413 research outputs found


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    Neste artigo, buscamos aprofundar a discussão sobre os efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 no ato de cozinhar e se alimentar em casa. Partimos de uma ideia ampliada de Gastronomia para discutir seu potencial educativo no desenvolvimento de habilidades culinárias e a promoção da alimentação saudável, com base no Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira. Para tal, apresentamos aproximações entre o campo de conhecimento da Gastronomia com o da Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SSAN), por meio da reflexão dos conceitos e políticas públicas de alimentação e nutrição, e também pela observação do Índice de Isolamento Social com buscas realizadas na internet pelos termos “receitas culinárias”, “pão” x “bolo”, entre os meses de fevereiro e agosto de 2020. Espera-se dessa forma compreender como a gastronomia pode contribuir para fortalecer as estratégias Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) com uma perspectiva dialógica e problematizadora

    Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) type specimens deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

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    This catalogue lists the type specimens of Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (MZUSP). The collection includes a total of 83 type specimens (17 holotypes, 66 paratypes), 82 of which belong to nine genera and 35 species of Crabronidae and only one of Sphecidae. All labels contents and additional information obtained from other available sources are presented. High resolution photographs of the primary types are also provided

    Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) type specimens deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

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    This catalogue lists the type specimens of Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (MZUSP). The collection includes a total of 83 type specimens (17 holotypes, 66 paratypes), 82 of which belong to nine genera and 35 species of Crabronidae and only one of Sphecidae. All labels contents and additional information obtained from other available sources are presented. High resolution photographs of the primary types are also provided

    Ensiling of Forage Crops in Semiarid Regions

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    Edaphoclimatic condition of the semiarid region is unfavorable for the forage production of livestock. Silage is considered a better alternative to conserve forage crops. Ensiling is a technique for preserving forage, in which the ensiled mass is acidified under anaerobic conditions. The lactic acid bacteria present in the environment produce lactic acid, thereby making the environment acidic, and convert soluble substrates into organic acids. Many microorganisms are involved in the fermentation process of silage and their development depends on the characteristics of ensiled materials, such as dry matter, water-soluble carbohydrate content, buffering capacity and presence of indigenous microbial. Ensiling is a favorable technque used in the semiarid region because it preserves the nutritional values of the crops and the water. Some plant species are produced in semiarid regions because they are resistant to water deficit and high solar radiation. The main crops of semiarid regions are sorghum, pearl millet, grasses, cactus pear, and leguminous. Due to agronomic conditions available for their production during periods of rain, for ensiling these plants are important for the fermentation profile of each species because the ratio of the dry matter to water-soluble carbohydrate content and buffering capacity directly influence the end product of silage

    Risk factors for pressure injury in patients with covid-19 in intensive care unit / Fatores de Risco para Lesão Por Pressão em Pacientes com COVID-19 em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva

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    Objective: to identify and discuss risk factors related to the occurrence of pressure injuries in patients with COVID-19 in the Intensive Care Unit. Method: descriptive study with a quantitative and retrospective approach that analyzed electronic medical records of a Military Hospital, from April to December 2020. Results: 44 (55%) patients participated in the study with a mean age of 68.73 years and a predominance of males (35%). The sacral region (32%) was the most affected, followed by the sacral and calcaneal regions (20%) and stage 2 (31.8%) was the most frequent. The risk factors were: length of stay, use of mechanical ventilation, pronation, use of vasoactive drugs and continuous sedatives, antibiotic therapy, permanence of enteral diet and/or zero diet. Conclusion: the implementation of strategies to prevent pressure injuries is extremely important, as it is one of the international goals of patient safety.Objetivo: identificar y discutir los factores de riesgo relacionados con la ocurrencia de lesiones por presión en pacientes con COVID-19 en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Método: estudio descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo y retrospectivo que analizó historias clínicas electrónicas de un Hospital Militar, de abril a diciembre de 2020. Resultados: Participaron en el estudio 44 (55%) pacientes con una edad media de 68,73 años y predominio del sexo masculino (35%). La región sacra (32%) fue la más afectada, seguida de la región sacra y calcánea (20%) y el estadio 2 (31,8%) fue el más frecuente. Los factores de riesgo fueron: estancia hospitalaria, uso de ventilación mecánica, pronación, uso de fármacos vasoactivos y sedantes continuos, antibioticoterapia, permanencia de dieta enteral y/o dieta cero. Conclusión: la implementación de estrategias para la prevención de las lesiones por presión es de suma importancia, ya que es una de las metas internacionales de seguridad del paciente.Objetivo: identificar e discutir os fatores de risco relacionados à ocorrência de lesão por pressão em pacientes com COVID-19 em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método: estudo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa e retrospectiva que analisou prontuários eletrônicos de um Hospital Militar, no período de abril a dezembro de 2020. Resultados: participaram do estudo 44 (55%) pacientes com idade média de 68,73 anos e predominância do gênero masculino (35%). A região sacra (32%) foi a mais acometida, seguida concomitantemente das regiões sacra e calcâneo (20%) e o estágio 2 (31,8%) se mostrou mais frequente. Observou-se como fatores de risco o tempo de internação, o uso de ventilação mecânica, a pronação, o uso drogas vasoativas e sedativos contínuos, a antibioticoterapia, a permanência de dieta enteral e/ou dieta zero. Conclusão: a implementação de estratégias para prevenção de lesão por pressão é de extrema importância, pois é uma das metas internacionais de segurança do paciente.

    Histomorfometric Analysis of Duodenum of Rats Submitted to Food Stress / Análise Histomorfométrica do Duodeno de Ratos Submetidos ao Estresse Alimentar

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    Stress was interpreted as a nonspecific reaction of the organism to a situation that would threaten its homeostasis. Several factors in the modern world can be related to this condition: the search for a perfect body, the labor market dispute or the pressure to conquer everything as fast as possible. Associated with these factors, one can add the intense, naturally stressful, routine in which man is inserted. At the experimental level, several effects are observed at a systemic and behavioral level in rats that have been submitted to food restriction models, finding that the gastrointestinal system is quite vulnerable to stress in general. In specific cases of food stress, it was observed that the manifestations vary according to the life stage of the animal and the applied model. In this sense, the present research aims to evaluate the influence of food restriction on the intestinal tunica morphology of rats submitted to a chronic food stress model. For this, 27 animals were divided into control (n = 11) and test (n = 16) groups. From the 60 th day of life, the test group was submitted to four stages, each one being performed in one day: 1) palatable diet; 2) visual stimulation to the diet, but without access; 3) fasting; 4) standard diet of the biotery. The four steps were repeated until the animals completed 90 days. In the morphometry of the duodenum were analyzed: length, width and area of vill, as well as area of intestinal gland (Lieberkühn). Statistical inference of data showed that the applied stress model affected the morphology of the stressed group, since the intestinal villi appeared wider and with less area in this group. The villi length as well as the intestinal gland area did not undergo morphological changes. The alterations found reinforce that the fasting process acts as a stressor and a predisposing factor for morphological alterations, as observed in other studies in our laboratory. However, there are not many studies in the literature that allow the knowledge of the consequences of this type of stress. In this case, further research is needed on the relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the experimental model applied to elucidate such findings


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    Objective: to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.Method: an epidemiological, cross-sectional and cohort study that analyzed the medical charts of children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus admitted over a 10-year period to a public reference hospital in the municipality of Campina Grande, Brazil, from 2009 to 2019. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, both bivariate and multivariate through Poisson regression.Results: 130 medical charts were analyzed, of which 46.2% presented diabetic ketoacidosis. The independent variables that significantly and jointly impacted on the outcome were the following: age, infection, diet error and error in insulin dosage.Conclusion: diabetic ketoacidosis was a common finding in children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The results contribute to Nursing care and allow implementing intervention for the prevention and adequate management of the problem.Objective: to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.Method: an epidemiological, cross-sectional and cohort study that analyzed the medical charts of children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus admitted over a 10-year period to a public reference hospital in the municipality of Campina Grande, Brazil, from 2009 to 2019. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, both bivariate and multivariate through Poisson regression.Results: 130 medical charts were analyzed, of which 46.2% presented diabetic ketoacidosis. The independent variables that significantly and jointly impacted on the outcome were the following: age, infection, diet error and error in insulin dosage.Conclusion: diabetic ketoacidosis was a common finding in children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The results contribute to Nursing care and allow implementing intervention for the prevention and adequate management of the problem

    Elaboração e avaliação sensorial de mousse com adição de kefir / Elaboration and sensory evaluation of mousse with kefir addition

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    O consumo de alimentos industrializados pode influenciar diretamente no estilo de vida da população, contribuindo, consequentemente, para o aparecimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT’s). Todavia, os alimentos funcionais como o kefir ganharam espaço, porque são fontes de substâncias bioativas complexas que atuam na promoção da saúde e na manutenção adequada das funções desempenhadas pelo organismo. Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver e analisar sensorialmente uma mousse de chocolate à base de kefir. Foram utilizados no preparo: barra de chocolate com 40% de cacau, kefir de leite, gelatina em pó sem sabor e xilitol.  O produto foi avaliado sensorialmente pelo teste de aceitabilidade, atrave?s da escala hedo?nica estruturada de nove pontos, ancorada nos termos: desgostei muiti?ssimo (1) e gostei muiti?ssimo (9). Tambe?m foi avaliada a intenc?a?o de compra atrave?s da escala hedo?nica estruturada de sete pontos, ancorada nos termos: nunca compraria (1) e sempre compraria (7). As amostras foram distribui?das em copos descarta?veis, codificados com algarismos de tre?s di?gitos a provadores na?o treinados que receberam a amostra acompanhada da ficha de avaliac?a?o e um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Participaram do estudo 30 provadores não treinados, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (80%) com idade entre 18 a 65 anos.  O produto elaborado apresentou boa aceitação, com médias de aceitação acima de 7,0 para todos os atributos avaliados. A cor obteve maior índice de aceitabilidade (91%). Quanto à intenção de compra, obteve-se bom resultado, pois apenas 3% dos participantes responderam que nunca comprariam o produto. Em relação a composição do produto, cada porção (50g) fornece 85,53 kcal; 10,82g de carboidratos; 1,69g de proteínas e 3,94g de gorduras totais. Dessa forma, concluiu-se que a elaboração da mousse de chocolate à base de kefir obteve boa aceitação e intenção de compra, favorecendo a preparação de um produto com alto valor nutricional, sendo, portanto, interessante para as pessoas que buscam alimentos mais saudáveis