10 research outputs found

    Bioimpedenziometria multifrequenza e forza di presa della mano in differenti condizioni fisiologiche

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    La bioimpedenziometria è un metodo veloce e preciso per valutare la composizione corporea dell'essere umano. L'analisi della composizione corporea è utilizzata in diversi settori, quali: medicina, antropologia, ergonomia, sport, auxologia. Recentemente, gli specialisti hanno convogliato energie e risorse nell'approfondimento della correlazione tra CC, stato di salute e prestazione sportiva; ne è emerso che una composizione corporea tendenzialmente ricca di tessuto adiposo (soprattutto con distribuzione addominale o ancor peggio intraddominale), e povera di massa muscolare, è correlata ad una scarsa fitness complessiva (cardio-circolatoria, respiratoria, muscolare, articolare ecc.), ad una scarsa capacità atletico-sportiva e ad un rischio fisico maggiore legato ad eventi infausti quali ipertensione, diabete, obesità, dislipidemie, sindrome metabolica, complicanze cardio-vascolari, patologie articolari e morte prematura. Nel presente lavoro di tesi ci si è prposti come obiettivo di utilizzare le variabili impedenziometriche prese tal quali e della misura della forza di presa della mano come predittori per una valutazione qualitativa e quantitativa della composizione corporea

    The Formation of Future Teacher’s Preparation to Realization of Innovative Educational Activity

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    У статті розглядаються проблеми готовності майбутнього педагога до інноваційної діяльності. Визначається сутність поняття «інноваційна педагогічна діяльність». Висвітлено основні етапи здійснення інноваційної діяльності. Обґрунтовано зміст структурних елементів інноваційної діяльності, на які опирається майбутній учитель у своїй роботі. Охарактеризовано 5 категорій учителів та описано їхнє ставлення до нововведень. Пояснюється прагнення майбутнього освітянина до самопізнання, самовизначення й осмислення ним свого духовного світу, творчого ставлення до самого себе, прагнення до виявлення та розвитку своїх особистих можливостей.The problems of future teacher’s preparation for the innovation activity are examined. The essence of the idea of «innovation pedagogical activity» is determined. The factors which influence on the development of innovation processes on the modern stage are described. The maintenance of structural elements of future teacher’s innovation pedagogical activity is settled. The basic stages of preparing for the innovation activity are selected. The functional components of future teacher’s innovation activity, which help him to plan his work better, to realize innovations of the pedagogical process, also to correct and estimate results of his innovation activity are described. Five categories of the teachers are characterized, their attitude toward the realization of innovation technologies to the pedagogical process are described. The future teacher’s aspiration to self-recognizing, self-determination and grasping the idea of his spiritual world, own actions, a role and a place in his professional activity, creative attitude to himself in the process of active influence at outer and internal world, aspiring to the exposure and development of his personal possibilities is explained. The role of creative situation in the process of future teacher’s training, the claim of which is possible only in default of internal barriers to creative displays, the organizing of future teacher’s creative work of subconsciousness, searching of new relations, the development of imagination and fantasy, the development of professional sensitiveness, searching of sense in creative activity is described and characterized. The meaning of such directions of future teacher’s development qualities, such as emotional thinking, formulating new types of communication and communicative abilities, the development of internal abilities of a dialogue is generalized. The main conditions of the establishment of innovation technologies into the teacher’s work are characterized. The establishment of innovation technologies into the future teacher’s pedagogical activity, which gives him an opportunity to master the material better, reduces time on the decision of standard tasks, stimulates the positive attitude to the training disciplines, rises the level of informational culture and creates the conditions for the complete future teacher’s opening as a personality is determined

    IL2Rα protein expression by Flow cytometric analysis.

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    <p>(A) IL2Rα gene expression at different time (2-4-12h) of cells pre-treated with REAC before exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (REAC+RPM) for 2-4-12h in comparison to no-REAC-treated cells before exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (noREAC+RPM); (B) REAC pre-treated cells subsequently kept for 2-4-12h at 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions (REAC+GC), compared to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions not REAC pre-treated (noREAC+GC). (C) IL2Rα cell expression percentage at different time (2-4-12h) of REAC post-treatment after exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (RPM+REAC) for 2-4-12h as compared to REAC untreated cells after exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (RPM+noREAC), (D) REAC post-treated cells after exposure to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions (GC+REAC) compared to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions without REAC post-treated (GC+noREAC). Data are expressed as mean ± S.D. (n = 3, *p<0.01; **p<0.001; ***p<0.0001) of independent triplicate samples for each treatment.</p

    Quantitative real-time qPCR: REAC/microgravity.

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    <p>(A) IL2 gene expression at different time (2-4-12h) of cells pre-treated with REAC before exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (REAC+RPM) for 2-4-12h in comparison to noREAC treated cells before exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (noREAC+RPM); (B) REAC pre-treated cells subsequently kept for 2-4-12h at 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions (REAC+GC), compared to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions not REAC pre-treated (noREAC+GC). (C) IL2 gene expression at different time (2-4-12h) of REAC post-treatment after exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (RPM+REAC) for 2-4-12h as compared to REAC untreated cells after exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (RPM+noREAC). (D) REAC post-treated cells after exposure to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions (GC+REAC) compared to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions without REAC post-treated (GC+noREAC). To evaluate the quality of product of real-time PCR assays, melting curve analysis was performed after each assay (data not shown). Relative expression was determined using the “delta-CT method” with GAPDH. Data are expressed as mean ± S.D. of independent triplicate samples for each treatment.</p

    Morphology of PBMCs not activated and activated and subjected to simulated microgravity and analysis of REAC RGN-S treatment effect on cell death programming.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> PBMCs not treated with mitogen, simulated microgravity exposure for 12h; <b>(B)</b> The cells show typical activation clusters of mitogenic treatment, exposed to simulated microgravity (scale bar represents 100 μm). <b>(C-D)</b> Apoptosis analysis in pre- and post-REAC treated cells and in noREAC treated cells, in simulated RPM microgravity conditions or in Ground Control (GC), at different experimental time (2-4-12 h). <b>(C)</b> The graph shows the total apoptosis of cells post-treated with REAC or untreated, and subsequently exposed to RPM (blue bars) or left to 1<i>g</i> (GC) (green bars) at different experimental time (2-4-12 h). With lowercase letters the significance ratios are indicated respectively between REAC+RPM (a), REAC+GC (b), noREAC+RPM (c) and noREAC+GC (d). In particular, at experimental times of 4 h and 12 h apoptosis is significantly lower in REAC+RPM compared both to noREAC+RPM (4h p <0.001; 12h p <0.01) and noREAC+GC (4h p <0.001).</p

    Schematic representation of the experiment profile, REAC treatment of cells and their exposition to simulated microgravity on Random Positioning Machine (RPM) or to 1<i>g</i> ground conditions.

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    <p>(A) Flow chart showing the experiment layout of REAC treatment before and after exposition to simulated microgravity (RPM) or 1<i>g</i> ground conditions. The Eppendorf tubes were lying on their side. One of the two samples from each experimental set and for each time, named A, was destined for gene expression analysis, placed into ice and subsequently resuspended in 2ml RNAlater; the other sample, named B, was prepared for flow cytometry analysis, centrifuged and after removing cell culture medium, resuspended in freezing medium and subsequently stored at -80°C until processing. (B) Representative image of REAC apparatus during samples treatment at 1<i>g</i> gravity. (C) Photographs capturing some steps of cells exposition to simulated microgravity on RPM.</p

    Quantitative real-time qPCR: REAC/microgravity.

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    <p>(A) IL2Rα gene expression at different time (2-4-12h) of cells pre-treated with REAC before exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (REAC+RPM) for 2-4-12h in comparison to noREAC treated cells before exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (noREAC+RPM); (B) REAC pre-treated cells subsequently kept for 2-4-12h at 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions (REAC+GC), compared to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions not REAC pre-treated (noREAC+GC). (C) IL2Rα gene expression at different time (2-4-12h) of REAC post-treatment after exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (RPM+REAC) for 2-4-12h, compared to REAC untreated cells after exposition to RPM simulated microgravity (RPM+noREAC). (D) REAC post-treated cells after exposure to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions (GC+REAC) compared to 1<i>g</i> gravity conditions without REAC post-treated (GC+noREAC). To evaluate the quality of product of real-time PCR assays, melting curve analysis was performed after each assay (data not shown). Relative expression was determined using the “delta-CT method” with GAPDH. Data are expressed as mean ± S.D. of independent triplicate samples for each treatment.</p

    [Surgical treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy: analysis of long-term results. Retrospective clinical study in 51 patients operated in the Campania region from 1991 to 2003]

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    An higher incidence rate of iatrogenic bile duct injuries is reported in cholecystectomy performed with the laparoscopy than with the laparotomy approach. The aim of this study was to provide a multicentre report on surgical treatment and the outcome of biliary complications during and following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A questionnaire was mailed to all surgeons with experience in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Campania region. Data were collected from January 1991 to December 2003. Each patient was requested to indicate age, gender, associated diseases, site and type of lesion, surgical experience, diagnosis, treatment and complications. Twenty-six surgeons answered the questionnaire. Fifty-one patients (36 F/15 M; mean age: 42.5 +/- 11.9, range 13-91 years) with bile duct injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy were reported. The most frequent lesions were main bile duct partial or total transection. The intraoperative mortality rate was 1/51 (1.9%) due to a complex biliary and vascular injury. The postoperative mortality rate of revision surgery was 5/50 (10%). T-tube positioning (n = 20) and Roux-en-Y hepato-jejunostomy (n = 20) were the procedures most frequently performed. The complication rate in patients treated with the T-tube was significantly higher than in those treated with hepatico-jejunostomy. Surgical treatment of biliary injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy was characterized by unusually high mortality and morbidity for a non-neoplastic disease. Roux-en-Y hepato-jejunostomy remains the procedure of choice for these injuries