19 research outputs found

    Chronostratigraphic and sedimentological precision of Triassic ichnological site, Buntsandstein facies, from Bej铆s locality (Castell贸n, SE of the Iberian Range)

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    The oldest tetrapod footprints of the Valencian Community described up to date are located in the Ca帽izar Formation (Desierto de las Palmas, Castell贸n). Most recent are those found in the village of Bej铆s (Castell贸n). The present stratigraphic review has allowed to place the paleontological site from Bej铆s in the Porta Coeli shales Member (Tb33), belonging to the upper part of the Serra shales and sandstones Formation (Tb3) and therefore to specify the age of the ichnites as Pelsonian (Anisian,Middle Triassic). It has been shown that the fossils are located in a particular type of facies (B facies), formed by a set of tabular layers of red sandstones and siltstones (locally clays), which are characteristic of flood plain river depositsLas icnitas de tetr谩podos m谩s antiguas de la Comunidad Valenciana descritas hasta la fecha se localizan en la Fm. Ca帽izar (Desierto de las Palmas, Castell贸n). Algo m谩s recientes son las encontradas en la poblaci贸n de Bej铆s (Castell贸n). La presente revisi贸n estratigr谩fica ha permitido situar el yacimiento de Bej铆s en el Miembro Lutitas de Porta Coeli (Tb33), parte alta de la Formaci贸n Lutitas y Areniscas de Serra (Tb3) y por tanto precisar la edad de las huellas como Pelsoniense (Anisiense, Tri谩sico Medio). A su vez, se ha podido constatar que los f贸siles aparecen en un determinado tipo de facies (facies B), formadas por un conjunto de capas tabulares de areniscas y limolitas rojas (localmente arcillas), caracter铆sticos de dep贸sitos de llanura de inundaci贸n fluvia

    El Museo Municipal de Arqueolog铆a y Etnolog铆a de Bej铆s

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    El Museo Municipal de Arqueolog铆a y Etnolog铆a de Bej铆s recoge una extensa colecci贸n de objetos etnol贸gicos que representan la historia y las costumbres de esta poblaci贸n del interior de la provincia de Castell贸n. Los fondos se disponen en diversas salas que recrean, a su vez, diferentes aspectos de la vida y las labores que perduraron durante siglos. La otra parte importante, en cuanto a fondos, la representan los restos arqueol贸gicos hallados en diferentes yacimientos del municipio, entre los que destacan objetos fenicios y romanos. El museo lo completan la colecci贸n entomol贸gica, un archivo documental y fotogr谩fico, la colecci贸n paleontol贸gica, y una exposici贸n dedicada al viajero, natural de Bej铆s, Antonio Ponz

    A new styracosternan hadrosauroid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Early Cretaceous of Portell, Spain

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    A new styracosternan ornithopod genus and species is described based on the right dentary of a single specimen from the Mirambell Formation (Early Cretaceous, early Barremian) at the locality of Portell, (Castell贸n, Spain). Portellsaurus sosbaynati gen. et sp. nov. is diagnosed by two autapomorphic features as well as a unique combination of characters. The autapomorphies include: the absence of a bulge along the ventral margin directly ventral to the base of the coronoid process and the presence of a deep oval cavity on the medial surface of the mandibular adductor fossa below the eleventh-twelfth tooth position. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the new Iberian form is more closely related to the African taxon Ouranosaurus nigeriensis than to its synchronic Iberian taxa Magnamanus soriaensis and Iguanodon galvensis. In addition, Portellsaurus sosbaynati is less related to other Iberian taxa such as Iguanodon bernissartensis and Proa valdearinnoensis than to the other Early Cretaceous Iberian styracosternans Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis and Morelladon beltrani. A new phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed that resolves Iguanodon (I. bernissartensis, I. galvensis) with the Valanginian Barilium dawsoni into a monophyletic clade (Iguanodontoidea). The recognition of Portellsaurus sosbaynati gen. et sp. nov. as the first styracosternan dinosaur species identified from the Margas de Mirambell Formation (early Barremian鈥揺arly late Barremian) in the Morella sub-basin (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain) indicates that the Iberian Peninsula was home to a highly diverse assemblage of medium-to-large bodied styracosternan hadrosauriforms during the Early Cretaceous

    A new spinosaurid dinosaur species from the Early Cretaceous of Cinctorres (Spain)

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    A new spinosaurid genus and species is described based on the right maxilla and five caudal vertebrae of a single specimen from the Arcillas de Morella Formation (Early Cretaceous) at the locality of Cinctorres (Castell贸n, Spain). Protathlitis cinctorrensis gen. et sp. nov. is diagnosed by one autapomorphic feature as well as by a unique combination of characters. The autapomorphy includes a subcircular depression in the anterior corner of the antorbital fossa in the maxilla. The new Iberian species is recovered as a basal baryonychine. The recognition of Protathlitis cinctorrensis gen. et sp. nov. as the first baryonychine dinosaur species identified from the Arcillas de Morella Formation (late Barremian) from the same time as Vallibonavenatrix cani, the first spinosaurine dinosaur from the same formation in the Morella subbasin (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), indicates that the Iberian Peninsula was home to a highly diverse assemblage of medium-to-large bodied spinosaurid dinosaurs. It seems that spinosaurids appeared during the Early Cretaceous in Laurasia, with the two subfamilies occupying the western part of Europe during this period. Later, during the Barremian鈥揂ptian, they migrated to Africa and Asia, where they would diversify. In Europe, baryonychines were dominant, while in Africa, spinosaurines were most abundant

    Primeros f贸siles de nodos谩uridos (Nodosauridae) del yacimiento ANA, Cret谩cico Inferior de Cinctorres (Castell贸n, Espa帽a)

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    En el presente trabajo se describen dos elementos aislados del dermatoesqueleto de un dinosaurio nodos谩urido de la Formaci贸n Arcillas de Morella del Barremiense superior (Cret谩cico Inferior) de la pen铆nsula Ib茅rica. Dichos elementos corresponden a una placa d茅rmica caudal y un os铆culo d茅rmico. Todos los f贸siles se han recuperado en el yacimiento ANA de Cinctorres (Castell贸n, Espa帽a). Los f贸siles de anquilosaurios nodos谩uridos fuera del Reino Unido son muy escasos en el Cret谩cico Inferior de Europa, por lo que la descripci贸n de nuevos materiales es de suma importancia para comprender mejor la historia evolutiva del grupo. Los f贸siles recuperados han sido identificados como pertenecientes a un anquilosaurio nodos谩urido indeterminado, ampliando el registro ib茅rico de la familia a un nuevo yacimiento (ANA) de la Fm. Arcillas de Morella.En aquest treball es descriuen dos elements a茂llats del dermatoesquelet d鈥檜n dinosaure nodos脿urid de la Formaci贸 Argiles de Morella del Barremienc superior (Cret脿cic Inferior) de la pen铆nsula Ib猫rica. Aquests elements corresponen a una placa d猫rmica cabal i un oss铆cle d猫rmic. Tots els f貌ssils s鈥檋an recuperat al jaciment ANA de Cinctorres (Castell贸, Espanya). Els f貌ssils d鈥檃nquilosaures nodos脿urids fora del Regne Unit s贸n molt escassos al Cretaci Inferior d鈥橢uropa, per la qual cosa la descripci贸 de nous materials 茅s molt important per comprendre millor la hist貌ria evolutiva del grup. Els f貌ssils recuperats han estat identifi cats com a pertanyents a un anquilosaure nodos脿urid indeterminat, ampliant el registre ib猫ric de la fam铆lia a un nou jaciment (ANA) de la Fm. Argilles de Morella

    Los otros dinosaurios de la comarca de Els Ports (Castell贸n)

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    Els jaciments de vertebrats mesozoics, especialment de dinosaures, descoberts i estudiats en la comarca d鈥橢ls Ports han estat lligats hist貌ricament a la Formaci贸 Argiles de Morella (Barremi脿 tard脿, Cretaci primerenc). No obstant aix貌, en els 煤ltims anys s鈥檋a posat en marxa un projecte en el qual treballen ge貌legs i paleont貌legs de la Universitat de Val猫ncia, la Universitat Jaume I de Castell贸 i el Grup Guix de Vila-real, la finalitat del qual 茅s localitzar, estudiar i investigar nous jaciments de vertebrats en altres formacions de la comarca. S鈥檋an estudiat vint-i-quatre afloraments, dels quals vint-i-dos es situen a la Fm. Mirambell (Barremi脿 primerenc - part inicial del Barremi脿 tard脿, Cretaci primerenc) i dos d鈥檈lls es situen a la Fm. Els Mangraners (Valangini脿 primerenc - Hauterivi脿 tard脿) i a la Fm. Artoles (Barremi脿) respectivament.Los yacimientos de vertebrados mesozoicos, especialmente de dinosaurios, descubiertos y estudiados en la comarca de Els Ports han estado ligados hist贸ricamente a la Formaci贸n Arcillas de Morella (Barremiense tard铆o, Cret谩cico Temprano). Sin embargo, en los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha puesto en marcha un proyecto en el que trabajan ge贸logos y paleont贸logos de la Universidad de Valencia, la Universitat Jaume I de Castell贸 y el Grup Guix de Vila-real, cuya finalidad es localizar, estudiar e investigar nuevos yacimientos de vertebrados en otras formaciones de la comarca. Se han estudiado veinticuatro afloramientos, veintid贸s de los cuales se sit煤an en la Fm. Mirambell (Barremiense temprano - parte inicial del Barremiense tard铆o, Cret谩cico Temprano) y dos de ellos se sit煤an en la Fm. Els Mangraners (Valanginiense temprano - Hauteriviense tard铆o) y en la Fm. Artoles (Barremiense) respectivamente.Deposits of Mesozoic vertebrates, especially dinosaurs, discovered and studied in the region of Els Ports have been linked historically to the Morella Fm. (late Barremian, Early Cretaceous) formation. However, in recent years it has been launched a project from the University of Valencia, the Universitat Jaume I of Castell贸 and Grup Guix of Vila-real, whose purpose is to locate, study and research new sites of vertebrates in other formations of the region. Twenty four outcrops have been studied, twenty two of which are in the Mirambell Fm. (early Barremian - early part of late Barremian, Early Cretaceous) and two of them are in the Els Mangraners Fm. (early Valanginian - late Hauterivian) and the Artoles Fm. (Barremian) respectively

    Geologia i Paleontologia (dinosaures) de Cinctorres i Portell (Castell贸, Espanya)

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    La tesi doctoral es centra en l鈥檈studi de la Geologia i la Paleontologia (dinosaures) de Cinctorres i Portell (Castell贸). Despr猫s d鈥檜n rep脿s hist貌ric als antecedents paleontol貌gics sobre dinosaures a la comarca d鈥橢ls Ports, s鈥檃porta una nova interpretaci贸 geol貌gica sobre els jaciments de la comarca, mitjan莽ant l鈥檈studi sedimentol貌gic, estratigr脿fic, qu铆mic i mineral貌gic de diferents mostres de diversos jaciments. Tamb茅 es fa un estudi sistem脿tic de diferents jaciments de Portell i Cinctorres, fent especial 猫mfasi en la descripci贸 de dues noves esp猫cies de dinosaures: Portellsaurus sosbaynati i Protathlitis cinctorrensis. Finalment s鈥檃borda les tasques de divulgaci贸 cient铆fica dutes a terme a les dues localitats i que s鈥檋an basat principalment en tres vessants: educativa, cultural i tur铆stica. Com a conclusi贸 destaca la import脿ncia que t茅 la Fm. Argiles de Morella en jaciments de vertebrats mesozoics, i les noves aportacions de la Fm. Margues de Mirambell a l鈥檈studi d鈥檃quests vertebrats, tant continentals com marins.The doctoral thesis focuses on the study of the Geology and Palaeontology (dinosaurs) of Cinctorres and Portell (Castell贸, Spain). After a historical review of the palaeontological antecedents of dinosaurs in the region of Els Ports (Castell贸, Spain), a new geological interpretation is provided through the sedimentological, stratigraphic, chemical and mineralogical studies of different outcrops and samples from various vertebrate sites. A systematic study of different sites in Portell and Cinctorres (Castell贸, Spain) is presented, with special emphasis on the description of two new species of dinosaurs: Portellsaurus sosbaynati and Protathlitis cinctorrensis. Finally, the scientific dissemination tasks carried out in the two localities are explained, based mainly on three aspects: educational, cultural and touristic. As a conclusion, we presented the importance of the Arcillas de Morella formation and the new contributions of the Margues de Mirambell ones to the Mesozoic vertebrate sites of the Els Ports region.Programa de Doctorat en Ci猫ncie

    An iguanodontid humerus (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) of Morella (Castell贸n, Spain)

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    An incomplete right humerus of an iguariodohtid ornithopod is described. It has been recovered in Morelia (CastelI貌ni Spain), in deltaic sediments from the Morelia Fm. (Lower Aptian) in the Maestrazgo Basin (Iberian Range)...Its form resembles the humerus of Iguanodon spec/es, and ihe size.tits in with the size variability of I. bernissartensis. We think that size is not a diagnostic character for the ornithopod taxi, and the humerus is assigned to Igu脿n貌d貌n sp

    A handful of land... a Cretaceous world: the BMG site from Portell (upper Barremian, Castell贸n, Spain)

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    Los vertebrados mesozoicos de la Fm. Arcillas de Morella son ampliamente conocidos en localidades como Morella, Cinctorres, Vallibona o Todolella. Sin embargo, pese a que hay afloramientos en otras localidades de la comarca de Els Ports (provincia de Castell贸n) no se han descrito en detalle yacimientos y f贸siles de ellas. En este trabajo se presentan seis piezas dentales del yacimiento Bassa del Mas de Guimer脿 (BMG) de Portell, que a煤n est谩 sin excavar, y que son una aportaci贸n relevante para la diversidad de vertebrados presentes en esta formaci贸n geol贸gica. En este caso el an谩lisis de seis dientes encontrados en unos pocos metros cuadrados de sedimento ha permitido identificar dos taxones de dinosaurios, un cocodrilomorfo, un plesiosaurio y un pterosaurioMesozoic vertebrates of Arcillas de Morella Fm. are widely known in different localities such as Morella, Cinctorres, Vallibona or Todolella. Nevertheless, there are outcrops in other localities of Els Ports (province of Castell贸n). Sites and fossils from these localities have not been described in detail. In this paper we present six dental specimens from Bassa del Mas del Guimer脿 (BMG) in Portell (Castell贸n), which has not yet been excavated. This confirms the great diversity of vertebrates present in this geological formation. In this case the analysis of six teeth found in a few square meters of sediment has allowed identifying two taxa of dinosaurs, a crocodylomorph, a plesiosaur and a pterosau

    Revision of the Mas de la Chimenea Alta fossil site section (Formaci贸n Arcillas de Morella, Castell贸n) and its significance in the paleoenvironmental context

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    Desde los primeros estudios estratigr谩ficos y paleontol贸gicos, que datan de principios del siglo XX, la Fm Morella se ha caracterizado por su coloraci贸n rojiza y su contenido f贸sil. La mayor parte de sus dep贸sitos se han interpretado como continentales, aunque con intercalaciones locales de materiales marinos. En esta unidad se da la paradoja de que muchos de los lugares descritos con fauna de vertebrados continentales se encuentran en dep贸sitos interpretados como ambientes marinos poco profundos y de transici贸n. La secci贸n del Mas de la Chimenea Alta es un ejemplo. 脡sta contiene yacimientos con f贸siles de vertebrados que son claramente al贸ctonos, pero tambi茅n otros, con icnitas que permiten relacionar a los organismos con el medio ambiente en el que viv铆anFrom the first stratigraphic and paleontological studies, dated from the beginning of the XX century the Morella Fm has been characterized for its reddish coloration and fossil content. Most of its deposits has been interpreted as continental, although with local intercalations of marine materials. In this unit the paradox is given that many of the locations described with continental vertebrate fauna are in deposits interpreted as shallow marine and transitional environments. The section of Mas de la Chimenea Alta is an example. It contains localities with direct vertebrate remains that are clearly alochthonous, but also others, with ichnites that allow relating these organisms with the environment in which they live