137 research outputs found

    Campaña de reconocimiento social hacia los recolectores de residuos sólidos

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    “Heroes con Bolsas” is a communicational campaign that was conceived through a profound respect and admiration towards the people who work collecting trash in the streets of Quito, thus, desiring that these people get the social recognition they deserve, honoring the valuable effect their job has on the city. That conduce to profound qualitative and quantitative investigation was done in order to get insights that will be applied into a campaign that can be used in different channels and areas, so that society in general can see them as heroes due to the importance of their daily job. In order to achieve this, a general logo has been proposed and also a campaign itself, so that it can work as useful tool for future studies regarding trash collectors. After the interrogatory of EMASEO workers, was possible to describe all conditions to develop the purpose of Marketing, destined to general public, that will get a recognize to trash collectors.“Héroes con Bolsas” es una campaña comunicacional que nace de un profundo respeto hacia las personas que realizan el trabajo de recolección de residuos sólidos en Quito, y un deseo innato de que empiecen a ser reconocidos por su labor en la sociedad. Para este proyecto se ha realizado una profunda investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa que ha arrojado “insights” que servirán para cimentar una comunicación de publicidad no comercial que podrá ser aplicada a distintos medios y de distintas formas con el fin de que los recolectores sean vistos como héroes por la sociedad debido al efecto que tiene su trabajo en la misma. Tras haber interrogado a los trabajadores de EMASEO, se pudieron describir todas las condiciones que permitieron desarrollar la propuesta de Marketing, dirigida al Público en General, la cual permitirá lograr un reconocimiento a los recolectores de basura

    Propuesta de modelo de inventarios para la reducción del stock en la empresa EXU S.A. ubicada en Chanduy, provincia de Santa Elena

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    Actualmente, las empresas están obligadas a utilizar algún modelo de inventarios, que permita reducir el exceso del stock y con ello los costos de inversión, controlar la pérdida de mercancías y optimizar la gestión de los inventarios. El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de inventarios que reduzca los niveles del stock de la empresa EXU S.A. La metodología empleada para el cumplimiento del objetivo de esta investigación estuvo direccionada bajo el método descriptivo y correlacional; con un enfoque cuantitativo orientado a una investigación de campo, no experimental y transversal. Las herramientas metodológicas utilizadas en la investigación fueron un registro de observación, una encuesta y una entrevista, las dos últimas validadas por un grupo de expertos mediante el método Lawshe, con la ayuda del software IBM SPSS 25 para la cuantificación de los datos. El modelo de inventarios propuesto se desarrolló a través de la técnica de control de inventarios ABC. Luego, se aplicó el modelo cantidad económica de pedido (CEP), el cual determinó la cantidad óptima y el número de ordenes anuales. Para terminar, se procedió a elaborar el pronóstico de la demanda aplicando el suavizamiento exponencial simple. Los resultados se compararon en base a los niveles del inventario y los costos totales anuales. Estos mostraron una reducción del stock y una minimización de los costos de inventarios anuales. Luego del análisis de resultados, se concluyó que el modelo de inventarios propuesto por esta investigación alcanzó los objetivos planteados, representando una mejora en los inventarios de la empresa

    Diseño del proceso de producción de adhesivos orgánicos para carpintería utilizando residuos provenientes de la etapa del dividido recuperados en la Tenería Díaz Compañía Limitada.

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tuvo como objetivo diseñar el proceso de producción de adhesivos orgánicos para carpintería utilizando residuos provenientes de la etapa del dividido recuperados en la tenería “Días Compañía Limitada”, misma que se ubica en la provincia de Tungurahua, cantón Ambato, en la Panamericana Norte Km 2 1/2, para realizar la etapa investigativa se dividió en cuatro etapas, primera la toma de las muestras de residuos generados en la empresa, a continuación la caracterización de la materia prima (contenido de humedad y grasa), pruebas de laboratorio para obtener el adhesivo orgánico; en donde se probó tres formulaciones distintas y al final se realizó las pruebas de calidad del adhesivo las cuales fueron: determinación de la viscosidad (norma NTE INEN 1013), % de cenizas (NTE INEN 1954:2012) y la resistencia a la fatiga por esfuerzo de cizalla de adhesivos estructurales (ISO 4587:2003, IDT); como resultado de esto se obtuvo que el mejor tratamiento fue al encalar y desencalar, con valores superiores a las pruebas de calidad, en base a esto se diseñó los equipos de mezclado y de extracción, utilizando como base de cálculo 15365.5714 Tn que es el valor promedio que produce la curtiembre “Días” mensualmente realizando el proceso productivo y con un valor estimado de venta de 5.92kilogramodeadhesivosereportoˊunarelacioˊnbeneficiocostode1.35,conestosepudoconcluirquesecaracterizoˊlosresiduosprovenientesdelaetapadeldivididoenlacurtiembreDıˊasCompan~ıˊaLimitada,deacuerdoconloqueseobtuvoquelasmuestrasreportaronrespuestasalahumedadcomprendidasentreelrangode30a40outtheproductionprocessandwithanestimatedsalevalueof5.92 kilogramo de adhesivo se reportó una relación beneficio costo de 1.35, con esto se pudo concluir que se caracterizó los residuos provenientes de la etapa del dividido en la curtiembre “Días Compañía Limitada”, de acuerdo con lo que se obtuvo que las muestras reportaron respuestas a la humedad comprendidas entre el rango de 30 a 40% y para el contenido de materia grasa en el rango de 4 a 6% con lo cual cumplían con los parámetros prestablecidos y lo hacían óptimas para la producción de adhesivos orgánicos sin un tratamiento previo. Se recomienda que en la planta se instale el sistema de producción propuesto en la investigación.The objective of the present degree work was to design the production process of organic adhesives for carpentry using waste from the divided stage recovered in the "Días Compañía Limitada" tanneries, which is located in the province of Tungurahua, canton Ambato, in the North Panamericana Km 2 1/2, to carry out the investigative stage, it was divided into four stages, first the sampling of waste generated in the company, then the characterization of the raw material (moisture and fat content), laboratory tests to obtain the organic adhesive; where three different formulations were tested and at the end the adhesive quality tests were carried out, which were: viscosity determination (NTE INEN 1013 standard), ash% (NTE INEN 1954: 2012) and resistance to fatigue by shear stress of structural adhesives (ISO 4587: 2003, IDT); as a result of this it was obtained that the best treatment was liming and deliming, with values superior to the quality tests, based on this the mixing and extraction equipment was designed, using as a basis of calculation 15365.5714 Tn. which is the average value produced by the tannery "Días" monthly carrying out the production process and with an estimated sale value of 5.92 kilogram of adhesive a cost benefit ratio of 1.35 was reported, with this it was possible to conclude that the waste coming from the stage of the divided in the tannery "Días Compañía Limitada" was characterized, according to what was obtained the samples reported responses to humidity ranging from 30 to 40% and for the content of fat in the range of 4 to 6%, thus meeting the pre-established parameters and they made it optimal for the production of organic adhesives without previous treatment. It is recommended that the production system proposed in the investigation be installed in the plant

    Contemporary Queer Dilemmas: Sexual Citizenship, Orientalism, and Liberal Subjectivities

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    Leticia Sabsay es investigadora de la Open University en el Reino Unido. Socióloga y doctora especializada en estudios de género, ha sido profesora adjunta de comunicación en la Universidad de Buenos Aires hasta que dejó Argentina y desde entonces es también miembro del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Gino Germani y profesora invitada de diversas universidades. Es autora de Las normas del deseo. Imaginario Sexual y Comunicación (2009), libro que obtuvo el Premio Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual Francisco Ayala; Fronteras Sexuales. Espacio Urbano, Cuerpos y Ciudadanía (2011) y ha co-editado, junto con Patricia Soley-Beltrán, Judith Butler en Disputa. Lecturas sobre la Performatividad (2012).A Dialogue with Leticia Sabsa


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    This section is a reflection on the third edition of post (s). Link is built from a conversation between the Editorial Committee of the magazine and a guest. The topics covered in this text go through themes such as translation exercises, the ways of creating knowledge, the potentiality of academia and the inseparable relationship between practice and theory.Esta sección es una reflexión sobre la tercera edición de post(s). Link se construye a partir de una conversación entre el Comité Editorial de la revista y un invitado. Los temas tratados en este texto pasan por los ejercicios de traducción, las formas de crear conocimiento, el potencial de la academia y la relación inseparable entre práctica y teoría

    Cabozantinib combination therapy for the treatment of solid tumors: a systematic review

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    Cabozantinib; Renal cell carcinoma; Solid tumorCabozantinib; Carcinoma de células renales; Tumor sólidoCabozantinib; Carcinoma de cèl·lules renals; Tumor sòlidBackground: Cabozantinib monotherapy is approved for the treatment of several types of solid tumors. Investigation into the use of cabozantinib combined with other therapies is increasing. To understand the evidence in this area, we performed a systematic review of cabozantinib combination therapy for the treatment of solid tumors in adults. Methods: This study was designed in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, and the protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020144680). On 9 October 2020, we searched for clinical trials and observational studies of cabozantinib as part of a combination therapy for solid tumors using Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane databases, and by screening relevant congress abstracts. Eligible studies reported clinical or safety outcomes, or biomarker data. Randomized and observational studies with a sample size of fewer than 25 and studies of cabozantinib monotherapy were excluded. For each study, quality was assessed using National Institute for Health and Care Excellence methodology, and the study characteristics were described qualitatively. This study was funded by Ipsen. Results: Of 2421 citations identified, 32 articles were included (6 with results from randomized studies, 24 with results from non-randomized phase I or II studies, and 2 with results from both). The most commonly studied tumor types were metastatic urothelial carcinoma/genitourinary tumors and castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Findings from randomized studies suggested that cabozantinib combined with other therapies may lead to better progression-free survival than some current standards of care in renal cell carcinoma, CRPC, and non-small-cell lung cancer. The most common adverse events were hypertension, diarrhea, and fatigue. Conclusion: This review demonstrates the promising efficacy outcomes of cabozantinib combined with other therapies, and a safety profile similar to cabozantinib alone. However, the findings are limited by the fact that most of the identified studies were reported as congress abstracts only. More evidence from randomized trials is needed to explore cabozantinib as a combination therapy further.This study was funded by Ipsen

    Redistribución de las máquinas, equipos, herramientas, mobiliarios y accesorios presentes en el area de mecanizado de la industria servi maquinas sj para el mejoramiento del proceso de fabricación de coronas de bronce b14

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    The work done had a in the enterprise to improve manufacturing processes bronze crown in the servi industry machines SJ ; the main problem was the distance from the machinery and equipment from one another; At the same time a study was conducted in order to strengthen productivity growth within the industry the problems in the area of tools for the lack of inventories obstruction in the work areas due to lack of corridors and defined areas for each type of operation, among other causes that were reviewed during this study to the complication of the processes and the high number of problems found, the system design distribution implemented on the industry was not appropriate due to the lack of sights that is found within the same, In addition, the plant has not a necessary identification of risks workers or employees, they do not have visibility of the signals in each area.El trabajo realizado tuvo por objetivo un diseño de distribución de planta para el mejoramiento de los procesos de fabricación de corona de bronce en el aérea de mecanizado de la industria serví maquinas SJ; el principal problema encontrado fue la distancia de las maquinarias y equipos uno de otro; problemas en el área de herramientas por la inexistencia de inventarios, obstrucción en las áreas de trabajo por ausencia de pasillos y zonas delimitadas para cada tipo de operación y la falta de señalización que se constató dentro de la misma, la industria se encontraba en condiciones de trabajo no adecuadas para el buen desenvolvimiento tanto del trabajador como el empleador, entre otras causas que fueron revisadas durante este estudio

    Diseño de 5 personajes 3d basados en las deidades de la cosmovisión Cosanga-Píllaro, para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en la parroquia Panzaleo

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    The creation and the cultural promotion of 3D characters for the strengthening of cultural identity aim to reduce the ignorance of the Andean cosmovision deities and to arouse the interest of the young, through the publication of images in an Art Book. The project consists of some processes; the first part is the bibliographic research and historical background analysis that are the basis of the proposal. The second part is the creation of the characters, which includes stages such as sketching, modeling, texturizing, creating fabrics and clothing, lighting, composition, etc. For the execution of the project have been used referents of video games and heroes of comics so, the characters have well defined anatomical structures, and all the elements they contain are based on statues and images that worshiped the natives of this region. The third part is the creation of a document containing processes and characteristics of each God. The idea of creating three-dimensional characters to capture the attention of young people arises from the impact and acceptance of this graphic representation technique among the public....La creación y difusión de personajes 3D para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural pretende reducir el desconocimiento de las deidades de la cosmovisión Andina y despertar interés de los jóvenes, mediante la publicación de imágenes en un Art Book. El proyecto consta de algunos procesos; la primera parte es la investigación bibliográfica y el análisis de antecedentes históricos que son la base de la propuesta. La segunda parte es la creación de los personajes, que comprende algunas etapas como el bocetaje, modelado, texturización, creación de telas e indumentaria, iluminación, composición, etc. Para la ejecución del proyecto se han utilizado referentes de videojuegos y héroes de comics por lo que los personajes poseen estructuras anatómicas bien definidas y todos los elementos que contienen se basan en estatuas e imágenes que adoraban los indígenas de esta región...

    ONCOS-102 plus pemetrexed and platinum chemotherapy in malignant pleural mesothelioma: a randomized phase 2 study investigating clinical outcomes and the tumor microenvironment

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    T-lymphocytes; Oncolytic viruses; Tumor microenvironmentLinfocitos T; Virus oncolíticos; Microambiente tumoralLimfòcits T; Virus oncolítics; Microambient tumoralBackground ONCOS-102, an oncolytic adenovirus expressing granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, can alter the tumor microenvironment to an immunostimulatory state. Combining ONCOS-102 with standard-of-care chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) may improve treatment outcomes. Methods In this open-label, randomized study, patients with unresectable MPM received intratumoral ONCOS-102 (3×1011 virus particles on days 1, 4, 8, 36, 78, and 120) and pemetrexed plus cisplatin/carboplatin (from day 22), or pemetrexed plus cisplatin/carboplatin alone. The primary endpoint was safety. Overall survival (OS), progression-free survival, objective response rate, and tumor immunologic activation (baseline and day 36 biopsies) were also assessed. Results In total, 31 patients (safety lead-in: n=6, randomized: n=25) were enrolled. Anemia (15.0% and 27.3%) and neutropenia (40.0% and 45.5%) were the most frequent grade ≥3 adverse events (AEs) in the ONCOS-102 (n=20) and chemotherapy-alone (n=11) cohorts. No patients discontinued ONCOS-102 due to AEs. No statistically significant difference in efficacy endpoints was observed. There was a numerical improvement in OS (30-month OS rate 34.1% vs 0; median OS 20.3 vs 13.5 months) with ONCOS-102 versus chemotherapy alone in chemotherapy-naïve patients (n=17). By day 36, ONCOS-102 was associated with increased T-cell infiltration and immune-related gene expression that was not observed in the control cohort. Substantial immune activation in the tumor microenvironment was associated with survival at month 18 in the ONCOS-102 cohort. Conclusions ONCOS-102 plus pemetrexed and cisplatin/carboplatin was well tolerated by patients with MPM. In injected tumors, ONCOS-102 promoted a proinflammatory environment, including T-cell infiltration, which showed association with survival at month 18.This work was supported by Circio, the study sponsor (no grant number)

    Cabozantinib for the treatment of solid tumors: a systematic review

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    Cabozantinib; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Solid tumorCabozantinib; Carcinoma hepatocel·lular; Tumor sòlidCabozantinib; Carcinoma hepatocelular; Tumor sólidoBackground: Cabozantinib is approved, in various settings, for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, medullary thyroid cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, and it has been investigated for the treatment of other cancers. With the available evidence and the real-world performance of cabozantinib compared with clinical trial data, we performed a systematic review of cabozantinib monotherapy as treatment for solid tumors in adults. Methods: This study was designed in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020144680). We searched for clinical and observational studies of cabozantinib monotherapy for solid tumors using Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane databases (October 2020), and screened relevant congress abstracts. Eligible studies reported clinical or safety outcomes, or biomarker data. Small studies (n < 25) and studies of cabozantinib combination therapies were excluded. Quality was assessed using National Institute for Health and Care Excellence methodology, and study characteristics were described qualitatively. Results: Of 2888 citations, 114 were included (52 randomized studies, 29 observational studies, 32 nonrandomized phase I or II studies or pilot trials, and 1 analysis of data from a randomized study and a nonrandomized study). Beyond approved indications, other tumors studied were castration-resistant prostate cancer, urothelial carcinoma, Ewing sarcoma, osteosarcoma, uveal melanoma, non-small-cell lung cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma, glioblastoma, pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, cholangiocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, colorectal cancer, salivary gland cancer, carcinoid and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, and breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers. The most common adverse events were hypertension, diarrhea, and fatigue. Conclusion: The identified evidence demonstrates the positive efficacy/effectiveness of cabozantinib monotherapy in various solid tumor types, with safety findings being consistent with those observed with other VEGFR-targeting tyrosine kinase inhibitors. When available, real-world findings were consistent with the data reported from clinical trials. A limitation of this review is the high proportion of abstracts; however, this allowed us to capture the most up-to-date findings.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by Ipsen