120 research outputs found

    The development of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia in oral lichen planus: a preliminary study

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    Background: Was to describe 14 cases of a proliferative verrucous leukoplakia as a clinical evolution of oral lichen planus. Material and Methods: The clinical and histopathological characteristics of 14 cases of OLP that progress towards a plaque-like and verrucous form were indicated, with monitoring over a period of six to 24.3 years. Results: The female/male ratio was 11/3, (78.6 and 21.4%). The mean age when the first biopsy was undertaken was 56.4 years old. None of the patients smoked during the study. As bilateral reticular was clinically diagnostic criterion, the second most frequent clinical form was the plaque form (n=10; 71.4%), followed by the atrophic (n=6; 42.8%), and erosive forms (n=4; 28.5%). Clinically it spread towards attached gingival mucosa and the hard palate. In the histopathologic study, there were a predominance of hyperkeratosis and verrucous epithelial hyperplasia. Three of the cases progressed to a squamous cell carcinoma, and one patient developed two verrucous carcinoma. Conclusions: Further research is needed to demonstrate if proliferative multifocal oral lichen planus and proliferative multifocal oral leukoplakia are the same disorder but have different behaviour of malignancy for reasons of origin

    The Age of Onstet to Learn a Foreign Language and Motivation in the Pronunciation of French as a Foreign Language for University Students

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    [EN]The objective of this study is to determine how the age of onset to acquire a foreign language and motivation both influence in the pronunciation of the French language in university students. To accomplish this work, quantitative research was used and the methodology is descriptive correlative. There are previous studies that sustain that students of a foreign language that began at an early age have acquired better pronunciation of FLE compared to those who began their learning process at a later age. The human being at an early age has great muscular flexibility, it is precisely in this period that the muscles of the mouth must be trained to reproduce the sounds of the L2 phonological system. This research revises with Spearman test correlation this theory with French as a foreign language Peruvian’ students. This study also analyzes the importance of motivation for this area of learning process. The empirical results allow to confirm that the best stage to learn a foreign language is childhood, since a child's brain has greater plasticity; which allows it to unconsciously appropriate a second language and the positive impact of motivation on learning of pronunciation of French as a foreign language. It is possible to conclude that we have to foster foreign language since younger age

    Diagnóstico tardío de síndrome de interrupción del tallo hipofisario

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    El síndrome de interrupción del tallo hipofisario (PSIS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una anomalía congénita de probable origen genético causante de hipopituitarismo, que se caracteriza por hipoplasia de la adenohipófisis, neurohipófisis ectópica e interrupción del tallo hipofisario. Suele presentarse con baja estatura y deficiencia adenohipofisaria. El retraso en el diagnóstico se relaciona con alta morbimortalidad. Se reporta el caso de un hombre de 39 años con fractura de cadera por fragilidad y posterior compromiso neurológico secundario a hiponatremia severa, hipoglucemia e hipotensión arterial. Presentaba hábito eunucoide y ausencia de caracteres sexuales secundarios, con genitales infantiles. Los paraclínicos mostraron compromiso de todas las hormonas adenohipofisarias, sin afección neurohipofisaria. Una resonancia magnética nuclear mostró hallazgos consistentes con PSIS.   Abstract The pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) is a congenital defect with a possible genetic origin which causes hypopituitarism. It consists of anterior pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary and interruption of the pituitary stalk. Its clinical presentation consists mainly in short stature and anterior pituitary hormonal deficiencies. The delayed diagnosis may cause morbidity and mortality. We report the case of a 39 year old male who presented with a frailty leg fracture and neurologic involvement due to severe hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and hypotension. He lacked secondary sexual development. Laboratory examinations showed an inadequate secretion of all anterior pituitary hormones without diabetes insipidus. A magnetic resonance image showed findings consistent with PSIS.

    Propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias de huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae, Chenopodiaceae) fermentado por Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Lp22

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    Background and Aims: Huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae) is a pseudocereal native to Mexico and is part of its culinary tradition. This pseudocereal is recognized for its high nutritional value and components that are associated with beneficial health effects. However, there is currently no literature on the impact that the fermentation process would have on its bioactive properties. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of fermentation by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Lp22 in huauzontle seeds suspended in water on their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in vitro. Methods: Huauzontle seeds were suspended in water (0.3%, w/v), inoculated with L. plantarum Lp22 (1%, v/v) at 108 CFU/ml, and allowed to ferment for 24 h at 37 °C. Then, seeds were recovered by filtration, grounded and aqueous extract was obtained. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was determined by the ABTS and ORAC methods. Moreover, the inhibition of the enzymes lipoxygenase (LOX) and trypsin was evaluated and the total phenolic compounds in methanolic extract (Folin-Ciocalteu method) were also determined. Key results: The antioxidant activity represented as mM of Trolox equivalents was 812.50 and 927.50 by ABTS and 1384.32 and 3391.11 for ORAC, for unfermented and fermented huauzontle, respectively (p<0.05). The inhibition of LOX activity was 40.06% and 37.24% for unfermented and fermented huauzontle, respectively, while for trypsin it was 12.53% and 14.38% (p>0.05). Besides, total phenol content was 7.49 and 20.24 mg/ml (p<0.05), respectively. Conclusions: Our findings evidence that fermentation of huauzontle improves the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may be associated with increased phenol content. Therefore, its consumption could enhance the antioxidant and immune system of the human organism.Antecedentes y Objetivos: El huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae) es un pseudocereal nativo de México y forma parte de su tradición culinaria. Este pseudocereal es reconocido por su alto valor nutricional y componentes que se asocian a efectos benéficos a la salud. Sin embargo, al momento no se cuenta con literatura sobre el impacto que tendría el proceso de fermentación sobre sus propiedades bioactivas. Por ello, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la fermentación por Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Lp22, en semillas de huauzontle suspendidas en agua, sobre sus propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias in vitro. Métodos: Semillas de huauzontle se suspendieron en agua (0.3% p/v), se inocularon con L. plantarum Lp22 (1% v/v) a una concentración de 108 UFC/ml y se fermentaron por 24 h a 37 °C. Finalmente, las semillas fueron recuperadas por filtración, se molieron y del extracto acuoso se determinó la actividad antioxidante por los métodos de ABTS y ORAC. Además, se evaluó la inhibición de las enzimas lipooxigenasa (LOX) y tripsina y se determinó la concentración de fenoles totales (método de Folin-Ciocalteu) en extractos metanólicos. Resultados clave: La actividad antioxidante representada como mM de equivalentes Trolox fue de 812.50 y 927.50 por ABTS, y 1384.32 y 3391.11, para ORAC, para huauzontle no fermentado y fermentado, respectivamente (p<0.05). La inhibición de la actividad de LOX fue de 40.06% y 37.24%, y para tripsina fue de 12.53% y 14.38% (p>0.05), para no fermentado y fermentado, respectivamente, mientras que el contenido de fenoles totales fue de 7.49 y 20.24 mg/ml (p<0.05), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos indican que la fermentación del huauzontle mejora las propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias, y que pueden estar asociados con el incremento en el contenido de fenoles, por lo que su consumo podría fortalecer el mecanismo antioxidante y sistema inmune del organismo humano

    Spectroscopic study of rock art paintings from the Cueva de Tito Bustillo (Ribadesella, Asturias)

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    Tres pictografías de la Cueva de Tito Bustillo se han estudiado por microespectroscopía Raman, espectroscopía infrarroja, difracción de rayos X, espectroscopía fotoelectrónica y microscopía electrónica y espectrometría de dispersión de energía de rayos X. Todas ellas se relacionan con las fases antiguas de la decoración de la cueva. Hematites de dos tamaños de grano (<1 y <10 µm) es el principal componente de las pictografías. Hidroxiapatito, anatasa y carbón amorfo aparecen como componentes adicionales en algunas de ellas. Calcita, cuarzo-α y minerales arcillosos se usan como materiales de relleno. No se han detectado aglutinantes orgánicos. Considerando los componentes principales, tamaño de grano y fases secundarias de los materiales pictóricos, se concluye que la veta de ocre de la cueva no se usó para hacer las pinturas de esta cronología. Dos de las pictografías analizadas parecen haber sido pintadas con un mismo tipo de pintura.Three pictographs from the Tito Bustillo cave have been studied by Raman microspectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electronic microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. All the samples can be associated with the oldest cave decoration phases. Haematite of two granular sizes (<1 and <10 µm) is the main component of the pictographs. Hydroxyapatite, anatase and amorphous carbon appear as additional components in some of them. Calcite, α-quartz and clay minerals are used as filler materials. No organic binders have been detected. Considering the main components, granular size, and secondary phases of the pigments it is concluded that the ochre quarry of the cave was not used to make the paintings of this chronology. Two of the analysed figures of this cave seem to have been painted with the same type of paint

    Knowledge to Serve the City: Insights from an Emerging Knowledge-Action Network to Address Vulnerability and Sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico

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    This paper presents initial efforts to establish the San Juan Urban Long-Term Research Area Exploratory (ULTRA-Ex), a long-term program aimed at developing transdisciplinary social-ecological system (SES) research to address vulnerability and sustainability for the municipality of San Juan. Transdisciplinary approaches involve the collaborations between researchers, stakeholders, and citizens to produce socially-relevant knowledge and support decision-making. We characterize the transdisciplinary arrangement emerging in San Juan ULTRA-Ex as a knowledge-action network composed of multiple formal and informal actors (e.g., scientists, policymakers, civic organizations and other stakeholders) where knowledge, ideas, and strategies for sustainability are being produced, evaluated, and validated. We describe in this paper the on-the-ground social practices and dynamics that emerged from developing a knowledge-action network in our local context. Specifically, we present six social practices that were crucial to the development of our knowledge-action network: 1) understanding local framings; 2) analyzing existing knowledge-action systems in the city; 3) framing the social-ecological research agenda; 4) collaborative knowledge production and integration; 5) boundary objects and practices; and 6) synthesis, application, and adaptation. We discuss key challenges and ways to move forward in building knowledge-action networks for sustainability. Our hope is that the insights learned from this process will stimulate broader discussions on how to develop knowledge for urban sustainability, especially in tropical cities where these issues are under-explored

    Trasplante renal en pacientes con infección por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH)

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    El pronóstico de la infección por VIH ha mejorado tras introducir el tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA), no contraindicando actualmente el trasplante renal (TR). La nefropatía asociada al VIH (HIVAN) es la principal causa de enfermedad crónica terminal (ERCT) en pacientes VIH a nivel mundial. Los criterios de inclusión para TR de pacientes VIH son multidisciplinares: no infecciones oportunistas; CD4>200; carga viral indetectable. Material y métodos. Revisión de historias clínicas de 14 pacientes infectados por VIH receptores de un primera lo injerto renal (2001-2019),seleccionadossegúnrecomendacionesdelasguíasespañolasyamericanas.Lainmunosupresiónserealizósegúnlaprácticahabitualennuestropaís.TARGAseinicióinmediatamentetrasTR.Resultados.LaprincipalcausadeERCTfuelaglomerulonefritis(N=6;42,9%)seguidadeHIVAN(N=4;28,6%).El71,4%(N=10)seencontrabanenhemodiálisisprevioalTRysólo1pacientesetrasplantóensituacióndeprediálisis.Desdeelpuntodevistainmuno-virológico,lamedianadeCD4fue458células/μLytodoslospacientespresentabancargaviralindetectable.El92,9%(N=13)recibíaTARGApreTR.2pacientesprecisarontrasplantectomíaprecozyfueroneliminadosdelanálisisposterior.Conunamedianadeseguimientode61,0meses,el58,3%(7/12)delospacientespresentóunafunciónretrasadadelinjertoyel33,3%(4/12)rechazoagudo.Lamedianadecreatininaalos3mesesyenlaúltimafechadeseguimientofue1,3mg/dL(RIC0,8)y2,1(RIC7,1)respectivamente.Lasupervivenciadelinjertoydelpacientea1y3añosfuede75,0%y100%;y67,0%y89,0%,respectivamente.Conclusión.ElTResunaalternativaterapéuticasegurayefectivaenpacientesseleccionadosconVIH.TheprognosisofHIVinfectionhasimprovedwiththeintroductionofhighlyactiveantiretroviraltherapy(HAART),beingnolongeracontraindicationtotransplantation(KT).HIV-associatednephropathy(HIVAN)isthemostcommoncauseofend-stagerenaldisease(ESRD)amongHIV-infectedpatientsworldwide.TheconsensuscriteriafortheselectionofHIVpatientsfortransplantationaremultidisciplinary:noopportunisticinfections;CD4count>200;undetectableviralload.Materialandmethods.Reviewoftheclinicalchartsof14HIV-infected,recipientsofaprimaryrenalallograft(2001-2019).InclusioncriteriamettheAmericanandSpanishguidelinerecommendations.Immunosuppressiveprotocolfollowedroutinepracticeinourcountry.HAARTwasstartedduringimmediatepost-KT.Results.ThemainESRDetiologywasglomerulonephritis (6;42.9%)followedbyHIVAN(4;28.6%).RegardingrenalsubstitutivetreatmentpriortoKT,themajoritywereonhemodialysis(10;71.4%).InonepatientKTwaspre-emptive.MedianCD4countwas458cells/μLandallpatientspresentedundetectableviralload.13(92.9%)wereonHAARTpriortoKT.Twopatientsunderwentearlytransplantectomy,theremainingpatientswerefollowedforamedianof61.0months(3.7to106.2months).Delayedgraftfunctionandacuterejectionratewere58.3%(7/12)and33.3%(4/12)respectively.Mediancreatininelevelsat3monthsandatthelastfollow-upwere1.3mg/dL(IQR0.8)and2.1mg/dL(IQR7.1)respectively.Graftandpatientsurvivalat1and3yearswererespectively75.0%and100%;and67.0%and89%.Conclusions.KTcanbesafeandeffectiveinselectedHIV-infectedpatient

    Tecnología en Endocrinología: tiempos, conceptos e implementación

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    Propósito. La ciencia aplicada, una de las aristas definitorias de la tecnología, ha tenido un acercamiento a la medicina desde su aurora; dicho aspecto llega a lo más profundo de la Endocrinología. El presente texto tiene por objetivo denotar conceptos de aproximación, para así describir la implementación práctica del tándem entre tecnología y Endocrinología en los diferentes tiempos que lo han acompañado. Contenidos. Se empieza con algunos elementos históricos puntuales de encuentro entre la tecnología y la Endocrinología. Posteriormente, se introduce un concepto de vibrante vigencia: el tiempo en rango como métrica del control glucémico en la actualidad. Se reconoce el rol protagónico del monitoreo continuo de glucosa en la diabetes, al igual que se exploran sus potenciales usos. En el cuarto capítulo se hace un alto en el camino para comprender la inmediación entre la matemática y la Endocrinología. En los dos últimos capítulos se hace una inmersión al mundo de los ecosistemas digitales, a través del camino de la inteligencia artificial y recursos funcionales como la apps. Conclusiones. El apasionante mundo de la tecnología nos seduce cada vez más en los diferentes ámbitos; su relación con la Endocrinología es y será en el tiempo de una contundencia irrebatible. De esta manera, se ofrece una invitación abierta a vivir los procesos venideros de dicha fusión conceptual

    Chagas Cardiomyopathy Manifestations and Trypanosoma cruzi Genotypes Circulating in Chronic Chagasic Patients

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    Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is a complex disease that is endemic and an important problem in public health in Latin America. The T. cruzi parasite is classified into six discrete taxonomic units (DTUs) based on the recently proposed nomenclature (TcI, TcII, TcIII, TcIV, TcV and TcVI). The discovery of genetic variability within TcI showed the presence of five genotypes (Ia, Ib, Ic, Id and Ie) related to the transmission cycle of Chagas disease. In Colombia, TcI is more prevalent but TcII has also been reported, as has mixed infection by both TcI and TcII in the same Chagasic patient. The objectives of this study were to determine the T. cruzi DTUs that are circulating in Colombian chronic Chagasic patients and to obtain more information about the molecular epidemiology of Chagas disease in Colombia. We also assessed the presence of electrocardiographic, radiologic and echocardiographic abnormalities with the purpose of correlating T. cruzi genetic variability and cardiac disease. Molecular characterization was performed in Colombian adult chronic Chagasic patients based on the intergenic region of the mini-exon gene, the 24Sα and 18S regions of rDNA and the variable region of satellite DNA, whereby the presence of T.cruzi I, II, III and IV was detected. In our population, mixed infections also occurred, with TcI-TcII, TcI-TcIII and TcI-TcIV, as well as the existence of the TcI genotypes showing the presence of genotypes Ia and Id. Patients infected with TcI demonstrated a higher prevalence of cardiac alterations than those infected with TcII. These results corroborate the predominance of TcI in Colombia and show the first report of TcIII and TcIV in Colombian Chagasic patients. Findings also indicate that Chagas cardiomyopathy manifestations are more correlated with TcI than with TcII in Colombia