40 research outputs found

    Membentuk Pemikiran Lintas Sektoral

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    Indonesia with a population characterized by pluralism has been signed by cultural diversity is social capital, Indonesia\u27s environment productiveness is an investment of capital, the fighting spirit of Indonesia is a production machine, the cumulative capital will be a character in the form of high competitiveness. Aware that one potential ego centris will not be able to have a high chance, collaboration becomes an important cornerstone in achieving the goal because it is through the collaboration will be able to shut down any line are prone to produce a more holistic pattern of thought. Management role becomes important when collaboration is staged. Structuring awareness and to make aware of structure of collaboration in the community to be superior communities to the society of the seed. In the end it became an advantage edge variant of the group has a competitive edge, especially in the form of community organization, will be increasingly strong in the competition. Structuring awareness and to make aware structure of colaborations can be exist or awaken got through the element (segment) collaboration of life, starting from education, social organization in both formal and non formal and others. In the end, each community has the ability to self-proportionately, together both on a local, regional, and national and Internationally competitive

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja Server Connectionless Pada Jaringan Atm

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    ATM works in connection oriented mode must be able to offer a connectionless service. ITU recommends two ways connectionless service delivery in this ATM network, the indirect approach and a direct approach. In the indirect approach, the organization of the connectionless function is implemented on the side of the customer is not in the ATM network. While the direct approach connectionless function located on the customer side and the ATM network (ie the connectionless servers (CLS)).In this study, focused on direct penyelengcaraan approach, especially analyzing the performance of the connectionless servers. There are several architectures that affect the performance of the method of packet forwarding this, Interleaving scheme, tipeflow control, routing algorithms, and network topology. But in this study, the performance of the server is analyzed by the method of packet forwarding (Based Frame Forwarding clicking unakan Reassembly Mode and Cell-Based Forwarding using streaming mode), interleaving scheme (Packet Interleaving and Cell Interleaving) and flow control which type of Static Rate Control (constant rate control. In this study will be investigated a data unit loss probability and mean delay performance of a CLS on an ATM network. So that is obtained from the analysis of performance of each server that uses the method of direct approach that is suitable for application server as a service delivery ATM connectionless network.The CLS-streaming mode of data units have a lower probability of loss of CLS-reassembly mode (in the case of low load). And the second server has a probability of data loss vang unit is almost identical to the case of high load. While CLS-streaming mode showed a mean delay lower than the CLS-reassembly mode

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 10 Tahun 2006 Tentang Sumber Daya Air dan Sumur

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    The development of the growing construction in Pekanbaru quite rapidly, it can be seen from the many buildings that stooded in Pekanbaru City. Tampan Sub-District is one of District in Pekanbaru City with the larges area and population in Pekanbaru City, and then Tampan Sub-District is one of district that have highest number of buildings compared to other Sub-Districts in Pekanbaru City. In case, that the buildings doesnt have absorbtion wells as required in Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 10 year of 2006 about Water Resources and Infiltration Wells.The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the implementation of Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 10 year of 2006 about Water Resources and Infiltration Wells (Case Study in Tampan Sub-District). The theory in this research used organizational effectiveness by Richard M. Steers. The research method used qualitative research, with the technique of interviews by key informants of Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan and people that having Ruko and Buildings in Tampan Sub-District.Based on the research conducted, the implementation of Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 10 year of 2006 about Water Resources and Infiltration Wells (Case Study in Tampan Sub-District) hasnt been effectively implemented by the Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan of Pekanbaru City. Because there are showed still many Ruko and Buildings in Tampan Sub-Disctrict doesnt make infiltration wells around the building.Keywords: Effectivity, Regulatory Areas, Infiltration Well

    The Effects of Different Immersion Method and TIME on the Physico-chemical Characteristics of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Fish Meal

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    High fat content in a dark fleshed fish can affect on nutritional value because it can lead to odors in fish meal products. Effort Immersion (deffating) is one way to reduce fat content in fish meal products in order to reduce the products from odor. Research on methods and durations of immersion effects were conducted from October to November 2011. This study aimed to determine the best method to get quality materials skipjact tuna fish meal based on methods and durations of immersion. Fish sampling were taken from the village of Latuhalat, Ambon-Maluku waters. Deffating process used water, 3% acetic acid, and 0.8% sodium bicarbonate. Immersion durations were 2, 4, and 6 hours. Deffating method using 0.8% sodium bicarbonate with 6 hours immersion time exhibited the best quality fish meal with protein content of 82.86% and 1.10% fat content

    Modifikasi Aplikasi Multimedia Stand Alone untuk Sistem Update Menggunakan Web Host dan Koneksi Internet

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    Multimedia merupakan sebuah sebuah konsep yang bisa diterapkan untuk sebuah strategi bisnis dan bisa juga dijadikan basis untuk sebuah software maupun hardware. Sahsatu bentuk produk multimedia yang berupa software aplikasi yaitu Kios Informasi yang merupakan penggabungan antara komputer dan multimedia, biasanya aplikasi ini bisa dijumpai di tempat umum sebagai media informasi dan bisa juga di galeri atau showroom dari sebuah prusahaan yang menjual barang berbentuk fisik besar. Pada umumnya aplikasi interaktif saat ini dibuat menggunakan aplikasi Flash maupun Director. Banyak jenis aplikasi kios yang ada, data yang disajikan bersifat statis, sehingga jika ada update data maupun terjadi Perubahan informasi maka aplikasi ini harus di bongkar menggunakan software pengolahnya untuk melakukan Perubahan. Hal ini sangat tidak menguntungkan bagi pengguna aplikasi yang hanya mengerti cara mengoperasikan sistemnya saja. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan alternatif dalam memodifikasi aplikasi sistem Kios Stand Alone yang statis agar bisa menjadi dinamis, dan menambahkan fitur agar dalam melakukan update bisa dengan cara offline maupun online menggunakan Web Host dan jaringan Internet

    Characterization of Functional Properties Fish Protein Concentrate of Skipjack Roe (Katsuwonus Pelamis)

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    By product that rich in protein such as fish roes are potential as raw material for protein concentrate. This research aimed to utilize skipjack roes to produce protein concentrate and to characterize its functional properties. The method used to extract protein was defatting method using isopropyl alcohol and ethanol with extraction times of 1, 2, and 3 hours. The results showed that skipjack roes contained 19.81% of protein, 3.41% of fat, 71.32% of moisture, 2.04% of ash, and 1.53% of carbohydrate (by difference). Defatting method using isopropyl alcohol for 3 hours produced the best roe protein concentrate (RPC). The product meets to the quality requirements of fish protein concentrate type B, contained protein and fat of 71.79% and 2.78%, respectively. This product also had functional properties as follows: water absorption capacity (1.57 ml/g), oil absorption capacity (1.82 g/g), emulsion capacity (81.65%), bulk density (0.51 g/ml), foaming capacity (1.90 ml), foaming stability (0.22 ml) and protein digestibility (95.86%). Lysine and leucine became the major essential amino acid of RPC, with values were 70.76 and 64.91 mg/g protein, respectively. The composition of amino acids of RPC skipjack consisted of 8 essentials amino acids, 5 non-essentials amino acids and 2 semi-essentials amino acids

    Kandungan dan Kelarutan Mineral pada Cumi Cumi Loligo SP dan Udang Vannamei Litopenaeus Vannamei

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari kandungan dan profil mineral pada makanan hasil laut (seafood) yang umum dikonsumsi yaitu cumi-cumi (Loligo sp) dan udang vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei), serta untuk mengevaluasi kelarutan Ca dan Zn yang diakibatkan proses perebusan pada berbagai larutan (air, asam asetat 0.5% dan garam 1%). Mineral makro yang ditemukan pada kedua jenis contoh cumi-cumi dan udang vannamei adalah Na, K, P, Mg dan Ca; sedangkan mineral mikro yang ditemukan adalah Zn dan I, tetapi tidak ditemukan Cu dan Fe. Perebusan dalam air dan asam asetat 0.5% meningkatkan secara nyata kelarutan Ca dan Zn (

    Mineral, Fatty Acid and Dietary Fiber Compositions in Several Indonesian Seaweeds

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi dan profil kandungan nutrient dan non-nutrien (mineral, asam lemak dan serat) pada sembilan jenis rumput laut dan beberapa kelas (alga hijau, coklat dan merah). Kandungan mineral didominasi oleh kalsium, potassium, dan sodium. Asam palmitic adalah asam lemak utama yang ditemukan pada semua contoh rumput laut, diikuti oleh asam stearic, asamoleic, dan asam linolenic. Konsentrasi asam eicosapentaenoic tertinggi ditemukan pada jenis alga merah Kappaphycus alvarezii (8,09%), sedangkan alga merah Sargassum polycystum mengandung asam arachidonic tertinggi (14,43%). Kisaran kandungan serat total, serat terlarut dan serat tidak terlarut pada contoh alga yang dianalisa berturut-turut adalah 14.7 - 69.3, 14.3 - 64.1 dan 0.4 - 10.7 (g/100 g berat kering). Alga merah jenis K. alvarezii memiliki kandungan serat total dan serat terlarut tertinggi, sedangkan alga yang mengandung serat tidak terlarut tertinggi adalah jenis alga hijau Ulva reticulate