1,423 research outputs found

    A discriminant rule under transformation

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    We present a new rule for discriminating among continuous populations which are not multivariate normal. The basic idea is to construct the sample maximum likelihood discriminant rule after transforming the data by a suitable multivariate transformation to normalit

    A discriminant rule under transformation.

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    We present a new rule for discriminating among continuous populations which are not multivariate normal. The basic idea is to construct the sample maximum likelihood discriminant rule after transforming the data by a suitable multivariate transformation to normalityCross-validation; Multivariate Box-Cox Transformation;

    Homoclinic organization in the Hindmarsh-Rose model: A three parameter study

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    Bursting phenomena are found in a wide variety of fast-slow systems. In this article, we consider the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model, where, as it is known in the literature, there are homoclinic bifurcations involved in the bursting dynamics. However, the global homoclinic structure is far from being fully understood. Working in a three-parameter space, the results of our numerical analysis show a complex atlas of bifurcations, which extends from the singular limit to regions where a fast-slow perspective no longer applies. Based on this information, we propose a global theoretical description. Surfaces of codimension-one homoclinic bifurcations are exponentially close to each other in the fast-slow regime. Remarkably, explained by the specific properties of these surfaces, we show how the Hindmarsh-Rose model exhibits isolas of homoclinic bifurcations when appropriate two-dimensional slices are considered in the three-parameter space. On the other hand, these homoclinic bifurcation surfaces contain curves corresponding to parameter values where additional degeneracies are exhibited. These codimension-two bifurcation curves organize the bifurcations associated with the spike-adding process and they behave like the "spines-of-a-book, " gathering "pages" of bifurcations of periodic orbits. Depending on how the parameter space is explored, homoclinic phenomena may be absent or far away, but their organizing role in the bursting dynamics is beyond doubt, since the involved bifurcations are generated in them. This is shown in the global analysis and in the proposed theoretical scheme

    Estudio sobre la realidad actual de las mujeres con problemas de adicciones, en el Centro Penitenciario de Valladolid

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    El consumo de drogas ha evolucionado entre las distintas corrientes ideológicas y culturales convirtiéndose en un fenómeno dinámico, pluridimensional y cambiante condicionado por múltiples factores de carácter social, político, económico y de dimensiones internacionales, nacionales y locales. Así pues, en la localidad de Valladolid, a finales los 80, comenzó a gestarse un movimiento de consumo y tráfico de drogas que llegó alcanzar dimensiones espectaculares. Le llamaron “el supermercado de la droga”, y aglutinó un importante “reguero” humano de drogadictos y junto a ellos, camellos, clanes y traficantes, venidos de muchos puntos del país. Entre 1998 y 2003, esta barriada se desalojó y demolió provocando el desplazamiento y la dispersión de muchos de estos grupos a otros lugares de la región. Con todo ello, Proyecto Hombre Valladolid, durante sus primeros años de funcionamiento, quiso responder a las necesidades de este colectivo de drogodependientes heroinómanos “tradicionales”, pero con el paso del tiempo, se han ido incorporando otro tipo de colectivos, entre los cuales, son objeto de intervención los reclusos drogodependientes. En esta línea, Fundación ALDABA-Proyecto Hombre desarrolló en 1998 un programa intra-penitenciario con el fin de responder a la demanda de atención de mujeres y hombres con problemas de adicción que están en prisión. En relación con lo anterior, se lleva a cabo una investigación evaluativa referente a la realidad de las mujeres con problemas de adicción, .en el establecimiento penitenciario de Valladolid, concretamente a su perfil y a su día a día prisión, como factores que pueden beneficiar o dificultar su futura reinserción en la sociedad. Asimismo, dicho trabajo pretende ofrecer propuestas de mejora en la intervención que puedan aplicarse desde Proyecto Hombre Valladolid con dicho colectivo.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    Forma que se ha de guardar en armar cavalleros, y dar los abitos profesiones, y colaziones de las Enmiendas a los Cavalleros de la Orden de Santiago

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Esc. xil. en port.Sign.: []4, B-F

    Spike-adding structure in fold/hom bursters

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    Square-wave or fold/hom bursting is typical of many excitable dynamical systems, such as pancreatic or other endocrine cells. Besides, it is also found in a great variety of fast-slow systems coming from other neural models, chemical reactions, laser dynamics, and so on. We focus on the spike-adding process and its connection with the homoclinic structure of the system. The creation of new fast spikes on a bursting neuron is an important phenomenon as it increases the duty cycle of the neuron. Here we mainly work with the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model, a prototype of fold/hom bursting, but also with the pancreatic β-cell model, where, as already known from the literature, homoclinic bifurcations play an important role in bursting dynamics. Based on several numerical simulations, we present a theoretical scheme that provides a complete scenario of bifurcations involved in the spike-adding process and their connection with the homoclinic bifurcations on the parametric space. The global scheme explains the different phenomena of the spike-adding processes presented in literature (continuous and chaotic processes after Terman analysis) and moreover, it also indicates where each kind of spike-adding process occurs. Different elements are involved in the theoretical scheme, such as homoclinic isolas, canard orbits, inclination and orbit flip codimension-two bifurcation points and several pencils of period doubling and fold bifurcations, all of them illustrated with different numerical techniques. Some of these bifurcations needed in the process may be not visible on some numerical simulations because the organizing points are in different parametric planes due to the high dimension of the whole parameter space, but their effects are present. Therefore, we introduce a mechanism of the spike-adding process in fold/hom bursters in the whole space of parameters, even if apparently no role is played by the “far-away” homoclinic bifurcations. This fact is illustrated showing how the theoretical scheme provides a theoretical explanation to the different interspike-interval bifurcation diagrams (IBD) that have appeared in the literature for different models.RB and SS have been supported by the Spanish Research projects MTM2015-64095-P, PGC2018-096026-B-I00, the Universidad de Zaragoza-CUD project UZCUD2019-CIE-04 and European Regional Development Fund and Diputación General de Aragón (E24-17R and LMP124-18). SI and LP have been supported by Spanish Research projects MTM2014-56953-P and MTM2017-87697-P. LP has been partially supported by the Gobierno de Asturias project PA-18-PF-BP17-072

    Cation exchange testsof natural zeoliteswith rare earth elements

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    he present work aims to analyze the effectiveness of natural zeolites for the concentration of certain elements in the rare earth group, as well as some associated cations. The work has been centered on four samples of natural zeolites from Cuba that are characterized by physical, chemical and mineralogical methods, which confirm their membership to the mordenite zeolite family, except one that was discarded in the exchange tests because it belonged to the heulandite family. The elements exchange tests were carried out over a period of 168 hours with the cations: Y3+, Eu3+, Yb3+, Ba2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ y Ni2+. Initial concentrations were set based on the average cation exchange capacity of the zeolite samples. It was concluded that this family of zeolites did not have the utility sought, because its composition contained some of the selected elements, resulting in a leaching of these cations

    Chrysler-Seida, Luis Martínez Feduchi: la formación de una poética constructiva moderna

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    At the end of the 1920s, Luis Martínez Feduchi received one of his first commissions after obtaining the title of architect, the new shopfront for SEIDA, the exclusive distributor in Spain of the automobile firm Chrysler. Until then, Feduchi’s professional practice has developed within the prevailing historicist current. However, in the process of renewing its image according to the postulates of the new scientific advertising, the American company calls for an appropriate architecture for its sales premises, as part of its global brand communication strategy. In this way, the project for the new facade of its shop in Gran Vía represents for Feduchi a privileged opportunity to practice the new aesthetic principles of architectural modernism. A new practice that implies a new way of building, according to the technical possibilities provided by the industry, that is not only the result of the mere rearrangement of architectural elements, adapted to new materials and construction systems, but also requires the development of a new poetics, capable of providing the symbolism lost after the disappearance of the classical order, as the syntactic and semantic foundation of architecture.A finales de la década de los veinte Luis Martínez Feduchi recibe uno de sus primeros encargos tras la obtención del título de arquitecto, la nueva portada para el establecimiento de SEIDA, distribuidor en exclusiva de la firma automovilística Chrysler en España. Hasta ese momento la práctica profesional de Feduchi se ha desarrollado en el seno de la corriente historicista imperante. Sin embargo, la compañía americana, en pleno proceso de renovación de su imagen de acuerdo a los postulados de la nueva publicidad científica, reclama una arquitectura acorde para sus locales de venta, como parte de su estrategia global de comunicación de la marca. De esta manera el proyecto de la nueva portada de su local en la Gran Vía representa para Feduchi una oportunidad privilegiada para poner en práctica los nuevos principios estéticos de la modernidad arquitectónica en formación. Una forma absolutamente nueva de construir, que no solo implica una radical reformulación de los elementos arquitectónicos, adaptados a los nuevos materiales y sistemas constructivos industrializados, sino que exige a su vez el desarrollo de una nueva poética, capaz de aportar el simbolismo perdido, tras la desaparición del orden clásico como fundamento sintáctico y semántico de la arquitectura

    First record of the Amazonian tiny tree toad Amazophrynella minuta (Melin, 1941) (Anura: Bufonidae), for Venezuela

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    Amazophrynella minuta is a small toad widely distributed in the lowlands and midlands of the Amazon and Guiana regions. Herein we report the first record of this species from Venezuela based on a single specimen from Raudal de Danto, Río Cuao, northwestern Amazonas state. This record extends the distribution of the species more than 500 km from the closest known localities in Colombia and Brazi