1,700,697 research outputs found

    New species, new records, synonymy, and notes in Eupogonius LeConte (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Desmiphorini)

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    New records for Eupogonius flavocinctus Bates, 1872, E. boteroi Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, E. azteca Martins, Santos-Silva & Galileo, 2015, E. subaeneus Bates, 1872, E. guerrerensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, and E. arizonensis Knull, 1954 are provided. Eupogonius sonorensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020 is synonymized with E. arizonensis. The synonymy between E. pauper LeConte, 1852 and Eupogonius fraxini Knull, 1918 is commented. Two new species are described: Eupogonius rileyi, from Costa Rica; and E. similis, from Guatemala

    A class of nonparametric DSSY nonconforming quadrilateral elements

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    A new class of nonparametric nonconforming quadrilateral finite elements is introduced which has the midpoint continuity and the mean value continuity at the interfaces of elements simultaneously as the rectangular DSSY element [J.Douglas, Jr., J. E. Santos, D. Sheen, and X. Ye. Nonconforming {G}alerkin methods based on quadrilateral elements for second order elliptic problems. ESAIM--Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 33(4):747--770, 1999]. The parametric DSSY element for general quadrilaterals requires five degrees of freedom to have an optimal order of convergence [Z. Cai, J. Douglas, Jr., J. E. Santos, D. Sheen, and X. Ye. Nonconforming quadrilateral finite elements: A correction. Calcolo, 37(4):253--254, 2000], while the new nonparametric DSSY elements require only four degrees of freedom. The design of new elements is based on the decomposition of a bilinear transform into a simple bilinear map followed by a suitable affine map. Numerical results are presented to compare the new elements with the parametric DSSY element.Comment: 20 page


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    This article quantitatively and qualitatively evaluates references to women’s football in Colombia in presidential discourse and Twitter posts during the presidency of Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018). Using critical discourse analysis of presidential discourse, it compares representations and messages around the respective Colombian men’s and women’s national football teams in relation to Santos’ national unity project. Although football in Colombia was understood by the Santos government to have powerful unifying and transformative potential, this article questions whether this potential is limited to the male game and the extent to which women’s football contributed to Santos’ sporting nationalism strategy. Could women’s football also represent the “national us” and the “New Colombia” so frequently mentioned in presidential rhetoric? Este artículo evalúa cuantitativa y cualitativamente las referencias al fútbol femenino en Colombia en el discurso y tuits presidenciales durante la presidencia de Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018). Empleando el análisis crítico de discursos presidenciales, compara las representaciones y los mensajes en torno a las selecciones de fútbol masculinas y femeninas en relación al proyecto de unidad nacional de Santos. Aunque el gobierno de Santos consideraba que el fútbol tiene un fuerte potencial unificador y transformador, este artículo cuestiona si este potencial se limita al juego masculino, y hasta qué punto el fútbol femenino contribuyó a la estrategia de nacionalismo deportivo de Santos. ¿Pudo el fútbol femenino también representar el “nosotros” nacional y la “Nueva Colombia” tan frecuentemente mencionados en la retórica presidencial? O presente artigo avalia, quantitativa e qualitativamente, referências feitas ao futebol feminino, na Colômbia, nos discursos presidenciais e publicações no Twitter durante a presidência de Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018). Compara representações e mensagens em torno das respectivas equipes nacionais colombianas de futebol masculino e feminino em relação ao projeto de unidade nacional de Santos. Embora o governo de Santos entendesse que o futebol desempenhava, na Colômbia, um potencial e poderoso papel unificador e transformador, este trabalho questiona se esse potencial se limita ao jogo masculino e o quanto o futebol feminino pode ter contribuído para a estratégia de nacionalismo desportivo de Santos. Será que o futebol feminino representaria também o “nós nacional” e a “Nova Colômbia”, tão frequentemente mencionados na retórica presidencial? 

    Instantaneous transport of salt, nutrients, suspended matter and chlorophyll-a in the tropical estuarine system of Santos

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    A contribuição dos canais estuarinos de Santos e São Vicente para a eutrofização da baía de Santos foi avaliada quantificando-se o transporte instantâneo de sal, fosfato e nitrogênio inorgânico dissolvido (NID), material em suspensão orgânico (MSO) e inorgânico (MSI) e clorofila-a, durante a estação seca (inverno austral- Agosto/1999) e chuvosa (verão austral- Janeiro/ 2000). As amostragens foram realizadas em períodos de sizígia e quadratura, durante as marés enchentes e vazantes, nas secções transversais das bocas dos canais de São Vicente e Santos. Os valores de transporte instantâneo obtidos durante o período de amostragem indicaram exportação de NID, principalmente sobre a forma de N-NH4 (valor máximo de 1155,1 g s-1) na estação chuvosa; importação de fosfato durante a estação seca (máximo de 385,6 g s-1) e exportação de MSI, MSO e clorofila-a em períodos de maior contribuição fluvial. Estes resultados indicam uma importante contribuição dos canais estuarinos de Santos e São Vicente para a eutrofização da baía de Santos, especialmente durante o período chuvoso.The contribution of the polluted São Vicente and Santos estuarine channels to the eutrophication of Santos bay was assessed through the quantification of instantaneous transport of salt, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate, organic and inorganic matter (OSM and ISM) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), during dry (austral winter- August/ 1999) and rainy (austral summer- January/2000) seasons. Samplings were carried out during spring and neap tides, in flood and ebb phases, in two transversal sections at the mouths of the São Vicente and Santos channels. Instantaneous transport values generally indicated importation of salt to the estuarine channels, exportation of DIN to the bay, mainly as N-NH4, at a maximum rate of 1155.1 g s-1 during the rainy season; importation of phosphate during the dry season (maximum of 385 g s-1) and exportation of ISM, OSM and Chl-a during periods of greater freshwater discharge. These results demonstrate the great contribution made by the Santos and São Vicente estuaries to the eutrophication of Santos bay, especially in the rainy season

    VAMOS: a Pathfinder for the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory

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    VAMOS was a prototype detector built in 2011 at an altitude of 4100m a.s.l. in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The aim of VAMOS was to finalize the design, construction techniques and data acquisition system of the HAWC observatory. HAWC is an air-shower array currently under construction at the same site of VAMOS with the purpose to study the TeV sky. The VAMOS setup included six water Cherenkov detectors and two different data acquisition systems. It was in operation between October 2011 and May 2012 with an average live time of 30%. Besides the scientific verification purposes, the eight months of data were used to obtain the results presented in this paper: the detector response to the Forbush decrease of March 2012, and the analysis of possible emission, at energies above 30 GeV, for long gamma-ray bursts GRB111016B and GRB120328B.Comment: Accepted for pubblication in Astroparticle Physics Journal (20 pages, 10 figures). Corresponding authors: A.Marinelli and D.Zaboro

    Ecotoxicological assessment of sediments from the Port of Santos and the disposal sites of dredged material

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    The dredging of sediments from the Santos Channel is necessary to allow the navigation of ships operating in the Port of Santos. The disposal sites for such sediments are situated on the coastal zone, in front of the Santos Bay. The present paper aimed at evaluating the toxicity of sediments collected at the Santos Channel and at the former and current sediment disposal sites. Whole sediment tests with amphipods and elutriate assays with sea-urchin embryos were used. The samples from the Santos Channel were considered the most toxic: all the sediment samples from this area showed toxicity. Moreover, some samples from both former and new sediment disposal sites exhibited toxicity. Therefore, results showed that sediments from the studied areas present evidences of degradation; however, further studies are required to determine relationships between toxicity and contamination. Results also suggested that the disposal of dredged sediments should be re-evaluated.A dragagem dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos é necessária para permitir o trânsito de navios que operam no Porto de Santos. As áreas de disposição do material dragado estão situadas na zona costeira, em frente à Baía de Santos. Este estudo visou avaliar a qualidade dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos e das áreas de disposição atuais e antigas, utilizando testes de toxicidade de sedimento integral com anfípodos e de toxicidade de elutriatos com embriões de ouriço do mar. As amostras do Canal de Santos foram consideradas as mais tóxicas: todas as amostras dessa área foram consideradas significativamente tóxicas. Além disso, algumas amostras das áreas de disposição exibiram toxicidade. Os resultados mostraram, portanto, que os sedimentos apresentam evidências de degradação em sua qualidade, porém novos estudos devem ser conduzidos visando determinar as relações entre contaminação e toxicidade. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a disposição dos sedimentos dragados deva ser reavaliada