31 research outputs found

    Genealogia epistêmica e normas de credibilidade

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    In this paper, I present two ways of conceiving a genealogical explanation of the concept of knowledge. The first one is through the epistemic state of nature hypothesis developed by Edward Craig, according to which knowledge is understood as a concept evolved from the concept of a good informant. After considering Craig’s project, I draw a parallel between this approach and Miranda Fricker’s value-laden account of the same concept. Then, I present and discuss Fricker’s social take on Craig’s genealogy, in which she suggests that the notions of a good informant and of knowledge are necessarily dependent on the establishment of a credibility norm, and that this norm should be viewed as inherently political. Lastly, I defend an illustration, through Kristie Dotson’s work, of how both genealogical approaches could explain and offer solutions to failings in the normativity of our epistemic systems

    Opressões epistêmicas

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    In this paper, I discuss some of the recent developments in the political turn of Social Epistemology, focusing on the notions of epistemic injustice and epistemic oppression. In the first part of the work, I introduce Kristie Dotson’s characterization of the epistemic injustices presented by Miranda Fricker, through the understanding of systematic ways of violating epistemic agency in terms of oppressions. In the second part, I discuss Dotson’s critique of Fricker on the grounds that there is an important kind of epistemic injustice that is not dealt with in Fricker’s proposal, and which could help us to perceive a particular, pervasive kind of violation of the epistemic agency

    Disjuntivismo epistemológico e ceticismo radical

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    Epistemological disjunctivism is a philosophical theory that has received special attention in the recent years. Particularly because it has been seen by many as a way of renewing discussions that range from the nature of justification of our daily beliefs to the possibility of unveiling the structure of the problem of radical skepticism and of responding to it. Duncan Pritchard is one of the authors who have offered a particular view of disjunctivism and ways of conceiving of disjunctivist treatments to such questions. His work has as its main source of inspiration the seminal work of John McDowell. In this paper, I present a way of understanding the problem ofradicalskepticism and the mannerin which epistemological disjunctivism aimsto offer solutionsto it. In orderto do that, I present McDowell’s general proposal and discuss in which way his account differs from Pritchard’s own disjunctivism. At the end, I try to show how Pritchard’s approach tries to respond to radical skepticism not only by appealing to a disjunctivist reading of our epistemic position, but also by offering a revision of our structure of reasons

    Confiabilismo, justificação e virtudes

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    This work has as its main goal to discuss two different epistemic proposals, both under the reliabilist handle. The first one, developed by Alvin Goldman, has as its central goal to offer an adequate characterization of the justificational element present in the standard account of knowledge. Goldman's proposal has the initial challenge of properly explaining Gettier's demand presented some years earlier, but also to correct some more central problems that affect his own causal theory of knowledge. However, the externalist proposal within Goldman's reliabilism faced some serious attacks directed to its notion of justification. Three of these attacks became well known in the recent literature: the generality problem, the meta-incoherence problem and the new evil genius problem. Each one in its own way has established challenges to the his reliabilist account. The second reliabilist theory we will discuss consists in a reformulation of Goldman's account, defended mainly by Ernest Sosa in a series of very important works in contemporary epistemology. In these works, Sosa was able to insert the notion of intellectual virtues in the epistemological debate, bringing to the center of the externalist debate an idea of a responsible belief formation, and at the same time trying to give a proper answer to the more central challenges faced by original reliabilism. In the first part of the paper I present the first of these theories, and after that I offer a treatment of Sosa's reformulation of reliabilism and a defense of this proposal as a more adequate theory to deal with some basic demands of a proper theory of justification

    On Sosa’s telic epistemology

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    Comments to: SOSA, Ernest. Representations, judgments, and the swamping problem for reliabilism: why the problem applies to process reliabilism, but not to virtue reliabilism. Trans/Form/Ação: Unesp journal of philosophy, vol. 44, Special issue in honor of Ernest Sosa, p. 19-24, 2021

    Virtudes intelectuais e justificação: duas teorias sobre o carácter cognitivo dos agentes epistêmicos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia, Florianópolis, 2013Este trabalho tem como propósito principal discutir o uso da noção de virtude em teorias contemporâneas da justificação. Partindo de uma aproximação geral que a epistemologia recente estabeleceu com teorias mais tradicionalmente morais, pretendemos avaliar o potencial normativo que a noção de virtude intelectual pode oferecer para lidar com demandas epistêmicas mais centrais, como a demanda por uma caracterização adequada do elemento justificacional da definição tradicional de conhecimento. Para isso, precisamos explorar algumas das teorias que, na filosofia contemporânea, pretenderam caracterizar mais adequadamente aquele elemento que converte crenças verdadeiras em conhecimento, com base na ideia de que ele pode ser derivado do caráter cognitivo do sujeito formador de crenças. Uma das principais abordagens a este respeito foi o perspectivismo das virtudes de Ernest Sosa, responsável por inserir a noção de virtudes intelectuais no debate epistemológico mais recente. Sua teoria é responsável ainda pela popularização de uma avaliação epistêmica com foco no caráter do agente doxástico. Duas outras teorias de destaque neste quadro, e que foram diretamente influenciadas pelo trabalho seminal de Sosa, são a teoria pura das virtudes de Linda Zagzebski e o confiabilismo do agente de John Greco. Ambos os autores seguiram intuições presentes na proposta de Sosa para construir, cada um a seu modo, uma teoria da justificação epistêmica que toma como medida avaliativa a contribuição do sujeito para a conversão de suas crenças em instâncias de conhecimento. Discutiremos, aqui, cada uma destas teorias e avaliaremos em que grau elas conseguem caracterizar a justificação de maneira a atender a necessidades epistêmicas que, frequentemente, julgamos importantes. Abstract: This work has as its main purpose to discuss the use of the concept of virtue in contemporary theories of justification. From a general approximation that recent epistemology has established with traditional moral theories, we intend to evaluate the normative potential that the notion of intellectual virtue can offer to handle key epistemic demands, as the demand for an adequate characterization of the justificational element within the traditional definition of knowledge. Hence, we need to explore some of the theories that, in contemporary philosophy, intended to characterize more properly the element that converts true beliefs into knowledge, based on the idea that it can be derived from the cognitive nature of the subject that forms beliefs. One of the main approaches in this regard was Ernest Sosa?s virtue perspectivism. Sosa was responsible for inserting the concept of intellectual virtues in the most recent epistemological debate. His theory is also responsible for the popularization of an epistemic evaluation focused on the character of the doxastic agent. Two other prominent theories in this framework, and which were directly influenced by Sosa?s seminal work, are Linda Zagzebski?s pure virtue theory and John Greco?s agent reliabilism. Both authors followed intuitions present in Sosa?s proposal to construct, each in its own way, theories of epistemic justification that takes as evaluative measure the contribution of the subject to convert their beliefs into instances of knowledge. We?ll discuss here each of these theories and assess to what degree they can characterize the justification so as to meet some epistemic needs, that we frequently judge important

    Expropriação dos expropriadores

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    La "expropiación de los expropiadores" es una formulación deliciosa, que Marx compara incluso con la infame "negación de la negación" de Hegel. Pero, ¿qué significa esta frase, y es relevante incluso hoy en día? Antes de analizar el contenido de la expresión de Marx, consideraré brevemente las interpretaciones jurídicas contemporáneas de la expropiación, así como algunos ejemplos. En el resto del ensayo, presento diferentes tipos de expropiación en Marx y me centro en una ambigüedad en el corazón de la noción de "expropiación de los expropiadores", a saber, si describe una tendencia inmanente y objetiva dentro del desarrollo del modo de producción capitalista o si prescribe activamente una forma de praxis política revolucionaria para la clase obrera. Mi respuesta es que hace ambas cosas, aunque no sin tensión. Finalmente, desarrollo algunas implicaciones de estas reflexiones, mostrando cómo el concepto de expropiación puede utilizarse hoy en día, en las luchas en torno a la vivienda, la cuestión climática y el trabajo.  A “expropriação dos expropriadores” é uma deliciosa formulação, uma que Marx até compara à infame “negação da negação” de Hegel. Mas o que essa frase significa, e seria ela relevante ainda hoje? Antes de analisar o conteúdo da expressão de Marx, irei considerar brevemente os entendimentos jurídicos contemporâneos sobre a expropriação, bem como alguns exemplos. No restante do ensaio, apresento diferentes tipos de expropriação em Marx e me concentro em uma ambiguidade no cerne da noção de “expropriação dos expropriadores”, a saber, se ela descreve uma tendência imanente e objetiva dentro do desenvolvimento do modo de produção capitalista ou se prescreve ativamente uma forma de práxis política revolucionária para a classe trabalhadora. Minha resposta é que ela faz as duas coisas, embora não sem tensionamento. Por fim, desenvolvo algumas implicações dessas reflexões, mostrando como o conceito de ­expropriação pode ser usado hoje, nas lutas em torno da moradia, da questão climática e do trabalho

    A Injustiça Epistêmica na violência obstétrica

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    This paper seeks to point the epistemic aspects of obstetric violence. In order to do so, we will introduce the concept of epistemic injustice, as developed by Miranda Fricker, and how it has been used by the social epistemology literature to think about health issues. Subsequently, we will examine reports of cases of obstetric violence as well as a case of forced sterilization, by reviewing the Final Report of the CPMI on the incidence of mass sterilization of women in Brazil, as well as papers that describe cases of obstetric violence. Thus, we aim to point out that there is an epistemic aspect to such violations and that a change in the distribution of credibility may be relevant to confront obstetric violence

    Virtudes Intelectuais e Justificação: duas teorias sobre o caráter cognitivo dos agentes epistêmicos

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    This work has as its main purpose to discuss the use of the concept of virtue in contemporary theories of justification. From a general approximation that recent epistemology has established with traditional moral theories, we intend to evaluate the normative potential that the notion of intellectual virtue can offer to handle key epistemic demands, as the demand for an adequate characterization of the justificational element within the traditional definition of knowledge. Hence, we need to explore some of the theories that, in contemporary philosophy, intended to characterize more properly the element that converts true beliefs into knowledge, based on the idea that it can be derived from the cognitive nature of the subject that forms beliefs. One of the main approaches in this regard was Ernest Sosa's virtue perspectivism. Sosa was responsible for inserting the concept of intellectual virtues in the most recent epistemological debate. His theory is also responsible for the popularization of an epistemic evaluation focused on the character of the doxastic agent. Two other prominent theories in this framework, and which were directly influenced by Sosa's seminal work, are Linda Zagzebski's pure virtue theory and John Greco's agent reliabilism. Both authors followed intuitions present in Sosa's proposal to construct, each in its own way, theories of epistemic justification that takes as evaluative measure the contribution of the subject to convert their beliefs into instances of knowledge. We'll discuss here each of these theories and assess to what degree they can characterize the justification so as to meet some epistemic needs, that we frequently judge important