1,777 research outputs found

    Oncogenes ras y la superfamilia de gtpasas pequeñas celulares

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    Máster Universitario en Biología y Clínica del Cáncer: Programa, Objetivos y Metodología.Peer Reviewe

    Validación y exploración de métodos de solución a problemas propuestos a través del uso de la tecnología

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    El uso de ambientes instruccionales donde se consideren actividades que incluyan el uso de la tecnología parece extenderse cada vez más en el estudio de las matemáticas. Particularmente, ilustramos el uso del software Cabri-Geométre para resolver problemas propuestos. Un recurso importante de este software es que permite fijar un cierto número de variables y explorar el cambio de formas de las figuras manipulando elementos seleccionados del diseño de la representación. Las fases que aparecen durante el proceso de solución del problema (que incluyen su comprensión, diseño e implementación de un plan de solución y la realización de exploraciones posteriores), son usadas para dar un marco de discusión en donde se destacan la representación del problema en la computadora, los criterios de justificación de la solución y la formulación de preguntas relacionadas al problema. Se muestra también que los métodos de solución, los recursos y estrategias matemáticas usadas para resolver los problemas vía software son diferentes al compararse con los que normalmente exhiben las soluciones tradicionales. Aquí, es importante que los estudiantes discutan las ventajas y desventajas de ambos métodos

    Traceability Management Architectures Supporting Total Traceability in the Context of Software Engineering

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    In the area of Software Engineering, traceability is defined as the capability to track requirements, their evolution and transformation in different components related to engineering process, as well as the management of the relationships between those components. However the current state of the art in traceability does not keep in mind many of the elements that compose a product, specially those created before requirements arise, nor the appropriated use of traceability to manage the knowledge underlying in order to be handled by other organizational or engineering processes. In this work we describe the architecture of a reference model that establishes a set of definitions, processes and models which allow a proper management of traceability and further uses of it, in a wider context than the one related to software development

    Bridging the Gap Between Human Language and Computer-Oriented Representations

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    Information can be expressed in many ways according to the different capacities of humans to perceive it. Current systems deals with multimedia, multiformat and multiplatform systems but another « multi » is still pending to guarantee global access to information, that is, multilinguality. Different languages imply different replications of the systems according to the language in question. No solutions appear to represent the bridge between the human representation (natural language) and a system-oriented representation. The United Nations University defined in 1997 a language to be the support of effective multilinguism in Internet. In this paper, we describe this language and its possible applications beyond multilingual services as the possible future standard for different language independent applications

    Advergames: Overview

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    Advergame is a new marketing concept that has appeared due to the fact that young people are always connected to the Internet, are using mobile services such as SMS and MMS, or are chatting with instant messenger services and they spend too much time just playing in a stand alone way or in a network game. A new revolutionary service is the advergame one; that is a game with advertisment capabilities. Any company can develop an advergame that is, a game with some kind of advertising process of this company. This paper introduces some idea and concepts when developping an advergame

    Traceability Management Architectures Supporting Total Traceability in the Context of Software Engineering

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    In the area of Software Engineering, traceability is defined as the capability to track requirements, their evolution and transformation in different components related to engineering process, as well as the management of the relationships between those components. However the current state of the art in traceability does not keep in mind many of the elements that compose a product, specially those created before requirements arise, nor the appropriated use of traceability to manage the knowledge underlying in order to be handled by other organizational or engineering processes. In this work we describe the architecture of a reference model that establishes a set of definitions, processes and models which allow a proper management of traceability and further uses of it, in a wider context than the one related to software development

    Biología y genética molecular del cáncer

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    Gracias a la biología molecular, durante el último cuarto de siglo se ha establecido y aceptado universalmente el paradigma genético del cáncer –que los tumores surgen como consecuencia de la acumulación de mutaciones en genes que controlan la proliferación, diferenciación o muerte celula

    Services Between Video Producers and Broadcasters: Do we need a standard?

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    Se muestra la necesidad de la creación de un estándar que facilite el intercambio de datos entre empresas productoras de vídeo y cadenas de distribución. Se muestra un posible modelo en la forma de transmisión, modelo de datos y procesado de datos

    Filtered Networks of Evolutionary Processors

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    * Supported by INTAS 00-626 and TIC 2003-09319-c03-03.This paper presents some connectionist models that are widely used to solve NP-problems. Most well known numeric models are Neural Networks that are able to approximate any function or classify any pattern set provided numeric information is injected into the net. Neural Nets usually have a supervised or unsupervised learning stage in order to perform desired response. Concerning symbolic information new research area has been developed, inspired by George Paun, called Membrane Systems. A step forward, in a similar Neural Network architecture, was done to obtain Networks of Evolutionary Processors (NEP). A NEP is a set of processors connected by a graph, each processor only deals with symbolic information using rules. In short, objects in processors can evolve and pass through processors until a stable configuration is reach. This paper just shows some ideas about these two models
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