297 research outputs found

    Remote ablation of accessory pathways

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    Exotic Halophila stipulacea is an introduced carbon sink for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    Carbon and nitrogen storage in exotic Halophila stipulacea were compared to that in native Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows and adjacent unvegetated sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and to that in native H. stipulacea of the Red Sea at sites with different biogeochemical conditions and level of human pressure. Exotic H. stipulacea possessed considerable storing capacity, with 2-fold higher Corg stock (0.71 ± 0.05 kg m−2 in the top 20 cm of sediment) and burial (14.78 gCorg m−2 y−1) than unvegetated areas and C. nodosa meadows and, surprisingly, comparable to P. oceanica. N (0.07 ± 0.01 kg m−2) and Cinorg (14.06 ± 8.02 kg m−2) stocks were similar between H. stipulacea and C. nodosa or unvegetated sediments, but different to P. oceanica. Corg and N stocks were higher in exotic than native H. stipulacea populations. Based on isotopic mixing model, organic material trapped in H. stipulacea sediments was mostly allochthonous (seagrass detritus 17% vs seston 67%). Corg stock was similar between monospecific and invaded C. nodosa meadows by H. stipulacea. Higher stocks were measured in the higher human pressure site. H. stipulacea introduction may contribute in the increase of carbon sequestration in the Eastern Mediterranean

    Spatiotemporal distribution of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish from Argentine Patagonian coast

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been recorded in the Chubut Province, Argentina, since 1980, mainly associated with the occurrence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins produced by dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium. PSP events in this area impact on fisheries management and are also responsible for severe human intoxications by contaminated shellfish. Within the framework of a HAB monitoring program carried out at several coastal sites along the Chubut Province, we analyzed spatiotemporal patterns of PSP toxicity in shellfish during 2000–2011. The highest frequency of mouse bioassays exceeding the regulatory limit for human consumption was detected in spring and summer, with average values of up to 70% and 50%, respectively. By contrast, a lower percentage of positive bioassays (2–8%) or no toxicity at all was usually detected during autumn and winter. The most intense PSP events were usually observed between November and January, with values of up to 4,000 μg STX eq 100 g1 , and showed a marked interannual variability both in their magnitude and location. In addition, a severe PSP outbreak was recorded during autumn, 2009, at Camarones Bay, with toxicity values of up to 14,000 μg STX eq 100 g1 . The scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus showed significantly higher toxicity values compared to other shellfish species in SJG and SMG, suggesting a lower detoxification capacity. Our results contribute to the understanding of HABs dynamics on the Argentine Patagonian coast.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Testing and integrating the WLCG/EGEE middleware in the LHC computing

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    The main goal of the Experiment Integration and Support (EIS) team in WLCG is to help the LHC experiments with using proficiently the gLite middleware as part of their computing framework. This contribution gives an overview of the activities of the EIS team, and focuses on a few of them particularly important for the experiments. One activity is the evaluation of the gLite workload management system (WMS) to assess its adequacy for the needs of the LHC computing in terms of functionality, reliability and scalability. We describe in detail how the experiment requirements can be mapped to validation criteria, and the WMS performances are accurately measured under realistic load conditions over prolonged periods of time. Another activity is the integration of the Service Availability Monitoring system (SAM) with the experiment monitoring framework. The SAM system is widely used in the EGEE operations to identify malfunctions in Grid services, but it can be adapted to perform the same function on experiment-specific services. We describe how this has been done for some LHC experiments, which are now using SAM as part of their operations

    Antiviral activity of fecal water samples from HIV-1 infected subjects treated with a specific probiotic formulation

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate if the supplementation with multistrain probiotics may be able to modulate T cell response in HIV-1 infected patients and to evaluate the anti-HIV activity of probiotic by studying fecal water (FW) samples. Methods: Three HIV-1-positive patients (Pt1, Pt2 and Pt3) on long-term suppressive combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) received a specific multi-strain probiotic supplementation (Vivomixx ®), for six months (T6). Levels of T cell subsets were evaluated by flow cytometry. Anti- HIV activity of FW samples was evaluated in vitro. Results: CD4+ T cells levels increased in all HIV-1 infected patients whereas activation markers (CD38 and HLA-DR) were decreased both on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. FW samples presented an increased inhibitory activity against HIV-1 compared to T0 (FW-Pt1: T0 =40%, T6 = 65% of reduction; FW Pt2: T0 = 26%, T6 = 46% of reduction; FW Pt3: T0 = 47%, T6 = 94% of reduction). Discussion: Our data suggest that the administration of the specific probiotic formulation improves the antiviral status of people living with HIV-1 under cART, also modulating T cell response. Conclusion: Anti-HIV activity of FW may have several public health and social implications for sexually transmitted diseases that need to be further explored

    Morfología valvar de Didymosphenia geminata (Bacillariophyceae) de las provincias de Santa Cruz y Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina.

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    Background and aims: In 2013, blooms similar to those produced by Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt around the world, were detected in the Grande River basin, Tierra del Fuego province, and in 2014 in de las Vueltas River in Santa Cruz province. The aim of this paper is to analyze the valve morphology and morphometry of these materials to establish if they correspond to D. geminata or to other species of the genus that is producing the massive growth in southern Patagonia. M&M: Samples were collected at Grande River in 2013 and 2015 and, in de las Vueltas River in 2015 and 2016. Samples were analyzed with light and electron microscopy. For morphometric analyses 100 specimens from each sample were measured and statistical analyses were carried out using the R statistical package. Results: The studied populations have the same fine morphology described for other populations collected in Patagonia. Nevertheless, in some sampling sites from Santa Cruz province, we found a morphotype with a markedly smaller size, subcapitated poles, little marked constrictions of the poles, a broad central area (relative to cell size) and 1 to 3 stigmata, that was never reported in South America. Conclusions: The studied populations correspond to D. geminata ssp. geminata Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot. From a morphological point of view the smaller morphotype present in Santa Cruz belongs to the same subspecies but can be easily misidentified during the routine monitoring programs carried out with light microscope due its size and valve outline.Introducción y objetivos: En 2013 floraciones similares a las producidas por Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt en distintos lugares del mundo fueron detectadas en la Cuenca del Río Grande, provincia de Tierra del Fuego y, en 2014 en el río de las Vueltas en la provincia de Santa Cruz. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la morfología y morfometría valvar de estos materiales para establecer si corresponden a D. geminata o a otra especie del género que está produciendo floraciones masivas en la Patagonia sur.  M&M: Las muestras fueron colectadas en el Río Grande en 2013 y 2015 y en el Río de las Vueltas en 2015 y 2016. El material fue analizado con microscopía óptica y electrónica. Para los análisis morfométricos fueron medidos 100 especímenes por muestra y los análisis estadísticos fueron llevados a cabo con el programa estadístico R. Resultados: Las poblaciones estudiadas presentan las mismas características morfológicas descriptas para poblaciones de distintos lugares de Patagonia. Sin embargo, en Santa Cruz observamos un morfotipo marcadamente más pequeño, con polos subcapitados, constricción suavemente marcada, un área central amplia  con 1 a 3 estigmas, que no había sido descripto antes para Sudamérica.   Conclusiones: Las poblaciones estudiadas corresponden a D. geminata ssp. geminata Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot. Desde un punto de vista morfológico, los especímenes pequeños presentes en Santa Cruz pertenecen a la misma subespecie pero por su tamaño y contorno valvar pueden ser confundidos con otros taxones durante los programas de monitoreo llevados a cabo con microscopía óptica.

    Preliminary attempt to predict risk of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with influenza. Decision trees may help?

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    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is typically considered a disease of immunocompromised patients, but, recently, many cases have been reported in patients without typical risk factors. The aim of our study is to develop a risk predictive model for IPA through machine learning techniques (decision trees) in patients with influenza. We conducted a retrospective observational study analyzing data regarding patients diagnosed with influenza hospitalized at the University Hospital “Umberto I” of Rome during the 2018-2019 season. We collected five IPA cases out of 77 influenza patients. Although the small sample size is a limit, the most vulnerable patients among the influenza-infected population seem to be those with evidence of lymphocytopenia and those that received corticosteroid therapy

    Spatiotemporal distribution of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish from Argentine Patagonian coast

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been recorded in the Chubut Province, Argentina, since 1980, mainly associated with the occurrence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins produced by dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium. PSP events in this area impact on fisheries management and are also responsible for severe human intoxications by contaminated shellfish. Within the framework of a HAB monitoring program carried out at several coastal sites along the Chubut Province, we analyzed spatiotemporal patterns of PSP toxicity in shellfish during 2000–2011. The highest frequency of mouse bioassays exceeding the regulatory limit for human consumption was detected in spring and summer, with average values of up to 70% and 50%, respectively. By contrast, a lower percentage of positive bioassays (2–8%) or no toxicity at all was usually detected during autumn and winter. The most intense PSP events were usually observed between November and January, with values of up to 4,000 μg STX eq 100 g1 , and showed a marked interannual variability both in their magnitude and location. In addition, a severe PSP outbreak was recorded during autumn, 2009, at Camarones Bay, with toxicity values of up to 14,000 μg STX eq 100 g1 . The scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus showed significantly higher toxicity values compared to other shellfish species in SJG and SMG, suggesting a lower detoxification capacity. Our results contribute to the understanding of HABs dynamics on the Argentine Patagonian coast.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Ozone as adjuvant support in the treatment of covid-19: a preliminary report of probiozovid trial

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    This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jmv.26636.Rationale: The evaluation of new therapeutic resources against COVID-19 represents a priority in clinical research considering the minimal options currently available. Objectives: To evaluate the adjuvant use of systemic oxygen-ozone administration in the early control of disease progression in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods: PROBIOZOVID is an ongoing, interventional, randomized, prospective, double-arm trial enrolling patient with COVID-19 pneumonia. From a total of 85 patients screened, 28 were recruited. Patients were randomly divided into ozone- autohemotherapy group (14) and control group (14). The procedure consisted in a daily double-treatment with systemic Oxygen-Ozone administration for 7 days. All patients were treated with ad interim best available therapy. Measurements and Main Results: The primary outcome was delta in the number of patients requiring orotracheal-intubation despite treatment. Secondary outcome was the difference of mortality between the two groups. Moreover, haematological parameters were compared before and after treatment. No differences in the characteristics between groups were observed at baseline. As a preliminary report we have observed that one patient for each group needed intubation and was transferred to ITU. No deaths were observed at 7-14 days of follow up. Thirty-day mortality was 8,3% for ozone group and 10% for controls. Ozone therapy didn’t significantly influence inflammation markers, haematology profile and lymphocyte subpopulations of patients treated. Ozone therapy had an impact on the need for the ventilatory support, although didn’t reach statistical significance. Finally, no adverse events related to the use of ozone-autohemotherapy were reported. Conclusions: Preliminary results, although not showing statistically significant benefits of ozone on COVID-19, did not report any toxicity