37 research outputs found

    Aproximaci贸 geogr脿fica al conflicte urban铆stic de la Devesa de Manlleu

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    La Devesa 茅s un espai agrofluvial de titularitat privada situat en un meandre del Ter a la ciutat de Manlleu (Osona, Catalunya). Fa m茅s d鈥檜na cinquantena d鈥檃nys que el consistori, a trav茅s de la seva planificaci贸 urban铆stica, tracta d鈥檌ncorporar-la al patrimoni p煤blic del municipi, constituint un exemple paradigm脿tic del joc entre el p煤blic i el privat. El present estudi vol donar a con猫ixer el valor hist貌ric, ambiental i geogr脿fic de la Devesa mitjan莽ant l鈥檃n脿lisi de la planificaci贸 generada pel consistori durant els 煤ltims cinquanta anys

    Furthering internal border area studies: an analysis of dysfunctions and cooperation mechanisms in the water and river management of Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community (Spain)

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    Cooperation between countries or regions that share a political border is one of the primary concerns of border studies. However, while cooperation between states is a well-established field based on international agreements, the cooperation between internal-state regions is not as well understood and requires more exhaustive study. Cooperation agreements between regions are frequently based on the shared and collaborative management of environmental resources such as river basins. This paper aimed to identify mechanisms of river basin cooperation in the internal border area between Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community (Spain), with the objective of analyzing dysfunctions in their water management and identifying the territorial needs for the efficient management of these resources. Focus group sessions were conducted with 84 public administration stakeholders and a total of 53 border municipalities were involved in the project. In our study area, we identified a considerable number of dysfunctions that affected different levels of water management (e.g., supply, navigation and reservoirs) and which impeded effective cooperation between different administrations (above all, between town councils and the public water agencies). However, we also identified several interesting initiatives to promote water management in both the medium and long term, including river contracts, river commonwealths and river tourism projects managed by border municipalities

    Cerd脿: pensador, t茅cnico, pol铆tico. Entrevista a Teresa Navas

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    El texto es el resultado de la entrevista realizada a la profesora Teresa Navas-Ferrer, especialista en urbanismo e historia de las obras p煤blicas, y toma como punto de referencia fundamental el pensamiento y las ideas de Ildefonso Cerd脿 鈭抏n el contexto de las d茅cadas centrales (1840-1875) del siglo XIX espa帽ol. Un pensamiento y unas ideas que son indisociables de los planes y proyectos que Cerd脿 llev贸 a cabo, y que deben considerarse de forma conjunta, asimismo, con la dimensi贸n p煤blica (y, particularmente, pol铆tica) de la trayectoria vital del insigne urbanista.

    Cerd脿, una reivindicaci贸n permanente. Apuntes de una conversaci贸n con Bernard Miller

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    Se hace un repaso sint茅tico, a trav茅s de una entrevista, a la trayectoria vital del arquitecto y urbanista brit谩nico Bernard Miller, con un 茅nfasis particular en su intensa y dilatada dedicaci贸n al estudio y la difusi贸n de la obra de Ildefonso Cerd脿. Miller, que se sumerge en Cerd脿 a partir de la primera exposici贸n dedicada en Espa帽a al personaje (Universidad de Barcelona, 1976), ha trabajado como traductor multiling眉e para las Naciones Unidas y las instituciones europeas, adem谩s de colaborar en la ense帽anza de programas de planificaci贸n, urbanismo y vivienda y ser uno de los responsables organizativos de varias primeras elecciones democr谩ticas en pa铆ses africanos. Miller ha sido toda su vida un activo difusor a escala internacional de las ideas y de la obra del insigne urbanista, del cual reivindica su plena actualidad y su gran potencial de futuro

    The URBS / RUR binomial: the basis of Ildefonso Cerd脿鈥檚 understanding of territorial and urban planning

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    El art铆culo tiene como objetivo analizar el pensamiento territorial y urban铆stico de Ildefonso Cerd脿 (autor del Proyecto de Ensanche para Barcelona y conceptuado como un autor clave en la historia del urbanismo moderno) partiendo de la consideraci贸n del significado que este autor atribuye a la urbe y a la urbanizaci贸n, por un lado, y al rur y a la rurizaci贸n, por otro, como los dos ejes grandes ejes a partir de los cuales concibe una teor铆a general de la colonizaci贸n del territorio y del urbanismo. Se adopta una metodolog铆a de tipo sint茅tico-cualitativo, en la que la fuente de informaci贸n principal es la propia obra de Cerd脿; concretamente, las tres grandes obras que conforman su legado escrito: la Teor铆a General de la Urbanizaci贸n (TGU), de 1867, la Teor铆a de la construcci贸n de las ciudades (TCC), de 1859, y la Teor铆a de la viabilidad urbana, de 1861. Como resultado, se visibilizan las implicaciones generales de su planteamiento, desde un punto de vista te贸rico pero tambi茅n desde la 贸ptica de su puesta en pr谩ctica en la transformaci贸n de la ciudad de Barcelona (especialmente en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y las primeras d茅cadas del XX). Y, a modo de conclusi贸n, apuntamoslos diferentes niveles y sentidos en que cabe plantear su aplicabilidad (especialmente a escala territorial, y en relaci贸n con el rur y la rurizaci贸n), en el contexto de los retos, problem谩ticas y contradicciones que se suscitan hoy d铆a en todo lo que concierne a la planificaci贸n y gesti贸n del espacio geogr谩fico, sea de naturaleza rural, urbana o rururbana.The article seeks to undertake an in-depth examination of the territorial and urbanistic thinking of Ildefonso Cerd脿 (the designer of Barcelona鈥檚 urban extension project and recognised as a key figure in the history of modern urban planning) based on the consideration of the meaning this designer attributes to the urbs and to urbanisation on the one hand, and to the rur and to ruralisation, on the other hand, the two main axes on which he built his general theory of the colonisation of the territory and of urban planning. In the context of a synthetic-qualitative methodology, the main source of information is Cerd脿鈥檚 own work, specifically, the three-great works that make up his written legacy: General Theory of Urbanization, GTU (1867), Theory of City Construction, TCC (1859) and Theory of Urban Viability, TUV (1861). As a result, the general implications of his approach from a theoretical point of view but also from the perspective of its direct implementation in the transformation of the city of Barcelona (especially in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first few decades of the twentieth century) are made visible. As a conclusion, the different levels and meanings with which Cerd脿鈥檚 approach can be applied (especially at the territorial level, and in relation to the rur and ruralisation) are highlighted in the context of the challenges, problems and contradictions that arise today in everything that concerns the planning and management of the geographical space, either of rural, urban or rur-urban nature

    III Jornada de Joves Investigadors de l鈥橧dRA

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    Coordinadors: Roser Marsal Aguilera i Albert Santasusagna Ri

    Cartograf铆a y promoci贸n tur铆stica en espacios de frontera interauton贸mica: el caso de Els Ports (Catalu帽a, Arag贸n y la Comunidad Valenciana)

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    En nuestro art铆culo tratamos de analizar la incidencia del ordenamiento jur铆dico diferenciado en la pol铆tica p煤blica del turismo a partir de un an谩lisis centrado en el espacio de "frontera" entre las comunidades aut贸nomas de Catalu帽a, Arag贸n y la Comunidad Valenciana. Se trata de un territorio que sufre la falta de actividades econ贸micas y en el que el sector tur铆stico es especialmente relevante para su desarrollo. La carencia de instrumentos de cooperaci贸n interauton贸mica eficaces, as铆 como una ausencia de una cultura de la cooperaci贸n, no permite la concepci贸n de una pol铆tica com煤n para el desarrollo sin茅rgico del territorio. No obstante, existen iniciativas que marcan un punto de inflexi贸n en este sentido: el proyecto Tres Territoris, de reciente creaci贸n, trata de aunar esfuerzos a favor de la creaci贸n de un espacio supracomarcal que maximice la oferta tur铆stica del macizo de Els Ports. Lo hace a trav茅s de un mapa com煤n, como primer paso para la colaboraci贸n en la dinamizaci贸n de la oferta tur铆stica en el conjunto del territorio

    Assessing inter-administrative cooperation in urban public services: a case study of river municipalities in the internal border area between Aragon and Catalonia (Spain)

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    The proper management of urban public services (UPS) ensures that a territory functions efficiently, since it guarantees optimal waste disposal, water supply, and the maintenance of communication infrastructure, among other things. In areas of high urban density located close to metropolitan cities, UPS are usually provided properly and efficiently. However, in less populated territories, lying in the periphery, significant problems and deficiencies are often encountered, being most evident in rural areas located on the administrative limits of a state or region. This paper seeks to analyze the management of UPS in the internal border area between two Spanish regions, Aragon and Catalonia. A total of 72 stakeholders (mayors and town clerks) from 49 river municipalities were involved in this study that employs a quantitative methodology (questionnaire). The perception that there are deficiencies to correct and a clear will to reach agreements and establish cooperation mechanisms is detected in many of the municipalities in the border area. A clear need to cooperate is also apparent in a series of priority UPS, including the promotion of river tourism, town access roads, urban collective passenger transport, and environmental protection

    Furthering Internal Border Area Studies: An Analysis of Dysfunctions and Cooperation Mechanisms in the Water and River Management of Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community (Spain)

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    Cooperation between countries or regions that share a political border is one of the primary concerns of border studies. However, while cooperation between states is a well-established field based on international agreements, the cooperation between internal-state regions is not as well understood and requires more exhaustive study. Cooperation agreements between regions are frequently based on the shared and collaborative management of environmental resources such as river basins. This paper aimed to identify mechanisms of river basin cooperation in the internal border area between Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community (Spain), with the objective of analyzing dysfunctions in their water management and identifying the territorial needs for the efficient management of these resources. Focus group sessions were conducted with 84 public administration stakeholders and a total of 53 border municipalities were involved in the project. In our study area, we identified a considerable number of dysfunctions that affected different levels of water management (e.g., supply, navigation and reservoirs) and which impeded effective cooperation between different administrations (above all, between town councils and the public water agencies). However, we also identified several interesting initiatives to promote water management in both the medium and long term, including river contracts, river commonwealths and river tourism projects managed by border municipalities