32 research outputs found

    Redesain Sistem Bahan Bakar Mesin Induk Yanmar Di Laboratorium Kamar Mesin PPNS Sebagai Penunjang Pembelajaran Dual System

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    Kampus Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS)  sebagai institusi Vokasi membutuhkan media pembelajaran lengkap yang tersedian di Laboratorium untuk menunjang program dual system. PPNS berencana akan membuat Laboratorium Mesin Kapal yang akan digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran mahasiswa di kampus kususnya untuk mata kuliah praktikum. Desain sistem bahan bakar merupakan bagian penting dari program pembuatan laboratorium kamar mesin yang harus di desain yang meliputi perhitungan tangki, perhitungan pompa, pemilihan pipa, Gambar Piping  and instumentasion diagram, serta layout laboratorium kamar mesin. Hasil dari desain akan digunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat laboratorium yang akan digunakan untuk pembelajaran praktikum mahasiswa

    Analisis Pengaruh Kavitasi pada Pompa Sentrifugal Graving Dock

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    Centrifugal pump at the graving dock experienced cavitation. It caused noise and a damage to its impeller as vapor bubbles appeared around it. This problem caused the centrifugal pump’s power decreased. The research method to solve it is collecting, calculating, and analyzing data. The calculations analyzed are the calculation of velocity, friction factor, head losses, pump head, NPSHA and NPSHR values. If NPSHA value is less than NPSHR, the pump is cavitated and modification to the piping system is needed so that the cavitation problem can be overcomed. The NPSHA calculation result is 4.77 m while the NPSHR is 6 m so that the it can be concluded that the pump experienced cavitation. Based on these calculations, modification of its centrifugal pump piping system is required. The pump which was originally had a suction pipe length of 6 meters was shortened to 5 meters. The pump position was lowered so that the suction pipe could reach the lowest water level at the graving dock. The pipe diameter of 0.3 meters was enlarged to 0.4 meters. After modification, the NPSHA value exceeds the NPSHR by 0.7 meters so that the centrifugal pump will be safe from cavitation

    Penerapan Fuzzy Kontroler Pada Sistem Injeksi Bahan Bakar Mesin Diesel Kapal

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    Diesel Engine is a primary engine in ship which drives propeller. An important mechanism of the diesel engine to study is its fuel injection system into the cylinder. In the following study, the application of fuzzy logic controller into the fuel injection system of marine diesel engine would be discussed. First, details ofthe fuel injection system, in this case the EUI (Electronic Unit Injector), the working principles and its system elements, must be learned. Then, a mathematical model of its system elements including the use of sensor and actuator on its control system was developed. From the model, block diagrams and the sub-systems, and eventually the block diagram of the total system were found. Simulation of fuel injection control system using the fuzzy logic controller was done by utilizing mathlab 6.1 program. To simplify the simulation, "GUIDE" facility in mathlab 6.1 developed, to show the system block diagrams and its responses. The result is time response obtained, is much better than the result of without fuzzy logic controller

    Analisa Terjadinya Kebocoran pada Salah Satu Fitting Sistem Perpipaan Balancing Line Tank pada Line Number 3â€- WW – 37012 - 1B

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    Corrosion is an electrochemical process in which atoms will propose acidic substances and form positive ions (cations). This will cause the flow of electrons from one place to another on the metal surface. Corrosion occurs through chemical reactions or electrochemical reactions in metals or metal alloys that occur in corrosive environments. Corrosion reaction process consists of anodic reaction and cathodic reaction, if one of the reactions occurs then it causes corrosion on the metal. In analyzing this time, which is to repair a leak in one of the piping systems installation which is an elbow. Where the elbow must be replaced before the lifetime desired by the company. The main cause of this leak is internal corrosion. Where is this internal corrosion caused by the nature of the material that is not resistant to the nature of the fluid. This corrosion analysis I used the immersion test method, while the immersion test is a material testing for corrosion. Test this material on the ASTM G31-72 standard. The results obtained the average value of the corrosion that is equal to 1.04 mm / year and 9.76 mm / year. As for the lifetime value of 5.24 years and 0.632 years. Testing of this material is done with 2 types of fluids, according to the content in the fluid

    Pemodelan dan Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Orifice Plate menggunakan Software Ansys di Perusahaan Gas Alam PT. X

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    Increased natural gas production capacity of PT. X in East Java experienced condensation problems due to the addition of orifice plate which reduced the pressure from 650 psi to 50 psi, causing a temperature difference in the pipeline and environment. It also causes erosion due to changing flowrate then become turbulent flow. The velocity value will determine the value of Re, this calculation aims to prove that changing of gas flowrate after the orifice occurs changes in flow characteristics of the laminar flow into turbulent flow, after that it determines the value of the erosion rate, the amount of mass of the area unit lost, the minimum thickness, lifetime value, also modeling using Ansys software. Analytical method that used in this research is variations analysis in the addition of orifice plate. Based on the test results, the value of the change in velocity was obtained from 2.805 m/s to 41 m/s; erosion rate 0.133 mm/year; the mass of the unit area lost is 3.491 x 10-9kg per second per 1 m2 in the area of the inner wall of the pipe, the minimum thickness of the pipe is 0.866; 0.499; 0.150; and the lifetime of the pipe is 31 years; 34 years old; and 36 years. In CFD modeling, there is a change in laminar flow to turbulence

    Analisa Pengaruh Sudut Serang dan Airfoil NACA 4 Digit pada Blade Axial Fan

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    Banyak pengaplikasian Axial Fan di bidang industri. Terutama untuk sistem ventilasi dan cooler suatu sistemyang lainnya. Untuk mendesain sebuah blade axial fan perlu designer untuk memperhatikan studi airfoil.Namun, tidak banyak tulisan yang membahas dalam tentang airfoil terutama pada kebisingan dan getaran yangdapat berdampak terhadap performa axial fan menggunakan metode komputasi atau dengan bantuan software.Penelitian ini melakukan analisa axial fan menggunakan metode komputasi atau dengan bantuan softwareANSYS CFX untuk mendapatkan nilai efesiensi, volume flowrate, rpm, dan tekanan. Dengan mendapatkan nilaiefesiensi, volume flowrate, rpm, dan tekanan dari setting angle dan airfoil yang tepat maka dapat dipilih dandilakukan untuk fabrikasi. Desain airfoil dipilih menggunakan bantuan software Designfoil R6.46 dan situs resmidari NACA (National Advisory Comitee for aeronautics). Desain axial fan di bentuk menggunakan softwareANSYS Geometry. Setelah mendapatkan semua desain 3D axial fan, desain tersebut di import ke dalam softwareANSYS CFX untuk mendapatkan data efesiensi, air flow rate, kebisingan, dan getara

    Evaluasi Desain Piping System Wet Scrubber Untuk Pengendalian Partikulat Pada Pabrik Gula Candi Baru Sidoarjo

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    Abstract - Boiler flue gas (flue gas) from the chimney produced from burning fuel also causes air pollution. Exhaust gases caused by combustion may contain materials that are harmful to the environment. Wet scrubber technology is a tool used to control air pollution and remove some harmful particles or gases from the industrial exhaust system of Candi Baru Sidoarjo Sugar Factory. In this work method, the piping system design is suitable for the needs of the wet scrubber, which includes piperouted 3D designs and isometric drawings, as well as piping layout designs. The pipe size used (6 , 4”, 3½” , 2½”) for the main pipe, then the size (4”, 3”, 1½”) for the branch pipe. Based on the calculation of the total head manually, the value is 63,410 m and for the pipeflow expert software calculation, the value is 66,110 m with an error percentage value of 4.08%, the pump power used is 20.65 kW for manual calculations and for pipeflow expert software calculations. obtained a value of 21.97 kW with an error percentage value of 6.01%. Then we get the Spiral Jet Nozzle Standard Angle Spray nozzle type. Pump selection using a selection chart and the use of the EBARA 150x100 FS4NA pump was obtained. The results of the efficiency of particulate removal with a water discharge of 90 m^3/h which is able to remove particles with a diameter of less than 5?m and has reached an efficiency target of 90%, the wet scrubber design has met the operating criteria. With an estimated material and manpower cost of Rp. 402.421.116.00

    Desain Jalur Pipeline Freshwater Dari Pumproom Menuju ke Jetty (Studi Kasus PT. Siam Maspion Terminal)

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    Abstract – Jetty is one of facility for loading and unloading vessel load, such as liquid load, gas load, dry bulk, and general cargo. One of company that has this facility is PT. Siam Maspion Terminal, located in Manyar, Gresik. Beside all of service that ever had handled, this company also want to add freshwater supply facility to complete freshwater demand of vessel’s crew and vessel it self. Fluid will be transfered by pump with pipeline as a transfer media. Total length of pipeline that needed for this facility is about 2 Km. There is 5 jetty that will get supply, farest jetty that will get supply is jetty 3. Based on vessel freshwater tank capacity calculation obtained maximum capacity that must be supplied  by pump, the capacity is 100 m3. Supply scenario is only 1 jetty that will supply at the time. After pump power requirement calculation with manual calculation and software simulation, the results of each way are 24,12 Kw and 24,67 Kw. Difference result percentage between manual calculation and software simulation are 2,23 %. Pump type that met on catalogue is 100x80 FS2JA, this type has efficiency of 73,1% that most efficient specification on pump curve performance with pump head of 77 m and capacity of 100 m3/hr. Total estimated cost for material is Rp 692.099,210, &nbsp

    Perancangan dan Analisa Airflow Dust Collector System di PT. Aneka Adhilogam Karya

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    The metal casting industry is an activity of processing molten metal material formed in a mould pattern to produce the desired product. Because the gas emissions released during metal smelting have an impact on the safety and health of workers, there is a decrease in air quality and a dust concentration of 1608.30 ?g/m3 is obtained. This value is above the threshold determined by the Decree of the Governor of Central Java no. 8 of 2011 which is 230 ?g/m3. In machining, the entire mould area, and induction furnace are areas that produce a lot of dust particulates. For this reason, it is necessary to design an air filtration system, namely a dust collector system. Dust collector works by sucking dust and air using a pump which is then filtered using a dust filter. The analysis process of this system design will use computational fluid dynamics method. With the analysis of the working system of the machine, it is expected that it will work optimally in air circulation in the metal smelting production building. Then a Cost Budget Plan will also be carried out, in order to estimate the amount of costs required in the installation of the design of the dust collector system. The calculation results in the simulation show that the best performance is in the layout design 2. The suction capacity in the layout design 2 is 13.57 m3/s. These results are not much different from manual calculations or hand calculations

    Analisa Laju Erosi Terhadap Lifetime Elbow Di Jalur Pipa Outlet Separator Perusahaan Gas Bumi

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    This can cause friction to collision between the slug particle with the inner wall of the pipe with other components such as elbows, so that it can cause erosion of the pipe system. one of the effects of erosion is the erosion of the inner walls of pipes and their components which in this case is more dominant due to the erosion phenomenon compared to the corrosion phenomenon.The analysis method in this final project is done by manually calculating the minimum wall thickness of material that refers to ASME B31.3 and calculating the erosion rate, the rate of loss of mass per unit area each year to determine the lifetime of the pipe material, elbows in the path, and for visualization of the path of particles causing erosion in each path using the computational fluid dynamics method in ANSYS R19.2 Fluent software.The results of these calculations will be used as material for analysis to determine the feasibility of each component to continue operating in accordance with the design lifetime. The results of the erosion rate in the elbow is 2.7346 mm per year. Where the magnitude of the erosion rate affects the lifetime 1.6 years for elbows