760 research outputs found

    Extreme events and event size fluctuations in biased random walks on networks

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    Random walk on discrete lattice models is important to understand various types of transport processes. The extreme events, defined as exceedences of the flux of walkers above a prescribed threshold, have been studied recently in the context of complex networks. This was motivated by the occurrence of rare events such as traffic jams, floods, and power black-outs which take place on networks. In this work, we study extreme events in a generalized random walk model in which the walk is preferentially biased by the network topology. The walkers preferentially choose to hop toward the hubs or small degree nodes. In this setting, we show that extremely large fluctuations in event-sizes are possible on small degree nodes when the walkers are biased toward the hubs. In particular, we obtain the distribution of event-sizes on the network. Further, the probability for the occurrence of extreme events on any node in the network depends on its 'generalized strength', a measure of the ability of a node to attract walkers. The 'generalized strength' is a function of the degree of the node and that of its nearest neighbors. We obtain analytical and simulation results for the probability of occurrence of extreme events on the nodes of a network using a generalized random walk model. The result reveals that the nodes with a larger value of 'generalized strength', on average, display lower probability for the occurrence of extreme events compared to the nodes with lower values of 'generalized strength'

    Classical bifurcations and entanglement in smooth Hamiltonian system

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    We study entanglement in two coupled quartic oscillators. It is shown that the entanglement, as measured by the von Neumann entropy, increases with the classical chaos parameter for generic chaotic eigenstates. We consider certain isolated periodic orbits whose bifurcation sequence affects a class of quantum eigenstates, called the channel localized states. For these states, the entanglement is a local minima in the vicinity of a pitchfork bifurcation but is a local maxima near a anti-pitchfork bifurcation. We place these results in the context of the close connections that may exist between entanglement measures and conventional measures of localization that have been much studied in quantum chaos and elsewhere. We also point to an interesting near-degeneracy that arises in the spectrum of reduced density matrices of certain states as an interplay of localization and symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Case studies to enhance online student evaluation: Bond University – Surveying students online to improve learning and teaching

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    One of the most sensible ways of improving learning and teaching is to ask the students for feedback. At the end of each teaching period (i.e. semester or term) all universities and many schools survey their students. Usually these surveys are managed online. Questions ask for student perceptions about teaching, assessment and workload. The survey administrators report four common problems

    Return interval distribution of extreme events and long term memory

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    The distribution of recurrence times or return intervals between extreme events is important to characterize and understand the behavior of physical systems and phenomena in many disciplines. It is well known that many physical processes in nature and society display long range correlations. Hence, in the last few years, considerable research effort has been directed towards studying the distribution of return intervals for long range correlated time series. Based on numerical simulations, it was shown that the return interval distributions are of stretched exponential type. In this paper, we obtain an analytical expression for the distribution of return intervals in long range correlated time series which holds good when the average return intervals are large. We show that the distribution is actually a product of power law and a stretched exponential form. We also discuss the regimes of validity and perform detailed studies on how the return interval distribution depends on the threshold used to define extreme events.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Cofibrantly generated model structures for functor calculus

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    Model structures for many different kinds of functor calculus can be obtained by applying a theorem of Bousfield to a suitable category of functors. In this paper, we give a general criterion for when model categories obtained via this approach are cofibrantly generated. Our examples recover the homotopy functor and nn-excisive model structures of Biedermann and R\"ondigs, with different proofs, but also include a model structure for the discrete functor calculus of Bauer, Johnson, and McCarthy.Comment: 52 pages. Comments welcome

    Considerations in the planning of academic staff development activities: client views

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    Elizabeth Santhanam and Geoffrey Cris

    Enriched functor categories for functor calculus

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    In this paper we present background results in enriched category theory and enriched model category theory necessary for developing model categories of enriched functors suitable for doing functor calculus.Comment: 31 pages. Comments welcom

    Relating the Time Complexity of Optimization Problems in Light of the Exponential-Time Hypothesis

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    Obtaining lower bounds for NP-hard problems has for a long time been an active area of research. Recent algebraic techniques introduced by Jonsson et al. (SODA 2013) show that the time complexity of the parameterized SAT(⋅\cdot) problem correlates to the lattice of strong partial clones. With this ordering they isolated a relation RR such that SAT(RR) can be solved at least as fast as any other NP-hard SAT(⋅\cdot) problem. In this paper we extend this method and show that such languages also exist for the max ones problem (MaxOnes(Γ\Gamma)) and the Boolean valued constraint satisfaction problem over finite-valued constraint languages (VCSP(Δ\Delta)). With the help of these languages we relate MaxOnes and VCSP to the exponential time hypothesis in several different ways.Comment: This is an extended version of Relating the Time Complexity of Optimization Problems in Light of the Exponential-Time Hypothesis, appearing in Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2014 Budapest, August 25-29, 201

    A systematic approach to the evaluation of the student experience in work-integrated learning

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    The importance of work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences in the development of work ready graduates is well known. Despite the centrality of WIL to graduate employability, the vast majority of studies relating to student feedback tend to focus on the evaluation of learning and teaching in the classroom context. This article reports on the development and implementation of a university wide systematic approach to the collection of student feedback on learning in the workplace. It is anticipated that the approach and development of the summative survey tool described in this article will enhance the capacity of the tertiary sector to routinely capture student feedback on the experience of learning in the workplace and assist the development of models of best practice in work-integrated learning. We argue that ensuring quality in the student experience of work-integrated learning is core University business
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