200 research outputs found

    Investigative Study on Preprint Journal Club as an Effective Method of Teaching Latest Knowledge in Astronomy

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    As recent advancements in physics and astronomy rapidly rewrite textbooks, there is a growing need in keeping abreast of the latest knowledge in these fields. Reading preprints is one of the effective ways to do this. By having journal clubs where people can read and discuss journals together, the benefits of reading journals become more prevalent. We present an investigative study of understanding the factors that affect the success of preprint journal clubs in astronomy, more commonly known as Astro-ph/Astro-Coffee (hereafter called AC). A survey was disseminated to understand how institutions from different countries implement AC. We interviewed 9 survey respondents and from their responses we identified four important factors that make AC successful: commitment (how the organizer and attendees participate in AC), environment (how conducive and comfortable AC is conducted), content (the discussed topics in AC and how they are presented), and objective (the main goal/s of conducting AC). We also present the format of our AC, an elective class which was evaluated during the Spring Semester 2020 (March 2020 - June 2020). Our evaluation with the attendees showed that enrollees (those who are enrolled and are required to present papers regularly) tend to be more committed in attending compared to audiences (those who are not enrolled and are not required to present papers regularly). In addition, participants tend to find papers outside their research field harder to read. Finally, we showed an improvement in the weekly number of papers read after attending AC of those who present papers regularly, and a high satisfaction rating of our AC. We summarize the areas of improvement in our AC implementation, and we encourage other institutions to evaluate their own AC in accordance with the four aforementioned factors to assess the effectiveness of their AC in reaching their goals.Comment: Accepted for publication in PRPER. A summary video is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzy2I_xA_dU&ab_channel=NthuCosmolog

    Can luminous Lyman alpha emitters at zz ≃\simeq 5.7 and zz ≃\simeq 6.6 suppress star formation?

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    Addressing how strong UV radiation affects galaxy formation is central to understanding their evolution. The quenching of star formation via strong UV radiation (from starbursts or AGN) has been proposed in various scenes to solve certain astrophysical problems. Around luminous sources, some evidence of decreased star formation has been found but is limited to a handful of individual cases. No direct, conclusive evidence on the actual role of strong UV radiation in quenching star formation has been found. Here we present statistical evidence of decreased number density of faint (AB magnitude ≥\geq 24.75 mag) Ly\alpha emitters (LAEs) around bright (AB magnitude < 24.75 mag) LAEs even when the radius goes up to 10 pMpc for zz ≃\simeq 5.7 LAEs. A similar trend is found for z ≃\simeq 6.6 LAEs but only within 1 pMpc radius from the bright LAEs. We use a large sample of 1077 (962) LAEs at zz ≃\simeq 5.7 (zz ≃\simeq 6.6) selected in total areas of 14 (21) deg2^2 with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam narrow-band data, and thus, the result is of statistical significance for the first time at these high redshift ranges. A simple analytical calculation indicates that the radiation from the central LAE is not enough to suppress LAEs with AB mag ≥\geq 24.75 mag around them, suggesting additional physical mechanisms we are unaware of are at work. Our results clearly show that the environment is at work for the galaxy formation at zz ∼\sim 6 in the Universe.Comment: Accepted for publication at MNRA

    A Dyson Sphere around a black hole

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    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has been conducted for nearly 60 years. A Dyson Sphere, a spherical structure that surrounds a star and transports its radiative energy outward as an energy source for an advanced civilisation, is one of the main targets of SETI. In this study, we discuss whether building a Dyson Sphere around a black hole is effective. We consider six energy sources: (i) the cosmic microwave background, (ii) the Hawking radiation, (iii) an accretion disk, (iv) Bondi accretion, (v) a corona, and (vi) relativistic jets. To develop future civilisations (for example, a Type II civilisation), 4×1026 W4\times10^{26}\,{\rm W}(1 L⊙1\,{\rm L_{\odot}}) is expected to be needed. Among (iii) to (vi), the largest luminosity can be collected from an accretion disk, reaching 105 L⊙10^{5}\,{\rm L_{\odot}}, enough to maintain a Type II civilisation. Moreover, if a Dyson Sphere collects not only the electromagnetic radiation but also other types of energy (e.g., kinetic energy) from the jets, the total collected energy would be approximately 5 times larger. Considering the emission from a Dyson Sphere, our results show that the Dyson Sphere around a stellar-mass black hole in the Milky Way (10 kpc10\,\rm kpc away from us) is detectable in the ultraviolet(10−400 nm)(\rm 10-400\,{\rm nm)}, optical(400−760 nm)(\rm 400-760\,{\rm nm)}, near-infrared(760 nm−5 μm\rm 760\,{\rm nm}-5\,{\rm \mu m}), and mid-infrared(5−40 μm\rm 5-40\,{\rm \mu m}) wavelengths via the waste heat radiation using current telescopes such as Galaxy Evolution Explorer Ultraviolet Sky Surveys. Performing model fitting to observed spectral energy distributions and measuring the variability of radial velocity may help us to identify these possible artificial structures.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in MNRA

    Photometric Redshifts in the North Ecliptic Pole Wide Field based on a Deep Optical Survey with Hyper Suprime-Cam

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    The AKARIAKARI space infrared telescope has performed near- to mid-infrared (MIR) observations on the North Ecliptic Pole Wide (NEPW) field (5.4 deg2^2) for about one year. AKARIAKARI took advantage of its continuous nine photometric bands, compared with NASA's SpitzerSpitzer and WISE space telescopes, which had only four filters with a wide gap in the MIR. The AKARIAKARI NEPW field lacked deep and homogeneous optical data, limiting the use of nearly half of the IR sources for extra-galactic studies owing to the absence of photometric redshifts (photo-zs). To remedy this, we have recently obtained deep optical imaging over the NEPW field with 5 bands (gg, rr, ii, zz, and YY) of the Hyper Suprime-Camera (HSC) on the Subaru 8m telescope. We optically identify AKARI-IR sources along with supplementary SpitzerSpitzer and WISE data as well as pre-existing optical data. In this work, we derive new photo-zs using a χ2\chi^2 template-fitting method code (LeLe PharePhare) and reliable photometry from 26 selected filters including HSC, AKARIAKARI, CFHT, Maidanak, KPNO, SpitzerSpitzer and WISE data. We take 2026 spectroscopic redshifts (spec-z) from all available spectroscopic surveys over the NEPW to calibrate and assess the accuracy of the photo-zs. At z < 1.5, we achieve a weighted photo-z dispersion of σΔz/(1+z)\sigma_{\Delta{z/(1+z)}} = 0.053 with η\eta = 11.3% catastrophic errors.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. For summary video, please see http://youtu.be/hjNJRCoBIg

    Extinction-free Census of AGNs in the AKARI/IRC North Ecliptic Pole Field from 23-band Infrared Photometry from Space Telescopes

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    In order to understand the interaction between the central black hole and the whole galaxy or their co-evolution history along with cosmic time, a complete census of active galactic nuclei (AGN) is crucial. However, AGNs are often missed in optical, UV and soft X-ray observations since they could be obscured by gas and dust. A mid-infrared (mid-IR) survey supported by multiwavelength data is one of the best ways to find obscured AGN activities because it suffers less from extinction. Previous large IR photometric surveys, e.g., WISE and Spitzer, have gaps between the mid-IR filters. Therefore, star forming galaxy (SFG)-AGN diagnostics in the mid-IR were limited. The AKARI satellite has a unique continuous 9-band filter coverage in the near to mid-IR wavelengths. In this work, we take advantage of the state-of-the-art spectral energy distribution (SED) modelling software, CIGALE, to find AGNs in mid-IR. We found 126 AGNs in the NEP-Wide field with this method. We also investigate the energy released from the AGN as a fraction of the total IR luminosity of a galaxy. We found that the AGN contribution is larger at higher redshifts for a given IR luminosity. With the upcoming deep IR surveys, e.g., JWST, we expect to find more AGNs with our method

    Search for Optically Dark Infrared Galaxies without Counterparts of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Wide Survey Field

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    We present the physical properties of AKARI sources without optical counterparts in optical images from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on the Subaru telescope. Using the AKARI infrared (IR) source catalog and HSC optical catalog, we select 583 objects that do not have HSC counterparts in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole wide survey field (~5 deg2). Because the HSC limiting magnitude is deep (gAB ~ 28.6), these are good candidates for extremely red star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and/or active galactic nuclei (AGNs), possibly at high redshifts. We compile multiwavelength data out to 500 μm and use them for fitting the spectral energy distribution with CIGALE to investigate the physical properties of AKARI galaxies without optical counterparts. We also compare their physical quantities with AKARI mid-IR selected galaxies with HSC counterparts. The estimated redshifts of AKARI objects without HSC counterparts range up to z ~ 4, significantly higher than for AKARI objects with HSC counterparts. We find that (i) 3.6 – 4.5 μm color, (ii) AGN luminosity, (iii) stellar mass, (iv) star formation rate, and (v) V-band dust attenuation in the interstellar medium of AKARI objects without HSC counterparts are systematically larger than those of AKARI objects with counterparts. These results suggest that our sample includes luminous, heavily dust-obscured SFGs/AGNs at z ~ 1–4 that are missed by previous optical surveys, providing very interesting targets for the coming era of the James Webb Space Telescope
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