234 research outputs found

    Análise de recorrência na coordenação intersegmentar durante auto passe de voleibol em crianças sob constrangimento da tarefa

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    O desenvolvimento da coordenação motora resulta da interação entre constrangimentos intrínsecos e extrínsecos (Newell, 1986). Tendo em conta que o tipo de bola, considerado um constrangimento da tarefa (Gagen & Getchell, 2004), pode determinar a prestação motora, temos a intenção de verificar se alterar as propriedades do objeto (bola tradicional e balão) poderia proporcionar a coordenação entre as articulações do cotovelo e joelho no auto passe de voleibol. A análise de recorrência (RQA) é uma técnica não linear, considerada como um instrumento poderoso e discriminatório, que proporciona objectividade em relação ao grau de determinismo, caracterização das mudanças do estado do sistema, e o grau de complexidade e/ou aleatoriedade do sistema (Zbilut, Thomasson, & Webber, 2002). Esse tipo de técnica permite-nos estudar sistemas dinâmicos e entender o seu comportamento (Webber & Zbilut, 2005). A cross recurrence analysis, uma extensão bivariada da análise de recorrências, que foi introduzido para analisar dois sistemas diferentes, comparando os seus estados, para verificar se os dois padrões de movimento funcionam de forma articulada entre si (Marwan, Romano, Thiel, & Kurths, 2007); no caso do nosso estudo permite-nos analisar se o joelho e cotovelo se moverão sincronizados. A ideia básica da análise de recorrência é verificar no espaço reconstruído, num raio r, centrada num ponto x, qual o número de pontos que recorrem, no nosso caso, o número de vezes que cada amplitude articular volta a passar por determinado valor, ou um valor aproximado. Se esta distância é menor ou igual a r, os pontos são considerados recorrentes (Riley, Balasubramaniam, & Turvey, 1999). Estas técnicas não lineares e multidimensionais reconstroem pontos de recorrência ou dados de vizinhança de pontos. A proximidade dos pontos no espaço pode ser visualizada graficamente, num gráfico de recorrência, e o padrão dessa recorrência pode ser quantificado em determinados parâmetros. A recorrência (%REC) é considerada como a tendência para o sistema voltar ao mesmo ponto, por sua vez a tendência para o sistema se comportar sempre do mesmo modo, indica o determinismo (%DET). Considera-se a linha média (meanline) como a estimativa da força da sistematicidade dos comportamentos, ou seja a média das linhas que representam a atração do sistema para aquele comportamento, e a linha máxima (maxline) permite medir a linha mais comprida (Webber & Zbilut, 2005). A entropia (entropy) estabelece a complexidade do sistema, uma vez que não é calculada em relação à totalidade das recorrências mas sim no que diz respeito às linhas diagonais que refletem a estrutura (Riley et al., 1999), e a entropia relativa (relative entropy) determina a constância do sistema, mais baixa mais regular é o sistema no seu comportamento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of shear modulus by different seismic wave-based techniques

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    Using combined setup of bender elements and accelerometers, tests were conducted on Coimbra sand specimens in order to measure and interpret seismic wave velocities to assess initial shear modulus. For these tests both time and frequency domain analyses were performed. Resonant column tests were also performed on the same sand to validate the results obtained with the bender elements and accelerometers setup. As is well known, in the last decades the development of new laboratory techniques to assess soil stiffness through the use of seismic wave-based techniques, has received significant attention due to its simplicity and versatility of the equipment setup. One of these techniques is the bender elements test which have been one of the most widely used, although some limitations concerning its usage. In this context, the combined use of bender elements with other seismic wave-based testing techniques, such as accelerometers or the resonant column, is quite important to compare and validate the testing techniques. Given its miniature size, the installation of accelerometers on the side of the sample is considered feasible without significant disturbance on the other measuring techniques. The resonant column is a widely used and accurate testing technique due to its reliability and repeatability. Finally, the results of this combined tests allow a critical discussion on the advantages and limitations of the use of bender elements and accelerometers, in contrast with the resonant-column for the assessment of the shear modulus in sand.This work was developed with the financial support provided by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the research project WaveSoil - PTDC/ECM/122751/2010 from FCOMOP-01-0124-FEDER-020365 project

    Measurement of shear modulus using bender elements and resonant-column

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    In recent times, new demands in geotechnical engineering, mainly in transportation geotechnics, require the use of advanced characterization techniques in order to accurately assess soil stiffness parameters. From this perspective, seismic wave-based techniques have received significant attention, since these allow performing the same basic measurement in the laboratory and field. With an enormous potential, bender elements are currently one of the most popular techniques used to measure reference soil properties in the very small strain range, namely the shear modulus. Bench and triaxial tests conducted on a wide range of geomaterials already demonstrated the applicability of this technique. However, the combined use of bender elements with other testing techniques, as the resonant column, is quite important in order to compare and validate some of the procedures used. In this context, bench bender elements tests were carried out on stiff sandy silt/silty sand specimens and the interpretation of seismic wave velocities was performed using time domain methods under a variety of excitations. Resonant column tests were also conducted on the same material to validate the obtained results with the bench bender elements setup. A critical discussion is made on the advantages and limitations of bender elements usage in contrast with the resonant-column for the assessment of the shear modulus, as well as some insights regarding damping. Additional tests were carried out in two distinct BE setups, one of which installed in the resonant column device, as well as ultrasonic measurements, with the purpose of validating the BE procedure and results interpretation. From this research, it was possible to compare and analyze the results obtained with the three different bender element setups and derive recommendations towards achieving reliable measurements.This work was developed with the financial support provided by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the research project WaveSoil - PTDC/ECM/122751/2010 from FCOMOP-01-0124-FEDER-020365 project

    Envolvimento parental no processo educativo de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais em idade pré-escolar: Perceções de pais e profissionais

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    A participação da família nos processos educativos de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais deve ser valorizada, pois a família é um dos principais contextos onde a criança se insere, podendo a mesma ser considerada como o núcleo central do desenvolvimento da criança (Correia, 2008a). Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar diferenças entre as perceções de envolvimento familiar de pais e profissionais, considerando quer as práticas atuais, quer as práticas desejadas. Neste estudo, participaram 30 profissionais de intervenção precoce na infância, 13 profissionais de educação especial e 22 mães de crianças acompanhadas ao abrigo do Decreto-Lei n.º 281/2009 e/ou do Decreto-Lei n.º 54/2018. Foi utilizado como instrumento de recolha das perceções de envolvimento familiar, uma versão para os pais e outra para os profissionais da escala FOCAS (Bailey & McWilliam, 1991). Os resultados obtidos indicaram a existência de diferenças entre as perceções de envolvimento familiar atual e desejado, entre os pais e os profissionais. Também foram verificadas diferenças entre o envolvimento familiar atual e o envolvimento familiar desejado dos pais e dos profissionais. Os resultados indicaram-nos que os profissionais ainda não aplicam as práticas centradas na família na sua totalidade, ou seja, os pais ainda não participam ativamente em todas as fases do processo educativo do seu filho.Family's participation in the educational processes of children with SEM (Special Educational Needs) should be highly valued, as the family is one of the main contexts of children’s lives, and it can be considered as the central nucleus of the child's development (Correia, 2008a). This work focuses on the differences between the perceptions of family involvement of parents and professionals, considering both current practices and desired practices. In this study, 30 early childhood intervention professionals, 13 special education professionals and 22 mothers of children participated, receiving services under Decree-Law No. 281/2009 and/or Decree-Law No. 54/2018. Perceptions of family involvement by parents and professionals were measured through the FOCAS scale (Bailey & McWilliam, 1991). Results indicated the existence of differences between the perceptions of current and desired family involvement, between parents and professionals. Differences were also found between current family involvement and the desired family involvement for both parents and professionals. The results indicated that professionals still do not apply family-centered practices in their entirety, that is, parents still do not participate fully with professionals in all phases of their child's educational process

    Enhanced separation of bioactive triterpenic acids with a triacontylsilyl silica gel adsorbent: from impulse and breakthrough experiments to the design of a simulated moving bed unit

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    A simulated moving bed (SMB) unit was designed to separate oleanolic and ursolic acids, two naturally occurring triterpenoids with structural isomerism, with remarkable nutraceutical and pharmacological properties. A triacontylsilyl silica gel adsorbent (stationary phase of an Acclaim C30 column) was considered and impulse tests with different solvents were performed to select a mobile phase, from which methanol/water 95/5 (%, v/v) emerged as the most suitable. Equilibrium and global mass transport coefficients were then determined through breakthrough experiments using pure compound solutions and the C30 column. Afterwards, these parameters were applied to the simulation of two model binary mixture separations, whose breakthrough curves were also experimentally measured. Finally, the SMB unit was designed and optimized. It was demonstrated that using the packing of an Acclaim C30 column and methanol/water 95/5 (%, v/v) as mobile phase it is possible to separate both acids with purities of 99.9 wt.%, a productivity of 1.705 kg/(m3adsorbent day), and a configuration of two columns per section (2–2–2–2). The simulated results obtained in this work with the C30 stationary phase represent a significant improvement over literature data.publishe

    Polymeric biomaterials for wound healing

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    Skin indicates a person’s state of health and is so important that it influences a person’s emotional and psychological behavior. In this context, the effective treatment of wounds is a major concern, since several conventional wound healing materials have not been able to provide adequate healing, often leading to scar formation. Hence, the development of innovative biomaterials for wound healing is essential. Natural and synthetic polymers are used extensively for wound dressings and scaffold production. Both natural and synthetic polymers have beneficial properties and limitations, so they are often used in combination to overcome overcome their individual limitations. The use of different polymers in the production of biomaterials has proven to be a promising alternative for the treatment of wounds, as their capacity to accelerate the healing process has been demonstrated in many studies. Thus, this work focuses on describing several currently commercially available solutions used for the management of skin wounds, such as polymeric biomaterials for skin substitutes. New directions, strategies, and innovative technologies for the design of polymeric biomaterials are also addressed, providing solutions for deep burns, personalized care and faster healing.This research was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020. This study was also funded by program Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (MSCA-RISE; FODIAC; 778388), and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness factors Operational program—Norte 2020, COMPETE and by National Funds through the FCT—under the project AgriFood XXI (NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER-000041)

    A versatile nanocarrierCubosomes, characterization, and applications

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    The impact of nanotechnology on the exponential growth of several research areas, particularly nanomedicine, is undeniable. The ability to deliver active molecules to the desired site could significantly improve the efficiency of medical treatments. One of the nanocarriers developed which has drawn researchers’ attention are cubosomes, which are nanosized dispersions of lipid bicontinuous cubic phases in water, consisting of a lipidic interior and aqueous domains folded in a cubic lattice. They stand out due to their ability to incorporate hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and amphiphilic compounds, their tortuous internal configuration that provides a sustained release, and the capacity to protect and safely deliver molecules. Several approaches can be taken to prepare this structure, as well as different lipids like monoolein or phytantriol. This review paper describes the different methods to prepare nanocarriers. As it is known, the physicochemical properties of nanocarriers are very important, as they influence their pharmacokinetics and their ability to incorporate and deliver active molecules. Therefore, an extensive characterization is essential to obtain the desired effect. As a result, we have extensively described the most common techniques to characterize cubosomes, particularly nanocarriers. The exceptional properties of the cubosomes make them suitable to be used in several applications in the biomedical field, from cancer therapeutics to imaging, which will be described. Taking in consideration the outstanding properties of cubosomes, their application in several research fields is envisaged.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, by Marie Skłodowska Curie grant (MSCA-RISE; FODIAC; 778388) and by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness factors Operational program—Norte 2020, COMPETE and National Funds through the FCT—under the project AgriFood XXI (NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER-000041). J.L.P. acknowledge the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for a “Sara Borrell” grant (CD19/00250), cofounded by European Social Fund (“El FSE invierte en futuro”). C.J.O.F. acknowledge the FCT for the grant SFRH/149/BD/14199/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio