95 research outputs found

    Polish device for FOCCoS/PFS slit system

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System, FOCCoS, for the Prime Focus Spectrograph, PFS, is responsible for transporting light from the Subaru Telescope focal plane to a set of four spectrographs. Each spectrograph will be fed by a convex curved slit with 616 optical fibers organized in a linear arrangement. The slit frontal surface is covered with a special dark composite, made with refractory oxide, which is able to sustain its properties with minimum quantities of abrasives during the polishing process; this stability is obtained This stability is obtained by the detachment of the refractory oxide nanoparticles, which then gently reinforce gently the polishing process and increase its the efficiency. The surface roughness measured in several samples after high performance polishing was about 0.01 microns. Furthermore, the time for obtaining a polished surface with this quality is about 10 times less than the time required for polishing a brass, glass or ceramic surface of the same size. In this paper, we describe the procedure developed for high quality polishing of this type of slit. The cylindrical polishing described here, uses cylindrical concave metal bases on which glass paper is based. The polishing process consists to use grid sequences of 30 microns, 12 microns, 9 microns, 5 microns, 3 microns, 1 micron and, finally, a colloidal silica on a chemical cloth. To obtain the maximum throughput, the surface of the fibers should be polished in such a way that they are optically flat and free from scratches. The optical fibers are inspected with a microscope at all stages of the polishing process to ensure high quality. The efficiency of the process may be improved by using a cylindrical concave composite base as a substrate suitable for diamond liquid solutions. Despite this process being completely by hand, the final result shows a very high quality

    O Mundo das Cores, uma Abordagem Diferenciada no Ensino de Química

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    Na esperança de tornar as aulas de Química mais dinâmicas e descontraídas, diversas técnicas estão sendo utilizadas como artifício para auxiliar a prática docente. O uso de temas e da contextualização dentro do âmbito escolar tem se mostrado uma técnica de ensino-aprendizagem eficiente na formação dos discentes. Dessa forma, foi elaborada uma aula com o tema ‘mundo das cores’ com o objetivo de levar aos alunos alguns conhecimentos da teoria quântica associados à percepção visual que sem tem das cores, suas aplicações e subdivisões. Sendo assim a realidade vivida pelos alunos adentra a sala de aula e um aprendizado significativo é concebido

    Biomass of the forage in Tifton 85 pastures fertilized with nitrogen and managed under continuous stocking

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    The present study, carried out at the Division for Research and Development of Adamantina, SP/Brazil, at Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA) – Polo da Alta Paulista, aimed to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on the morphological composition, tiller density, leaf area index, light interception and forage accumulation of Tifton 85 pastures subjected to continuous grazing. Treatments corresponded to three nitrogen and control doses (0, 100, 200 and 400 kg N/ha/year), arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. No effect of time of evaluation was verified on the vegetative, dead and total tiller densities of Tifton 85 under continuous grazing with variable stocking rate. The pastures of Cynodon cv. Tifton 85 were affected by the time of evaluation and nitrogen doses, with marked effect on the pasture morphological composition, leaf area index and light interception, which are determinant to forage accumulation. Tifton 85 grass reached the necessary conditions to achieve the maximum growth rate of the culture when managed under continuous grazing keeping the pasture at a height of 15 cm.O presente ensaio foi realizado na Unidade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Adamantina, SP, da Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA) – Polo da Alta Paulista, com objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada na composição morfológica, densidade populacional de perfilhos, índice de área foliar, interceptação luminosa e acúmulo de forragem em pastos de Tifton 85 submetidos ao regime de lotação contínua. Os tratamentos corresponderam a três doses de nitrogênio e o controle (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg/ha/ano de N), dispostos em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Não foi constatado efeito da época de avaliação na densidade populacional de perfilhos vegetativo, morto e total de Tifton 85 em lotação continua com carga variável. Os parâmetros avaliados nos pastos de Cynodon cv. Tifton 85 sofrem influência da época de avaliação e das doses de nitrogênio com efeito marcante na composição morfológica do pasto, índice de área foliar e interceptação luminosa que são determinantes no acúmulo de forragem. O capim Tifton 85 alcançou as condições necessárias para atingir a taxa de crescimento da cultura máxima quando manejado sob lotação continua mantendo-se o pasto a 15 cm de altura.Londrina, P

    O papel do enfermeiro nos cuidados paliativos a pacientes com câncer

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    Palliative care is extremely important for the treatment of cancer patients. The nursing professional has an essential role in palliative care, both in the technical aspect and in the human and sensitive aspect. The main objective of this work was to analyze and study the role of nurses in palliative care for cancer patients. The methodology used was the systematic review of the literature, which had 17 articles found in the main scientific bases and platforms: PubMed, LILACS, Google Scholar and Online Nursing Library. Thus, from the analysis and discussion of the results and selected materials, it was possible to conclude that the Nurse has the role of accompanying the patient and their families in all stages of the disease.Os cuidados paliativos são de extrema importância para o tratamento de pacientes com câncer. O profissional de enfermagem possui um papel essencial nos cuidados paliativos, tanto no aspecto técnico quanto no aspecto humano e sensível. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar e estudar qual o papel do Enfermeiro nos cuidados paliativos a pacientes com câncer. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão sistemática da literatura, a qual contou com 17 artigos encontrados nas principais bases científicas e plataformas: PubMed, LILACS, Google Acadêmico e Biblioteca Online de Enfermagem. Dessa forma, a partir da análise e da discussão dos resultados e dos materiais selecionados, pôde- se concluir que o Enfermeiro possui o papel de acompanhar o paciente e seus familiares em todas as fases da doença

    Multi-fibers connectors systems for FOCCoS-PFS-Subaru

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System (FOCCoS), provides optical connection between 2400 positioners and a set of spectrographs through optical fibers cables as part of PFS instrument for Subaru telescope. The optical fiber cable will be segmented in 3 parts along the route, cable A, cable B and cable C, connected by a set of multi-fiber connectors. The company USCONEC produces the multi-fiber connector under study. The USCONEC 32F model can connect 32 optical fibers in a 4 x 8 matrix arrangement. The ferrules are made of a durable composite, Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) based thermoplastic. The connections are held in place by a push-on/pull-off latch, and the connector can also be distinguished by a pair of metal guide pins that protrude from the front of the connector. Two fibers per connector will be used for monitoring the connection procedure. It was found to be easy to polish and it is small enough to be mounted in groups. Highly multiplexed instruments like PFS require a fiber connector system that can deliver excellent optical performance and reliability. PFS requires two different types of structures to organize the connectors. The Tower Connector system, with 80 multi-fiber connectors, will be a group of connectors for connecting cable B (Telescope Structure) with cable C (Positioners Plate). The Gang Connector system is a group of 8 gang connectors, each one with 12 multi-fibers connectors, for connecting cable B (Telescope Structure) with cable A (Spectrograph). The bench tests with these connector systems and the chosen fibers should measure the throughput of light and the stability after many connections and disconnections. In this paper we describe tests and procedures to evaluate the throughput and FRD increment. The lifetime of the ferrules is also in evaluation

    Efeito de diferentes substratos na germinação de genótipos de girassol

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    Reutilizar resíduos provenientes de agroindústrias como substrato é uma alternativa que beneficia o meio ambiente e ao produtor. Nesse contexto, pesquisa foi realizada na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/PB, objetivando-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes substratos provenientes de resíduos agroindustriais na germinação de genótipos de girassol. Foram avaliados a porcentagem de germinação (PG), o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), a velocidade média (Vm) e o tempo médio (Tm) de germinação de cada variedade de girassol estudada nos diferentes substratos utilizados. O delineamento foi o de bloco ao acaso e as análises foram realizadas, pelo programa computacional Sistema para Análise de Variância - SISVAR.Em relação ao substrato a porcentagem de germinação variou de 48,17 % a 65,47 %. O Helio 253 com menor valor de IVG (1,41), enquanto que o Olisum 3 com maior valor (4,80) seguido pelos genótipos AG 262 (4,43) e Embrapa 122- v2000 (3,26).  O tempo médio (Tm) de germinação variou de 8,0 a 8,92. Os substratos considerados mais adequados para a germinação de todos os genótipos foram a areia, fibra de coco e a composição fibra de coco + areia

    Slit device for FOCCoS, PFS, Subaru

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System, FOCCoS, subsystem of the Prime Focus Spectrograph, PFS, for Subaru telescope, is responsible to feed four spectrographs with a set of optical fibers cables. The light injection for each spectrograph is assured by a convex curved slit with a linear array of 616 optical fibers. In this paper we present a design of a slit that ensures the right direction of the fibers by using masks of micro holes. This kind of mask is made by a technique called electroforming, which is able to produce a nickel plate with holes in a linear sequence. The precision error is around 1micron in the diameter and 1 micron in the positions of the holes. This nickel plate may be produced with a thickness between 50 and 200 microns, so it may be very flexible. This flexibility allows the mask to be bent into the shape necessary for a curved slit. The concept requires two masks, which we call Front Mask, and Rear Mask, separated by a gap that defines the thickness of the slit. The pitch and the diameter of the holes define the linear geometry of the slit; the curvature of each mask defines the angular geometry of the slit. Obviously, this assembly must be mounted inside a structure rigid and strong enough to be supported inside the spectrograph. This structure must have a CTE optimized to avoid displacement of the fibers or increased FRD of the fibers when the device is submitted to temperatures around 3 degrees Celsius, the temperature of operation of the spectrograph. We have produced two models. Both are mounted inside a very compact Invar case, and both have their front surfaces covered by a dark composite, to reduce stray light. Furthermore, we have conducted experiments with two different internal structures to minimize effects caused by temperature gradients

    Qualitative characteristics of the Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of Nellore cattle during different maturation periods

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    The effect of maturation on the physical (pH, color, weight loss on cooking, and shear force) and biological (microbiology, concerning mesophiles and psychrotrophiles, and sarcomere length) characteristics of the Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of adult Nellore cattle was assessed over four maturation periods (0, 7, 14, and 21 days) and two cut thicknesses (2.5 and 7.5 cm). Sixty-four Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscles from castrated Nellore males were purchased from Frigorífico Nutrial, Sergipe, Brazil. The study was performed using a completely randomized design, corresponding to a 2 x 4 factorial with eight replicates. The microbiological analysis revealed the sanitary conditions in which the samples were handled and stored, yielding counts of psychrotrophiles (2.18 x 105 CFU g-1) and mesophiles (2.4 x 105 CFU g-1) well below the critical deterioration level (106 CFU g-1). The pH (5.57) and the loss on cooking (24.13%) were not influenced by the evaluated variables (P > 0.05). The other evaluated parameters significantly varied as a function of the maturation period and the cut thickness (both P 0.05). Regarding the b* intensity, the 2.5-cm cut yielded a darker staining at time zero, which decreased with the maturation period. However, the 7.5-cm cut differed between the non-matured and the matured samples. Regarding the red and yellow color of the meat fat (a* and b*, respectively), a* displayed lighter intensity at 7 days of maturation or the 2.5-cm cut (P 0.05). The shear force of the meat decreased to 4.49 kgf at 21 days of maturation. The sarcomere length varied for the 2.5-cm cut (P 0.05). Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of adult Nellore cattle should be matured as a larger, vacuum-packed cut for a minimum of 14 days to produce meat with improved quality
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