27 research outputs found

    Growth Ring Measurements of Shorea robusta Reveal Responses to Climatic Variation

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    Many tropical species are not yet explored by dendrochronologists. Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) is an ecologically important and economically valuable tree species which grows in the southern plains and mid-hills of Nepalese Central Himalayas. Detailed knowledge of growth response of this species provides key information for the forest management. This paper aims to assess the dendroclimatic potential of Shorea robusta and to understand climatic effects on its growth. A growth analysis was done by taking 60 stem disc samples that were cut 0.3 m above ground and represented different diameter classes (>10 cm to 50 cm). Samples were collected and analysed following standard dendrochronological procedures. The detailed wood anatomical analysis showed that the wood was diffuse-porous, with the distribution of vessels in the entire ring and growth rings mostly marked with gradual structural changes. The basal area increment (BAI) chronology suggested that the species shows a long-term positive growth trend, possibly favoured by the increasing temperature in the region. The growth-climate relationship indicated that a moist year, with high precipitation in spring (March–May, MAM) and summer (June–September, JJAS), as well as high temperature during winter (November–February) was beneficial for the growth of the species, especially in a young stand. A significant positive relationship was observed between the radial trees increment and the total rainfall in April and the average total rainfall from March to September. Similarly, a significant positive relationship between radial growth and an average temperature in winter (November–January) was noted

    Stock Data Analysis

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    Video-microscopy-based automated trajectory determination

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    We present a method for tracking densely clustered, high-velocity, indistinguishable objects being spawned at a high rate and moving in a directed force field using only object centroids as inputs and no other image information. The algorithm places minimal restrictions on the velocities or accelerations of the objects being tracked and uses a methodology based on a scoring function and a backtracking refinement process. This combination leads to successful tracking of hundreds of particles in challenging environments even when the displacement of the individual objects at successive times approaches the separation between neighboring objects in any one frame. We note that these cases can be particularly difficult to handle by existing methods. The performance of the algorithm is methodically examined by comparison to simulated trajectories, which vary the temporal and spatial densities, velocities, and accelerations of the objects in motion, as well as the signal/noise ratio. Also, we demonstrate its capability by analyzing data from experiments with superparamagnetic microspheres moving in an inhomogeneous magnetic field in aqueous buffer at room temperature. Our method should be widely applicable since trajectory determination problems are ubiquitous in video microscopy applications in biology, materials science, physics, and engineering

    Unresolving Pneumonia with Pleural effusion: Pulmonary Paragonimiasis

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    Paragonimiasis is a zoonosis caused by many species of Paragonimus commonly P. westermani. Human get infected by eating raw, salted, pickled, smoked, partially cooked crustaceans (crayfish or crabs). Clinical manifestations ranges from non-specific symptoms like pain abdomen, diarrhea, urticarial rashes, fever to pleuropulmonary symptoms like cough, hemoptysis, chest pain and dyspnea. 48 yrs, female presented at TUTH emergency with fever on and off for 9 months, cough and shortness of breath for 3 months, lethargy, malaise and urticaria with history of raw crab intake one month prior to the onset of symptoms. Blood and pleural fluid analysis revealed raised total counts with eosinophilia and x-ray showed bilateral infiltration of lower lobes with pleural effusion. Diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic examination of sputum for Paragonimus. She responded well to Praziquantel. Pulmonary paragonimiasis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of unresolving pneumonia and unexplained hypereosinophilia.  [PubMed

    A Horizontal Magnetic Tweezers for Studying Single DNA Molecules and DNA-Binding Proteins

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    We report data from single molecule studies on the interaction between single DNA molecules and core histones using custom-designed horizontal magnetic tweezers. The DNA-core histone complexes were formed using λ-DNA tethers, core histones, and NAP1 and were exposed to forces ranging from ~2 pN to ~74 pN. During the assembly events, we observed the length of the DNA decrease in approximate integer multiples of ~50 nm, suggesting the binding of the histone octamers to the DNA tether. During the mechanically induced disassembly events, we observed disruption lengths in approximate integer multiples of ~50 nm, suggesting the unbinding of one or more octamers from the DNA tether. We also observed histone octamer unbinding events at forces as low as ~2 pN. Our horizontal magnetic tweezers yielded high-resolution, low-noise data on force-mediated DNA-core histone assembly and disassembly processes

    Microbial Enzymes Used in Bioremediation

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    Emerging pollutants in nature are linked to various acute and chronic detriments in biotic components and subsequently deteriorate the ecosystem with serious hazards. Conventional methods for removing pollutants are not efficient; instead, they end up with the formation of secondary pollutants. Significant destructive impacts of pollutants are perinatal disorders, mortality, respiratory disorders, allergy, cancer, cardiovascular and mental disorders, and other harmful effects. The pollutant substrate can recognize different microbial enzymes at optimum conditions (temperature/pH/contact time/concentration) to efficiently transform them into other rather unharmful products. The most representative enzymes involved in bioremediation include cytochrome P450s, laccases, hydrolases, dehalogenases, dehydrogenases, proteases, and lipases, which have shown promising potential degradation of polymers, aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated compounds, dyes, detergents, agrochemical compounds, etc. Such bioremediation is favored by various mechanisms such as oxidation, reduction, elimination, and ring-opening. The significant degradation of pollutants can be upgraded utilizing genetically engineered microorganisms that produce many recombinant enzymes through eco-friendly new technology. So far, few microbial enzymes have been exploited, and vast microbial diversity is still unexplored. This review would also be useful for further research to enhance the efficiency of degradation of xenobiotic pollutants, including agrochemical, microplastic, polyhalogenated compounds, and other hydrocarbons

    Growth dynamics of Shorea robusta Gaertn in relation to climate change: a case study from tropical region of Nepal

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    Key message: The growth of Shorea robusta is positively correlated with temperature, whereas the relation to moisture is weak. Abstract: Tree-ring analyses provide a rich archive of information on environmental attributes affecting tree growth. Tree-ring studies conducted so far have mostly focused on temperate species, and research on tropical trees is limited. This study aims to develop a tree-ring chronology of Shorea robusta and understand the climatic sensitivity of its growth in the tropical region of Nepal. Tree-ring samples of S. robusta were analysed following the standard dendrochronological sample analysis procedure. A 134-year-long ring-width chronology of S. robusta was developed, extending from 1851 to 2018, which is the longest chronology reported for this species. The chronology statistics revealed its high dendroclimatic potential with moderate R-bar, high expressed population signal, and low autocorrelation. The mean annual radial growth was 2.87 mm per year, while the mean basal area increment (BAI) was 9.245 cm2 per year. The ring width, BAI chronology and size-based growth analysis revealed an increasing growth trend of the species, which is likely favoured by the ongoing climate change. The tree growth of the species was positively correlated to temperature throughout the year; however, the relation to moisture parameters was weak. The temperature sensitivity of the species is stable over time, though a slight temporal difference exists in the strength of association

    Perceptions towards COVID-19 Vaccines and Willingness to Vaccinate in Nepal

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    Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure of COVID-19 available at present, but its success depends on the global accessibility of vaccines and the willingness of people to be vaccinated. As the vaccination rollouts are increasing worldwide, it is important to assess public perception and willingness towards vaccination, so that the aim of mass vaccination will be successful. This study aimed to understand public perception towards COVID-19 vaccines and their willingness to get vaccinated in Nepal. This cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 1196 residents of Nepal in August 2021; most of the participants of this online survey were young adults (18–47 years) with university-level education. A total of 64.5% (771/1196) of the participants perceived COVID-19 vaccines to be safe and risk-free, while 68.6% (820/1196) agreed that vaccination would be efficient in the fight against this pandemic. Most of the participants (841/1196, 70.3%) disagreed that people are getting COVID-19 vaccines easily in Nepal, while they agree with the prioritization of older adults and healthcare workers for vaccination. A total of 61.1% (731/1196) of the participants had received at least one dose of the vaccine. Among the unvaccinated, 93.3% (434/465) were willing to get vaccinated when their turn came. The higher confidence of younger adults in vaccines and the vaccination process is encouraging, as that can help educate others who are hesitant or are not positive towards the idea of receiving vaccines. Dissemination of correct and current information, acquisition of enough doses of vaccines, and equitable distribution of vaccines will be required to achieve successful completion of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Nepal