22 research outputs found

    Qualidade Físico-química E Sensorial De Genótipos De Banana

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    Despite the diversity of banana varieties in Brazil, only a few cultivars have the proper agronomic traits and fruit quality for commercial exploitation. This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical traits and sensorial acceptance of banana genotypes, in order to identify those with potential for commercial growing. Six improved banana genotypes were assessed (BRS Maravilha, PC 0101, FHIA 18, TM 2803, YB 4203 and BRS Caipira), as well as three commercial cultivars (Grand Naine, Pacovan and Prata Anã). Analyses of peel and pulp color, peel thickness, pulp yield, moisture, pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, total carotenoids and sensorial acceptance were performed. The BRS Maravilha, FHIA 18, YB 4203 and BRS Caipira genotypes presented physicochemical traits similar to the Grand Naine, Pacovan and Prata Anã commercial cultivars. The BRS Maravilha and TM 2803 genotypes had sensorial acceptance similar to the Prata Anã and Grand Naine cultivars, and are therefore promising for commercial growing, with the advantage of being resistant to the black Sigatoka and Panama disease. © 2016, Universidade Federal De Goias (UFG). All Rights Reserved.461899

    In vitro inhibition of Helicobacter pylori and interaction studies of lichen natural products with jack bean urease

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    The interaction of (S)-(-)-usnic acid (2) and fumarprotocetraric acid (3), isolated from Cladonia rappii (lichen), and commercial (R)-(+)-usnic acid (1) with urease was investigated in vitro by molecular spectroscopy at pH 7.4 and kinetics experiments using jack bean type III urease. All lichen compounds tested interact with urease by a statistical quenching mechanism forming non-fluorescent complexes that change the native protein structure. Formation of complexes was spontaneous and stabilized mainly by electrostatic forces, in which the interaction magnitude was determined to be 3 < 2 < 1. Compound 2, whose tridimensional structure is disclosed here, acts as a mixed inhibitor while compounds 1 and 3 function as competitive ones. The (R)-(+)-UA (1) is the most efficient lichen metabolite with respect to impairment of the growth of five H. pylori strains. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for the lichen metabolites tested were lower (from 2- to 7.8-fold) than those of omeprazole (reference drug) against all H. pylori strains tested. Overall, the lichen metabolites 1-3 are promising lead compounds for the design of more efficient urease inhibitors for the treatment of H. pylori infections

    Caracterização de farinhas de tapioca produzidas no estado do Pará Characterization of tapioca flour obtained in Pará state, Brazil

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    A farinha de tapioca é um alimento produzido artesanalmente a partir da fécula de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), amplamente consumida na Região Amazônica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar duas farinhas de tapioca produzidas no estado do Pará: uma no Baixo Amazonas e outra na Zona Bragantina. As duas farinhas apresentaram perfis granulométricos distintos e diferença significativa (P 0,05) para a maioria dos parâmetros físico-químicos e tecnológicos analisados. A farinha de tapioca proveniente do Baixo Amazonas apresentou maior umidade (10,7%), em função da maior capacidade de adsorver água, devido a sua maior área específica (menor granulometria). A microscopia óptica com luz polarizada, juntamente com as características dos dois produtos indicou a inexistência de um processo padrão utilizado na produção da farinha de tapioca.<br>Tapioca flour is a typical food produced from cassava starch (Manihot esculenta Crantz), widely consumed in the Amazon Region. The aim of this study was to characterize two tapioca flours produced in Pará State, Brazil one in the West Region and other in Bragantina Area. Both tapioca flour presented distinct particle-size distribution and significant difference (P 0.05) for majority of the physico-chemical and technological parameters. Flour from West Region presented high moisture (10.7%), this due the greater capacity of water adsorption, attributed at its high specific area (smaller particle-size). The optical microscopy with polarized light and the technologic properties of the products did not showed a standard process for the production of tapioca flour