26 research outputs found


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    Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor that is locally infiltrative in bone trabeculae and it affects more individuals in the adult phase. The surgical approach, based on clinical, radiographic and histopathological characteristics, usually consists of complete removal of the lesion. And when this neoplasm is diagnosed in childhood? The expansive nature of this pathology would have what oromiofunctional disorders throughout the child's life? What about the psychosocial behavior? These questions are discussed here through the presentation of a clinical case of a 10 years and 10 months old patient with ameloblastoma addressing the surgical, oromiofunctional and psychological outcomes of the child.O ameloblastoma é um tumor odontogênico benigno, localmente infiltrativo nas trabéculas ósseas e com acometimento maior na fase adulta. A abordagem cirúrgica, baseada nas características clínicas, radiográficas e histopatológicas, geralmente consiste na erradicação da lesão. Entretanto, e quando esta neoplasia é diagnosticada na infância? Frente ao comportamento agressivo desta patologia, quais seriam as sequelas oromiofuncionais ao longo da vida da criança? E quanto às repercussões psicossociais? Tais questões são aqui debatidas por meio da apresentação de um caso clínico de uma paciente de 10 anos e 10 meses de idade diagnosticada com ameloblastoma, com enfoque no tratamento cirúrgico e prognóstico desta lesão, bem como no acompanhamento funcional e psicológico da criança

    La interacción de heliconia con sus insectos herbívoros y hongos patógenos foliares en selvas tropicales fragmentadas /

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    \ua0tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, presenta Bráulio Almeida Santos ; asesor Julieta Benítez Malvido, Francisco Javier Espinosa García, Mauricio Ricardo Quesada Avendaño. 191 páginas :\ua0ilustraciones. Texto en español e inglé

    Are the vegetation structure and composition of the shrubby Caatinga free from edge influence? A estrutura e a composição da vegetação da Caatinga arbustiva são livres da influência de borda?

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    Edge influence, or edge effect, drives many biological changes in fragmented landscapes. This has been extensively studied in many forest ecosystems, but it remains to be described for the Brazilian Caatinga. Based on the biotic and physical conditions of the shrubby Caatinga, our prediction a priori was that this type of vegetation is free from edge influence in terms of vegetation structure and composition. We sampled shrubs, cacti and trees in twenty 200 m² plots on old edges (>60 yrs old) and interior of a 690 ha fragment, partially isolated and surrounded by Opuntia ficus-indica cacti. Plant height, stem diameter at ground level, stem density, species richness and diversity were statistically equal between edge and interior habitats. Magnitude of edge influence varied from -0.027 to 0.027, indicating low ecological importance of edge creation for the measured variables. Additionally, floristic similarity between habitats was 90% and a principal component analysis showed that species composition varied in a similar manner at edges and interiors. These results indicate that the vegetation of the sampled fragment is not ecologically affected by the creation of edges and suggests that changes in physical conditions and resource availability after edge creation are not enough to eliminate established plants or to alter recruitment and survival of new individuals.A influência de borda, ou efeito de borda, leva a diversas alterações biológicas em paisagens fragmentadas. Embora muito estudada em ecossistemas florestais, a influência de borda permanece desconhecida para a Caatinga. Baseada nas condições físicas e biológicas da Caatinga arbustiva, nossa predição a priori foi que este tipo de vegetação não sofre influência de borda em termos de estrutura e composição de espécies. Nós amostramos arbustos, cactos e árvores em 20 parcelas de 200 m² em bordas antigas (> 60 anos de idade) e interiores de um fragmento de 690 ha, parcialmente isolado e circundado por Opuntia ficus-indica. Altura das plantas, diâmetro ao nível solo, densidade de indivíduos e riqueza e diversidade de espécies foram estatisticamente iguais entre os habitats de borda e interior. A magnitude da influência de borda variou de -0,027 a 0,027, indicando baixa importância ecológica da criação de bordas para as variáveis analisadas. Adicionalmente, a similaridade florística entre os habitats alcançou 90% e uma análise de componentes principais mostrou que a composição de espécies varia de forma similar na borda e no interior. O conjunto dos resultados indica que a vegetação do fragmento estudado não é ecologicamente afetada pela criação de bordas e sugere que alterações nas condições físicas e na disponibilidade de recursos após a criação das bordas são insuficientes para eliminar plantas já estabelecidas ou alterar o recrutamento e a sobrevivência de novos indivíduos

    Contrasting Demographic Structure of Short- and Long-lived Pioneer Tree Species on Amazonian Forest Edges

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    Although tropical forests have been rapidly converted into human-modified landscapes, tree species response to forest edges remains poorly examined. In this study, we addressed four pioneer tree species to document demographic shifts experienced by this key ecological group and make inferences about pioneer response to forest edges. All individuals with dbh ≥ 1 cm of two short-lived (Bellucia grossularioides and Cecropia sciadophylla) and two long-lived species (Goupia glabra and Laetia procera) were sampled in 20 1-ha forest edge plots and 20 1-ha forest interior plots in Oiapoque and Manaus, Northeast and Central Amazon, respectively. As expected, pioneer stem density with dbh ≥ 1 cm increased by around 10-17-fold along forest edges regardless of species, lifespan, and study site. Edge populations of long-lived pioneers presented 84-94 percent of their individuals in sapling/subadult size classes, whereas edge populations of short-lived pioneers showed 56-97 percent of their individuals in adult size classes. These demographic biases were associated with negative and positive net adult recruitment of long- and short-lived pioneers, respectively. Our population-level analyses support three general statements: (1) native pioneer tree species proliferate along forest edges (i.e., increased density), at least in terms of non-reproductive individuals; (2) pioneer response to edge establishment is not homogeneous as species differ in terms of demographic structure and net adult recruitment; and (3) some pioneer species, particularly long-lived ones, may experience population decline due to adult sensitivity to edge-affected habitats. © 2012 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

    Long-term erosion of tree reproductive trait diversity in edge-dominated Atlantic forest fragments

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation promote relatively predicable shifts in the functional signature of tropical forest tree assemblages, but the full extent of cascading effects to biodiversity persistence remains poorly understood. Here we test the hypotheses that habitat fragmentation (a) alters the relative contribution of tree species exhibiting different reproductive traits; (b) reduces the diversity of pollination systems; and (c) facilitates the functional convergence of reproductive traits between edge-affected and early-secondary forest habitats (5-32 years old). This study was carried out in a severely fragmented 670-km2 forest landscape of the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil. We assigned 35 categories of reproductive traits to 3552 trees (DBH = 10 cm) belonging to 179 species, which described their pollination system, floral biology, and sexual system. Trait abundance was calculated for 55 plots of 0.1 ha across four habitats: forest edges, small forest fragments (3.4-83.6 ha), second-growth patches, and core tracts of forest interior within the largest available primary forest fragment (3500 ha) in the region. Edge-affected and secondary habitats showed a species-poor assemblage of trees exhibiting particular pollination systems, a reduced diversity of pollination systems, a higher abundance of reproductive traits associated with pollination by generalist diurnal vectors, and an elevated abundance of hermaphroditic trees. As expected, the reproductive signature of tree assemblages in forest edges and small fragments (edge-affected habitats), which was very similar to that of early second-growth patches, was greatly affected by both habitat type and plot distance to the nearest forest edge. In hyper-fragmented Atlantic forest landscapes, we predict that narrow forest corridors and small fragments will become increasingly dominated by edge-affected habitats that can no longer retain the full complement of tree life-history diversity and its attendant mutualists

    Conhecimento e uso de primatas por uma população extrativista no Vale do Juruá, Amazônia / Local Knowledge and use of Primates by an Extractivist Community in the Upper River Juruá, Brazilian Amazon

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    Caçadores amazônicos citam primatas como seus alvos preferidos de caça. Investigamos aqui a percepção da caça de primatas de sexos diferentes, a diversidade e a preferência do abate de espécies por caçadores de comunidades ribeirinhas na Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade. Durante 151 dias de amostragem, foram registrados 188 indivíduos abatidos através de um calendário de caça, correspondente a sete espécies, que totalizaram 697,2kg. O guariba (Alouatta juara) e o cairara (Cebus unicolor) foram as espécies com maior representatividade em número de indivíduos caçados, totalizando, respectivamente, 24 e 23%. Parauacu (Pithecia vanzolinii) e o guariba foram preferidas pelas famílias extrativistas em termos de palatabilidade. O macaco-prego (Sapajus macrochepalus) foi a única espécie citada como de uso medicinal. Caçadores não reconhecem o sexo das espécies durante a atividade de caça; 90% disseram saber diferenciar machos e fêmeas apenas de A. juara, e somente um caçador afirmou reconhecer o sexo de todas as espécies de primatas que ocorrem na reserva. Embora esses dados iniciais não permitam prever a sustentabilidade da caça de primatas na região do estudo, eles mostram o potencial do auxílio do conhecimento tradicional local em pesquisas participativas que podem fornecer subsídios em ações mitigatórias e conjuntas entre serviços sociais e ambientais. ABSTRACT Amazonian hunters cite primates as their preferred hunting targets. In this study, we investigated the perception of an animal’s sex by hunters when targeting primates, the primate diversity, and hunting preferences by riverine communities of the Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade. During 151 days, we recorded 188 hunted individuals corresponding to seven species and 697.2 kg through a hunting calendar. The howler monkey (Alouatta juara) and the white-fronted capuchin (Cebus unicolor) were the most hunted species, totaling 24% and 23% of the individuals, respectively. In terms of flavor, the extractivist families preferred the sakis (Pithecia vanzolinii) and the howler monkeys. The large-headed capuchin (Sapajus macrochepalus) was the only species cited for medicinal use. Generally, hunters did not recognize the sex of individuals during their hunting activity, yet 90% declared to be able to differentiate males and females of A. juara. Only one hunter has self-declared as having the ability to recognize the sex of all primate species occurring in the reserve. Although such initial data do not allow previewing the sustainability of hunting on primates in the study area, they show potential for helping mitigation and joint actions between social and environmental services while supported by the traditional knowledge. RESUMEN Conocimiento y uso de Primates por una Población Extractivista en el Alto Rio Juruá, Amazonia Brasilera. Cazadores amazónicos citan los primates como sus blancos preferidos de caza. En este estudio, fue investigada la percepción de caza de primates de sexos diferentes, la diversidade y la preferencia de caza de las especies por los cazadores de las comunidades ribereñas de la Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade. Durante 151 días de muestreo se registraron 188 individuos sacrificados a través de un calendario de caza, correspondientes a siete especies y 697,2 kg. El aullador rojo (Alouatta juara) y el capuchino de frente blanca (Cebus unicolor) fueron las especies más representadas en número de individuos, para un total de 24% y 23% respectivamente. Mono huapo de Vanzolini (Pithecia vanzolinii) y mono aullador (A. juara) fueron los preferidos en términos de sabor por las familias extractivistas. El machín negro (Sapajus macrochepalus) fue la única especie citada con uso en la medicina popular. En general, los cazadores no reconocen el sexo de las especies durante la actividad de caza, el 90% declaró conocer las diferencian entre machos y hembras sólo de A. juara, y únicamente un cazador dijo conocer el sexo de los individuos de todas las especies que ocurren en la reserva. Estos por datos iniciales no permiten prever la sostenibilidad de caza de los primates en la zona de estudio, pero ellos muestran potencial para ayudar en acciones de mitigación conjuntas entre los servicios sociales y ambientales, con uso del conocimiento tradicional y la investigación participativa