49 research outputs found


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    RESUMOEste estudo aborda o processo de inclusão dos alunos com deficiência no ensino regular das escolas públicas brasileira. O objetivo deste projeto é analisar a práxis docente a partir da reflexão sócio educacionais que contribua o ser e fazer docente aos educandos deficientes da Escola Estadual José Carlos Martins Mestrinho, contribuindo na formação de alunos com deficiência a sociedade. Despertando, portanto, no foco do desenvolvimento intelectual, social e cultural dos alunos, visto que este segmento se encontra no grupo considerado em vulnerabilidade social, por conta das suas limitações e dos problemas na efetivação cotidiana das escolas públicas. Compreender, portanto, os educadores no fazer pedagógico diferenciado em realizar projetos e metodologias diferenciadas para amenizar essa dificuldade, mesmo dependendo da informação e formação docente continuada, das poucas literaturas e projetos de políticas públicas voltadas ao tema de forma escassa. A educação inclusiva no ambiente escolar é uma realidade e responsabilidade de todos os envolvidos no processo de ensino, requerendo fortalecimento a partir do comprometimento da comunidade interna e externa e das autoridades governamentais em garantir a aplicabilidade das leis que lhes são garantidas por lei.Palavras Chaves: Deficiência; Discente, Docentes Inclusão; Práxis


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    This article discusses the touristic ethnic space in an indigenous community located in the metropolitan region of Manaus. The study is based on the ethnic perspective, as a historical construction of the identity of a specific group of people, a social group that has a different way of life from the urban world. The research purpose was to analyze the absolute, relative and relational space of a touristic indigenous community, pointing out the territorialities that were built from the touristic activity. The methodology was based on an exploratory study, and the geographic constituency was the Sahu-Apé community, in which it was possible to identify not only the functional dimension, but also its symbolic dimension within the space formed by a set of unique symbols of the ethnic group, compared to other groups. For Haesbaert (2004), these mastery constitute the identity and establish the ways in which relationships are built in indigenous societies based on their ancestors. As main results, it was found that the identity of the Sateré people is configured in its most important object in the tourist activity, and the physical and symbolic space is the tourist product that has been built over time


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223658345918 In this article, we sought to assess the prevalence of hepatitis C (HCV) as well as some socio-demographic characteristics of HCV-positive blood donors of the center of Alagoas. The medical records of donors from a blood center in Alagoas were analyzed. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used for detection of antibodies against HCV, within the period from 2001 to 2004. Samples with positive serology by ELISA were analyzed through the confirmatory RIBA test. 45,832 donations were collected at the blood center. Out of them, 0.62% had positive serology for hepatitis C. With regard to the variables, there was a prevalence of 86.7% for males, with ages ranging from 31 to 40 years. Only 201 people returned to repeat ELISA. Out of these, 42.3% had repeated positive serology by ELISA. For confirmation by RIBA, only 97 donors returned: 55.4% were positive, 15.7% negative, and 9.1% indeterminate. The studies show the need for more specific serological screening tests

    Como fazer a diferença? Relato de uma intervenção em psicologia organizacional realizada por uma empresa júnior em um hospital filantrópico

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    This article presents the report of an intervention in Organizational and Labor Psychology in a philanthropic hospital, performed by Perfil, the junior company of the Psychology program of the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ). For this, an organizational diagnosis was performed by means of focus groups with employees, and interviews were conducted with the managers of the institution, so as to identify intervention needs and perspectives which did not appear in the initial demand. The intervention actions were based on the motivational theory of Abraham Maslow, as well as on concepts of leadership, internal communication, and feedback. This work highlights the relevance of providing greater visibility to the activities developed by junior companies to non-academic audiences, praising the knowledge produced within the academy in exchange with the labor market, and attempting to show how it is possible for an organizational and labor psychology initiative to make a difference in a health care institution.Este artigo traz o relato de uma intervenção em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho, realizada pela Perfil, empresa júnior do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ), num hospital filantrópico. Para isso, foi realizado um diagnóstico organizacional, por meio de grupos focais, com os funcionários e entrevistas com os gestores da instituição, de modo a se identificar necessidades de intervenção e perspectivas que não apareceram na demanda inicial. As ações interventivas tiveram como base a teoria motivacional de Abraham Maslow, além de conceitos sobre liderança, comunicação interna e feedback. Este trabalho ressalta a pertinência de se dar maior visibilidade às atividades desenvolvidas pelas empresas juniores para o público não-acadêmico, valorizando o conhecimento produzido dentro da academia em intercâmbio com o mercado de trabalho, e procurando demonstrar como é possível uma iniciativa de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho fazer a diferença numa instituição de saúde