148 research outputs found

    Cirugías Bariátricas : obesidad mórbida : opciones terapéuticas

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    Fil: Elli, Fernando. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Horgan, Santiago. Universidad de Illinois; Estados Unidos.Fil: Ferrain, Pedro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín; Argentina.La obesidad es considerada como la epidemia más letal del siglo XXI. En nuestro país, el 30% de la\npoblación sufre sobrepeso y más de 1,5 billón de personas lo padecen en todo el mundo. Si bien es\nmuy difícil combatir esta enfermedad, en los últimos años se han venido desarrollando tratamientos\nquirúrgicos eficientes. ¿Qué son las cirugías bariátricas?, ¿qué tipo de obesidad puede ser resuelta\ncon este tipo de tratamiento?, ¿cuáles son los riesgos y hasta qué punto son efectivas?

    Morbid Obesity with Achalasia: A Surgical Challenge

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    Achalasia is a relatively rare medical condition that is classically not associated with obesity. The surgical treatment of a simultaneous occurrence of these two diseases requires careful consideration, and only a few reports can be found in the literature combining a Heller myotomy with gastric bypass, duodenal switch, or gastric banding. We report the case of a 69-year-old female patient with early achalasia and obesity who underwent simultaneous laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection and robotic Heller myotomy. No intra- or postoperative complications occurred. A follow-up at 6 weeks showed a significant weight loss and resolved symptoms of achalasia. The case illustrates that a simultaneous gastric sleeve resection and robotic Heller myotomy might be an option for the treatment of concurrent obesity and achalasia

    Clinical experience with a multifunctional, flexible surgery system for endolumenal, single-port, and NOTES procedures

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    Single-port and incisionless surgical approaches hold the promise of fewer complications, reduced pain, faster recovery, and improved cosmesis compared with traditional open or laparoscopic approaches. The ability to select an access approach (i.e., endolumenal, single-port, transvaginal, or transgastric) with one platform may be important to optimization of individual patient results. The authors report their results using these four separate surgical approaches tailored to three different therapeutic procedures, all with the use of a single flexible platform, the Incisionless Operating Platform (IOP). After institutional review board approval, the IOP was used to perform nine cholecystectomies via transvaginal (TV) (n = 4), transgastric (TG) (n = 4), and single-port transumbilical (TU) (n = 1) access. Two appendectomies were performed via TG access. Endolumenal access was used for 18 gastric pouch and stoma reductions after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The TG and TV procedures involved the use of one to three trocars. The recorded data included safety, procedural success, operative time, patient pain assessment (on a 0–10 scale) at discharge, and length of hospital stay. Procedural success was achieved for 16 of 18 endolumenal procedures, 1 of 1 single-port procedure, and 10 of 10 NOTES procedures. For 5 of 10 NOTES procedures, only one small trocar was required. The mean operative times were 79 min for pouch with stoma reduction, 171 min for cholecystectomy, and 274 min for appendectomy. Of 29 patients, 27 were discharged in 24 h or less. The average pain scores were 0.44 for pouch with stoma reduction, 1.3 for cholecystectomy, and 2.5 for appendectomy. No significant complications occurred. The ergonomics of IOP allowed the surgeon to interface with the system using an endoscopic or laparoscopic orientation. Availability of a multifunctional, flexible surgery platform provides a choice of a single-port or incisionless surgical approach with the potential to reduce complications, pain, and recovery time while improving cosmesis

    The inflammatory response in transgastric surgery: gastric content leak leads to localized inflammatory response and higher adhesive disease

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    Risk of gastric spillage during transgastric surgery is a potential complication of NOTES procedures. The aim of this study was to determine risk outcomes from gastric spillage in a rat survival model by measuring local and systemic inflammatory markers, adhesive disease, and morbidity. We performed a minilaparotomy with needle aspiration of 2 ml of gastric contents mixed with 2 ml of sterile saline (study group, SG) or 4 ml of sterile saline (control group, CG) injected into the peritoneal cavity of 60 male rats. Inflammatory markers (TNFα, IL-6, and IL-10) were analyzed at 1, 3, 6, and 24 h postoperatively by obtaining plasma levels and peritoneal washings. At necropsy, the peritoneal cavity was examined grossly for adhesions. Adhesions were seen more frequently in the SG versus the CG (100% vs. 33.3%, p < 0.014). There was a significant difference in the peritoneal TNFα levels in the SG compared with the CG, which peaked 1 h after surgery (p < 0.02). Both peritoneal IL-6 and IL-10 levels were higher in the SG versus the CG, which peaked 3 h after surgery (p < 0.005 and p < 0.001, respectively). All peritoneal inflammatory markers returned to undetectable levels at 24 h for both groups. Plasma cytokines were undetectable at all time intervals. The inflammatory response was found to be a localized and not systemic event, with plasma cytokine levels remaining normal while peritoneal washings revealed a brisk, short-lived localized inflammatory response. There was a significantly higher rate of adhesive disease in the SG compared with the CG; this, however did not translate into a difference in apparent clinical outcome. We conclude that gastric leakage in this NOTES rodent model induces a localized inflammatory response, followed by mild to moderate adhesive disease. This may be important in human NOTES

    Endoscopic anterior fundoplication with the Medigus Ultrasonic Surgical Endostapler (MUSE™) for gastroesophageal reflux disease: 6-month results from a multi-center prospective trial

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    BACKGROUND: Both long-term proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use and surgical fundoplication have potential drawbacks as treatments for chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This multi-center, prospective study evaluated the clinical experiences of 69 patients who received an alternative treatment: endoscopic anterior fundoplication with a video- and ultrasound-guided transoral surgical stapler. METHODS: Patients with well-categorized GERD were enrolled at six international sites. Efficacy data was compared at baseline and at 6 months post-procedure. The primary endpoint was a ≥ 50 % improvement in GERD health-related quality of life (HRQL) score. Secondary endpoints were elimination or ≥ 50 % reduction in dose of PPI medication and reduction of total acid exposure on esophageal pH probe monitoring. A safety evaluation was performed at time 0 and weeks 1, 4, 12, and 6 months. RESULTS: 66 patients completed follow-up. Six months after the procedure, the GERD-HRQL score improved by >50 % off PPI in 73 % (48/66) of patients (95 % CI 60-83 %). Forty-two patients (64.6 %) were no longer using daily PPI medication. Of the 23 patients who continued to take PPI following the procedure, 13 (56.5 %) reported a ≥ 50 % reduction in dose. The mean percent of total time with esophageal pH <4.0 decreased from baseline to 6 months (P < 0.001). Common adverse events were peri-operative chest discomfort and sore throat. Two severe adverse events requiring intervention occurred in the first 24 subjects, no further esophageal injury or leaks were reported in the remaining 48 enrolled subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The initial 6-month data reported in this study demonstrate safety and efficacy of this endoscopic plication device. Early experience with the device necessitated procedure and device changes to improve safety, with improved results in the later portion of the study. Continued assessment of durability and safety are ongoing in a three-year follow-up study of this patient group

    Esophageal sphincter device for gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    BACKGROUND Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease who have a partial response to proton-pump inhibitors often seek alternative therapy. We evaluated the safety and effectiveness of a new magnetic device to augment the lower esophageal sphincter. METHODS We prospectively assessed 100 patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease before and after sphincter augmentation. The study did not include a concurrent control group. The primary outcome measure was normalization of esophageal acid exposure or a 50% or greater reduction in exposure at 1 year. Secondary outcomes were 50% or greater improvement in quality of life related to gastroesophageal reflux disease and a 50% or greater reduction in the use of proton-pump inhibitors at 1 year. For each outcome, the prespecified definition of successful treatment was achievement of the outcome in at least 60% of the patients. The 3-year results of a 5-year study are reported. RESULTS The primary outcome was achieved in 64% of patients (95% confidence interval [CI], 54 to 73). For the secondary outcomes, a reduction of 50% or more in the use of proton-pump inhibitors occurred in 93% of patients, and there was improvement of 50% or more in quality-of-life scores in 92%, as compared with scores for patients assessed at baseline while they were not taking proton-pump inhibitors. The most frequent adverse event was dysphagia (in 68% of patients postoperatively, in 11% at 1 year, and in 4% at 3 years). Serious adverse events occurred in six patients, and in six patients the device was removed. CONCLUSIONS In this single-group evaluation of 100 patients before and after sphincter augmentation with a magnetic device, exposure to esophageal acid decreased, reflux symptoms improved, and use of proton-pump inhibitors decreased. Follow-up studies are needed to assess long-term safety. (Funded by Torax Medical; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00776997.

    Structures of PI4KIIIβ complexes show simultaneous recruitment of Rab11 and its effectors

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    Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PI4Ks) and small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) are essential for processes that require expansion and remodeling of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P)-containing membranes, including cytokinesis, intracellular development of malarial pathogens, and replication of a wide range of RNA viruses. However, the structural basis for coordination of PI4K, GTPases and their effectors is unknown. Here, we describe structures of PI4KB (PI4KIIIβ) bound to the small GTPase Rab11a without and with the Rab11 effector protein FIP3. The Rab11-PI4KIIIβ interface is unique compared with known structures of Rab complexes, and does not involve switch regions used by GTPase effectors. Our data provide a mechanism for how PI4KIIIβ coordinates Rab11 and its effectors on PI4P-enriched membranes, and also provide strategies for the design of specific inhibitors that could potentially target plasmodial PI4KIIIβ to combat malaria

    Fluorescence laparoscopy imaging of pancreatic tumor progression in an orthotopic mouse model

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    The use of fluorescent proteins to label tumors is revolutionizing cancer research, enabling imaging of both primary and metastatic lesions, which is important for diagnosis, staging, and therapy. This report describes the use of fluorescence laparoscopy to image green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing tumors in an orthotopic mouse model of human pancreatic cancer. The orthotopic mouse model of human pancreatic cancer was established by injecting GFP-expressing MiaPaCa-2 human pancreatic cancer cells into the pancreas of 6-week-old female athymic mice. On postoperative day 14, diagnostic laparoscopy using both white and fluorescent light was performed. A standard laparoscopic system was modified by placing a 480-nm short-pass excitation filter between the light cable and the laparoscope in addition to using a 2-mm-thick emission filter. A camera was used that allowed variable exposure time and gain setting. For mouse laparoscopy, a 3-mm 0° laparoscope was used. The mouse’s abdomen was gently insufflated to 2 mm Hg via a 22-gauge angiocatheter. After laparoscopy, the animals were sacrificed, and the tumors were collected and processed for histologic review. The experiments were performed in triplicate. Fluorescence laparoscopy enabled rapid imaging of the brightly fluorescent tumor in the pancreatic body. Use of the proper filters enabled simultaneous visualization of the tumor and the surrounding structures with minimal autofluorescence. Fluorescence laparoscopy thus allowed exact localization of the tumor, eliminating the need to switch back and forth between white and fluorescence lighting, under which the background usually is so darkened that it is difficult to maintain spatial orientation. The use of fluorescence laparoscopy permits the facile, real-time imaging and localization of tumors labeled with fluorescent proteins. The results described in this report should have important clinical potential