The results indicate that there is a big opportunity for psychologists and psychometricians to gather forces to fulfill these needs and make more con-tribution to the society


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    The impacts of maternal mental health to the unborn child has not been researched as vastly as the impacts of physical health. One of the parameter of mental health during pregnancy is pregnancy specific distress (PSD). PSD can directly and indirectly affect the physical and mental aspects of a child, both during the pregnancy and after birth. There are several PSD risk factors relevant in Indonesia, namely young maternal age, economic pressure during pregnancy, and unwanted pregnancies. NuPDQ is a measure of PSD which have been translated to Indonesian language. The validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of NuPDQ is investigated here as part of its adaptational process. The results shown that 5 of 17 items have low (< 0.3) corrected item-total correlation with the total score, with two items having negative correlation coefficients. However, as a whole the NuPDQ still possessed an acceptable reliability (0.736). Considering the adequate reliability, the necessity to include various possible stressors in the instrument, and the small number of items, we suggest that the items with low corrected item-total correlations may still be included in relevant contexts. Further research with more heterogenous sample is necessary, especially in populations with high vulnerability to PSD. Further research is also needed to find the factor structure of the NuPDQ in Indonesia


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    Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) assesses different aspects of verbal memory and learning. This test is often used in clinical, educational, and selection contexts. We adapted the Geffen et al’ version for Indonesia and here we present its psychometric properties. We tested the validity via its seven recall trials (A1 to A7), based on theoretical constructs (e.g. the presence and recency effect) via analyses of variance and factor analyses and the test’s reliability via e.g. correlation analyses and Cronbach’s alph


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    Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) assesses different aspects of verbal memory and learning. This test is often used in clinical, educational, and selection contexts. We adapted the Geffen et al’ version for Indonesia and here we present its psychometric properties. We tested the validity via its seven recall trials (A1 to A7), based on theoretical constructs (e.g. the presence and recency effect) via analyses of variance and factor analyses and the test’s reliability via e.g. correlation analyses and Cronbach’s alpha