7,898 research outputs found

    Dynamics of non-convolution operators and holomorphy types

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    In this article we study the hypercyclic behavior of non-convolution operators defined on spaces of analytic functions of different holomorphy types over Banach spaces. The operators in the family we analyze are a composition of differentiation and composition operators, and are extensions of operators in H(C) studied by Aron and Markose in 2004. The dynamics of this class of operators, in the context of one and several complex variables, was further investigated by many authors. It turns out that the situation is somewhat different and that some purely infinite dimensional difficulties appear. For example, in contrast to the several complex variable case, it may happen that the symbol of the composition operator has no fixed points and still, the operator is not hypercyclic. We also prove a Runge type theorem for holomorphy types on Banach spaces.Fil: Muro, Luis Santiago Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Pinasco, Damian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística; ArgentinaFil: Savransky, Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    AdS/QCD Modified Soft Wall Model and Light Meson Spectra

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    We analyze here the mass spectrum of light vector and scalar mesons applying a novel approach where a modified soft wall model that includes a UV-cutoff at a finite zz-position in the AdS space is used, thus introducing an extra energy scale. For this model, we found that the masses for the scalar and vector spectra are well fitted within δRMS=7.64%\delta_{RMS}=7.64\% for these states, with non-linear trajectories given by two common parameters, the UV locus z0z_{0} and the quadratic dilaton profile slope κ\kappa. We also conclude that in this model, the f0(500)f_{0}(500) scalar resonance cannot be fitted holographycally as a qqq\overline{q} state since we cannot find a trajectory that include this pole. This result is in agreement with the most recent phenomenological and theoretical methods.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, conference pape

    Localization and oscillations of Majorana fermions in a two-dimensional electron gas coupled with dd-wave superconductors

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    We study the localization and oscillation properties of the Majorana fermions that arise in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and a Zeeman field coupled with a d-wave superconductor. Despite the angular dependence of the d-wave pairing, localization and oscillation properties are found to be similar to the ones seen in conventional s-wave superconductors. In addition, we study a microscopic lattice version of the previous system that can be characterized by a topological invariant. We derive its real space representation that involves nearest and next-to-nearest-neighbors pairing. Finally, we show that the emerging chiral Majorana fermions are indeed robust against static disorder. This analysis has potential applications to quantum simulations and experiments in high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: revtex4 file, color figure

    Quantum Error Correction with the Semion Code

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    We present a full quantum error correcting procedure with the semion code: an off-shell extension of the double semion model. We construct open strings operators that recover the quantum memory from arbitrary errors and closed string operators that implement the basic logical operations for information processing. Physically, the new open string operators provide a detailed microscopic description of the creation of semions at their endpoints. Remarkably, topological properties of the string operators are determined using fundamental properties of the Hamiltonian, namely the fact that it is composed of commuting local terms squaring to the identity. In all, the semion code is a topological code that, unlike previously studied topological codes, it is of non-CSS type and fits into the stabilizer formalism. This is in sharp contrast with previous attempts yielding non-commutative codes.Comment: REVTeX 4 file, color figure

    Security in online learning assessment towards an effective trustworthiness approach to support e-learning teams

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    (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.This paper proposes a trustworthiness model for the design of secure learning assessment in on-line collaborative learning groups. Although computer supported collaborative learning has been widely adopted in many educational institutions over the last decade, there exist still drawbacks which limit their potential in collaborative learning activities. Among these limitations, we investigate information security requirements in on-line assessment, (e-assessment), which can be developed in collaborative learning contexts. Despite information security enhancements have been developed in recent years, to the best of our knowledge, integrated and holistic security models have not been completely carried out yet. Even when security advanced methodologies and technologies are deployed in Learning Management Systems, too many types of vulnerabilities still remain opened and unsolved. Therefore, new models such as trustworthiness approaches can overcome these lacks and support e-assessment requirements for e-Learning. To this end, a trustworthiness model is designed in order to conduct the guidelines of a holistic security model for on-line collaborative learning through effective trustworthiness approaches. In addition, since users' trustworthiness analysis involves large amounts of ill-structured data, a parallel processing paradigm is proposed to build relevant information modeling trustworthiness levels for e-Learning.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Promoción de raigrás anual naturalizado (Lolium multiflorum L.) en la cuenca del río Salado. Evaluación de la producción invernal de forraje en pastoreo

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    Effective operation of grazing production systems needs control the production of forage at farm level. A nine year old stand of enhanced tame native ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) (RGE) and an annual crop of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L. cv Tama) (RGT) were monitored to test the hypothesis that: (i) herbage biomass in such pastures can be assessed by Ration Calculation methodology as accurately as by more exhaustive procedures, and (ii) enhancement increases amount and quality of forage winter supply. Enhancement includes fertilization with NH4 NO3 and (NH4 ) 2 HPO4, and weed control with Glyphosate (N- (phosphonomethyl glycine)). The Ration Calculation method estimates available herbage dry matter assuming that «one herbage ration» equal to one cow equivalent (CE), consisting of 10 kg DM day-1 with 77.57 MJ of ME. Herbage samples were taken from each paddock, representing harvestable biomass. Grazing harvest efficiency and herbage DM intake (HDMI) were estimated through difference between initial (IHA) and final (FHA) herbage available (kg DM ha-1), before and after grazing, corrected by losses due to grazing. Eight grazing cycles of RGE produced 16 041 kg DM/ha year-1, (2 001 ± 79.3 rations/ha year-1) while ration calculation estimates 9 775 kg DM/ha year-1. The RGT allowed seven grazing cycles, yielded 12 269 kg DM/ha year-1 or 1 144 ± 87.1 rations/ha year-1 compared to 8 688 kg DM/ha year-1 estimated by calculating ration. The ration calculation method did not accurately assess the enhanced cumulative herbage DM produced. Enhancement technology improved production and quality of tame ryegrass in winter time.El manejo de sistemas ganaderos de producción requiere controlar la producción de forraje a nivel de unidad de pastoreo. Con una pastura naturalizada y promocionada durante nueve años de raigras (Lolium multiflorum L.) (RGE) y un cultivo de raigras anual (Lolium multiflorum L. cv. Tama) (RGT) se probaron las hipótesis de que la biomasa forrajera aerea puede ser estimada correctamente por el método del cálculo de raciones como mediante los atributos del forraje, y que la promoción permite aumentar la producción invernal de forraje. La promoción involucra fertilizaciones con NH4 NO3 y (NH4 )2 HPO4 y control de malezas con Glifosato (N- (phosphonomethyl glycine). La estimación de materia seca disponible mediante el calculo de raciones asume que «una ración de forraje» son 10 kg MS día-1 que contienen 77.57 MJ de EM que representan un equivalente vaca (CE). La eficiencia de cosecha y consumo en pastoreo (HDMI) fueron estimados por diferencia entre disponibilidad forrajera inicial (IHA) y final (FHA) antes y después del pastoreo, corregido por pérdidas debidas al pastoreo. El período de crecimiento de la RGE permitió ocho pastoreos produciendo 16 041 kg MS/ha año-1 ó 2 001± 79.3 raciones/ha año-1 comparado con 9 775 kg MS/ha año-1 estimados por cálculo de raciones. En siete pastoreos el RGT produjo 12 269 kg MS/ha año-1 ó 1 144 raciones/ha año-1, comparado con 8 688 kg MS/ha año-1 estimados por el cálculo de raciones. Se concluye que el cálculo de raciones no estima correctamente la biomasa producida por una promoción y que, efectivamente, la tecnología de promoción aumenta la producción y calidad invernal del pastizal natural.Fil: Danelon, Jose Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Magaz, Santiago Horacio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Magaz, Hernan Miguel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Colombatto, Dario. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Interacción de poblaciones en la antigua Grecia : algunos ejemplos de especial interés para el Derecho internacional privado

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    Se examinan con un enfoque jurídico varios textos epigráficos griegos de reciente hallazgo, fechados desde mediados del siglo V aC hasta finales del IV aC. Estos documentos son de dos tipos: por un lado, documentos privados de tipo comercial que constituyen valiosos ejemplos del tráfico jurídico-mercantil entre griegos y no griegos; por otro lado, decretos por los que se reconocen derechos civiles y económicos, a título colectivo o individual, a determinados extranjeros. Aunque constituyen ejemplos ciertamente específicos, permiten intuir cómo se resolvían en aquella época los problemas que hoy llamaríamos de Derecho internacional privado. En principio sólo los ciudadanos eran titulares de los derechos que la ley de la polis otorgaba. Por ello, el problema fundamental era el de los mecanismos que permitían reconocer ciertos derechos en favor de los extranjeros. Asimismo, el comercio entre mercaderes de distintas comunidades habría dado lugar a una suerte de lex mercatoria de cierta complejidad, fundamentada en los pactos y usos establecidos por los comerciantes, y que tal vez habría tenido el apoyo de algún mecanismo arbitral que habría precedido al menos en un siglo a las dikai emporikai atenienses.Epigraphic texts dated from the middle of the 5th century B.C. to the end of the 4th B.C. are analyzed from a legal point of view. They are of two kinds: first, some private documents containing commercial transactions between Greeks and non-Greeks; second, decrees recognising some civil and economic rights to aliens, on a collective or individual basis. Even if they are specific examples, they provide some insight about how problems which would nowadays be considered as a matter of private international law were dealt with in ancient Greece. In principle, only citizens could benefit from rights granted by the law of the polis. Therefore, the key issue was that of mechanisms allowing recognition of certain rights to aliens. Also, as a result of trade between merchants of different communities, a kind of lex mercatoria would have risen, based on agreements between the parties and commercial practice. It was possibly supported by some kind of arbitration system preceding at least a century the Athenian dikai emporikai