49 research outputs found

    Purification and Characterization of Colophony Extracted of Pinus elliottii (Engelm, var. elliottii)

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    This study reports the purification and characterization of the colophony. The method involves the step of water washing and solubilization of the extracted resin of Pinus elliottii Emgelm, elliottii variety on ethanol to the filtration for removal of solid residues (sand, leaves, pieces of the branch, etc.). After purification, the colophony and turpentine were separated using a soxhlet extractor. The thermal decomposition of colophony was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis-differential thermogravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DTG-DSC). The resin was also characterized using the technique of infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The TG curves revealed three decomposition steps, in which a total degradation occurred after 500 °C, indicating a good thermic stability. The FTIR spectrum showed bands in 1694 cm-1, (stretch C=O) and 3362 cm-1 (stretch O-H) indicating the presence of carboxylic acid, have also been found bands corresponding to the aromatic ring. The presence of resinous acids can be confirmed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v10i3.110

    Quality evaluation: users' satisfaction of obstetric and mixed pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate users' satisfaction in two intensive care units (ICU). Method: Qualitative, descriptive and evaluative study performed in obstetric and mixed pediatric ICUs inside the Brazilian northeast. Fourteen children caregivers and newborns and fifteen women hospitalized were part of this study. The data analysis were based on content analysis and consequent category construction. This study was approved in ethical committee on the number 0001/201110 (CEDEP/UNIVASF). Results: Good reception on both ICUs was mentioned, trust in the team and care were positively evaluated. However, on the mixed pediatric ICU, it was mentioned that the use of technical terms on the information given made the understanding more difficult. On the obstetric ICU, it was pointed out that the care with exams and procedures emphasized humanization. Conclusion: The users' satisfaction is an important evaluation and management tool as a factor of (re)structure of management practice and healthcare


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    Objetivo: analisar a percepção dos enfermeiros sobre a Biossegurança em seu ambiente de trabalho. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória descritiva, realizada no Hospital de Urgências e Traumas (HUT), localizado em Petrolina-PE. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada, no período de fevereiro/abril de 2010. Nele participaram 17 enfermeiros. Os dados foram avaliados conforme a análise do conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: menos da metade dos entrevistados percebe a Biossegurança como medida de proteção do trabalhador; alguns enfermeiros afirmaram o não uso dos EPI’s por parte da equipe. A minoria dos entrevistados relatou a importância da Biossegurança para o desempenho do seu trabalho.  Alguns enfermeiros abordaram a relevância da educação em saúde relacionada a temática Biossegurança. Conclusão: O estudo permite concluir que a percepção dos enfermeiros para essas questões está limitada, contribuindo para mostrar a necessidade de se realizar treinamentos periódicos com essa temática.


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    Objetivo: analisar a percepção dos enfermeiros sobre a Biossegurança em seu ambiente de trabalho. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória descritiva, realizada no Hospital de Urgências e Traumas (HUT), localizado em Petrolina-PE. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada, no período de fevereiro/abril de 2010. Nele participaram 17 enfermeiros. Os dados foram avaliados conforme a análise do conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: menos da metade dos entrevistados percebe a Biossegurança como medida de proteção do trabalhador; alguns enfermeiros afirmaram o não uso dos EPI’s por parte da equipe. A minoria dos entrevistados relatou a importância da Biossegurança para o desempenho do seu trabalho.  Alguns enfermeiros abordaram a relevância da educação em saúde relacionada a temática Biossegurança. Conclusão: O estudo permite concluir que a percepção dos enfermeiros para essas questões está limitada, contribuindo para mostrar a necessidade de se realizar treinamentos periódicos com essa temática.


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    Objetivou-se diagnosticar os principais impactos incidentes na Área de Proteção Permanente (APP) da Fazenda Bom Sossego, município de Formoso do Araguaia, estado do Tocantins. Foi realizado uma caracterização do diagnóstico ambiental de uma Área de Proteção Permanente (APP) em Formoso do Araguaia -TO de forma visual, através de uma matriz de aspectos e impactos ambientais na área analisada, utilizou-se uma trena métrica para efetuar a medida da Área de Proteção Permanente e máquina fotográfica para registrar os impactos presentes na área de estudo. Os principais impactos ambientais identificados na APP foram o desmatamento irregular, afugentamento da fauna local, compactação da camada superficial do solo, presença processos erosivos, pisoteamento do solo pelos bovinos e assoreamento do corpo hídrico. Os impactos ambientais observados são gerados pela criação desordenada de gado proveniente da expansão agropecuária pela falta de cuidados com a manutenção da área proteção ambiental analisada. Constatou-se um déficit de vegetação analisada na área, evidenciando assim a necessidade de medidas mitigatórias para conservação da área de proteção ambiental como recomposição vegetal da fisionomia mata de galeria, isolamento com cerca da área para que não haja a entrada do gado na área de proteção e monitoramento da área

    Brief Research Report: Expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in T Lymphocytes and Their Relationship With the Periparturient Period and the Endometrial Cytology of Dairy Cows During the Postpartum Period

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    The present study sought to evaluate the expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in blood T lymphocytes during the periparturient period and their relationship with uterine health in dairy cows, as determined by endometrial cytology and serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), which are indicators of a negative energy balance. The second objective of this study was to investigate whether the expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in T lymphocytes is associated with the serum acute phase-protein haptoglobin concentration during the periparturient period. To address these objectives, 26 clinically healthy dairy cows were used. Peripheral blood was collected 14 days prepartum (T-14), at calving (T0), and 30 days postpartum (T30) to measure the expression of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in blood T lymphocytes by flow cytometry. In addition, we collected blood at T0, 10 days after parturition (T10), and T30 to obtain serum and determine the serum concentrations of NEFA, BHB, and Hp. Endometrial cytology was performed at T10, 20 days after parturition (T20), and T30. In the present study, we observed higher expression of CTLA-4 and PD-1 in T lymphocytes at parturition and in the prepartum period, which could indicate a relationship between these immune checkpoints and immunological tolerance during gestation in dairy cattle. In addition, a negative association between the expression of these immune checkpoints prepartum or at parturition and endometrial cytology at T20 and T30 was observed, indicating the negative implications of these immune response regulators in susceptibility to infections. This finding was further corroborated by the relationship between the serum concentration of haptoglobin and the expression of CTLA-4 and PD-1 by T lymphocytes. However, we did not observe a relationship between the indicators of negative energy balance, evaluated by the serum concentrations of BHB and NEFA, and the expression of the immune checkpoint markers studied. Thus, our findings represent an initial step that paves the way for the development of new therapeutic alternatives directed by the host with the objective of increasing the resistance of dairy cattle to infections in this critical period of life

    Time trends and social inequalities in infant and young child feeding practices: national estimates from Brazil’s Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, 2008–2019

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    Abstract Objective: To describe the time trends and socio-economic inequalities in infant and young child feeding practices in accordance with the Brazilian deprivation index (BDI). Design: This time-series study analysed the prevalence of multiple breast-feeding and complementary feeding indicators based on data from the Brazilian Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, 2008–2019. Prais–Winsten regression models were used to analyse time trends. Annual percent change (APC) and 95 % CI were calculated. Setting: Primary health care services, Brazil. Participants: Totally, 911 735 Brazilian children under 2 years old. Results: Breast-feeding and complementary feeding practices differed between the extreme BDI quintiles. Overall, the results were more favourable in the municipalities with less deprivation (Q1). Improvements in some complementary feeding indicators were observed over time and evidenced such disparities: minimum dietary diversity (Q1: Δ 47·8–52·2 %, APC + 1·44, P = 0·006), minimum acceptable diet (Q1: Δ 34·5–40·5 %, APC + 5·17, P = 0·004) and consumption of meat and/or eggs (Q1: Δ 59·7–80·3 %, APC + 6·26, P < 0·001; and Q5: Δ 65·7–70·7 %, APC + 2·20, P = 0·041). Stable trends in exclusive breast-feeding and decreasing trends in the consumption of sweetened drinks and ultra-processed foods were also observed regardless the level of the deprivation. Conclusions: Improvements in some complementary food indicators were observed over time. However, the improvements were not equally distributed among the BDI quintiles, with children from the municipalities with less deprivation benefiting the most


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    &nbsp; Endometriosis and female infertility are interconnected in complex ways. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after twelve months of regular sexual intercourse, and endometriosis, an estrogen-dependent condition, has a well-established association with difficulty conceiving. Although the exact cause and cause-and-effect relationship remain controversial, endometriosis affects fertility in several ways. Peritoneal lesions, ovarian endometrioma and deep endometriosis negatively influence reproductive health, which can lead to anatomical distortions, endocrine and immunological dysfunctions. Identify the factors of endometriosis that affect female infertility. Data collection was conducted through the following databases: Nursing Database (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed, Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Various types of publications were consulted, including scientific articles, monographs and magazines, with the aim of obtaining relevant information on the topic. The results revealed a substantial correlation between the severity of endometriosis and infertility rates, highlighting the importance of early detection and appropriate management. Additionally, therapeutic interventions such as laparoscopic surgeries and IVF treatments have been associated with improvements in conception rates. The discussion emphasizes the need for multidisciplinary approaches, integrating gynecology and assisted reproduction, to optimize reproductive results in women with endometriosis. In summary, endometriosis presents itself as a significant factor in the occurrence of female infertility, negatively impacting conception. Understanding this relationship is crucial to guide clinical approaches and treatment strategies, aiming to improve the chances of pregnancy in women affected by this condition.A endometriose e a infertilidade feminina estão interligadas de maneira complexa. A infertilidade é definida como a incapacidade de conceber após doze meses de relações sexuais regulares, e a endometriose, uma condição estrogênio-dependente, apresenta associação bem estabelecida com a dificuldade de engravidar. Embora a causa exata e a relação de causa e efeito permaneçam controversas, a endometriose afeta a fertilidade de várias maneiras. Lesões peritoneais, ovário endometrioma e endometriose profunda influenciam negativamente na saúde reprodutiva, podendo levar a distorções anatômicas, disfunções endócrinas e imunológica. Identificar os fatores da endometriose com o acometimento da infertilidade feminina. A coleta de dados, esta foi conduzida por meio dos bancos de dados: Base de Dados em Enfermagem (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed, Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Foram consultados diversos tipos de publicações, incluindo artigos científicos, monografias e revistas, com o objetivo de obter informações relevantes sobre o tema. Os resultados revelaram uma correlação substancial entre a gravidade da endometriose e as taxas de infertilidade, destacando a importância da detecção precoce e do manejo adequado. Além disso, intervenções terapêuticas, como cirurgias laparoscópicas e tratamentos de fertilização in vitro, foram associadas a melhorias nas taxas de concepção. A discussão enfatiza a necessidade de abordagens multidisciplinares, integrando a ginecologia e a reprodução assistida, para otimizar os resultados reprodutivos em mulheres com endometriose. Em síntese, a endometriose apresenta-se como um fator significativo na ocorrência de infertilidade feminina, impactando negativamente a concepção. A compreensão dessa relação é crucial para orientar abordagens clínicas e estratégias de tratamento, visando melhorar as chances de gestação em mulheres afetadas por essa condição