1,029 research outputs found

    Image reconstruction from scattered Radon data by weighted positive definite kernel functions

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    We propose a novel kernel-based method for image reconstruction from scattered Radon data. To this end, we employ generalized Hermite–Birkhoff interpolation by positive definite kernel functions. For radial kernels, however, a straightforward application of the generalized Hermite–Birkhoff interpolation method fails to work, as we prove in this paper. To obtain a well-posed reconstruction scheme for scattered Radon data, we introduce a new class of weighted positive definite kernels, which are symmetric but not radially symmetric. By our construction, the resulting weighted kernels are combinations of radial positive definite kernels and positive weight functions. This yields very flexible image reconstruction methods, which work for arbitrary distributions of Radon lines. We develop suitable representations for the weighted basis functions and the symmetric positive definite kernel matrices that are resulting from the proposed reconstruction scheme. For the relevant special case, where Gaussian radial kernels are combined with Gaussian weights, explicit formulae for the weighted Gaussian basis functions and the kernel matrices are given. Supporting numerical examples are finally presented

    The solar simulation test of the ITALSAT thermal structural model

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    The ITALSAT structural/thermal model (STM) was submitted to a solar simulation test in order to verify the spacecraft thermal design and the thermal mathematical model which will be used to predict the on orbit temperatures. The STM was representative of the flight model in terms of configuration, structures, appendages and thermal hardware; dissipating dummy units were used to simulate the electronic units. The test consisted of the main phases: on station (beginning of life), on station (end of life), and transfer orbit. Preliminary results indicate that the test performances were satisfactory. The spacecraft measured temperatures were up to 15 degrees higher than the predicted ones. This imposes a careful correlation analysis in order to have reliable flight temperature predictions

    Partition of unity interpolation using stable kernel-based techniques

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    In this paper we propose a new stable and accurate approximation technique which is extremely effective for interpolating large scattered data sets. The Partition of Unity (PU) method is performed considering Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) as local approximants and using locally supported weights. In particular, the approach consists in computing, for each PU subdomain, a stable basis. Such technique, taking advantage of the local scheme, leads to a significant benefit in terms of stability, especially for flat kernels. Furthermore, an optimized searching procedure is applied to build the local stable bases, thus rendering the method more efficient

    Greedy kernel methods for accelerating implicit integrators for parametric ODEs

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    We present a novel acceleration method for the solution of parametric ODEs by single-step implicit solvers by means of greedy kernel-based surrogate models. In an offline phase, a set of trajectories is precomputed with a high-accuracy ODE solver for a selected set of parameter samples, and used to train a kernel model which predicts the next point in the trajectory as a function of the last one. This model is cheap to evaluate, and it is used in an online phase for new parameter samples to provide a good initialization point for the nonlinear solver of the implicit integrator. The accuracy of the surrogate reflects into a reduction of the number of iterations until convergence of the solver, thus providing an overall speedup of the full simulation. Interestingly, in addition to providing an acceleration, the accuracy of the solution is maintained, since the ODE solver is still used to guarantee the required precision. Although the method can be applied to a large variety of solvers and different ODEs, we will present in details its use with the Implicit Euler method for the solution of the Burgers equation, which results to be a meaningful test case to demonstrate the method's features

    Interpolation with uncoupled separable matrix-valued kernels

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    In this paper we consider the problem of approximating vector-valued functions over a domain Ω. For this purpose, we use matrix-valued reproducing kernels, which can be related to Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of vectorial functions and which can be viewed as an extension of the scalar-valued case. These spaces seem promising, when modelling correlations between the target function components, as the components are not learned independently of each other. We focus on the interpolation with such matrix-valued kernels. We derive error bounds for the interpolation error in terms of a generalized power-function and we introduce a subclass of matrix-valued kernels whose power-functions can be traced back to the power-function of scalar-valued reproducing kernels. Finally, we apply these kind of kernels to some artificial data to illustrate the benefit of interpolation with matrix-valued kernels in comparison to a componentwise approach

    A Framework for Verifiable and Auditable Collaborative Anomaly Detection

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    Collaborative and Federated Leaning are emerging approaches to manage cooperation between a group of agents for the solution of Machine Learning tasks, with the goal of improving each agent's performance without disclosing any data. In this paper we present a novel algorithmic architecture that tackle this problem in the particular case of Anomaly Detection (or classification of rare events), a setting where typical applications often comprise data with sensible information, but where the scarcity of anomalous examples encourages collaboration. We show how Random Forests can be used as a tool for the development of accurate classifiers with an effective insight-sharing mechanism that does not break the data integrity. Moreover, we explain how the new architecture can be readily integrated in a blockchain infrastructure to ensure the verifiable and auditable execution of the algorithm. Furthermore, we discuss how this work may set the basis for a more general approach for the design of collaborative ensemble-learning methods beyond the specific task and architecture discussed in this paper

    Greedy kernel methods for center manifold approximation

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    For certain dynamical systems it is possible to significantly simplify the study of stability by means of the center manifold theory. This theory allows to isolate the complicated asymptotic behavior of the system close to a non-hyperbolic equilibrium point, and to obtain meaningful predictions of its behavior by analyzing a reduced dimensional problem. Since the manifold is usually not known, approximation methods are of great interest to obtain qualitative estimates. In this work, we use a data-based greedy kernel method to construct a suitable approximation of the manifold close to the equilibrium. The data are collected by repeated numerical simulation of the full system by means of a high-accuracy solver, which generates sets of discrete trajectories that are then used to construct a surrogate model of the manifold. The method is tested on different examples which show promising performance and good accuracy

    5-th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications – Special Issue dedicated to Robert Schaback on the occasion of his 75th birthday

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    The guest editors discuss the highlights of the 5-th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications, and briefly introduce the papers included in this special issue
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