661 research outputs found

    The Sociopolitical Conflict In Hydroelectric Enterprises

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    Electrical energy is the basis of the lifestyle of contemporary society, whose main source in Brazil, is the dam, requiring the construction of major infrastructure projects. These projects drive contradictory social and political processes. In these processes, we glimpse the conflict between the Specific Purpose Entities (SPE), proponents of hydropower, and the Touched, representative parts of local populations forcibly displaced as a result of these works Movement of Affected by Dams. Having locus as the basin of Uruguay, southern Brazil, this article discusses the conflict through a "loop analysis" consists of hydropower and resettlement. We sought to understand the frequency and the motivations of those affected to participate politically in later demonstrations against their relocation hydropower. Therefore, we use a methodology that links qualitative and quantitative tools based on empirical research. The study enables us to understand that the primary motivator for participation of those affected in later for their resettlement mobilizations is human solidarity.192456

    Field-linked States of Ultracold Polar Molecules

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    We explore the character of a novel set of ``field-linked'' states that were predicted in [A. V. Avdeenkov and J. L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 043006 (2003)]. These states exist at ultralow temperatures in the presence of an electrostatic field, and their properties are strongly dependent on the field's strength. We clarify the nature of these quasi-bound states by constructing their wave functions and determining their approximate quantum numbers. As the properties of field-linked states are strongly defined by anisotropic dipolar and Stark interactions, we construct adiabatic surfaces as functions of both the intermolecular distance and the angle that the intermolecular axis makes with the electric field. Within an adiabatic approximation we solve the 2-D Schrodinger equation to find bound states, whose energies correlate well with resonance features found in fully-converged multichannel scattering calculations

    A continuous source of translationally cold dipolar molecules

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    The Stark interaction of polar molecules with an inhomogeneous electric field is exploited to select slow molecules from a room-temperature reservoir and guide them into an ultrahigh vacuum chamber. A linear electrostatic quadrupole with a curved section selects molecules with small transverse and longitudinal velocities. The source is tested with formaldehyde (H2CO) and deuterated ammonia (ND3). With H2CO a continuous flux is measured of approximately 10^9/s and a longitudinal temperature of a few K. The data are compared with the result of a Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures v2: small changes in the abstract, text and references. Figures 1 & 2 regenerated to prevent errors in the pd

    Superfluid pairing in a polarized dipolar Fermi gas

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    We calculate the critical temperature of a superfluid phase transition in a polarized Fermi gas of dipolar particles. In this case the order parameter is anisotropic and has a nontrivial energy dependence. Cooper pairs do not have a definite value of the angular momentum and are coherent superpositions of all odd angular momenta. Our results describe prospects for achieving the superfluid transition in single-component gases of fermionic polar molecules.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Hydrodynamic excitations of trapped dipolar fermions

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    A single-component Fermi gas of polarized dipolar particles in a harmonic trap can undergo a mechanical collapse due to the attractive part of the dipole-dipole interaction. This phenomenon can be conveniently manipulated by the shape of the external trapping potential. We investigate the signatures of the instability by studying the spectrum of low-lying collective excitations of the system in the hydrodynamic regime. To this end, we employ a time-dependent variational method as well as exact numerical solutions of the hydrodynamic equations of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, final versio

    Charge-density waves in one-dimensional Hubbard superlattices

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    We study the formation of charge density waves (CDW's) in one-dimensional Hubbard superlattices, modeled by a repeated pattern of repulsive (U>0) and free (U=0) sites. By means of Lanczos diagonalizations for the ground state, we calculate the charge structure factor. Our results show that while the superlattice structure affects the modulation of the charge density waves, the periodicity can still be predicted through an effective density. We also show that, for a fixed repulsive layer thickness, the periodicity of the CDW is an oscillatory function of the free layer thickness.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Comparative Evaluation Of Conventional Rt-pcr And Real-time Rt-pcr (rrt-pcr) For Detection Of Avian Metapneumovirus Subtype A [comparação Entre As Técnicas De Rt-pcr Convencional E Rt-pcr Em Tempo Real Para A Detecção Do Metapneumovírus Aviários Subtipo A]

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    Avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) belongs to Metapneumovirus genus of Paramyxoviridae family. Virus isolation, serology, and detection of genomic RNA are used as diagnostic methods for AMPV. The aim of the present study was to compare the detection of six subgroup A AMPV isolates (AMPV/A) viral RNA by using different conventional and real time RT-PCR methods. Two new RT-PCR tests and two real time RT-PCR tests, both detecting fusion (F) gene and nucleocapsid (N) gene were compared with an established test for the attachment (G) gene. All the RT-PCR tested assays were able to detect the AMPV/A. The lower detection limits were observed using the N-, F- based RRT-PCR and F-based conventional RT-PCR (10 0.3 to 10 1 TCID 50 mL -1). The present study suggests that the conventional F-based RT-PCR presented similar detection limit when compared to N- and F-based RRT-PCR and they can be successfully used for AMPV/A detection.39514451451Arns, C.W., Hafez, M.H., (1992) Swollen Head Syndrome in Poultry Flocks in Brazil, pp. 81-84. , In: WESTERN POULTRY DISEASE CONFERENCE, 41., 1992, Sacramento, USA. Proceedings... Davis, CA: Conference & Event Services, University of CaliforniaBarik, S., Transcription of human respiratory syncytial virus genome RNA in vitro: Requirement of cellular factor(s) (1992) Journal of Virology, 66, pp. 6813-6818Bäyon-Auboyer, M.H., Comparison of F-, G- and N-based RT-PCR protocols with conventional virological procedures for the detection and typing of turkey rhinotracheitis virus (1999) Archives of Virology, 144 (6), pp. 1091-1109. , http://www.springerlink.com/content/vxcm8vulvfx3vmeh, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1007/s007050050572Cecchinato, M., Design, validation, and absolute sensitivity of a novel test for the molecular detection of avian pneumovirus (2004) Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 16 (6), pp. 582-585Choi, J.H., Development of real-time PCR assays for detection and quantification of human bocavirus (2008) Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42 (3), pp. 249-253. , http://www.journalofclinicalvirology.com/article/S1386-6532(08)00070-X, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2008.02.010Cook, J.K., Cavanagh, D., Detection and differentiation of avian pneumoviruses (metapneumoviruses) (2002) Avian Pathology, 31 (2), pp. 117-132D'arce, R.C., et al, Subtyping of new Brazilian avian metapneumovirus isolates from chickens and turkeys by reverse transcriptase-nested-polymerase chain reaction (2005) Avian Pathology, 34 (2), pp. 133-136Dani, M.A., Molecular characterization of Brazilian avian pneumovirus isolates: Comparison between immunochemiluminescent Southern blot and nested PCR (1999) Journal of Virological Methods, 79 (2), pp. 237-241. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T96-3WJDTS 6-D-7&_cdi=5106&_user=687304&_orig=search&_coverDate=05% 2F31%2F1999&_sk=999209997&view=c&wchp=dGLbVlW-zSkzS&md5= 6b42016b9f823422152fecdd9a0d7060&ie=, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/S0166-0934(99)00020-8Fauquet, C.M., (2005) Virus taxonomy: VIIIth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, p. 1162. , Amsterdam: Elsevier AcademicFerreira, H.L., Inhibition of avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) replication by RNA interference targeting nucleoprotein gene (N) in cultured cells (2007) Antiviral Research, 74 (1), pp. 77-81. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T2H-4MR1GV 1-1-1&_cdi=4919&_user=10&_orig=search&_coverDate=04%2F30 %2F2007&_sk=999259998&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtb-zSkWb&md5=a1d6 3aa0ca8ae7b4fa06307793e8edc5&ie=, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2006.12.002Giraud, P., Turkey rhinotracheitis in France: Preliminary investigations on a ciliostatic virus (1986) Veterinary Record, 119 (24), pp. 606-607Gough, R.E., Avian pneumoviruses (2003) Diseases of Poultry, pp. 92-99. , In: SAIF, M. et al., Ames: Iowa StateGuionie, O., Laboratory evaluation of a quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR assay for the detection and identification of the four subgroups of avian metapneumovirus (2007) Journal of Virological Methods, 139 (2), pp. 150-158. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T96-4MFJJ1 2-1-3&_cdi=5106&_user=10&_orig=search&_coverDate=02%2F28 %2F2007&_sk=998609997&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtz-zSkWz&md5=70a2 de1148e26bf618e402c54144d25e&ie=, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2006.09.022Juhasz, K., Easton, A.J., Extensive sequence variation in the attachment (G) protein gene of avian pneumovirus: Evidence for two distinct subgroups (1994) Journal of General Virology, 75 (PART 11), pp. 2873-2880. , http://vir.sgmjournals.org/cgi/reprint/75/11/2873, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1099/0022-1317-75-11-2873Keightley, M.C., Real-time NASBA detection of SARS-associated coronavirus and comparison with real-time reverse transcription-PCR (2005) Journal of Medical Virology, 77 (4), pp. 602-608. , http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112137449, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1002/jmv.20498Loisy, F., Real-time RT-PCR for norovirus screening in shellfish (2005) Journal of Virological Methods, 123 (1), pp. 1-7Maertzdorf, J., Real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay for detection of human metapneumoviruses from all known genetic lineages (2004) Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42, pp. 981-986. , http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/reprint/42/3/981, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.3.981-986.2004Otsuki, K., Demonstration of serum-neutralising antibody to turkey rhinotracheitis virus in serum from chicken flocks in Japan (1996) Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 58 (9), pp. 869-874Pabbaraju, K., Diagnosis and epidemiological studies of human metapneumovirus using real-time PCR (2007) Journal of Clinical Virology, 40 (3), pp. 186-192. , http://www.journalofclinicalvirology.com/article/PIIS1386653207002740, Doi:10.1016/j.jcv.2007.08.004Reed, J.I., Muench, H., A simple method for estimating fifth percent endpoints (1938) American Journal Hygiene, 27, pp. 493-49

    Ground state and elementary excitations of single and binary Bose-Einstein condensates of trapped dipolar gases

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    We analyze the ground-state properties and the excitation spectrum of Bose-Einstein condensates of trapped dipolar particles. First, we consider the case of a single-component polarized dipolar gas. For this case we discuss the influence of the trapping geometry on the stability of the condensate as well as the effects of the dipole-dipole interaction on the excitation spectrum. We discuss also the ground state and excitations of a gas composed of two antiparallel dipolar components.Comment: 12 pages, 9 eps figures, final versio