1,489 research outputs found

    Influencia de la exposición a la violencia en conductas de agresión en cyberbullying

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    En el presente trabajo se ha tratado de explorar el fenómeno del cyberbullying, un tipo de maltrato entre iguales reciente cuya trascendencia va en aumento, y su relación con la exposición a la violencia en los contextos donde los jóvenes se desarrollan. El objetivo está dirigido a conocer si las experiencias previas de exposición a situaciones violentas podrían estar vinculadas a una mayor implicación en conductas de agresión en cyberbullying. Para ello, se tomó una muestra de 328 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, a los que se les administró el Cuestionario de cyberbullying (Ang & Goh, 2010) y el Cuestionario de exposición a la violencia (Orúe & Calvate, 2010). Un análisis de regresión lineal mostró que existe una fuerte relación entre haber sido expuesto a sucesos violentos en el hogar y participar en actos de cyberbullying. La exposición a la violencia en el vecindario y, en último lugar, el contexto escolar también explican una parte sustancial de la implicación en este tipo de acoso. Las conclusiones subrayan la importancia de la observación de los episodios violentos en la implicación en cybermaltrato, teniendo en algunos casos una contribución más significativa que la propia victimización directa.This paper has attempted to explore cyberbullying, a recent type of bullying which importance is increasing, and the exposure to violence in contexts where young people are usually relating. The aim is to know if the previous experiences of exposure to violent situations could be linked to greater involvement in aggressive behavior in cyberbullying. For this purpose, a sample of 328 students of secondary school was taken. Instruments were Cyberbullying Questionnaire (Ang and Goh, 2010) and the Questionnaire of Exposure to Violence (Orúe & Calvate, 2010). Linear regression analysis showed a strong relationship between being exposed to violent events at home and engaged in acts of cyberbullying. Exposure to violence in the neighborhood and, finally, the school context also explain a substantial part of the involvement in this type of harassment. Conclusions focus the importance of the observation of violent episodes in the implication in cyberbbullying, having in some cases more significant contribution than the own direct victimization

    Actitudes homófobas de los jóvenes hacia gays y lesbianas

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    La homofobia constituye un problema social que lejos de eliminarse parece adaptarse a los tiempos actuales tomando formas más sutiles que son explicadas en base a factores personales. El objetivo de esta investigación está dirigido a conocer los niveles de homofobia de los jóvenes. Para ello, se tomó una muestra de 601 estudiantes universitarios y de ciclos formativos con edades comprendidas entre 17.46 y 34.47 años (M = 22.47 años y D.T. = 2.96), de los cuales el 65.1% son mujeres, a los que se les administró la escala Homphobia Modern Scale (Raja y Stokes, 1998) validada al español por Rodríguez, Lameiras, Carrera y Vallejo (2013). Pese a que los niveles de homofobia de los participantes son bajos, existen diferencias significativas entre los diferentes grupos en función de sus características. Los análisis de ANOVA factorial mostraron que los mayores niveles de homofobia quedan explicados por ser hombre, no universitario, no tener amigos homosexuales y por estar en los cursos iniciales de la rama de conocimiento de ciencias y experimentales. Las conclusiones subrayan la importancia de la formación para la promoción de actitudes positivas hacia las personas homosexuales.Homophobia is a social problem that is far from disappearing and instead seems to adapt to the current times becoming a much more subtle forms that are explained for personal factors. The aim of this study is to find out the levels of homophobia among young people. For this, a sample of 601 university and vocational training students ranging from 17.46 to 34.47 years old (M = 22.47, SD = 2.96) was selected, of which 65.1% are women, who were administered the Modern Homphobia Scale (Raja & Stokes, 1998) validated the Spanish for Rodriguez, Lameiras, Carrera & Vallejo (2013). Even though homophobia levels of participants are low, there are significant differences between the groups, according to their characteristics. The factorial ANOVA analysis showed that the greater levels of homophobic attitudes are explained as be a man, not college, not having gay friends and being in the beginning courses of the branch of knowledge of sciences and experimental. The conclusions underline the importance of training to promote positive attitudes toward homosexual persons

    Why Is the spanish hotel trade lagging so far behind in gender equality? a sustainability question

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    There are far more women than men who hold higher qualifications in tourism, but nevertheless, inequalities still prevail on executive committees in the tourism industry. Society nowadays is aware that gender inequality in terms of women’s rights and opportunities has always existed. Such problems are reflected in religious doctrines, cultural habits, and outdated ways of thinking in which women are viewed as being first and foremost careers. This attitude is also reflected in the workplace. Methodology: Hakim’s (1992) methodology has been used to classify occupations, and female-dominated, male-dominated and integrated occupations can be used, studying data published by the most important hotel chains in Spain. Objectives: since women joined the labor market, females have been employed in significant numbers in the tourism sector. The objective of this work is to study in depth what number of women are in the boardrooms of large hotel chains in Spain, collecting data from the top five hotel chains, as this important phenomenon must be researched. The most salient results are: a high number of women work in the hotels subsector and gender equality has not yet been achieved at higher echelons, since senior management positions are dominated by males. Hence, the aim of this paper is, having carried out a thorough and extensive evaluation, to empirically determine the state of play for females in this industry today and to put forward further improvements which women, the government, hotels and society should jointly strive to achieve. In the conclusion, the initial hypothesis is confirmed

    Student Misbehaviour and Teacher Coercion. A Comparative Study of Contextual Factors in Primary and Secondary Education Teachers

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    This study analyses the relation between student misbehaviour and teacher coercion from a teacher perspective by taking further contextual variables into account. Our participants were 480 male/female secondary education and 351 primary education teachers from the Spanish Autonomous Community of Aragón (Spain). This study forms part of the 2017 Coexistence Study in Aragón Education Centres. According to the theoretical framework and the SEM (structural equation modeling), the results revealed a close relationship between student misbehaviour and teacher coercion, although other contextual variables also appeared in the regression equation: in coexistence rules and in teacher competence. We ultimately found a certain degree of difference between the primary and secondary education levels. On the secondary school level, teacher conflicts were associated with student misbehaviour, while coexistence rules and participative and inclusive activities predicted teacher coercion. Conversely, on the primary school level, participative and inclusive activities predict a lower frequency of student misbehaviour, while teacher competence predicts a lower frequency of teacher coercion

    The influence of corporate social responsibility on students'emotional appeal in the HEIs: The mediating effect ofreputation and corporate image.

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2221The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) over higher education institutions' (HEIs) students' emotional appeal and the effect of two mediating variables, corporate image, and reputation. A sample of 211 students surveyed was obtained, and the study was conducted using partial least squares path modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results showed that emotional appeal is influenced by corporate reputation, corporate image, and CSR practices. These effects are not only direct and positive but significant indirect effects are also obtained, which allow the positive effects of CSR to be heightened. This paper con tributes to the literature on CSR considering mediating effects of corporative image and reputation in the relationship between CSR and emotional appeal. The findings provide important implications for theory and practice, indicating consistent strate gies for competitive advantage in HEIs by achieving stakeholder engagement and new lines of research in terms of emotional marketing

    Trends in alcohol consumption among school-aged adolescents in Spain (2010-2018)

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    Objetivo: Analizar las tendencias en el consumo de cerveza, vino y licores destilados, así como de los episodios de embriaguez de los chicos y chicas adolescentes en España, en 2010, 2014 y 2018, por sexo y edad. Método: La muestra está formada por 35.310 participantes de 15 a 18 años de edad representativos de la población adolescente escolarizada en España en 2010, 2014 y 2018. El cuestionario empleado fue el de consumo de alcohol y de episodios de embriaguez consensuado por el equipo internacional del estudio. Para lograr el objetivo se estimaron las razones de prevalencia y los intervalos de confianza del 95% mediante modelos de regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta. Resultados: Los datos muestran un descenso global entre 2010 y 2018 en el consumo de alcohol (tanto de cerveza como de vino y licores destilados) y en los episodios de embriaguez, aunque este descenso se concentra principalmente entre 2010 y 2014. Las diferencias según el sexo (mayor consumo frecuente y episodios de embriaguez en los chicos) se observan a los 17-18 años, pero no a los 15-16 años. Respecto a la edad, el grupo de 17-18 años presenta mayores niveles que el de 15-16 años. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio confirman la importancia de realizar análisis específicos para identificar posibles grupos de riesgo que no se detectan con análisis más generales. Se destaca la necesidad de seguir trabajando en la prevención y en las políticas de control dado el riesgo de estabilización del consumo.Objective: To analyze trends in beer, wine, and distilled spirits consumption, as well as drunkenness among school-aged adolescents in Spain from 2010 to 2018 by sex and age. Method: The sample is composed of 35,310 adolescents aged 15 to 18. The data is representative of the adolescent school population in Spain in 2010, 2014, and 2018. The alcohol consumption questionnaire and the drunkenness questionnaire provided by the international team of the study were employed. Prevalence Ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. Results: the data show a general decrease in alcohol consumption (beer, wine, as well as distilled spirits) and in drunkenness, but the decrease mainly occurs between 2010 and 2014. Sex differences (higher consumption and drunkenness among boys) are found among adolescents aged 17-18 but not in the age group of 15-16 years old. Older adolescents show higher levels of consumption and drunkenness than younger adolescents. Conclusion: The results confirm the relevance of carrying out specific analyses in order to identify risk groups which are not detected through general analyses. This data highlights the need to maintain alcohol prevention and control policies due to the risk of stabilization in alcohol-related behaviours

    Expression of radial glial markers (GFAP, BLBP and GS) during telencephalic development in the catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)

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    Radial glial cells (RGCs) are the first cell populations of glial nature to appear during brain ontogeny. They act as primary progenitor (stem) cells as well as a scaffold for neuronal migration. The proliferative capacity of these cells, both in development and in adulthood, has been subject of interest during past decades. In contrast with mammals where RGCs are restricted to specific ventricular areas in the adult brain, RGCs are the predominant glial element in fishes. However, developmental studies on the RGCs of cartilaginous fishes are scant. We have studied the expression patterns of RGCs markers including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), brain lipid binding protein (BLBP), and glutamine synthase (GS) in the telencephalic hemispheres of catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) from early embryos to post-hatch juveniles. GFAP, BLBP and GS are first detected, respectively, in early, intermediate and late embryos. Expression of these glial markers was observed in cells with radial glia morphology lining the telencephalic ventricles, as well as in their radial processes and endfeet at the pial surface and their expression continue in ependymal cells (or tanycytes) in early juveniles. In addition, BLBP- and GS-immunoreactive cells morphologically resembling oligodendrocytes were observed. In late embryos, most of the GFAP- and BLBP-positive RGCs also coexpress GS and show proliferative activity. Our results indicate the existence of different proliferating subpopulations of RGCs in the embryonic ventricular zone of catshark. Further investigations are needed to determine whether these proliferative RGCs could act as neurogenic and/or gliogenic precursors.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-FEDER (BFU2014-5863-1P); Xunta de Galicia-FEDER, Grant number: Rede Galega INBIOEST ED341D R2016/032S

    Participatory Art Encounters in Order to Build Inclusive Relationships in University Settings

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    La participación de personas con diversidad funcional en la sociedad es imprescindible para su transformación. El acceso al arte y la cultura es un derecho de todo ciudadano desde su esencia creativa y comunitaria. Sin embargo, la participación de la ciudadanía en las instituciones y políticas culturales es desigual. Frente a esta brecha es necesario descubrir nuevas realidades donde el encuentro con la diversidad sea desde la posibilidad. Por ello, se exponen experiencias basadas en prácticas artísticas participativas desarrolladas en los Grados de Bellas Artes y de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Murcia. Las intervenciones se proyectaron en la construcción de escenarios creativos donde personas con capacidades diversas se sintieran miembros activos de la cultura y la sociedad. Los participantes fueron alumnado universitario y un colectivo artístico de personas con síndrome de Down y otras discapacidades intelectuales. En su diseño, se aplicaron metodologías de investigación basadas en la A/r/tografía. Se concluyó que los encuentros mixtos a través de las prácticas artísticas participativas son un método de innovación educativa eficaz para conseguir una inmersión real en lo inclusivo en los centros escolares y colateralmente en la sociedad.Involving people with diverse functionality in society is essential for its global transformation. Access to arts and culture is a right for all citizens from their creative and communitarian essence. However, citizen participation in cultural institutions and policies is somewhat uneven. When facing this chasm, it is indispensable to reveal new realities where the encounter with diversity happens in a realm of possibility. Thereby, we expound on a series of experiences based on participatory art practices, developed for the Degrees of Fine Arts and Primary Education of the University of Murcia. These practices were aimed at shaping creative settings where people with diverse abilities could see themselves as active members of society and its culture. The participants were university pupils together with the art collective for people with Down’s syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. For their design, we applied techniques of A/r/tography. The conclusion was that mixed encounters with participatory artistic actions can be effective methods for educational innovation in order to achieve an actual inclusive engagement within schools and, correspondingly, in society at large