9 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to assess the patterns of seed dispersal syndromes of woody plants from nine forest fragments distributed at different altitude levels on the Araripe plateau, in Pernambuco, Brazil. For data collection, we divided the altitudes within the region into three categories: lower level (altitudes ≤600 m); intermediate level (600< altitudes <750 m); and higher level (altitudes ≥750 m). We registered nine fragments, three per altitude level. In each of them, we distributed 20 rectangular sampling units with 250 m², totaling a sampling area of 4.5 ha. We quantified, collected, and identified woody plants with a diameter at breast height higher than or equal to 0.1 m (DBH 1.30 m ≥0.10 m). We characterized the dispersal syndrome according to the characteristics of the fruits and seeds and based on a literature review. In the whole region, we sampled 6,987 individuals, distributed in 35 families, 82 genera, and 153 species. Approximately 41% of all individuals are dispersed by animals, 37% by the plant’s own mechanisms, and 21% by the wind. In terms of dispersal, 47% of species were classified as zoochorous, 23% as autochorous, and 14% as anemochorous. Seed dispersal patterns vary according to altitude levels, with higher regions tending to present greater representativeness of biotic dispersers and lower ones, abiotic

    Vegetação lenhosa de regiões semiáridas em diferentes altitudes

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    This work aimed to evaluate the floristic diversity at different altitudes in the Araripe region of Pernambuco state, Brazil. For method purposes, the region was stratified into three levels of altitude: inferior (until 600 m), intermediate (&gt;600 and &lt;750) and superior (≥750 m). Nine forest fragments were inventoried, three by altitudinal stratum. Twenty rectangular sampling units of 250 m² each were distributed for each fragment, totaling a sampling area of 4.5 ha. All woody individual’s quantification, collection, and identification were performed with respect to the Circumference at Breast Height (CBH) greater than or equal to 0.10 m (CBH at 1.30m ≥ 0.10m). The richness and the floristic similarity among the fragments and altitude levels were analyzed. A total of 6,987 individuals were sampled and distributed in 35 botanical families, 82 genera and 153 species. The region presented great floristic richness, with variation among and within the three altitudinal levels and the diversity demonstrated to increase with the altitude. Most species exhibited little phenotypic plasticity, with occurrence and abundance restricted to the fragment or the altitude level. At short geographical distances, relevant phyto-physiognomic variations were diagnosed, which corroborates with the importance of altitude stratification and fragment replication in the sampling procedures. Due to the level of anthropogenic degradation and the intensification of forest activities in the region, it is, therefore, necessary and urgent to create public policies aiming sustainable practices in forest use and its conservation process. To this end, the negligence of this problem puts at risk of extinction a large representation of the Brazilian northeastern vegetation diversity.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diversidade florística em diferentes altitudes na região do Araripe em Pernambuco, Brasil. Metodologicamente, a região foi estratificada em três níveis de altitude: inferior (até 600 m), intermediário (maior que 600 e menor que 750 m) e superior (igual ou maior que 750 m). Foram inventariados nove fragmentos florestais, três por estrato altitudinal. Em cada fragmento, distribuíramse 20 unidades amostrais retangulares, de 250 m² cada, totalizando área amostral de 4,5 ha. Nas áreas amostrais foram quantificados, coletados e identificados todos os indivíduos lenhosos com nível de inclusão de circunferências a altura do peito (CAP) maior ou igual a 0,10 m (CAP a 1,30 m ≥ 0,10 m). Analisou-se, riqueza e similaridade florística entre fragmentos e níveis de altitudes. Foram amostrados 6.987 indivíduos, distribuídos em 35 famílias botânica, 82 gêneros e 153 espécies. A região apresenta grande riqueza florística, com variação entre e dentro dos três níveis altitudinais, com tendência de aumento na diversidade com a elevação da altitude. A maioria das espécies apresentaram pouca plasticidade fenotípica, com ocorrência e abundância restrita ao fragmento ou altitude. Em pequenas distâncias geográficas foram diagnosticadas relevantes variações fitofisionômicas, o que corrobora a importância da estratificação de altitudes e replicação de fragmentos na amostragem. Pelo nível de degradação antropogênica e a intensificação das atividades florestais da região, faz-se necessário e urgente a criação de políticas públicas voltadas para práticas sustentáveis no uso da floresta e seu processo de conservação. Para tanto, o negligenciamento a esta problemática, coloca em risco de extinção uma grande representação da diversidade vegetacional do nordeste brasileiro

    Edge effect in atlantic forest remnants in the watershed of the river Tapacurá, Pernambuco

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    Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de borda sobre o componente arbóreo em dois fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica na Bacia do Rio Tapacurá-PE. Para amostragemdo componente adulto, foram plotadas 15 parcelas de 10 x 25 m e subparcelas de 1 x 25 m para a regeneração. As parcelas foram dispostas em três ambientes, cada uma com cinco unidades amostrais, conforme distância da borda. As comparações entre os ambientes foram realizadas por meio da composição de espécies, Diagrama de Venn e análise de agrupamento. A maior riqueza foi observada na área mais distante da borda e o maior número de indivíduos próximo à borda. Na Mata da Onça, os ambientes mais distantes da borda foram similares, porém são diferentes em composição e em estrutura, quando comparados com o ambiente mais próximo da margem do fragmento. Contudo, na Mata da Buchada, os dois primeiros ambientes próximos à borda foram similares. A interação, entre o ambiente antrópico e o fragmento, causa efeitos sobre a comunidade arbóreas áreas mais limítrofes do fragmento.The objective of this study was to evaluate the edge effect on arboreal component of two Atlantic Forest fragments, in the Watershed of Tapacurá River, Pernambuco. For the sampling of the adult component 15 plots of 10 x 25 m were plotted and subplots of 1 x 25 m for the regeneration. The plots were arranged in three environments, with five sampling units each, according to distance from the edge. Comparisons between the environments were performed by specie composition, Venn diagram and cluster analysis. The greatest richness was observed in the area farther from the edge and the greatest number of individuals near the edge. In the Mata da Onça, the farthest edge environments were similar, but different in composition and structure as compared to the nearest environment. However, in the Mata da Buchada the first two environments near to the edge were similar. The interaction between the human environment and the fragment affects the arboreal community in the fragment edges

    Woody vegetation at altitudes in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco : structure, energy potential and environmental factors

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    A região do Araripe tem sofrido um dos maiores impactos ambientais dos últimos anos, principalmente por abrigar o maior polo gesseiro do Brasil, que utiliza a biomassa florestal como principal fonte de energia para conversão da gipsita. A elevada demanda por essa bioenergia tem resultado em elevada pressão antrópica sobre a vegetação nativa, que tem sido devastada, ocasionando em muitas áreas degradadas, desertificadas e/ou em processo de desertificação. O problema se agrava por essa região ser composta por áreas serranas com variados efeitos orográficos, responsáveis pela formação de diferentes micro-habitats com elevada diversidade biológica. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diversidade florística e estrutural de comunidades e caracterizar populações de espécies lenhosas nativas com maiores valores de densidade absoluta (DA) em diferentes níveis de altitude na região do Araripe em Pernambuco. Para coleta de dados a região foi estratificada em três níveis de altitudes: baixada (≤ 600 m), encosta (600 > e and 750 m). Nine fragments were inventoried, three of them per environment. In each fragment, 20 sample units with 250 m² each were distributed, totaling a sample area of 4.5 ha. In the plots the circumferences were measured at the height of the breast of the individuals with inclusion level greater than or equal to 10 cm (CAP 1.30 m ≥ 10 cm), estimated the heights of the individuals, collected environmental information, soil and wood samples woody species with higher AD in the region. Variations of phytosociological parameters, floristic composition, dispersion syndromes, spatial distribution patterns and correlated with geographic and environmental variables were analyzed. The values of moisture, basic density, upper and lower calorific value, estimated, useful calorific value, energy density and wood energy storage with higher DA of the environments were determined. We sampled 6,987 individuals, 10,346 stems, distributed in 35 botanical families, 82 genera and 153 species. The region, at different levels of altitude, presented a diverse floristic-structural composition. At altitudes higher than 750 m, greater species richness was found, with 85. At altitudes of up to 600 m, there are the woody individuals with larger sizes (heights and diameters). In general, the lowland and plateau presented floristic-structural composition with their own characteristics, with few similarities, since the hillside functioning as an ecological ecotone of these two altitudinal strata. The variations of vegetation among altitude strata had as main influencers soil properties and water availability. The burning of freshly cut wood, as is generally practiced in the region, causes a high waste of energy in the ovens. The simple practice of drying the wood in the open air can increase energy efficiency and consequently reduce the amount of wood to be thinned. All the woody species analyzed present woods with high potential for energetic use, as long as they are used partially dry. This work contributes with important information that can be used in the decision making process for the creation of public policies aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of forest resources in the Araripe, Pernambuco region.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    Estrutura e síndromes de dispersão de espécies arbóreas em um trecho de mata ciliar, Sirinhaém, Pernambuco, Brasil Structure and dispersal syndromes of tree species in a stretch of riparian vegetation, Sirinhaém, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    &lt;p&gt;Este trabalho teve por objetivo conhecer a fitossociologia do componente arboreo em uma mata ciliar de um corrego que desagua no Rio Sirinhaem, localizado no Engenho Buranhem, Sirinhaem, PE e identificar as sindromes de dispersao das especies. O corrego esta situado em um fragmento de Floresta Ombrofila Densa de Terras Baixas, com 272 ha. Utilizou-se como area amostral um hectare (40 unidades amostrais, 10 m x 25 m) onde foram registrados 1.307 individuos arboreos com circunferencia a altura do peito (CAP) ≥ 15 cm. Foram identificadas 118 especies, pertencentes a 40 familias botanicas. &lt;em&gt;Protium heptaphyllum e Pouteria sp&lt;/em&gt;.1 foram as especies mais abundantes. Em termos de valor de importancia (VI), as especies Protium heptaphyllum, Pouteria sp.1 e Virola gardneri estao entre as mais importantes ecologicamente. As sindromes de dispersao predominantes foram: zoocoria (72,8%), autocoria (13,6%) e anemocoria (4,8%). Nao foi possivel determinar a sindrome de dispersao de 8,8% das especies estudadas.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;doi: 10.4336/2012.pfb.32.69.01&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This study aimed to know the phytosociology of the tree component of riparian vegetation in a stream that flows into the Sirinhaem River in Engenho Buranhem, Sirinhaem, Pernambuco State, and identify the species dispersal syndromes. The stream is located in a fragment of dense rain forest of the lowlands, with 272 ha. It was sempled used one hectare (40 sampling units of 10 m x 25 m each). It was registered 1,307 trees with circumference at breast height (CAP) . 15 cm. We identified 118 species belonging to 40 botanical families. Protium heptaphyllum and Pouteria sp.1 were the most abundant species. In terms of importance value (IV), Protium heptaphyllum, Pouteria sp.1 and Virola gardneri are among the most important ecologically species. The predominant dispersal syndromes were zoocory (72.8%), autocory (13.6%) and anemochory (4.8%). It was not possible to determine the type of dispersal of 8.8% of the species studied.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;doi: 10.4336/2012.pfb.32.69.01&lt;/p&gt


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the edge effect on arboreal\ud component of two Atlantic Forest fragments, in the Watershed of Tapacurá River,\ud Pernambuco. For the sampling of the adult component 15 plots of 10 x 25 m were\ud plotted and subplots of 1 x 25 m for the regeneration. The plots were arranged in\ud three environments, with five sampling units each, according to distance from the edge.\ud Comparisons between the environments were performed by specie composition, Venn\ud diagram and cluster analysis. The greatest richness was observed in the area farther from\ud the edge and the greatest number of individuals near the edge. In the Mata da Onça,\ud the farthest edge environments were similar, but different in composition and structure\ud as compared to the nearest environment. However, in the Mata da Buchada the first\ud two environments near to the edge were similar. The interaction between the human\ud environment and the fragment affects the arboreal community in the fragment edges

    Structure of the woody component of an Atlantic forest Fragment, Moreno - PE<br>Estrutura do componente arbóreo em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica, Moreno - PE

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the phytosociological structure of an adult woody component in an Atlantic Forest fragment known as Mata da Onça, Municipality of Moreno - PE. Fifteen plots of 10 x 25 m were established, in three rows of five plots 25 m apart, while the rows were 50 m apart. The adult woody individuals with CBH (circumference at 1.30 m above ground level) ? 15 cm were identified to the species level, and the diameter and height were measured. 444 individuals belonging to 76 species were sampled, with an estimated density of 1,184 ind.ha-1 and estimated absolute dominance of 28 m2.ha-1. The most representative species were Parkia pendula,Tapirira guianensis, Albizia saman, Schefflera morototoni, Miconia prasina, Inga thibaudiana, Eriotheca crenulaticalyx, Cupania racemosa and Cecropia pachystachya. The diversity index was 3.61 nats.ind-1 with an evenness of 0.87. Therefore, the results observed are similar or high compared to others Atlantic Forest fragments within the region despite its anthropized situation, which emphasizes the importance of conserving this area.<p><p>O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a estrutura fitossociológica do componente arbóreo adulto em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica denominada Mata da Onça, em Moreno - PE. Foram demarcadas 15 parcelas de 10 x 25 m, em três linhas de cinco parcelas distantes 25 m entre si e as linhas distantes 50 m uma das outras. Consideraram-se indivíduos arbóreos adultos aqueles com CAP (circunferência a 1,30 m do solo) ? 15 cm, os quais foram identificados em nível de espécie e mensurados o diâmetro e a altura. Foram amostrados 444 indivíduos, de 76 espécies, com uma densidade estimada de 1.184 ind.ha-1 e com uma dominância absoluta estimada de aproximadamente 28 m2.ha-1. As espécies mais representativas foram Parkia pendula, Tapirira guianensis, Albizia saman, Schefflera morototoni, Miconia prasina, Inga thibaudiana, Eriotheca crenulaticalyx, Cupania racemosa e Cecropia pachystachya. O índice de diversidade foi 3,61 nats.ind-1 e de equabilidade 0,87. Assim, os resultados observados são próximos ou elevados em relação a outros fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica na região, mesmo diante do seu estado de antropização, ressaltando assim, a importância da conservação desta área