22 research outputs found

    Sustainability, globalization, culture and work

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    This paper discusses the development process and the influence of globalization on culture and behavior of society seen on reflexes in the consumer market and how they participate or interfere in sustainability. Whereas globalization as a process of interaction between people in general originated in trade and political relations, reflections on the culture and behavior of society are inevitable from the point of view of consumption of products that are offered for new consumers in these markets that are in the process of globalization. Considering this necessity, it is important to consider the sustainable use of resources and by-products. This article is a reflection on sustainability, globalization, culture and work, and can be summarized in: a) identifying the consequences of globalization on employment from the use of technology, b) the consequences of globalization on culture are positive or negative for both involved, c) benefits globalization and society have with new, better and cheaper products to meet the population needs and d) how sustainability is in this consuming-producing context

    Small investors: challenges and benefits of ipo - a case study in a small business in the region of the Capão Redondo - SP

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of knowledge of managers about market capitals (in terms of benefits and challenges) and the relevance of the inclusion of small business context in this market. A case study was conducted by open questions interview with a CEO of a small business in Sao Paulo. Results showed that despite the CEO has knowledge about the capital market; the company was not structurally prepared to accept the challenges of capital markets

    Organizational creativity in innovation – a multicriteria decision analysis

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    Creativity is essential for the emergence of innovation within organizations, both necessary for organizational survival. Several models have been proposed for organizational creativity, each containing different constructs. This research aims to verify the standardization of constructs in the literature and to verify the possible existence of two dimensions not previously explored: hierarchy between constructs (global importance) and weight of constructs (relative importance) of organizational creativity that lead to innovation. We employed Multicriteria Decision Analysis with the PAPRIKA method, which combines the advantages of numerical and verbal decision making. The creativity constructs were elicited from a detailed review of the literature from Scopus and Web of Science databases. The results contribute to the expansion of the current theory of creativity, with the application of a new method to the object and management practices.

    Formulação e implementação de estratégias aplicadas as decisões em simuladores de jogos de empresas: uma comparação com jogos gerais da teoria dos jogos -

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    O processo de aprendizagem cada vez mais se vale de recursos lúdicos para produzir o conhecimento dos conceitos ou técnicas do assunto em estudo. Esses recursos, no contexto atual, podem ser por meio de arquivos de áudio e vídeo ou simuladores que permitam a representação de uma realidade de mercado com o máximo de variáveis possíveis, cujas variáveis podem ser conhecidas pelo participante no seu todo ou em parte. Nesse estudo o recurso lúdico para produzir o conhecimento no processo de aprendizagem é um simulador organizacional que representa o modelo de ambiente organizacional que uma empresa se depara no seu dia a dia. Embora sejam formatados mediante programação e com certo número de variáveis controláveis em sua ação, constituem importante ferramenta lúdica no processo de aprendizagem de um gestor. A formulação de estratégias por parte do participante leva sempre em conta a relação de sucesso do evento, ou seja, na tomada de decisão para a formulação de preço, por exemplo, a estratégia adotada e sua implementação são consideradas boas, pois o resultado esperado é a melhoria do posicionamento da empresa no mercado, o aumento de sua lucratividade e reconhecimento da marca. Comparando com o jogo de soma zero da teoria dos jogos a estratégia é boa quando produz o melhor resultado para o evento, isto é a vitória de um dos participantes

    The moderator effect of perceived risk in other consumer perception (OCP)

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    Este artigo analisa a percepção dos indivíduos em relação aos outros consumidores presentes no ambiente de compras (OCP) e a sua influência no processo decisório desses consumidores. Além disso, examina o efeito moderador do Risco Percebido nas relações entre a OCP e a Evitação e a Aproximação. Oito hipóteses foram desenvolvidas com base na literatura e testadas por meio da análise dos dados oriundos de um survey, no qual participaram 456 estudantes universitários. A técnica de análise realizada foi a modelagem de equações estruturais com estimação pelos mínimos quadrados parciais. Como resultados, foi comprovada a relação positiva da OCP com o comportamento de Aproximação e a relação negativa com o comportamento de Evitação. Os resultados identificaram também o efeito moderador do risco percebido positivo entre a OCP e a Aproximação e negativo entre a OCP e a Evitação.Palavras-chave: OCP, risco percebido, varejo.This article analyzes individual perception in relation to other consumers present in shopping environment (OCP) and its influence in the decision-making process of these consumers. In addition, it examines the moderator effect of Perceived Risk in relations among OCP, Avoidance and Approximation. Eight hypotheses were developed based on literature and tested by analysis of data from a survey, in which 456 college students participated. The analysis technique used was structural equations modeling with estimations for the partial least square. As a result, a positive relation between OCP and Approximation behavior and a negative relation between OCP and Avoidance behavior were proven. The results also identified a positive moderator effect of perceived risk between OCP and Approximation and a negative effect between OCP and Avoidance.Keywords: OCP, perceived risk, retail

    O efeito moderador do risco percebido na percepção dos outros consumidores (OCP – other consumer perception)

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    This article analyzes individual perception in relation to other consumers present in shopping environment (OCP) and its influence in the decision-making process of these consumers. In addition, it examines the moderator effect of Perceived Risk in relations among OCP, Avoidance and Approximation. Eight hypotheses were developed based on literature and tested by analysis of data from a survey, in which 456 college students participated. The analysis technique used was structural equations modeling with estimations for the partial least square. As a result, a positive relation between OCP and Approximation behavior and a negative relation between OCP and Avoidance behavior were proven. The results also identified a positive moderator effect of perceived risk between OCP and Approximation and a negative effect between OCP and Avoidance.Keywords: OCP, perceived risk, retail.Este artigo analisa a percepção dos indivíduos em relação aos outros consumidores presentes no ambiente de compras (OCP) e a sua influência no processo decisório desses consumidores. Além disso, examina o efeito moderador do Risco Percebido nas relações entre a OCP e a Evitação e a Aproximação. Oito hipóteses foram desenvolvidas com base na literatura e testadas por meio da análise dos dados oriundos de um survey, no qual participaram 456 estudantes universitários. A técnica de análise realizada foi a modelagem de equações estruturais com estimação pelos mínimos quadrados parciais. Como resultados, foi comprovada a relação positiva da OCP com o comportamento de Aproximação e a relação negativa com o comportamento de Evitação. Os resultados identificaram também o efeito moderador do risco percebido positivo entre a OCP e a Aproximação e negativo entre a OCP e a Evitação.Palavras-chave: OCP, risco percebido, varejo

    Sustainability, globalization, culture and work

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    This paper discusses the development process and the influence of globalization on culture and behavior of society seen on reflexes in the consumer market and how they participate or interfere in sustainability. Whereas globalization as a process of interaction between people in general originated in trade and political relations, reflections on the culture and behavior of society are inevitable from the point of view of consumption of products that are offered for new consumers in these markets that are in the process of globalization. Considering this necessity, it is important to consider the sustainable use of resources and by-products. This article is a reflection on sustainability, globalization, culture and work, and can be summarized in: a) identifying the consequences of globalization on employment from the use of technology, b) the consequences of globalization on culture are positive or negative for both involved, c) benefits globalization and society have with new, better and cheaper products to meet the population needs and d) how sustainability is in this consuming-producing context


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    <p>This paper discusses the development process and the influence of globalization on culture and behavior of society seen on reflexes in the consumer market and how they participate or interfere in sustainability. Whereas globalization as a process of interaction between people in general originated in trade and political relations, reflections on the culture and behavior of society are inevitable from the point of view of consumption of products that are offered for new consumers in these markets that are in the process of globalization. Considering this necessity, it is important to consider the sustainable use of resources and by-products. This article is a reflection on sustainability, globalization, culture and work, and can be summarized in: a) identifying the consequences of globalization on employment from the use of technology, b) the consequences of globalization on culture are positive or negative for both involved, c) benefits globalization and society have with new, better and cheaper products to meet the population needs and d) how sustainability is in this consuming-producing context.</p

    Jogos De Empresas E O Ciclo De Aprendizagem De Kolb: Avaliação De Desempenho Dos Estudantes De Administração / Business Games And Kolb’s Learning Cycle: Performance Evaluation Of Administration Students

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    RESUMO O presente artigo mostra a relação entre jogos de aprendizagem e o Ciclo de Aprendizagem de Kolb a partir da avaliação de duas turmas de graduação do curso de Administração em 2010 e 2011. O aprendizado de Kolb mostra como as pessoas aprendem por meio de experiências. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi survey por meio de questionário respondido pelos 23 participantes de 2010 e 25 de 2011. A análise dos dados feita de forma quantitativa por meio do SPSS utilizando o teste ANOVA para verificar o grau de variância dos dados coletados. O Ciclo de Aprendizagem de Kolb e a vivência simulada em jogos de empresas oferecem um arcabouço teórico para a conclusão dessa investigação. A conclusão desse artigo é a relação percebida pelo participante com o aprendizado e a experiência vivida no ambiente de decisão em jogos de empresas. Palavra-chave: Ciclo de aprendizagem de Kolb. Jogos de empresas. Ambiente de decisão. ABSTRACT This paper shows the relationship between learning games and the Kolb Learning Cycle from the evaluation of two undergraduate classes of administration courses in 2010 and 2011. Kolb's learning shows how people learn through experiences. The research method used was survey through a questionnaire answered by 23 participants in 2010 and 25 in 2011. Analysis of data taken quantitatively using SPSS by ANOVA to verify the degree of variance of the data collected. The Kolb Learning Cycle and the simulated experience in games companies offer a theoretical framework for the achievement of this investigation. The conclusion of this paper is perceived by the participant with the learning and the experience of the decision environment in business game. Key words: Kolb Learning Cycle. Business game. Decision environment