41 research outputs found

    Análise hematológica em gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus) diagnosticados com micoplasmose em Osasco, São Paulo - Brasil

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    A micoplasmose felina é uma afecção causada por Mycoplasma haemofelis, sendo que os gatos acometidos e não tratados podem entrar em óbito. É uma afecção com alta percentagem de prevalência, porém, subdiagnosticada. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma análise dos hemogramas de gatos domésticos diagnosticados com micoplasmose felina, domiciliados na região de Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil. Para tal, foram utilizados dados das fichas clínicas e hemogramas, do período de 01 de janeiro de 2013 a 31 de dezembro de 2014, referentes a 15 gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus) diagnosticados com micoplasmose felina. Os dados coletados referiram-se à informação sobre a idade, o sexo e a raça, tendo a estatística descritiva sido realizada com o programa Microsoft Excel (2013). Do total de hemogramas, 73,3% (11/15) pertenceram a gatos machos, e 26,7% (4/15) a fêmeas. Todos os gatos acometidos eram sem raça determinada, e sua maioria com 11 anos idade 26,7% (4/15). As alterações de hemograma incluíram anisocitose, policromasia, corpúsculos de Howell-Jolly, plasma ictérico, anemia normocítica normocrómica regenerativa, trombocitopenia, leucocitose, neutrofilia segmentar, neutrófilos tóxicos, neutrófilos hiposegmentados, linfocitose, linfócitos reativos. Não existiram alterações de hemograma com padrão de compatibilidade com micoplasmose felina causada por Mycoplasma haemofelis


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    The reduction of gonadal steroid hormone secretion is identified as one ofthe  factors responsible for the decrease in bone mass and, consequently, a decrease in bone mineral density. The study aimed to evaluate the bone mineral density by using radiographic optical densitometry of the distal epiphyseal region of the radius and ulna in prepubertal and post pubertal bitches submitted to ovariohysterectomy (OVH). Thirtyfour female dogs were divided into two groups of 16 animals, according with age of neutering: G1 - prepubertal bitches submitted to OVH; G2 - postpubertal bitches submitted to OVH. The animals were submitted to the evaluation of bone mineral density at 24 h before the surgical procedure, 24 and 48 weeks after the surgical procedure. No significant differences in bone mineral density were identified in all groups. Ovariohysterectomy in pre and postpubertal bitches did not induce significant variations in bone mineral density of the distal epiphyseal region of the radius and ulna by using radiographic optical densitometry, during 48 weeks of evaluation


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    A cavidade oral é o quarto local mais afetado por neoplasias em cães e gatos, representando 3% em gatos e 6% em cães, podendo ser benignas ou malignas e de origem dental ou extradental. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar o tratamento cirúrgico por hemi-maxilectomia parcial num cão de 10 anos de idade, da raça pastor alemão, atendido no Hospital Veterinário diagnosticado histopatologicamente por fibroma oral. Durante o exame físico foi observado um aumento de volume do tipo tumoral, no palato duro, estendendo-se desde o canino esquerdo até o primeiro molar, com tecido necrosado. Foram realizados hemograma, bioquímica sérica, urinálise, radiografia do tórax e biopsia. O tratamento cirúrgico instituído foi eficaz, pois após um ano não se observou qualquer sinal de recidiva tumoral

    Acute Effect of Whole-Body Vibration in a Female Dog with Metritis

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    Background: Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. In veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. The Whole-body vibration derivate from vibrating rhythmic movements caused by vibrating platforms. Vibrating platforms are used over 30 years in the treatment and prevention of injuries and other debilitating conditions in humans. This paper aims to describe the first report of a possible spontaneous opening of the cervix in a female dog with purulent metritis by Whole-body vibration using a platform vibration.Case: A sexually intact female American Pit Bull Terrier dog showed an acute effect after a single session of Whole- body vibration training. Physical examination and physiological parameters were within normal. Slight edema of the vulva was observed without signs of discharge. Complete blood cell count, serum chemistry and urinalysis yielded no significant abnormal findings. An enlarged uterus with content was observed during a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite this, a vibrating-platform session was performed during 15 min. A purulent vulvar discharge was observed 6 min. after Whole-body vibration exercise and remained continuous through session. After the Whole-body vibration exercise, the dog was treated with cephalexin for 15 days. Escherichia coli were isolated from vaginal discharge culture. Seven days after the Whole-body vibration session, no signs of vulvar edema or discharge were observed. A complete blood count, serum chemistry, urinalysis and uterus ultrasound showed no abnormalities. Ovariohysterectomy by minimally invasive technique was performed and was observed cysts in both ovaries. The patient was placed under general anesthesia withisoflurane/O2. The premedication used was carprofen, morphine sulphate, acepromazine and diazepam. The induction was with propofol. An open ventral midline celiotomy an ovariohysterectomy was performed. Ten days after the surgery the dog showed no abnormality. After recovered from anesthesia, the patient was discharged with meloxican and tramadol for postoperative inflammation and pain management. According to the owner, the immediate postoperative period was without any problems. The histopathology examination confirmed the presence of right ovary cystic and left uterine horn cystic, and uterine hyperplasia. Four months after the surgery, the dog returned for evaluation and the owner reported that patient had been doing well, with normal appetite, normal urination and defecation.Discussion: The Whole-body vibration is not yet fully understood and it is important that the patient is clinically evaluated before the Whole-body vibration session. Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. Otherwise, in veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. In the present report there were no clinical signs that indicated uterine infection. In human patients there are reports that showed any clinical signs of diseases before use the Whole-body vibration. The ultrasound exam had been done because was part of another study and showed an enlarged uterus. Therefore, the cervix opening after a single Whole- body vibration training may be considered a positive side effect of Whole-body vibration in female dogs since this event helped to diagnose the disease. Although, the effects of WBV on reproductive organs and endocrine system are not clear

    Topical Ozone Therapy in the Treatment of Pharmacodermia in a Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

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    Background: Pharmacodermia is a drug reaction that manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes. The main drugs that cause pharmacodermia are β-lactam antibiotics. It has a rare occurrence in dogs and may present different clinical signs. Ozone therapy is used to treat various conditions, such as infections and inflammatory diseases. This therapy acts through oxidative stress generating a positive inflammatory response to the body and stimulating the formation of granulation tissue and angiogenesis. Since pharmacodermia is rare in dogs and reports of ozonized sunflower oil and ozone for treat pharmacodermia is are rare in the literature, this paper aimed to report the use of ozonized sunflower oil in the treatment of pharmacodermia in a young female Rottweiler dog assisted and treated at a private veterinary clinic in Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil. Case: A 2-year-old Rottweiler female, weighting 53.3 kg was attended at a private veterinary clinic in Garanhuns (Pernambuco - PE) with a history of dystocia. The dog was submitted to ovary-hysterectomy under general anesthesia. After anesthesia recovery was prescribed omeprazol (1 mg/kg, orally (P.O) SID for 10 days), cephalexin (20 mg/kg,  P.O. BID for 10 days), tramadol hydrochloride (4 mg/kg, P.O. BID for seven days), carprofen (4.4 mg/kg, P.O. SID for three days), and the use of Elizabethan collar. Furthermore, for topical treatment was described chlorhexidine digluconate (0.2%) and ointment of allantoin and zinc oxide, SID, for 10 days. Seven days after the surgical procedure, the owner's dog reported by a telephone call the appearance of wounds in the dorsal region of the dog. Ten days after surgery, the dog returned to the veterinary clinic for stitches removal and wounds evaluation. During the physical examination, observed the presence of two cutaneous wounds, one located in the cervicothoracic region and the other wound was identified in the thoracic region and presence of pain during palpation. The wounds presented purulent secretion, pink coloration, and presence of necrosis. No changes were observed in the physiological parameters during the physical examination. The owner reported normophagia, ingestion of water, normal defecation and urine. The wound region was clipped, and prescribed topical chlorhexidine digluconate (2%), allantoin with zinc oxide ointment every 8 hours, amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium (20 mg/kg, P.O. BID for 10 days), and dipyrone (20 mg/kg P.O. BID for five days). Five days after the beginning of the second treatment the owner reported no improvement and the increased of the lesion, although the dog presented normophagia, ingestion of water, normal defecation, and urine. Thus, according to a therapeutic history of the use of cephalexin and amoxicillin with clavulanate potassium, both belongings to the β-lactamic antibiotic, the clinical diagnosis of pharmacodermia was determined. Wound cleaning and debridement were performed It has been recommended to suspend the previous treatment, and prescribed the use of ozonized sunflower oil (4 drops in each wound, BID) until the complete healing, associated to cleaning with ozonized (47 μg/mL) saline solution (0.9%). The sunflower oil contained linoleic acid (48-74%) and oleic acid (14-39%), and it was purchased directly from the supplier. Discussion: Thirty days after the treatment with ozonized sunflower oil, there was complete remission of the wounds Five months after the treatment the dog returned to clinical examination. No remnants of the wounds were observed and there were no changes in the physiological parameters or in the laboratory exams. According to the present report case, the use of ozone therapy using the ozonized sunflower oil and saline solution (0.9%) is effective to treat wounds related to pharmacodermia

    Manejo do paciente epiléptico canino no Intensivismo: revisão de literatura / Management of canine epileptic patients in intensive care: literature review

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    A epilepsia é uma afecção neurológica em que o paciente apresenta convulsões de diferentes intensidades. A fisiopatogenia é complexa e está associada à descarga elétrica cerebral desordenada que pode acometer diferentes regiões do cérebro, comprometimento a consciência; as funções motoras, mentais e sensoriais. Visto que as intensidades das convulsões em um cão com epilepsia são variáveis, e podendo ser necessário o seu internamento, objetivou-se realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o manejo do paciente epiléptico canino no intensivismo, por meio de pesquisas qualitativas e descritivas bibliográficas nas bases de dados PubMed/Medline, Embase Scielo e Google Schoolar. Concluiu-se que as convulsões de origem epiléptica no paciente canino estão associadas aos distúrbios neurológicos, e o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce é necessário para que o prognóstico seja favorável. Paralelamente, cães com crises convulsivas intensas e recorrentes devem ser internados e monitorados devido aos distúrbios metabólicos que podem induzir a isquemia cerebral e morte neural, e assim causar danos cerebrais irreversíveis ou óbito

    Combination of Autohemotherapy and Vincristine Sulfate in Treatment of Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor in Bitches in Mozambique

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    Background: Canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a tumor of round cells. Vincristine sulfate is the most effective for TVT. Alternatively, hemotherapy is an alternative therapy that consists of the administration of autologous blood and the positive effects are associated with an immunomodulatory effect. Since chemotherapy has some collateral effects, it is necessary to study another treatment with minimal side effects. In this context, this report case aimed to describe the use of autohemotherapy associated with vincristine sulfate for treating a transmissible venereal tumor in the vulvar mucosa of 7 adult bitches, being the first case report in Mozambique, Africa.Case: Seven adult bitches, median size, were referred to the School Veterinary Hospital, School of Veterinary, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique, Africa, with a diagnosis of TVT in the vulvar mucosa. All bitches were treated weekly with autohemotherapy and vincristine sulfate for 21 days. The parameters assessed included clinical and TVT macroscopic examination, complete blood count, serum biochemical examination and urinalysis, and were evaluated 60-min before each treatment. No clinical side effects were identified during the treatments. Color, appearance and tumor size were changed during the treatment period, and all bitches showed complete remission of the tumor 21 days after the beginning of treatment or after the third therapeutic session. The values of the complete blood count, serum biochemical and urinalysis did not demonstrate significant variations throughout the evaluated time-points. The TVT cytopathological classification was lymphocytic (42.9 %), plasmacytic (28.6 %) and lymphoplasmacytic (28.6 %). Discussion: The aims of this report were to describe the combination of autohemotherapy and vincristine sulfate for treating the transmissible venereal tumor located in the vulvar mucosa of adult bitches, through clinical and laboratory evaluation, and was not identified side and significant hematological changes. The novelty of this case report was associated with the use of adult bitches with TVT in the vulvar mucosa. Other authors conducted a similar study however with male dog with TVT identified at the base of the penis. The complete remission of the tumor after 3 applications and the absence of side effects showed the effectiveness of this treatment compared with use of chemotherapy without autohemotherapy. In contrast, dogs diagnosed with TVT and treated with vincristine sulfate showed complete remission after 4 treatment sessions However, the use of autohemotherapy alone for treating extragenital TVT in bitches did not induce complete remission after 6 weekly treatments. Doses and administration of autologous blood and vincristine sulfate were in accordance with the recommendations of the literature, and were determined according to body mass. Other routes of administration through the cephalic vein were also used and showed complete remission after 4 treatments. The decrease in size tumor associated with the changes in appearance and color was associated with regression of the TVT. The connective tissue isolating groups of cells identified in the literature were not confirmed in this report, probably due to the phase of the progression of the tumor. The highest percentage of animals with lymphocytoid TVT was different from the literature, which referred to the predominance of the plasmacytoid pattern. The combination of autohemotherapy and vincristine sulfate every 7 days encouraged complete remission of TVT in the vulvar mucosa of adult median size bitches after 3 sessions

    Estudo retrospectivo de tumor venéreo transmissível em cães (Canis lupus familiaris) na região de Garça, São Paulo, Brasil

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar um estudo retrospectivo do Tumor Venéreo Transmissível (TVT) em cães na região de Garça - São Paulo (SP), no período de 2012 a 2016, por meio de estudo das variáveis existentes. Foram analisados os dados das fichas clínico-cirúrgicas de clínicas veterinárias da região, do período de janeiro de 2012 a julho de 2016. As variáveis incluíram sexo, idade, raça, massa corpórea, cães submetidos ou não à contracepção cirúrgica, acesso livre à rua, exames laboratoriais sanguíneos, localização e tamanho do TVT, e o tipo e a duração do tratamento. Foram diagnosticados 20 cães com TVT, 80% fêmeas e 20% machos, com maior incidência em cães com idade acima de seis anos, sem raça definida (SRD), com massa corpórea entre nove e 15 kg, não submetidos à contracepção cirúrgica e com acesso livre à rua. Todos os cães apresentaram leucocitose e linfocitose. Nos machos, o TVT foi observado somente no prepúcio (20%); e nas fêmeas a região mais acometida foi a vaginal (45%). TVTs com tamanho entre 1 e 3 cm foram os mais incidentes (50%). O protocolo de tratamento mais usado foi o sulfato de vincristina a cada sete dias (60%) com uma média de 3,7 ± 1,5 aplicações, seguido da associação com doxiciclina em casos positivos de erliquiose. Concluiu-se que as cadelas adultas não castradas, da raça SRD de porte médio, e com acesso livre à rua foram as que apresentaram maior incidência do TVT e o protocolo de tratamento foi com sulfato de vincristina

    Recidiva de fibrossarcoma de aplicação em gata idosa e tratamento multimodal de excisão cirúrgica e eletroquimioterapia transoperatória (Felis catus domesticus): relato de caso

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    Os fibrossarcomas ou sarcomas de tecido mole de aplicação são neoplasias malignas associadas à reação imunogênica às substâncias aplicadas por via subcutânea ou intramuscular, induzindo o aumento da produção de fibroblastos e miofibroblastos de alteração do DNA, e correspondem a 46% das neoplasias cutâneas e subcutâneas em gatos. A eletroquimioterapia é uma técnica que associa a eletroporação e a quimioterapia, tendo potencial para alcançar altas taxas de remissão neoplásica, e indicada para o tratamento de neoplasias cutâneas e subcutâneas de qualquer tipo histológico. Visto que o fibrossarcoma de aplicação é uma neoplasia maligna com alto índice de invasão dos tecidos circunvizinhos, e dependendo da fase evolutiva da afecção, o tratamento deve ser multimodal, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a recidiva à longo prazo de fibrossarcoma de aplicação em gata idosa, cujo o tratamento instituto foi a excisão cirúrgica associada à eletroquimioterapia transoperatória. Gata idosa, sem raça definida, foi diagnosticada com neoformação medindo 1,5 x 1,2 cm em região abdominal esquerda, mesma região onde um ano atrás foi diagnosticado e removido fibrossarcoma de aplicação. O exame citopatológico foi sugestivo à sarcoma de tecido mole. Após a exérese da neoplasia com margens de segurança de 4 cm e eletroquimioterapia transoperatória não foi identificada presença de células neoplásicas, e o exame histopatológico foi sugestivo à recidiva de fibrossarcoma de aplicação. Concluiu-se que o diagnóstico definitivo do fibrossarcoma de aplicação foi o exame histopatológico, e em casos recidivantes, a eletroquimioterapia transoperatória induziu efeitos benéficos na manutenção de margens cirúrgicas seguras em gato idoso